**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Morning ladies how r u all xx

Tired, although James slept much better last night.

He seems to be much happier today as well, he was bloody grumpy yesterday.

How are you hun and most importantly how is your poor little doggy?

Has Arthur shown much interest in him yet?

Oh good, bless him, nothing worse than grumpy babies :( and tired mummies cx

Hes ok thankyou, very quite still, wont drink water because his throat still hurts him, hes at the vets this morning. arthur loves smile n laughing at george, george lays at the side of him alot and arthur brushes his hand up n down him.

How are you? Any plans today xxxx
I think it is so lovely for kids to have pets??

Amber (cat) is my little furr baby and I was worried that when baby came along I'd not love her as much. If anything I love her more as she is so low maintenance compared to a baby lmao!

James notices her all the time and watches her, she stays out of his way though.

No plans today, going to pop in and see my Mum for a cuppa then maybe a walk to get mister to sleep and home for food shopping this afternoon!

It's got so cold here again!

What about yourself hun?

Was u worried at all incase yr puddy my claw james? U know when they play n nails go in all of a sudden, or would that be more toddling times :)

Got vets this morning, with george, then got a nursery play worker coming out to do play time with Arthur, thats about it. I miss walking, i hate cold weather.

Is it u nat who loves ebay xx
Morning mummies!
It is bloomin freezing here today! Need to wrap up warm that's for sure.

Nat I'm on the same thinking as you, I'd like a spring/summer baby next time round :)

My dog is an old man BUT usually really lively, he's a springer, today he's been really slow and looks like he's struggling with his back legs. Going to keep an eye on him today and see how he goes.

Wilson I hope your pooch perks up soon :) it's worrying when out pets are under the weather.

M just watches our dog and smiles at him, Max will bring toys over when she is playing on the floor or starts crying lol bless him :)

I love shopping in general Wilson but yep I am a bit of an Ebay queen!

Amber is generally a docile cat with me and OH, and she just hides from other people but with James I knew I had to be careful.

She always needs to know where he is, so every time she comes into a room she 'checks' for him! Once she knows where he is then she is cool... :shock:

mrswoody, bless your little pooch! I love spaniels

Hi mrsw, bless yr pooch, how old is he? It is worrying, esp when u know yr pets inside out. Hope hes ok xx

Ive just started again on ebay, i bought Arthur some next clothes on there, with what i spent on new clothes for him n how quickly hes grown out of them so i thought id try some ebay stuff and they r actuslly good quality xx
Thanks ladies, he's had arthritis in his legs it comes and goes so I'm thinking he's maybe have a bad day with it? He's our family pet from when I was younger, oh and me took him on after dad had a bad accident and couldn't get out with him. Love him to pieces he is a nutter so fits in nicely with oh me and M lol

I LOVE eBay! I sold loads of stuff on there recently and made just short of £100! Not sold ah of Ms stuff yet as I can't bring myself to do it just yet.
I popped into town and ended up in the tesco baby department, they seem to have loads of clothes on sale so I e bought some 6-9 month stuff for M and a little outfit for my friend who's fiancé is having a little boy is April! All these baby's coming along make me broody!
Im the same i cant part with arthurs things, i dont think i will till we have another baby, if its a girl i will but use them for a boy. Also his special first baby grows ill keep for arthur xx
I just today took all of James' 0-3 month clothes to my parents.

My sister is due end of Sept (she'll stay team yellow) so I have sorted all his stuff into neutral and boys piles... I felt so sad to be saying goodbye to his little stuff!

Scary thing is I put a 3-6 months baby-grow on him today and I really don't think he'll fit in it for long????

He is so tall !! How was he still fitting in his 0-3 months stuff??? :shock: :shock: :shock:

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My LO is still in his 0-3. He'll get weighed next week, so will see what the damage is. I am hanging on to LO's clothes for now. I am hoping my sister will get pregnant soon!
Well we've just had the play worker round and shes given us some amazing odeas to do with arthur, no need for toys u can make it yrself xx
M is still in her 0-3 clothes, some babygrows and vests are getting snug but her outfits still fit :/ I'm glad at that right enough!
What ideas did you get Wilson?

M had her swimming tonight and it was loads of fun! She got dunked again and oh filmed it so ill try get it uploaded on you tube for you all to see x
Little bottles clear, fill them of water and put glitter in them, celotape them up on the lip and use them in play, also a bangle and tie different colours of ribbon on, as for touch stimulation, a bright sock with ribbon stitched on it, and a bell for noise stimulation, also books when they have tummy time xx
Little bottles clear, fill them of water and put glitter in them, celotape them up on the lip and use them in play, also a bangle and tie different colours of ribbon on, as for touch stimulation, a bright sock with ribbon stitched on it, and a bell for noise stimulation, also books when they have tummy time xx

I make the little bottles at work and i'd superglue in the top of the lid just incase they come undone. I like the bangle idea.
Have you heard of treasure baskets?? Xxx
No hunni wats that? She also said material to play with, shiney material is good to put under their tummy, when its tummy time, as they are now wanting to pull everything in their mouth she said so their face is good for stimulation, so rub different material over their faces when you have play time xx

If you google treasure baskets some good pics come up.

They are basically baskets with all natural objects in and they encourage babes to explore through their senses and find a way to use the objects. Then as babies get older I'd say over 1 at least then you can introduce baskets with man made materials in. The idea is to observw rather than play with the babies so they can explore themselves. So obviously it will be a little while til ours can use them yet - unless anyones babies are picking objects up really well? I just think they are so good for their development. Oh and they are just to be played with for like 20 mins a day not all the time.

Right girls thats your childcare lesson for the day :-) lol i do apologise

Im so glad u mentioned the bottles though Wilson its reminded me to make some - they are fab and cheap


Ps did you have to ask the lady to come out to you?
No she sent me a letter to say she was coming, shes s nursery nurse, thanks for the blanket idea, ill look tomorrow xx
Missyeovil..aela looks fab in her babygrow!! M has a Celtic one but every time she's had it on they loose lol Do you get down here much?

About once a year! Hoping to get down with Aela at the beginning of July and I'm off to watch Yeovil in Carlisle next month!

Tomorrow we're off island on a wee adventure! Aela had a referral on her right ear on her newborn hearing test and it's still coming up as a referral which is a bit worrying so we're off for an audiology appointment in Oban tomorrow. Then, we're hopping on the train for a night in a hotel in Glasgow and over to Paisley the next morning because she was also referred on her left eye! Her eyes don't worry me as much because she seems to be able to focus with both of them, she LOVES looking at mirrors and particularly a black and white poster and she looks for me or OH and follows us round rooms. The ear is worrying me quite a lot though :\

And also, travelling on a train for 3 and a half hours with an 11 week old baby isn't particularly exciting me! Least it gives me a chance to look in some real shops!xx
Hello :)

We took Ella swimming today for the 1st time, she cried the whole time :( she loves the bath so much she kicks and splashes but hated the pool. i suppose its all new to her so we will try again in a week or 2.

At the moment im gettin amazing sleep (might not last long) we do bath at 7.30-8.30 depending on her naps bottle cuddle and sleep at 9-9.30, up for a feed at 3 straight back down and then up at anywere between 8-10 am.. shes managed to make her own routine lol i didnt even realise it until after a few days when i checked the time it was always 3am (roughly)

Glad all the november mummies are doing well :) dont no about the rest of you but for me been a mummy is the best thing in the world, i just love love love having a daughter. Im secretly exited about having another baby lol... not for a few years though.

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