**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

hiya i know im over a year late but can i join in, lacies a year older than yours though. :-)
lacie mae was born on 7th november 2011 at 7:25pm weighing a tiny 6lb 4.5oz. shes not so tiny anymore!!!
capture_191189489932.jpg this was lacie a week ago :-)
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Some piccies of Lyla in her new Bumbo seat :) She loves it


Also Sophie the Giraffe teething toy is a life saver! Definitely recommend it when your LOs are teething!

Morning ladies,

We've been up since 5am :nap: :nap:

For weeks I've been managing to keep James dozing until about 7am but today he was screaming for food just after 5am??

He seems OK now, fairly docile and smiley!!!

I am having OH's nephew for a few hours this morning (he's nearly 4 and very well behaved) I'll be ready for bed by lunchtime!

Morning Nat.
Hope your morning with your Nephew and little James isn't too tiring for you, kids are so much fun at 4 though! :)
I think I'm off to buy one of those playgyms later hehe also need to order the colour pack for the pram soon :)
Madison's sleeping has all gone a bit pear shaped, she is now going down between 9-10pm (this I like) BUT is waking around 5.30 sometimes 4am (like this morning) for a feed, to be fair she will just feed then go back to sleep till around 8.30. She used to sleep through.
Off for a wander to the post office today, nothing exciting! Oh is home after lunch which is always a good help :) x
Hi all

George is home, it was a stick injury, no stick there but a hole from it, hes on medication, got to go bk wednesday, hes got a part shaven leg and neck, still quiet, said his throat is very red n swollen thats why hes having trouble breathing through his mouth and snoring and snorting alot, was very sheepish last night like something had really spooked him :( xx
Mrsw - C has started waking at 4/5am now when she would previously sleep through til 7am :( must be something in the water. Can't recommend that playgym enough - the music is really good on it too xx

Glad to hear your dog is ok hun! I've been thinking of you xx

I remember how devastating it was when my dog got ill they really are members of the family xx

Hi. I haven't been on here for the past week or so. I've been a bit busy as we are moving house in the middle of March.

My LO is 3 months old today and I am so proud of him. He gets better and better each day. He is more or less a much more contented baby. The first 2 months hit me like a tun of bricks, but things are getting better now that he is getting used to his surroundings. It is lovely that he shows he loves his mummy and daddy. Today I got a big belly laugh from him. I still wish that he'd like baths... but hey, I suppose not all babies are 'perfect' (though I am sure some mums beg to differ!).

Also, the colic is definitely easing off. He doesn't used anti-colic bottles anymore and we are weaning him off the Colief drops and he's is a pretty contented baby. So excited about being rid of Colief once and for all, which hopefully will be in the next couple of weeks.

I know it is daft, but his wake ups and feeds have been the same two days in a row now.... fingers crossed we can get a routine going!
Little dance :) arthur is now 13'12lb hes put 12oz on in a week ok sooo BIG DANCE lol xx
Had he just done a poo before you went last time Wilson lol?!?! Xx

C is 12lbs 2 now :) 1lb in 3 weeks.

Nice to see you again Srob. And glad to hear you are starting to enjoy your LO more xx

Hi. I haven't been on here for the past week or so. I've been a bit busy as we are moving house in the middle of March.

My LO is 3 months old today and I am so proud of him. He gets better and better each day. He is more or less a much more contented baby. The first 2 months hit me like a tun of bricks, but things are getting better now that he is getting used to his surroundings. It is lovely that he shows he loves his mummy and daddy. Today I got a big belly laugh from him. I still wish that he'd like baths... but hey, I suppose not all babies are 'perfect' (though I am sure some mums beg to differ!).

Also, the colic is definitely easing off. He doesn't used anti-colic bottles anymore and we are weaning him off the Colief drops and he's is a pretty contented baby. So excited about being rid of Colief once and for all, which hopefully will be in the next couple of weeks.

I know it is daft, but his wake ups and feeds have been the same two days in a row now.... fingers crossed we can get a routine going!

Awww hunni Im so so glad for you that your lo seems to be settling more for you and becoming content. That colic is a nasty thing hey? Ive heard it gets better with age so fingers crossed. And yey to the big laugh! :-) xxxx
Srob u should be so proud of yrself girl, u battle pnd and motherhood, your doing great, it is hard, i suffer health anxiety and its a battle, so i know its not easy :)

Im so happy arthurs put 12oz on after only putting on 5oz in 2wks, no wonder hes been feedin every 2hrs lol xx
James did the same Wilson. He had a small gain and then put on a whole lb in two weeks!

Srob, so glad things are finally improving. Mummyhood is hard enough without having a baby with colic!

And arthur has just belly laughed for the first time, me n daddy just had tears and belly laughed 2 so all 3 of us was howling xx

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