Hi. I haven't been on here for the past week or so. I've been a bit busy as we are moving house in the middle of March.
My LO is 3 months old today and I am so proud of him. He gets better and better each day. He is more or less a much more contented baby. The first 2 months hit me like a tun of bricks, but things are getting better now that he is getting used to his surroundings. It is lovely that he shows he loves his mummy and daddy. Today I got a big belly laugh from him. I still wish that he'd like baths... but hey, I suppose not all babies are 'perfect' (though I am sure some mums beg to differ!).
Also, the colic is definitely easing off. He doesn't used anti-colic bottles anymore and we are weaning him off the Colief drops and he's is a pretty contented baby. So excited about being rid of Colief once and for all, which hopefully will be in the next couple of weeks.
I know it is daft, but his wake ups and feeds have been the same two days in a row now.... fingers crossed we can get a routine going!