**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Sally i saw the pic of your blanket on instagram!

You are a girl of hidden talents!!
Yay to proper laughs!

James gave us one in the bath a while back, we were both there so it was just perfect! He is still not in full control of it but he laughs several times a day now (not the past few days, little leaping monster that he is!!)

Thanks ladies! Whoop whoop for belly laughs!

Can't believe how much has changed since the first few weeks of having LO home! He's grown and matured and has become such a lovely baby!

He's a cute little blondy my lad.

Srob r u on facebook, we have a private pf group on there all the nov mummies are on and quite a few of some other pf mummies xx
Lol thank you ladies! Remember the blanket was pre-Cathy the most I get done nowadays is cleaning out my fridge... Ok I lied I haven't got round to it!!! Xx

Lol me either sally, and i dont think its gonna happen anytime soon lol xx
Hey hey all...been having quality time with hubby and m before he left again for 5 months! But I should see him one weekend in April as he will be in Falmouth and should get some leave, yipee. Fx.

M is now 15lb 10! Such a big boy, I'm struggling to hold him for too long now, going to have to toughen up my arms. His eczema has taken a turn for worse and his cradle cap is pudding in places and then he scratches at it! Grrr. He also has SUCH a bold patch where he lies on it, very amusing.

We now have conversations (consisting of grunts, squeaks, laughter and humming) he belly laughs, rolls and sleeps most of the night through...so overall not too bad.

Hope to catch up with how everyone else is doing.
Glad to hear all is going well Kelly!

M is growing well hey?? He'll be a lovely big boy to look after his Mummy when he gets older

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Hi Kelly! Hope you enjoyed your time with your OH. I couldn't imagine not seeing mine for so long :shock: sounds like you need to start doing some weights to keep up with your boy! Lol. He sounds so clever :) xx

Srob...so glad to hear your little man is doing much better for you, hopefully everyday life will get so much easier for you :)

Hello kellybean..was thinking we hadn't seen you around for a while. Hope you enjoyed the time with oh and the little man. What a great weight M is!! I'm the same, can't hold the little lady for too long as my arms ache!

We've had big laughs from M tonight, we put on some music and oh,M and me were dancing around and she loved it! It was amazing to see her enjoying seeing mummy and daddy dancing like loonies :lol: I worry sometimes she's not happy..silly me!:wall2:
Hello, thank you for welcoming me back, you ladies always ensure its a warm one.

I worry he isn't happy sometimes, particularly when I'm a bit grumpy. I think I rub off on him. But you said it, it's silly. They have off days too.

Right night night, I have a grumpy one tonight.
I think Lyla is comfort eating at night :wall: whenever she wakes (every 4 hours!) she cries till she is fed and will only take an ounce or two and then refuse any more and go back to sleep! Why can't she just sleep through because she obviously doesn't need it :(
hiya i know im over a year late but can i join in, lacies a year older than yours though. :-)
lacie mae was born on 7th november 2011 at 7:25pm weighing a tiny 6lb 4.5oz. shes not so tiny anymore!!!
View attachment 32464 this was lacie a week ago :-)

You are the original November Mummy :lol:


Lol i may well be a november mummy again if my danger pokes and symptom list gets any bigger oooooppppssssss

sent from galaxy tab, cant see tickers and excuse my typing errors :-)
I jinxed myself last night by posting he sleeps through the night...

5 times I got him out of his cot and in between times he just grunted or practiced making sounds...very proud but GO TO SLEEP! Please?
Lol i may well be a november mummy again if my danger pokes and symptom list gets any bigger oooooppppssssss

sent from galaxy tab, cant see tickers and excuse my typing errors :-)

When can you test hun?? How exciting!

I love my November baby but think we'll start trying in Summer 2014 so we'll have a Spring / Summer baby!


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