**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Aw thanks hun :) she is the love of my life! Gave us a scare yesterday when there was a bit of blood in her nappy but she had the mother of all nappy explosions earlier in the day (it was in her hair!!!!) so we think she gave herself a little cut. NHS direct were lovely and don't seem to think there is any cause for concern as she seems well in herself.

What are you doing about bfing now Amanda? You are struggling so much with it :( xx

Yes my boobies are developing to much foremilk, i dont know what to do
do u do massage tummy excersizes with her hun to push poop out so she doesnt have big nappies xxxx
I read your post in the BF section :( have you spoken to a LC about it since you stopped the block feeding? Xx

My LO has never had a problem going I'm not sure why :/ she sometimes whines a bit when trying but most of the time she goes once a day or more xx

Well done maddison for rolling :) how old is she now? Well done Alea too xx
Arthurs quite good on tummy time with his back/neck and also grabbing things now, however rough night with his tummy again, my block feeding was constipating him, not getting enough formilk now, so i went back to not expressing anything and just feeding alternate boobies each feed, well we have poop again, a hungry baby and a very upset tummy :( i give in, and to top it off hes got cold xx

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Even the dog went for a snuggle xx

Wow arthur looks so big now. How much does he weigh now? Xx
Hes 13lb now, hes got to be weighed again tues. have i got u all on fb? Xx
Did something silly and let Lyla breastfeed after 4 days of just formula :wall: She's teething and was inconsolable and it was the last resort... now I have to wait longer for my milk to dry up.. Shes settled now and sleeping though.. if only I could keep feeding her. Expressing while in uni is too difficult though :(
Aww wilson i love your piccies! Hes such a happy little chap

Ella hates tummy time lol she hasnt quite got the hang of it yet, she just lies face down crying lol.! it sounds mean but it is quite funny, i suppose she will get the hang of it. She doesnt seem to be intrested in anything. she has a play matt with dangling things and she just isnt botherd same with teddies and everything else.

Shes sleeping alot better now too. she is usualy in bed and asleep at 10-11, up at 3 or 4 for a feed then up for the day at 10 :) i love it
Chloe - I'm sure there is something you can take to get rid of your milk all at once but I'm pretty sure it also causes diarrhoea? Lol. I can imagine its so hard to give up though :( hugs xx

Ruth - nice to hear Ella is doing well. Wilson's idea is really good (I'm going to try that one as we have a problem with tummy time too!) or you can get tummy time pillows. Sainsburys have one quite cheap at the mo xx

Roxanne elizabeth. 21.11.12 (my little palindrome bubba :-)) born at 2.06pm by forceps weighing 7.12lb
Roxanne elizabeth. 21.11.12 (my little palindrome bubba :-)) born at 2.06pm by forceps weighing 7.12lb

I've added you hun!!!

Well James is tucked up in bed and I can't wait to follow. We've been in at the in-laws all afternoon (we did get a yummy roast dinner out of it though!!!)

James has been passed from pillow to post and was literally screaming himself silly when we got home. He went down straight away after his bath and bottle so I guess he was just tired! Me too.... :nap: :nap:

He was a very well behaved boy, he always is for company its just mummy who gets the full on hysterics!!

Roxanne elizabeth. 21.11.12 (my little palindrome bubba :-)) born at 2.06pm by forceps weighing 7.12lb
Forgive me for being silly but what's a palindrome?

It's nice to see you again hun I remember you from tri 3 xx

Lol well done Aela! :D Madison won't grab anything yet still working on it :)
It was indeed the mighty Yeovl Town, we live really close to the ground so easy to take a walk down, he's a massive Celtic supporter though :) x

It's all about the hoops :P

Aela is already a big supporter of Yeovil :) think she might be their lucky charm with recent form!



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Roxanne elizabeth. 21.11.12 (my little palindrome bubba :-)) born at 2.06pm by forceps weighing 7.12lb
Forgive me for being silly but what's a palindrome?

It's the same backwards as it is forwards :) we had a teacher who was OBSESSED with them!xx

You would think I would know that being an English student... Ok a failed English student... Maybe it does make sense LOL.

Aela is just gorgeous hun :) xx


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