**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

I seem to have missed all this! My talatalk keeps missing posts!!

Wilson..sorry to see As eczema isn't clearing. I hope it clears soon for him. Funny you're doing Mickey Mouse clubhouse for Little Arthur's birthday as we're doing Minnie Mouse :) are you having a party for A?

La..sorry to hear about Joe! It looks so painful for them. Hand foot and mouth is popping up in some of the local nurserys and I'm hoping Madison's nursery doesn't have an outbreak!

Nat I'm feeling ok about M turning 1 at the minute. I have had moments this week when I look at her and just think "wow" she just amazes me that oh and I made her! It's just amazing!

Anyone else got a little daredevil?

He's been doing this for an hour now !!!!

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Im considering joining this thread.

No one ever talks in December or January mummies. Hardly know anyone in Feb mums..

and well.. this thread always seems to have someone saying something - which i like..

Nat, hes like the little monkey on his seat. Love his pj's.

Hope little babies get better soon with eczema and the HF&M :(

Its official I'm a november mummy haha!

For those who dno me, lil bit of bkground..

I'm Claire, 22 had my wee boy(first baby) was born January but I'm too talkative for them! LOL I was a December due date but little Jackson made me a January mummy being 13 days late!

We are hopefully gtn married on our 10th anniversary not this may but next and will be wtt until after then. Hope to have a summer bubby next time.

Anyway most I've seen about as we were in ttc together but hello everyone look forward to getting to know you & your LO's!

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Hello RM!
Make yourself comfy, the more the merrier :)

What a little chanced he is! I've caught Madison trying to get her leg up on the tv stand!

This is her climbing the stairs, she got to the third one before I took her down!


James loves the stairs, he is up them in record time (lucky he is learning fast as there are 77 stairs from my parents front door to their living room and he is heavy :lol:)

RM, you know I am on all the time anyway, but it's nice to see this thread back on page one. Shout me anytime :dance:

Heeloo lovely ladies.

I'm sure I will be looking for some advice from u lot as prob when your los leave leaps jackson will be due one. I find cos he was late he tends to go through them early.. The last leap has left us he was a little cranky but nothin unbearable.

Nat I know ur always on I comment evry time u write in your journal. I'm on whatsapp with some of the ppl on here so I tend to float abt B&T and journals.. So ull get updates from me here my journal and ur journal. Btw y r u such a technophobe and not got whatsappppp?!

What's app is the best!

Rm, I find that M has her leaps a little early too, she was 10 days late!

I agree, great to see this thread back up the page but scary to see the October/November 2013 babies thread too!!
Awww yeah u lot r 2012, J made it into 2013 by 9 days.

Yeah I'm a total blabber mouth. I bumped jans up but no one comes on to chat! Just an update :(

We attended parents evening tonight. I posted his report on my journal PMM lol xxxxx
Actually I do have Whatsapp, I talk to netty on it :lol:

James has only shown signs during his last leap, before that he's never really followed the 'stormy period' so we'd never had anything more than a few grumpy days. This one lasted 3 weeks :wall2: :wall2:

He was 9 days late in the end so he tends to have his leaps early as you go by EDD.

Off to read J's report !!

Hi all. And welcome RM :-)

I think i'm all done for LO's birthday (present wise), and almost done for Christmas... though I'd love to get a garage, but i'm not a big fan of VTech - has anyone got any recommendations?

Has anyone bought shoes yet? LO isn't walking yet, so haven't seen the point in buying pre-walkers at £25 a pop. But then, just been looking at all the cute shoes at Startrite, and now thinking of getting him some hehe.
I'm going to wait until James is walking as I want to get him measured and between now and walking his feet could grow??

No suggestions on garage I'm afraid, I was looking at the V-tech one :shock:

I heard theyr wee feets don't grow until theyr totting about..

Jackson has tiny feet for his size so hopefully they sprout. Maybe they will grow now he's moving around furniture etc he's more on his feets. But I'm the same waiting until he's walking then ill make a day of it probably lol.

Maybe try googling for a non vtech garage :p xxxxx
Hi everyone and welcome to Claire! :yay:

J is much brighter today, in fact seems like his normal self except for the sores round his mouth and the rash. I'm going stir crazy round the house though, as J is infectious so I haven't been able to meet up with any mummies and babies! DH has been away on business for 2 days, which doesn't help.

It's so weird but J ALWAYS sleeps better when DH is away. He slept through last night (pretty normal, although occasionally he loses his dummies and we have to go to him) but I was up before him at 7:15 (not normal, he would normally wake about 6:45 and chanter in his cot until DH gets up with him - this is their daddy time, along with bathtime in the evening). This happens most of the time when DH is away, but can't work out why?! Would love him to sleep in until 7:15 every day.

J pulled up by himself on our footstool for the first time yesterday. He's been standing with support for a while, but we had to help him up.

Nat - J is a daredevil too. He loves being swung high and thrown in the air, I pretend to drop him and he squeals! His favourite song has an action where you too him upside down, he just wants to hang upside down for the whole song! He hasn't discovered the stairs yet.

I'm not bothering with shoes until he's a steady enough walker to walk outside. Inside he can walk with bare feet, can't see the benefit of shoes if you don't have to wear them.

Mrswilson, did you find the aveeno is helping with the eczema? This is what we are using in primary care now for eczema.

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Morning girls

this frigging computure has just lost all my typing grrrr..here goes again.

Welcome RM to the nov mummies, im amanda im a floater too lol as my little man never leaves me alone enough to try and type, hence losing the typing a min ago...

thanks la for the advice on the cream, the dr gave us some steriod cream yesterday as his rash is worsening, and they think it maybe asthma related too and given him an inhaler as hes been wheezing for 2 months but also our house in an old stone house with a cellar and attic so as you can imagine its alot of dry air and condensation so i am hoping its that what is adding to arthurs skin condition.

yes we have a little dare devil too, who would have thought hey these little ones few months ago we was wanting them to roll now they are climbing stairs, out of the bath, off bed's lol.

Srob we have had clarkes shoes cruisers for about 2 months now, but since hes had these on arthur has stopped walking on his toes and atcually tuck his first steps last weekend on his own, he then did it again on a dance floor from me to daddy :) they have them on sale at the minute half price in clarkes.

mrs, yes we are having a party for arthur, as we have family from afar so making the day of it, why not hey they only turn one once, i saw gayle30 did a minni mouse one for daisy its a nice theme, but there isnt much out there for 1 birthday themes :( thats why we ended up micky mouse clubhouse.

Katie how is the wee man doing sorry to hear he has foot and mouth :( big hugs to him, well done on pulling himself up yesterday, they are proud moments arnt they.

Thanks girls :)

Hows you and your little ones??

Heres arthur today, he only wanted to stand in the trolley shopping then feed himself yoguart lol xx

I had my hair dyed yesterdsy, ive gor from super white blonde to dark blonde/brown xx

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