Hope Madison and Arthur feel better soon, and you Mrswilson!
I'm probably not the person to ask about cheap clothes as I buy all the outer clothes from Debenhams, Next and Gap. But I buy a really small amount for each size. This season I have 4 LS tops and 2 t shirts, four tracky bottoms (in sets from next), one pair of jeans and a jacket bought last year in the sale. I buy bigger clothes in the sale when I see them - for eg when in Vegas I bought gap outlet stuff - little jackets and sweatshirts etc, in 18-24 and 2y which I'm storing. I do buy vests from morrisons and pajamas from primark (love their 2 pairs for £5) ones. Because we wash so often, i really don't need much and I'd rather have stuff I like and think is good quality that he wears over and over. I found that when we had lots of clothes the same favourite things got worn over and over and other bits barely touched. We can also rely on getting a few bits from friends too.
Mrswoody - we're not buying much for J ourselves this year but I had a birthday list that our family has bought off. Including a trike, musical toys like a xylophone, books, a waterproof all in one, and a Tomy discovery dome. I don't want people going mad, as we have so much stuff given to us second hand and he barely uses some of it.