**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

She is just lovely Ruth!!! So pretty :lol:

I am already counting down the cycles until we can start TTC again (21 to go - November 2014 lol)

We need to pull our finger out and take James swimming, I may wait until after his next lot of jabs in Mid March though. James loves the bath but screams his little head off when we take him out so the plan is for OH to go in with him and I'll wait on the side so I can feed him and dry him when they get out.

MIL came round yesterday and gave us money for our new washing machine! OH and I refused to take it but she insisted. I feel so bad as they aren't massive earners?? What a lovely thing for them to do though.

New baby gym arrived!


(the toothbrush in the background is actually a cat toy - cat now lives in the box the gym came in :lol:)

Ruthie...Ella is just gorgeous!

Nat..does James like the play gym? Still haven't bought it yet and mothercare is only round the corner! They do have a mid season sale on starting today....must resist temptations!
He loves it mrsw, he was on it for about half an hour earlier and I've just popped him back on it!

Lol i may well be a november mummy again if my danger pokes and symptom list gets any bigger oooooppppssssss

sent from galaxy tab, cant see tickers and excuse my typing errors :-)

When can you test hun?? How exciting!

I love my November baby but think we'll start trying in Summer 2014 so we'll have a Spring / Summer baby!


Monday I'll be 12dpo! I'll test then x. X

sent from galaxy tab, cant see tickers and excuse my typing errors :-)
Nat we have this gym too and Artie loves it too :) try lowering his toys as it will make him want to pull up and he can feel the different patterns on the plastic which i didnt know about the nursey worker showed me the other day on her visit and u can use yr whale for tummy time :) xx

Aww ruth sorry lo didnt like swimming, hoping arthur likes it xx
Happy 3 months Arthur, although wasn't he born 30th?? :lol:

I still half count in weeks and half in months. Depends what we are closer to. James turned 3 months on 14th Feb so I tell people he is 3 months but as we got closer to 4 months I'll either say almost 4 months or revert to weeks. He was 14 weeks on Wednesday!

James loves the gym, I've got everything dangling quite low so he can reach for it all just fine.

Will have to try tummy time in a bit, James still doesn't like it!

Hes 12wks to weeks not to 3 months by date also not a 30th in feb ;) , even though i feel hes been here to 12yrs, lol

U might find he likes tummy time now in his play gym as hes got bright colours to look at.

Arthur started a few times yesterday to roll, hes pulling himself over to roll gets so far then thinks about it and goes ermmm no not just yet and goes back lol xx
Happy 3 months to Arthur!!
I get confused how the weeks don't match the months iykwim

Madison is getting better at tummy time but won't keep her head up for long. I was saying to oh yesterday how much of a content baby we have I'm so so proud of her, hard to imagine life without her now. Everything has fallen into place :) (sorry bit ott lol)
Lol i may well be a november mummy again if my danger pokes and symptom list gets any bigger oooooppppssssss

sent from galaxy tab, cant see tickers and excuse my typing errors :-)

When can you test hun?? How exciting!

I love my November baby but think we'll start trying in Summer 2014 so we'll have a Spring / Summer baby!


Monday I'll be 12dpo! I'll test then x. X

sent from galaxy tab, cant see tickers and excuse my typing errors :-)

Keep is posted lovely :) how exciting!! xx
No mrsw its not ott its lovely, i beam the same as u :) i love seein pics on fb of her she's very cute, xx
I think James is constipated again? He's not been since Monday.

He seems fine in himself though.

He went weeks and weeks of going almost every day so not sure what's changed?

He wont take water anymore (but hasn't for weeks and was still pooing fine?)

Lol i may well be a november mummy again if my danger pokes and symptom list gets any bigger oooooppppssssss

sent from galaxy tab, cant see tickers and excuse my typing errors :-)

When can you test hun?? How exciting!

I love my November baby but think we'll start trying in Summer 2014 so we'll have a Spring / Summer baby!


Monday I'll be 12dpo! I'll test then x. X

sent from galaxy tab, cant see tickers and excuse my typing errors :-)

Keep is posted lovely :) how exciting!! xx

All symptom a have gone so I'm just waiting on af now, I no she will get me lol, must have been because of strong ovv x

sent from galaxy tab, cant see tickers and excuse my typing errors :-)
wow our thread was nearly on the 2nd page lol....was really confused looking for it lol!

sooo.. moan time lol
OH is suffering from awful depression (i think it could be SAD) but its really bringing me down, before ella arrived i could handle it really well and help him through it but this time it seems worst and i cant find the strenght to manage it and its causing a lot of arguments!! Like a typical man he wont go see a doc so were just in a constant battle.

I dont know about any one else but even though im getting a great nights sleep im always exhausted.???is this normal when bubs is 3 months old? im starting to feel so drained

I suppose i just needed to get it of my chest, hope everyones ok xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Ruthie I've been getting some good sleep but still exhausted! I try to go to bed earlier but it just doesn't seem to help. Although I'm tired everything has settled into place and we know what's coming next, Madison has been amazing these past few days :)

Not sure what to suggest with your oh, hopefully it will soon pass if it is SAD or he will admit defeat and go see the doc. I hope it gets better for you xx

The in laws are on their way down to see us as I speak! :( I'm dreading it as I'm used to have M to myself and not needing to pass her round. I also most feel like I don't want them to hold her which I know is really selfish. For example mil said oh we can go a nice walk and I can push M...I was thinking Nooooooo only I push the pram, or oh! I need to get over myself!lol

Hope you ladies have had a grand weekend
Here's some photos of M as I don't have everyone on FB or Instagram xx

Ruthie I've been getting some good sleep but still exhausted! I try to go to bed earlier but it just doesn't seem to help. Although I'm tired everything has settled into place and we know what's coming next, Madison has been amazing these past few days :)

Not sure what to suggest with your oh, hopefully it will soon pass if it is SAD or he will admit defeat and go see the doc. I hope it gets better for you xx

The in laws are on their way down to see us as I speak! :( I'm dreading it as I'm used to have M to myself and not needing to pass her round. I also most feel like I don't want them to hold her which I know is really selfish. For example mil said oh we can go a nice walk and I can push M...I was thinking Nooooooo only I push the pram, or oh! I need to get over myself!lol

Hope you ladies have had a grand weekend
Here's some photos of M as I don't have everyone on FB or Instagram xx
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Aww hun i could of wrote the MIL bit myself! Im being very protective over O at the minute. It knots my stomach to think of leaving her even though ive done it before. Im going through a clingy phase lol.

Good luck hun xxxx just think when they've gone she's all yours xxxx
Big hugs ruthie, i think u need to give yr oh a big wske up call , tell him he either sorts himself out snd gets to the dr's or you eill be telling the family all about his depression as u csnt do it on your own and you arnt going to, i think you also need to lean on yr hv hunni.

As for sleep, whats that?? Arthurs reverted back to going to bed at 8pm, up at 11pm, 1am. 3am, 5.30am then awake at 8am whats that all about at 3 months??? Xx
Hey ladies,

We've had very little sleep (well James tossed and turned all night but I have had about 3 hours all in) so I am thinking of giving the Christening this morning a miss. [friends little boy] Although we're up so we may as well show our faces??... It's not too far away and I went to friends little girls christening and friends own baptism.

Ruthie hun, is there anyone else you can involve? OH's parents? brother? friend? maybe if someone else has a word with him he'll see he needs to take action.

If he all out refuses then he needs to make sure he gets out whenever there is any sunshine and maybe you can invest in a lightbox, that is meant to be good for SAD.


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