**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

What u been up to this lovely wkend? We've just arthur out in the camper and to rother valley and we made friends :) xx

Glad you are having a nice weekend Wilson.

My SIL is home from Dublin and she's not seen James since New Year so she's been over for hours today. We're going to in-laws for Sunday dinner tomorrow and then maybe a walk if the weather is nice.

I think we've entered the fussy pre-leap phase as James has been hard work today. We've still had a few smiles but he's been nothing like his usual self. I wondered if he was poorly but he's eating fine, temp is normal and he is at exactly the right age for this next fussy period to begin... It starts about 14.5 weeks and James was 9 days late so he starts his phases a week early!

I am shattered but I guess I need to get used to it, this is a long fussy period - between a week and 6 weeks :shock: :shock: :shock:

James is grouchy, shouty and needs constant attention (cuddles, talking to, singing to). Today has made me realise what a placid little sweetheart he had been for months now!!

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Hi ladies! Haven't had much time recently to catch up with this massive thread!

ChloeNat - how gorgeous is Lyla?! A right little chatterbox as well! It must be so lovely to hear her laugh, we haven't yet had that milestone!

Wilson do you own a camper van?! That must be amazing for road trips and the like. Arthur looks like he is doing so well. How are you doing with his routine? Xx

Chloenat - lyla is so adorable!! You must be vert proud :-)

Im loving the van Wilson :-)
Hi ladies! Haven't had much time recently to catch up with this massive thread!

ChloeNat - how gorgeous is Lyla?! A right little chatterbox as well! It must be so lovely to hear her laugh, we haven't yet had that milestone!

Wilson do you own a camper van?! That must be amazing for road trips and the like. Arthur looks like he is doing so well. How are you doing with his routine? Xx

Welcome back lovely :-)
Yer we own the late bay vw camper, we are into our vw's, we had 4 cars before i had arthur but i gave my classic up :( so now we have just got 3 cars, the camper, which we do camp in, its all kitted out with a fridge, cooker, sink, bed, cuboards, we have a mk4 golf snd a mk1 golf convertable :)

Ill pop some piccys up of the camper :)xx
Sally n kerrie i love us been on fb together sharing piccys etc xx
That's so cool Amanda hun I'm a bit jel lol!!! It's nice to have something like though - my mum has a static caravan by the sea that we stay in in the summer but I just love a good camper van! I used to collect model ones when I was younger lol.

It's lovely to keep up with what you are both doing via Facebook :) and so nice to see pics of Arthur and Olivia. I can't believe how much the last few months have flown by! Xx

Heya Mummies!

Welcome back Sally :wave::wave:

I've missed out on the Facebook adds! PM me and I can send you details :D

Wilson I love your camper van! OH is not keen on camping in any shape or form, we did it as kids and I loved it! Best holidays :)

Nat..sounds like the little man is definitely starting his leap. Hugs to you I hope it doesn't last the whole 6 weeks :hugs:

Our weekend has been expensive :wall2: OH went to watch football and said you and M go into town and spend some money, well, a woman doesn't question that does she? :whistle: Bought myself a few bits from Republic as they are having a massive sale as they are in administration, bought little M 2 outfits one 3-6 and one 6-9months. I have been really good with holding back buying for her.

M rolled from her back to her side the other night :dance: I was so excited she did it twice so lots of praise for her, I'm trying to encourage her best I can so hopefully more "new" things coming my way :)
How exciting mrswoody that's she started to roll! It's so amazing all the little new things that happen! I was genuinely excited the other day when Aela reached out and whipped her sister's glasses off her face! We didn't have time to stop her! I just couldn't believe the co-ordination compared to just a week ago!

Out of interest, what football game did he go to? It wasn't the mighty Yeovil Town was it? :P xx
Lol well done Aela! :D Madison won't grab anything yet still working on it :)
It was indeed the mighty Yeovl Town, we live really close to the ground so easy to take a walk down, he's a massive Celtic supporter though :) x
Well done maddison for rolling :) how old is she now? Well done Alea too xx
Arthurs quite good on tummy time with his back/neck and also grabbing things now, however rough night with his tummy again, my block feeding was constipating him, not getting enough formilk now, so i went back to not expressing anything and just feeding alternate boobies each feed, well we have poop again, a hungry baby and a very upset tummy :( i give in, and to top it off hes got cold xx


Even the dog went for a snuggle xx
Omg all your babies are so clever! It's amazing how they are all developing differently with different skills already.

Look at Arthur's head control what a strong boy :shock: and gorgeous too you're going to have trouble with the girls when he grows up lol xx

Awwthanks sally, yr lo is stunning, i love her hair and cute lips, the piccys on fb are adorable, and they share the same bday xx
Well done M !!!

James tries to reach for things when he is being changed so is almost flipping himself over but he's not quite there yet?

We do lots of rolling though, I get a blanket out and I flip him from back to front and vice versa, I also leave him on his side but he just kind of lays there looking all scared :shock:

He hates tummy time but has always had very good neck control, we stick him in the bumbo for 10 minutes a few times a day now.

I'm not on FB, some bloke I used to work with kind of started stalking me so I closed my account years ago!!

Don't forget to post your news here as well ladies :roll:

We had quite a bad night as James is def showing all the signs of the next leap. He is cooing away to himself at the moment though - so cute!!

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