**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Up again for a feed :( I am pooped! It doesn't help that we have the inlaws here and we are off out for the day later. I wonder how I managed this when she was just new?

Nat I'd give swaddling a go, it may well just help him. Is he maybe getting a wee draft in the crib? Fingers crossed swaddling helps. It was been grey over this way too, I long for spring for some warm days, I'm fed up of my skin being in such a state from the cold weather.

Sazz your right your little man will roll in time :) he'll just do it one day.

Mrswoody ill swap u, arthur has gone back to waking every 2hrs and want feeding :( im shatterd xx
Ah nat hopefully swaddling will help him sleep settled for longer. I hope all these babies settle into nice long sleeping patterns so you can all get some rest.

T tooth has cut over night. Yey. He's still a little grizzly about it. I found out when he decided to munch on my finger. They are very sharp. He's been up an hour and has decided it's all too much for him and has gone back to sleep. X
Mrs woody it's hard isn't it. M has been like it for weeks now, but heyho, as long as he is happy it's irrelevant if his mummy has bags under her eyes haha.

M has just had his second jabs...and not a tear! What? I can't believe it. I sang to him and he was giggling so much he rarely noticed, he frowned on the first one then made his upside down face on the second but the nurse rattled a toy and he started laughing! Haha. But now he is fast out on me. Dribbling. He seems a little hot. Calpol is on stand by. The nurse was super fast and a tad rough but it worked a treat...in and out, I left smiling and I thank small graces. He didn't sleep at all last night as he was clawing at his eczema. I put gloves on his hands which worked for a while but he hates his hands being covered so ad to deal with his tantrums, but I didn't let him keep them off. I would rather he didn't sleep than shred his skin off. I wake up to bloodied sheets most mornings so I have to solve this and it's already less angry for our hard work, so no wonder he is conked out on mummy.

My husband wants me to send him a photo of him, but his skin looks like I have rubbed it with sand paper and I don't want him to worry, but never mind.

I am loving being a mummy. It's blooming hard work but its such a blessing. I hope you are all the same (sure we have our bad days but I hope they are few and far between)

My parents in law are driving me potty, to the point that my parents are wanting to speak to them about backing off. As soon as my husband left they were round most days (uninvited) ramming there advice own my throat and patronising the daylights out of me. So much so I have fallen out with mil over cream use on his eczema, and when I plan to ween him, father in law is patronising as hell (been there done that attitude) and they leave me with mess to clear up. So I will be phoning them later to say go away! If that doesn't work, then I have no issue with my parents getting involved. I'm fed up of hosting them without warning.

Rant over.
Sazz...a tooth? Wow.

M is teething but they go up and own, doubt it will appear for a long time yet. Congrats on a tooth though!
Yay to teeth! Lyla's teething and her little chompers have been threatening to pop through any day but none so far.

Lyla has never really slept through the night, maybe the odd occasion once or twice. She is normally up every 4-5 hours for a feed but it can go down to every 3 if shes not bothered with her feed then gets hungry again. She doesn't feed much during the day though. It's a struggle to get 5 ounces into her then shes making faces and poking her bottle out of her mouth with that little tongue. She also gags if shes had enough (can sometimes be only 3 ounces) and you try and feed her. If she drank more during the day she would probably sleep better at night but oh well.

It was her first night in her cotbed last night. Her head and toes touch both ends of her moses basket at the same time now! It took her a little longer to settle but then she went from 7 to 12. Which is a big stretch for her! Fed then back to sleep until 5! So she's sleeping a little better. But then she was up at 5 crying which she doesn't do at night (I think it was her teeth to be honest) then in bed cuddling with me as it was only way to get her back to sleep until half 7 when I had to wake her to get ready for creche!

Her cotbed is in our room though so I could keep an eye on her. She was lay starfished when I went to bed :lol: Lots of room! She loves to stretch out.

I think all our babies are gearing up for the 4 month sleep regression! :(

I can't believe how many November babies are teething already?

I have put a few of James' teething toys in the fridge now just in-case.

Not looking forward to the sleep regression.. Do all babies have it though?

Also I thought the next leap was starting but James had an off day or two and has been an angel ever since? Still he's only 15 weeks (16 weeks adjusted) so plenty of time for the next fussy period to kick in.

