**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

mrsw do u have alot of milk? if u squeeze yr boobie does it shoot out? mine does and a i have alot of let down, maybe your flow is to quick for m and that she gasping a bit and getting mad with it xx
Wilson she doesn't always fall asleep as she's a lot more awake in the day now. It's just hard to workout if she's hungry still or not :(
Going to go to a bfing support group for some advice I think x

That's what the support groups are for hun!!

Just about to hang out my first lot of washing since Sunday, I've been lost without the machine (I love doing the laundry as well :shock:)


is it not snowing? its like a snow blizard here. :shock:

Well Arthur has had his first tummy time today, he was so strong with his neck and kept laughing at me while we was playing, ive started a new routine today, it involves no tv at all as arthur was getting over stimulated by it and getting cranky when going to sleep, so today where ever i have been cleaning hes been with me in the kitchen, room, upstairs in his bouncer, hes played with his rattles, teddy and ive taken the dummy off him, so far so good, hes gone down on naps without a fight, hes slept well and he seems happy and intrested in what i am doing. hes going to have half a feed about 4.30 when he gets up from his nap, then ill bath him, try him with another feed and then put him down to bed, wish me luck lol xx

tummy time
Washing is hanging on the clothes horses inside LOL!! It's not snowing here but it's not the weather to have washing outside :lol: :lol:

I get James to "do" the chores with me most days.

I tell him and show him what I am doing. He likes the washing and when I change the bed linen the most.

James isn't a huge fan of his dummy when he sleeps - he spits it out - but he does need it to fall asleep!

As we've been in all day James hasn't had one long nap, he'll be cranky this evening!

Bless wee James getting involved with the chores, teaching them young Nat hehe, they take in so much their days must be exciting everyday!

Wilson, I have a fast flow in the mornings and sometimes in the afternoon, it's been that quick she's unlatched and it has squirted her in the face!! Lol there is milk there just not sure what is going on.
There is a group on Monday so I am going to pop in for some advice and get latch checked etc
Arthur looks super cute in that photo.

Oh and me are having our valentines meal tonight, M&S dine in for £20, as he is working tomorrow night. M was conceived nearly a year ago!! Yikes, how life has changed! x
OH and I don't do Valentine's day!! I will give you my condensed rant LOL....

Basically we begrudge places that put up the prices on flowers / set meals etc and we hate the pressure it puts on people. M&S meal deal is usually a tenner and even they bump up the price (all you get extra are some choccies!!!)

I'd much rather OH spends a £1 on a bunch of daff's as he knows I love them as opposed to spending £20 on a bunch of red roses as he thinks he has to.

Anyhoo - rant over!!!

Ironically enough we conceived James on Valentine's day last year!!! I got my + OPK in the afternoon and smiley face on the digi OPK that evening!! I'd been putting so much pressure on OH with all the TTC malarkey that last year I bought some steaks, gave him a lovely massage and we even had a glass of bubbly - we had a bottle left over from Crimbo. 'Twas all part of my master plan to get him in the mood as I knew I was fertile and we were both getting bored of all the constant sex ha ha... I remember his friend popped up (everyone knows we don't "do" Valentine's day so his friend came up for a cuppa!!!!) and I was eyeballing OH as he knew he was on sex duty :lol: :lol:

How ironic that a couple who don't do Valentine's day conceived a Valentine's baby??

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I think that's lovely Nat. We don't really bother with valentines day these days, but we do cards and as he's been away all week - back tomorrow tea time - I've got something nice for us to eat when J is asleep.

J has been so good while he's been away. He's been lying in until 7:30 instead of the usual 6:30, which is brilliant as I have to do the night feeds as well. He's gone down every night with no hassle as well :)

Mrswoody - I was going to suggest the same as Wilson - if your let down is fast it may be too much for her and she's choking a bit on it. I found the NCT helpline and my local BF support group brilliant when I needed help. You also might get some good advice if you out a thread in the BF forum.
Lyla's teething! She has rosy cheeks, drooling loads, can't keep her fists out of her mouth and makes a clicky sucky noise sucking on her cheeks. Had a look in her mouth and her two front bottom teeth are definitely trying to poke through! But she's been so good and it doesn't seem to be bothering her that much which I'm grateful for!
oh Chloe bless little Lyla. Sophie the Giraffe is a great teething toy for LO's.

