**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Thank you Nat! I love them, spent a small fortune but totally worth it.
Enjoy your lovely little man :) as soon as M smiles I forget about my lack of sleep.

Hope you have all have a good day x
Lovely photos mrswoody!

Nat - yes, planning to take J out with my mum in May and then hopefully my husband and I will take him in the autumn. I'm not Australian, but my brother lives in Sydney with his wife and 2 small children. Due to various things, including having to cancel a trip out last year due to my pregnancy, I haven't seen him for 3 years and haven't met my nephew. I'm keen to get in a visit or two before anything else gets in the way ;-)
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Srob - ella used to hate baths but i just give her one every night and now she cries when i take her out, what i do is put a warm flannel over her tummy and keep putting the warm water on it and it works a treat :). Maybe if your LO has more baths they wil get used to it rather than doing less?? Might be worth a try? i know its hard as bath time is meant to be relaxing and at first it was as she would be awake and upset but now we have no bother!

What on earth is sleep regression and why do i feel im not going to enjoy it??!! lol this baby malarky is hard

Iv just moved nappies from pamapers to sainsburys own and i find they tend to leak up the back? And there quite tight fitting, shes in size 3's which are up to 20lbs but they dont look comfortable!
Hey ladies,

I just posted this in B&T section but I want your thoughts too


Just wondering when to look into buying a highchair?

We are not planning on weaning yet but I was thinking that within then next month we should start having James at the table with us when we eat? Is this a good idea?

Does he have to be able to sit up before he can go in highchair though? Or does it depend on chair?

What else do we need to buy for weaning? (cups, plates, cutlery?)

Also when do we start using a sippy cup?


Anyone given this any thought yet?

Well m has a high chair, I bought it last month off amazon but it is still boxed. Movin next month so it will remain boxed.

I already attached a sippy cup arms to his tommy tippee bottles as he constantly pushes bottle out of his mouth by trying to grab the bottle, this way he can graphic it and ram it further into his mouth (or eye) but he is by NO means feeding himself, I'm just letting him experiment and discover his hands etc...he seems to like it. And actually seems to be able to place it back him his mouth sometimes, so who knows? Fluke or getting there.

I have bought mini pots for freezing food, I also went and bought some silicone ice cube trays as they were cheaper than purchasing the weening versions! I have some plastic bowls, plates (ikea) and cutlery (tesco were selling spoons for 50p for 8 funky coloured pack) I have a bowl with a masher (shaped to the bowl) a suction bowl to attach to high charitable.

Bought several sheets of oil cloth, vinyl from the range for underneath the high hair.

A high hair that attaches to a chair for when he gets better at eating so he can sit and eat with me better. (They are brilliant, bought one cheap off a cafe that are closing, unused so not sure where they got them from)

Some bowels that have lids.

Pack lunch bowl kit.

Several sippy cups, flasks and handle attachments for tommy tippee bottles.

Recipe books with advice etc...

Silicone bibs with drip catcher (I'm sure more will be elsewhere than in that)

A hand blender (already have one, but worth mentioning)

Baby lolly pop moulds

Can't think of anything else.

I'm planning on weening him at 5months. HV recommends at 4 but I'm just holding off for a while, I know he will be fine on milk but I do think its best to start by 5 as I'm already struggling to keep up with him. (6-9 month clothing now:o)

As for when to put lo in high hair, I'm not sure. Sorry.
Wow Kelly that is more than enough info!! You really know your stuff hey?

I hadn't thought of any of this until today.

Just had James weighed and he is 13lb 2oz so he's not even gained a lb in 3 weeks? He's dropped to 9th centile again. They aren't overly concerned but have asked that we go back on 2 weeks (as opposed to a month) to check.

I think it's because he is a wriggly little boy, he must burn so many calories - he even wriggles in his sleep LOL!!


Well we've already got our cups, plates, beakers, our high chair is from mamas n papas and is quite padded, so i think when are is stable enough for balance ill put him in it :)

As for weaning i know they advice from 6 months to allow the kidneys n bowels to properly function but every baby is different, i dunked arthurs dummy in some mushy peas yesterday and he couldnt get enough of it.

I wont be buying no jar food rubbish, that is something im adament on, ill cook my own fresh veg n fruit and blend it, in asda they have weaning trays to put your food in and fresh them, little bigger from an ice cube tray, i would reccomend a blender.

Im hoping to bf till 6 months then express and give it him in a beaker as he hates bottles

Also ikea do a baby set, bowles plates, sppons knifes, folks etc, u get 6 in a pack for 99p, also asda as s very cheap range of weaning stuff xx
All we have ATM is a high chair (bought as a gift from sil) it is a Dine and Recline. I'm going to try M in it and see how wobbly she is.
I'm going to start looking into buying weaning bits, I already have a hand blender.
Not sure what way I am going to wean I've not read enough to decide as yet. I want to bf till 6months then will move onto formula I think.

M was a nightmare last night, her sleeping is taking its toll on me I'm super tired! Off for a lovely long dog walk with my friend in a bit and oh is going to have M for the afternoon :)
I can't believe we are all talking about weaning already :shock: time flies!

I haven't bought anything yet (except a lot of weaning books) but she is only just 3m and I want to wait until 5 at least. I think I need to up her milk though, she is polishing off 4oz easily and crying for more (every time I've tried to increase it previously she leaves the last oz).