We've just been out a for a walk and James is spark out, he is making funny little whimpering noises in his sleep! I've heard him do it a few times. It's so sweet but sad too - I hope he's not having a bad dream :shock:

Oh my days, T has been a moody monkey today I think he has another tooth waiting to cut. He's hardly napped at all today. Poor boy. Hoping he'll feed then go for a nap in a bit. I might join him. Lol.

It's so nice when you see them sleeping peacefully at night. T always has to have his hands up by his head when he sleeps its super cute.

Kelly I hope m's skin gets better. It's such a pain when IL's try to get involved in everything to do with lo. And tell you what you should be doing. My IL's are nice and normally relaxed but when we visit them mil can be a bit ott with T and that can make him upset. I have to be very diplomatic about it.

I was hoping the 4 mouth sleep regression was just a myth lol. It's gonna hurt so much after all this sleep. Lol.
Hi ladies. My LO got weighed today - he is 13lbs and has cranked up to the 25th percentile - whoop!

Last night my LO slept well, from 8:30pm to 6am, however the two nights before that he woke up two times in the night! The first wake up around 12-1am (not hungry, just restless) and the second between 4-5am (hungry). I am not sure whether it was down to this 'sleep regression' or due to the fact we had to give him regular formula rather than the comfort milk. I hope it is more the 'sleep regression' thing, because then we know it is out of the way!

Talking of teething, I am not sure if my LO is going through it yet, no real signs... he sucks on his fist but isn't interested in dummies or teething toys.
Wow Srob, bub is growing nicely!

James will be weighed on Friday and I reckon he'll be well into the 13lbs (he was 12lb 5oz two and half weeks ago!)

Our November babies will soon be weighing a stone?? That is mad!

James isn't showing any signs of teething, but everything goes in his mouth these days!

SRob your little man seems to be doing so well and being a good little boy for mummy! Im so pleased for you :-)
Thanks ladies! I can't believe how big he is getting! I was hoping to get some more longevity out of his 0-3 clothes, but seems like the 3-6 months will now have to make an appearance!
I cracked out the 3-6 months stuff last week!

James just suddenly seemed to get so long??? All the 0-3 months is back at my Mums!

We're packing up the house anyway as we're moving in a few weeks so the 0-3 will be joining his first size clothes in to a vacuum bag this weekend! Kinda makes me sad - my little man growing up!
Lyla has been n 3-6 months for about 2 weeks now! Although she is 91st centile in length and 75th in weight x
Well that was a total fiasco!

Lyla had a 5 ounce bottle at 5pm when we got in. By 6 she was fussing again for more and was a little sleepy so I made her another bottle and took her up to bed.

She took another 3 ounces and was just nodding off when she projectile vomited both entire feeds ><

Had to get her up, bath her and change her clothes and by that time she was crying for more milk because her tummy was empty!

She has just taken 3 ounces and only going to sleep now but in her moses basket as her cotbed sheets need changed :wall:
My LO is currently screaming his little head off whilst my OH baths him. It is distressing how much he hates baths :-( As a consequence LO does not get bathed often. We worked up to it gently as well, I stripped LO and he was smiley and fine. I even had him in the bath whilst it was empty and he clothed and he was fine. But when we out him in, he immediately screamed. Thing next time, I will top'n'tail him instead and then put him in the bath so he is used to water and nakedness at the same time. If that fails, I will have to put my foot down and try co-bathing.

I just wish he'd like baths, then I'd have less anxiety.
I retract my last post! Apparently LO was sooo much better than on previous bath times! My OH informs me that LO cried rather than screamed and after a little will he stopped crying completely! Yayyyy!
That's such a shame Srob. Could it be too hot or cold, or too cold in the room? Our LO loves baths but will scream if he thinks it's too warm (for him, not unsafe). Do you have a little bath? Or a bath support in the big bath?

Co bathing is a great idea!
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Lyla has been n 3-6 months for about 2 weeks now! Although she is 91st centile in length and 75th in weight x

Same here! He wears 6-9 month vests though as he has a rather long torso! He wasn't in his 0-3 for long enough! :(

Sudocream is working miracles on ms face :)

Here's to tonight, he has slept loads due to his jabs, so not hopeful of much snoozing!

What is this 4month sleep regression thing...I'm sensing its not something exciting?

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