**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

ella is 13lbs 5 now lol she was 5lbs 12 birth weight so shes caught up!! in the 3-6 month clothes now all the 0-3s packed away and going to my mums for storage!

iv told OHs mum about his depression.. he wasnt pleased but i feel a bit better that someone else can talk to him about it. We had a big chat and i told him i cant handle it much longer so we shall see how it goes!

im currently looking for a yellow poo thread as recently ellas have been either dark green or bright yellow??? any ideas?

i think these november babies are going to be a bunch of heart breakers lol
I am glad you confided in OH's mum hun, he may need to hear it from someone else?

James' poo is always of the green / yellow family and falls somewhere in that spectrum. Normally mustard colour?

ha yeah dont think il ever look at french mustard in the same way again! im glad its normal.
srob..what a great weight for your LO. We are still in 0-3 month outfits :shock: but I think we will be moving to 3-6 month vests soon. I think M might be quite short so I'm going to get her measured next week.

M has been sound asleep sine around 10pm so before I go down to sleep I think I'll give her a dream feed in the hope she will sleep longer? I just hope I don't have a night like last night :wall2:

We went to Baby sensory today then down to the beach :shock: for a wander with the inlaws. Bloomin freezing but nice to get out. Inlaws leave tomorrow and I get my little lady to myself again :roll: it's strange having to share her lol

ruthie..glad you spoke with oh's mum it was for the best and for his own good so hopefully things will change and he can get some help :)

kelly..the 4 month sleep regression is (i think) where LO's sleeping pattern changes so they may well say awake longer wake at unusual times etc I think M is having hers now.

Good morning ladies :) sorry to hear everyone is having sleep troubles. C decided last week that 4:30am was a wonderful time to start the day :wall2: all week! I think she was having a growth spurt though as she was fitting in 2 extra feeds! Didn't know why she was screaming 1.5h after a feed for ages!

Has anyone got plans for the weekend yet? It's OHs birthday today, he is working but has Saturday-Tuesday off so we are going to my mums caravan by the seaside :) I'm also getting my hands on some cloth nappies on Saturday as I would like to start using them, unbelievably excited :) xx

Happy Birthday to your OH hun!

Yay to using cloth nappies, wish I'd been braver?? Maybe with number 2 hey!

James has been an angel the past few days. He is a pretty good boy anyway (so it's always noticeable when he has a bad day!) but since Saturday he has just been pure sweetness. He's not even cried for feeds or when I get him out of the bath?

I thought a week back we were gearing up for the next leap but I don't think we are there yet!

James is 15 weeks today, I can't believe it.

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Apparently they are a lot like disposables nowadays (but with a whole lot more poppers). It may not work out but I got about £150 worth of stuff for £20 when I was pregnant.

Glad James has been so good for you. It's just so lovely when they are in a good mood isn't it? Did you find a solution to his sleep problems? Xx

Last night I popped a cellular blanket over each arm and that seemed to stop him being restless until about 4.30am LOL!

Wish I'd made more of an effort to swaddle.

You'll have to let us know how the cloth nappies go, and of course how your weekend away goes as well :lol:

Oh we'll that's a bit longer for you lol. I didn't swaddle either and it gets really annoying with her flailing arms!

I will do :) xx

Good grief. What a bad night! I think we've hit 'sleep regression' and I am already eager for it to be over. LO woke at 11pm, resettled at 1230, then awake again at 0145 and resettled by 0230. Hungry cry at 0500 and asleep by 0600. Then just woke and fed again at 0900. Shattered.
Morning everyone. It's seems these babies are determined to keep you all up, I hope they start sleeping soon.

Happy birthday to your oh Sally.

T may be sleeping through but my happy boy is no where to be seen all he does at the moment is scream. I think he's constipated as we stopped using infacol as he was getting his wind up no problems, plus he's teeth it's breaking my heart I can't make him happy. He's comfort eating as well which is making feeding and nap time go out the window. Going to go back to infacol and see if it helps him.

We use cloth nappies and they are really good. They are bum genius ones. Use them during the day and at the moment disposables for night but we do have night time reusables. They are well worth the money as mine are birth to potty and they just resize as he grows by using poppers. I hope you find they work well for you Sally.

Off out to a new baby club today just hoping T feels better or he'll just scream the entire time. Xx
Yay another cloth nappy user! I unfortunately can't afford bum genius but I have found some similar for pretty cheap on eBay which someone on here recommended. (I'm not even getting as much as SMP lol). I think I will use disposable at night too, as she now sleeps 8-7 and is quite a heavy wetter.

Sorry to hear your little man is having problems. I hate seeing them upset or in pain, I hope it passes soon for you xx

Arthurs feeding every 2 hrs again at night, im sure ive got to much milk and hes gulping and filling up on air :( and foremilk xx
Hi everyone, sounds like you're nearly all having trouble with your LOs sleeping :( hope it improves soon.

J had his second jabs this morning, so far so good. Very little crying and seems the same as usual. Fx no reaction. The changeover to Hipp organic formula is going well, thank goodness. We had a sticky moment where he was choking and refluxing on the bottles, but we went back to first stage teats (we have youse variflow with comfort milk as it's thicker) and all is well. His feeding is a bit out of routine as and he woke early today, but hopefully all that will settle in the next few days.

We have a new Ergo carrier and I'm loving carrying him everywhere. We had a second hand baby bjorn given to us and I used it loads in holiday last week, but it's not very comfortable and apparently bad for his hip development so we got the Ergo. He seems to like it much better. I've also got a padded ring sling very cheap from eBay for using around the house and on very short trips and that's great too.

Going on holiday last week and packing the entire house has made me think a lot about paring down the kit. The vista pram is great but very bulky with a wide wheel base at the back so I'm thinking I'm soon going to need an umbrella pushchair. I'm going to Australia in may and will travel at least one way on my own so I need to be a little more lightweight!

Hope you all have a nice afternoon. It's brightening up here for the first time in days! xxx
Hey L_a!

You are off to Oz? With bub?

How exciting! Are you Australian or am I imagining it?

James is across the road with MIL at the moment and I am home alone for the first time in 15 weeks :shock:

I use genius bum and some blueberry delux nappies and they are fabbydabby :) I just use a booster at night and so far no leaking?
This sleep regression, I don't reckon I'll notice it as M is already being a nuisance at night time.

Off to docs in morning. M's eczema is just getting worse and he is lucky to have skin left on his forehead, also his urine STINKS. I mean really stinking, someone said it could be linked to his teething, but his temp is up and he seems a little unwell so I'm going to check it out, poor blob.

I hope little one is OK Kelly!

James slept so well last night and so did I. I managed to sleep 10pm - 6.30am with only getting up once (and that was to have a wee)

So impressed with my little sweetie.

We're off to see SIL today and James' baby cousin - who is much bigger than him LOL!

Jealous here too, M was up every 2 hours from 2am :( I think this is her leap or the 4 month sleep regression come early. I might try putting her in her own room to see if she will sleep better as I'm not sure she's really hungry :/

On the subject of clothes she is still in 0-3 month clothes and sleepsuits, vests are getting a little snug!

Here is some photos of M from a photoshoot I got done a few weeks ago
Those photos are wonderful mrsw.

She is a beauty!

Sorry everyone's bubs are playing up at the moment? I am sure James will be joining them all soon but in the meantime I'll make the most of having a well behaved little man who likes to sleep :lol: :lol:


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