**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Happy Belated birthday to all the November babies! Can not believe our little ones are turning 1!!

Here's little miss enjoying her dinner tonight,


Gotta love Baby Led Weaning...

It is now on the countdown to my wedding day... 13 days :faint: can't believe its come this quick, then Lyla's birthday the day after.

I am going to be exhausted by the start of December!

12 week scan tomorrow as well!

Bring on the honeymoon!!

Happy Birthday everyone! My little terror is one tomorrow, I can't believe it! Unfortunately, he's decided to not sleep through the night for the last three nights… grumble. Anyone know if our LO's have hit a development leap or anything? I'm desperate to find a reason for my little fella being so unsettled.

All the best for the scan today ChloeNat :-)
SRob - happy Birthday to little man!!

I hope you all have a lovely day

Srob happy 1st birthday to your lo hope you all have a wonderful day xxxxx
Thanks everyone. We didn't have a great day (or night either side of his birthday). At least he had a good party on Saturday.

Just wish he'd sleep :-(
We were exactly the same SRob!

Crap Birthday but thankfully he had his parties the weekend after.

Also James has decided he doesn't need to sleep anymore - this goes for daytime naps and nigh-time sleep.

I spent 2 hours getting him down for a nap yesterday (he was clearly tired otherwise I'd have left him). I then spent an hour getting him down for bed and 2am he was up in his cot screaming blue murder so came in with us :wall2: :wall2:

Oh deary me. It's not fun :-( I hope our little beans settle soon. 5 nights in and I'm very very tired now!

Taking my little man back to the doctors today, looks like he has a sore, bumpy bum and skin seems particularly dry today.

He's making mummy work hard!
Morning all

arthur is the same, sleeps in the day but up alot in the night, taking its toll a year on :( xx
Ahhh no, little James the terror :p lets hope its just a development thing and his sleep patterns will get back to normal.

Jackson usually has a noon nap for a couple hours which allows me to tidy the house, but he gave this up last night and was then shattered eating dinner etc.

This is why I am not rushing into number two just yet - things like mood, sleeping pattern etc changes after a while, Jacksons really easy just now.. but that could all be in the air by the time he turns one! LOL.

Look at our christmas card Jackson made for OH & I, am gonna scan it and use this and a pic in his rudolf onsie for the card. So cute!



  • Rudolf.jpg
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Eugh. I've got beans cold! I just want to crash out on the sofa. But it's just me to look after my grouchy baby. Boo.
rm that picture is fab :)

well we have a very poorly boy, his eyes are glued with yellow puss :( hes barking his head off and hes just full of a cold virus :( xx
Nat and Srob - as you know A is not the best sleeper but her sleeping has been all a bit weird this week too! I'm not sure what's up with her at all as she's also been really off her food apart from lunchtime today for the past few days. She is teething but that has never really affected her food - well certainly not like this! Must be something in the air...

RM - love the card - it's fab!

Wilson - sorry to hear A is ill :( hope he gets better soon, have you got some drops for his eyes or anything? Or breast milk!

I've been wrapping A's birthday presents today - can't believe she'll be 1 in a couple of weeks. I swear to god though, next time I am only getting her books. The trouble I had wrapping her dolly because it was in one of those open boxes so you can touch them in the shops! Haha.

Hope everyone is good - I've nearly lost the pram 3 times today in the weather we've been having up here and the ferries have been cancelled all day! It's very definitely winter... xx
Mine slept through last night! It felt amazing! Whooop. Hopefully it's just a phase everyone :-)

(Though, won't get too happy yet incase he goes back to being a terror tonight!).
LO has just slept for 2 1/2 hours for his nap! This is unheard of! I'm lucky if a get 1 1/2 hours usually. He's obviously catching up for the previous nights of staying awake at all hours!

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