**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Aww he is such a big boy but such a mucky pup lol.

All our November babies are looking so grown up!

Hair looks lovely hun

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Thanks hun

Aww look at james, soo much hair, arthur looks bold at the side of him lol

Hello RM! Everyone is welcome in the November mummies :) A was late so she is actually a December baby but I still hang around here.

L_A - I hope J is feeling much better! We were really worried A was gonna get HF&M a wee while ago as S's sister up the road had it and we thought it would get passed on to both of them but luckily they were both fine!

Wilson - A belated happy 11 months to A, hope his eczema is starting to clear up!

Chloe - happy 11 months to Lyla today! Don't know if you'll be on since you're so busy with the wedding prep!!

A has been busy cutting teeth and starting to walk this week! She has been right on the verge of just going for it the last couple of weeks but she's been taking wee steps here and there and then last night she was walking backwards and forwards between me and my brother. I'm so proud of her!!! She also slept through again the other night, and last night slept 7.15pm till 5am so she's not that far away really. Feel like we are finally getting there and she will sleep through soon as it's becoming more frequent! I'll probably get her sleeping through just before I pop this baby and we'll never get a rest from the sleepless/interrupted nights but hey ho!

I hope everyone is well! We are in November now! Most of your babies turn 1 this month...how scary!!!!xx
Can I ask you girls.. How many of you use a stroller as apposed to your travel system/first buggy?

We have a bonito bebe, its really light and not too hard to get on/off places, although I notice no one keeps theyr first buggy and always opt for strollers.

What am I missing ? We don't drive so folding down isn't a big thing as ours is compact enough.

Also, jackson is almost walking so, don't want it to be a waste buying one.


I bought LM a new buggy because the sliver cross pram we had was a pain having to take the pram bit off the frame. And it was really bulky. Also I was going to be using the bus alot and couldnt see myself managing taking it down, putting it on the bus then sorting LM.

I dont think youre missing out on anything, if your pram works for J than theres no need for one :) I wish we had just bought a brand new pram that would have lasted longer and saved some hassle! Xx
We'll buy a stroller for holiday but James still uses his pram everyday.

He'll use it until he is walking I would imagine.

I can change it to outward facing anytime (I will when he is a wee bit older as I like to keep an eye on him still)

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We have a maclaren that I use for shopping, towns, holidays etc. We live in the country so I have a 3 wheeler/jogger buggy for locally and more rugged stuff. I never use the vista travel system and it's been packed away now.

For me it was about ease of folding, lightness to carry and space in the boot. We go almost everywhere by car so I have to load it and unload it every day and carry it about. When I flew to Australia there were times I had to hold J in one arm and carry the folded maclaren in the other, with hand luggage on my shoulder! Not for long because someone always offered to help :-)

If you don't fold or carry much I wouldn't bother. They do ride in them long after they walk though, because they walk so slowly at first and get tired quickly. My nephew is 2, has been walking for over a year and he still rides some of the time.
Ahh thanks girls.

Yeah ours is actually very light I can carry it with him in it and its smooth stearing etc but just thought why has everyone buying strollers except me?

The top part does come off and frame folds really small. He has a footmuff, rain cover etc with it too.

He faces forwards in the mornings now goin to nursery as he is always reaching out and looking at the big bad world LOL but I have a lil window in the hood and still always face him into me on the bus or train.

Just felt a bit left out although, Im glad I dont really need to spend even more money. I know that he will use it when walking too but I think unless we go on holiday which we wont bother with one.

Thanks girls!!

Morning all! LO finally has started to get more teeth. He's had six teeth for the past three months!

Though, he's showing no interest in walking or standing alone. He CAN stand alone though, he just doesn't want to! Problem is, he's just too good at crawling! Hurry up little fella!
Hi mummies

Hope you and bubs are all well. Just catching up in how every is doing, cant believe our babies are nearly 1. Wow.

Livvis 1 on monday and im quite excited actually, we are having a party sunday then a day at home monday. Nice to see all the pics of the gorgeous november babies.

Livvi is turning into a right little tantrum queen. I am back at work 5 mornings til 1 and livs goes to nursery....she loves it and cant wait to play.

Awwww look at her, she is just gorgeous hun!!! What are you going to do for her Birthday.

In-case I forget happy Birthday Livvy for Monday xxxx

This time a year ago was James' EDD :shock: :shock: :shock:

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Happy EDD Natalie :)

I bet you didn't imagine yourself chasing little terror about the house LOL!

Awww cute happy 1st birthday livvy, hope she has a brill day xx
Hello Ladies,

Hope you and LO's are all doing really well.

I've just had a read through our thread from the 1st page through to about page 35 and it was emotional reading back to when Madison and the rest of the November babies were so small and new!

We are a just over a week away from her turning 1 and I am having the "holy moley where has the time gone" :shock: I actually cannot believe my little lady is turning one so soon. She is a little super star and I am immensely proud of her.
After being out at work all day the best thing is the massive cuddles I get from her and the precious few hours I have playing with her before bedtime.

A little soppy but it has been amazing sharing the journey with you all :)

Oh bless you hun.

I know we don't get much time to come on here as we're all so busy these days but we've been together for well over a year now (we had the thread in tri 3 as well)

I am feeling OK about James' Birthday now. When he turned 10 and then 11 months I proper freaked out but now I am ready... Bring on having a one year old :lol:


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