**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Lol don't worry I didn't know or notice until my friend pointed it out to me lol I love it tho lol.
Hi ladies, hope you're all well! I don't get much time to visit PF these days, we're technically 2 days away from the 7 week leap and each night the boys have screamed the place down, last night it was from 11pm - 5am neither of them decided to sleep and even if one tried to the other would scream and wake them. Sigh.

I'm trying to have a read over old posts to see what's being going on with you all, I miss our old pregnancy thread and chatting every day, it's lovely how we all have our little ones now :) xxx
Yea I was due on the 12th and she arrived on the 21st guess she's likes her 1s and 2s lol
Sammy you're amazing! It's nightmare enough with one baby in a leap, let alone two! Hope you have a better night tonight xx
Had an awful day :( my dog has to have an op at 8.30am he was rushed to the vets yesterday as he wasnt very welk, turns out they think hes got something stuck in his throat and its going to cost £850. Money isnt an issue as george is my right arm, ive done nothing but sob hes my world bless him, he looks terrified, wont come near anyone xx
Oh hunny. Will he be ok? I know how much dogs can become members of the family. Hugs xx

Will have to wait n see, he's been terrible at snoring tonight, likes hes got something stuck, seems a bit perky to what he was but still very offish, had to take him downstairs with my fella as he was stiring arthur alot snorin bless xx
Oh bless him sounds like everyone is waking everyone else up! Xx

:wave: :wave: Sammy, lovely to see you!!

I agree that two leaping babies is going to be tough, but once they come out the other side they are even cuter and will learn some new tricks :lol:

Poor doggy Wilson, I hope he is doing OK?

Are you insured??

My Amber (kitty) is my little furr baby and if anything ever happened to her I'd be distraught. I worried I'd not have much time for her after baby came but we still have a snuggle every night before bed!

She was diagnosed with a heart murmur a few years back and we were sent to a special kitty cardiologist - it was £400 for the scan and appointment alone! Thankfully the murmur had disappeared [and we were given another scan and appointment free of charge just to check] so she didn't need any treatment but treatments were upwards of £1000!!!

I'd pay whatever it costs if Amber needed treatment but I am glad she is insured!!

James had quite a nice sleep last night and seems OK today, a little grouchy but OK! We're going to head out to the park for a long walk today. Or I may even head to the Thames - it's meant to be a lovely day!

Missyeovil..aela looks fab in her babygrow!! M has a Celtic one but every time she's had it on they loose lol Do you get down here much?

Wilson glad to hear your pooch is on the mend, we have a springer and he LOVES sticks! He will happily go walks with about 5 in his mouth!

Hello siouxie welcome back :)

Hello Sammy!!! Nice to hear you and the little men are doing well, hope the leap passes soon for you x

I think I've got a "thing" for playmats/playgyms! I was in mothercare and bought M a tummy time mat, it was reduced, and also seen another play gym with sounds and all sorts £70 down to £35! Didn't buy it but I really wanted it, oh was like doesn't she have enough?! Always nice to have variety? Got her weighed today and she's now 14lb 5oz following the 75th centile nicely :) x
I'm gate crashing sorry but I am a November mummy :) Chloe, can't you just bf in the morning and at night? Your body would adapt to do this. This is what I want to do when I go back to work xxx
How is your dog today Wilson? I was thinking of you today xx

Mrsw I know what you mean I am addicted to buying my little lady bits and bobs even new bottles or teats get me excited! What was the gym like? We have the sea life one by baby Einstein i think as well as a bright starts one that was cheap off eBay. Both fab :) glad to hear M is following her centile well xx

Lol it's really good C loves hers especially her whale lol here's a pic... Xx




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