I'm trying to get to a year on breast milk, but expressing is getting to be so much of a chore! Still my freezer stash is coming along (when i go back to work in July I'm fully expecting to dry up so need to have a good stock) I have about 3 weeks worth in there ATM. Lots of time yet.

Ordered some pocket cloth nappies off eBay which should come early next week, I ordered one to trial and its lovely, so hoping to make switch to full cloth soon.

Did anyone get any better sleep last night then? Xx

Srob - ella used to hate baths but i just give her one every night and now she cries when i take her out, what i do is put a warm flannel over her tummy and keep putting the warm water on it and it works a treat :). Maybe if your LO has more baths they wil get used to it rather than doing less?? Might be worth a try? i know its hard as bath time is meant to be relaxing and at first it was as she would be awake and upset but now we have no bother!

What on earth is sleep regression and why do i feel im not going to enjoy it??!! lol this baby malarky is hard

Iv just moved nappies from pamapers to sainsburys own and i find they tend to leak up the back? And there quite tight fitting, shes in size 3's which are up to 20lbs but they dont look comfortable!

Thanks for the advice - we actually did do this for his last bath after getting the advice off this forum and the bath went so much better. He cried rather than screamed... and then he actually stopped crying all together! We used a number of different techniques, so not sure what made him a bit better! It makes us more optimistic.

Now I just want him back to sleeping through. He stayed with his grandparents last night and they experienced exactly the same problem with him - though, they reckon it is down to the fact that he hasn't been able to have his usual comfort milk. We've got that back now, so I really hope we get our sleeping baby back!

Weaning? Not even thinking about it yet! But I am sure I will be blending his veg rather than buying jars!
I reckon it could def be the milk issue Srob, hopefully little one will settle now he has his proper milk.

Yep weaning is still a long time off I was just trying to be prepared. I was making a list of all the things James is going to need in the next few months so we are prepared for the expense.

I think we'll have to go for BLW as firstly we don't have a freezer and secondly we don't have the space for a blender or anything like that? Although I may by a handheld one for the early days of weaning?

Our kitchen is so bloody small, I cannot wait to move (won't be until Jan or Feb 2014 :shock: :shock:)

James is so good with his milk I am just assuming he'll be OK with weaning but I know that is often not the case. Babies that love their milk can be much harder to wean.

Sally - My friend is still breastfeeding now and her LO is 15 months, she has just gone back to work though so she is thinking to start her boy on cows milk.

James is still sleeping quite well, he had me up at 6am this morning but other than that I think I only got up a few times to soothe him and put Ewan on.

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Agreed I'm also trying to be prepared. If I Start buying a couple if bits with my shopping I won't feel the cost so much! There's a good stick/handheld blender on amazon for about £8 apparently, which I will probably invest in as I will go the TW route with some finger foods.

I wish I could express for that long! But it is so time consuming and we are having more awake time so more play time, singing if you're happy and you know it clap your hands with two milk bottles hanging off my boobs is not what I wanna be doing - especially when she starts being more active. Well done to your friend though that's so amazing.

Glad you're getting. Bit more sleep xx

Sally my friend is still BF'ing! She's never expressed :lol:

All through weaning and everything she's still given him his milk from the breast.

Sally my friend is still BF'ing! She's never expressed :lol:

All through weaning and everything she's still given him his milk from the breast.


Ha no I meant I wish I could express for as long as she's BF'd. Hats off to her for that as well I found bfing much too difficult and painful :( xx

Doh - I so didn't get what you meant Sally!

I thought you BF. I couldn't BF either, nor could I hack expressing - I only lasted 6 weeks or so. I am amazed that you are still going - you deserve a bloody medal

I bf for about 2.5 weeks but ended up expressing. It's just become part of my daily routine though - but the sooner I get my freezer stock to the level I need it at I can pack it in (wont be til at least June or July though) it stresses me too much lol xx

Hi ladies
We didn't get much sleep last night :,(
I'm feeling more crabbit today waiting for M to sleep and then ill snooze.
Just home from a long dog walk with a friend, I am so unfit, M was has a whine and oh was like I dunno what she wants!!! She has now decided she doesn't like the formula milk I have given her in the past! Doh!

Oh is happily sitting on his Xbox while I sort out M, I swear some days I just want to throw it out the window!!argh lol

Oh dear. Sorry to hear it MrsW. I got lucky with my fella, he isn't into gaming at all really.

My little man had three bottles of comfort milk yesturday and he slept from 9:30pm through to 6:30am - what a difference comfort milk makes! Welcome back my little sleeper, keep up the good work!
I am so glad it worked Srob!!!

We had a bit of a restless night again, James woke a few times but a combination of dummy / Ewan and me soothing him meant he stayed asleep until 6am!

Mrsw my OH is a gamer (PS3) and we only have the one TV :shock: :shock:. I normally go to bed by 9.30 / 10pm though so he'll game for an hour then! I suppose there could be worse hobbies??

Today we're off to see my folks in a bit and then later OH will take James to see his Mum and Dad {I'll be partaking in a nice afternoon nap :lol:}

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Morning ladies,

Current laid in bed in the attick looking out at blue skies n sunshine :) oh and also at the seaside yyaayyy :)
Just visiting my dad so me, arthur, daddy n pooch are having a chilling wkend hopefully, Arthurs sleep pattern was sll over yesterday so he bounced up at 6am and had a poo so now hes bk to sleep and im wide awake, lol

Well i dont know what sleep is anymore, most arthur has gone at night is 4hrs, id love a good kip. So u ladies who get more than 4hrs count yrself lucky xx

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