Thank you LA, you and wilson are probably right. She does take huge gulps so is probably. Enjoy your meal tomorrow and having oh back :)

Nat, you wee scrooge ;) lol you are right though everything goes up and it is all money making. We just do a card and the m&s meal. We got engaged on Valentines day 5 years ago, OH is a useless romantic so this was his chance to show me otherwise lol
i love valentines day, i love any day for an event to do something, ive even made my own card for my fella :) im cooking him a meal tomorrow night, so arthur will be in bed by 7, which ill cook for then, im going to cook a steak meal, and home made treacle sponge, ive bought a red table cloth and red love candles, seeing as i concieved last valentines i think its special this year, still havent got giggy yet in that department, im scared it will still hurt as my scare is still tender, knowing my luck ill get giggy and end up pregnant again lol.

chloenat i think arthur is teeting to as hes doing all this,
mrsw try expressing some off before u feed her, it will slow yr flow down better for m xx
We conceived last Valentine's day too Wilson - got my +OPK in the afternoon and smiley face early evening and we only DTD that evening??? Oddly it gave me an EDD of 5th November. I had a 30/31 day cycle and James was 9 days late.

Anyhoo, James is exactly 3 months old today and he let me sleep in until almost 8am - I couldn't believe it :lol: :lol:

Going to see Granny today, then will do a bit of shopping! Now we have the new machine I'll start washing all his bigger clothes over the weekend.

Madness to think this time last year hey :)

Well arthur was up every 2hrs last night as ive put him bk in his routine, surely he wouldnt want to feed every 2hrs? Or is it a growth spurt?? Xx
Around 12 weeks is a growth spurt hun!

Maybe Arthur is having it a little early.

Happy valentines day scrummy mummys!! Hope your OH's are all treating you to something nice today! :)
Im cooking a mixed grill for the hubby tonight as hes working an 8-8 today so he will be shatterd when he finally gets home!

Ella was weighd today, shes now 13lbs 5. very happy with my little chubster.
How much does arthur weigh wilson?? I dont get all this centile stuff lol

My HV said today to not weigh them to often as it can change too much in short time, she recommended every 4 weeks.!!??

Hope everyones good, isnt it mad how quick time goes... el is 3 months old tomoz! whats that about lol x
Hi ruth

He weighs 13oz, but only put 5oz on :( so he should have put another 11lb on but hasnt, xx
Hey Ruth,

I think the idea is that all babies are born on a certain centile (this is worked out based on how close to EDD they are, how long they are, birthweight etc..) and they need to be weighed every so often to make sure they stick to this centile.

What centile they are in to begin with just means how they measure up to other babies. So for example James was 25th centile meaning if you line him up against 99 other babies 24 will be smaller and 75 will be bigger.

We were just about to start going monthly when James dropped a centile to they wanted us back in 2 weeks. He is back up to proper centile now so we will go monthly.

OH actually bought me a card - first time is 6 years?? It says Valentine you make my willy happy :shock: He wishes!

We are going to get a takeaway pizza later [I have a money off voucher for Domino's LOL], and I have some fizzy stuff I may stick in the fridge? OH may get lucky after-all.

We've not dtd since 2nd Jan!!

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OH actually bought me a card - first time is 6 years?? It says Valentine you make my willy happy :shock: He wishes!

We are going to get a takeaway pizza later [I have a money off voucher for Domino's LOL], and I have some fizzy stuff I may stick in the fridge? OH may get lucky after-all.

We've not dtd since 2nd Jan!!

That did make me laugh, my OH gets me silly cards every year, I go for the soppy approach! :roll:

I finally plucked up the courage to dtd! :whistle: poor oh has been so patient with me so I'm glad we're back to pre pregnancy way of things! Lol

M had a baby photoshoot today and gave us some cracking poses, get the photos next week so looking forward to seeing how they have turned out. :)
We've dtd about 3 times since Lyla was born. My episiotomy scar is still tender though :(

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