**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

We've been in 12-18 for a couple of months now. I have a fair bit of 18-24 ready and some 2y stuff I got at the gap outlet in the states. My baby is big!
LO has three bottles (18oz in total), but not on cows milk yet, I'm going to ask the HV about it tomorrow.
LO has three bottles (18oz in total), but not on cows milk yet, I'm going to ask the HV about it tomorrow.

Let us know what HV says, I'd be quite interested to hear her opinion.

Morning all

Arthur has a feed in the morning, one at about 2pm and then one before bed, yesterday he didnt have a 2pm as i worked and was replaced by whole milk which he has out of a cup, but last night he was up every 2-3hrs crying as hes teething again :(

Hey, how are you all?

Srob - For such wee people they can really do some damage! A bust my lip a couple of months ago - looked like I'd been fighting for about a week!

mrsw and Carnat - I've been squeezing A into her 9-12 month vests but they are a bit tight! I haven't got anything really in 12-18 months, so I should probably get some vests. I can't work out why they seem so small though?! They seemed tight when I first put her in them but her trousers are falling off her! Where are you buying your vests? Mine are tesco and they've always seemed quite small on the vest front, but big on other stuff!

Nat - we are BF, FF and cows milk atm!! I'm BFing through the night if she's up (she slept 7-7 the other night though!!!!!) and through the day unless I am totally knackered in which case I give her a wee bottle of cows milk (usually 5oz). She doesn't seem to mind! Then she gets a 7oz bottle of formula at bedtime which she drinks most of, will sometimes leave a couple of oz's. Obviously I don't know how much breast milk she gets though, but I do worry she doesn't actually get enough milk so I give her lots of yoghurts and water through the day.xx
Lyla has 3-4 bottles of about 4-6oz a day. She doesn't feed at night so between 16-24oz per day but she very rarely finishes a 6oz bottle these days usually only before bed.

She's getting way too big for 9-12 month clothes now as well. Definitely on to the 12-18 month soon xx
sorry meant to put about clothes, all ours are 12-18 months now xx
We're on a combo. the 12-18 fits on top, but not on bottom.

I asked the HV about Cow's Milk, she said they should have about a pint a day! But this includes what they have in their food/cereal etc. She said put the milk in a beaker at breakfast and during the day (if they want it).

I asked about weaning LO onto Cow's Milk, and she suggested to just go for it, no need to 'wean' as he's been having it in his cereal/food anyway. She also recommended giving him vitamin supplements once on Cow's Milk, with particular attention to vitamins A, C & D.

Not sure what you all make of that, but that's what i've been told...

Good news though, I'm officially off the HV leash, as I was going through PND, so had regular visits... but all is well now. Hoorah.
Yay to being signed off with the HV hun! That is good news.

James is having bang on the right amount of milk then? 20flz is a pint!

Now I just need him to have it out of his beaker, he has only just started having water out of the beaker.

He had a shit fit when I tried to give him his milk from it :shock:

lol to shit fit....:D

nat try and buy a new beaker totally different to his rest and just give him milk from that, however, its not important they switch to a cup to have milk, esp when they are still babies and just let them have the bottle to the understand its all about the big boys cup :)

srob great stuff on being signed off, its great they have showed good care for you and supported you :)
how are you feeling now?

well i have a poorly boy again, im hoping hes teething, back to dribbling like mad, hand in his mouth, red cheeks, crying and clingy, biting nipples, cold and cough.
He wont eat very much and has learnt to launch his food off his high chair and on the floor, he chucks more than he eats so he has turned into a milk monster esp at night :( xx
Where do you buy your baby clothes? I love Next but can only buy LO one-off items from there as they are super duper expensive. I find that Tesco do great clothes for little boys at the moment. I wish I could spoil my little man with clothes, but as I am a SAHM I really don't have the money to go as crazy as I'd like!
Sorry to hear little A is poorly, hopefully it is just teethy pegs??

We shop all over the place - I recently got loads of 12-18m bits in Primark (coat, jumpers, trackies, jeans). I also love H&M for their long sleeve vests.

We also get stuff from George @ Asda, F&F @ Tesco, Mothercare, M&S.

Basically I shop around. I get bits ordered into store as well to save on delivery.

Also I have all my sisters hand me downs from her boys - I have several Gap jumpers and gillets all barely worn and I didn't spend a penny!

I must confess that I have always had way too much stuff for James, I can't help it.

I shop all over for clothes. Primark, Asda and Tesco for vests usually.
H&M for joggies which I put with a long sleeved pattern vest for nursery.
I do shop in Next as I just love the kids stuff in there, I'm a sucker for the jeans and jumpers!

I have to admit that this time round I haven't gone nuts for loads of clothes as I felt like she wasn't wearing many so I bought the bare minimum. We are using both 9-12 and 12-18month stuff at the minute.

Madison had a terrible night, woke up at 4am to her crying went in and she had been sick everywhere at some point in the night :( then she fell off my bed again! My heart sank as this is the second time and I wasn't paying attention felt bloody terrible about it.

Fast approaching her birthday and I really haven't a clue what else to buy for her. I'm just getting bits and bobs along the way and hoping to split it between birthday and Christmas. x
Thanks nat, he still isnt much better snd now ive come down with the rotter :( my nightshift was long last night, but the babieskept me going :)

I buy from next, tesco, primark, h&m, asdafor afew bits but not a big fan of some of there items, ive bought slot on ebay too and these fscebook groups, because hes crawling everywhere hes scruffing alot, i have been selling arthurs clothes on so the money i make helps buy bsck more stuff :)

Hope maddison is ok.

Hope Madison and Arthur feel better soon, and you Mrswilson!

I'm probably not the person to ask about cheap clothes as I buy all the outer clothes from Debenhams, Next and Gap. But I buy a really small amount for each size. This season I have 4 LS tops and 2 t shirts, four tracky bottoms (in sets from next), one pair of jeans and a jacket bought last year in the sale. I buy bigger clothes in the sale when I see them - for eg when in Vegas I bought gap outlet stuff - little jackets and sweatshirts etc, in 18-24 and 2y which I'm storing. I do buy vests from morrisons and pajamas from primark (love their 2 pairs for £5) ones. Because we wash so often, i really don't need much and I'd rather have stuff I like and think is good quality that he wears over and over. I found that when we had lots of clothes the same favourite things got worn over and over and other bits barely touched. We can also rely on getting a few bits from friends too.

Mrswoody - we're not buying much for J ourselves this year but I had a birthday list that our family has bought off. Including a trike, musical toys like a xylophone, books, a waterproof all in one, and a Tomy discovery dome. I don't want people going mad, as we have so much stuff given to us second hand and he barely uses some of it.
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Thanks katie

I feel a bit better thanks, arthurs still bunged up but his eczma is really bad on his face :(

The diprobase isnt working so back to the drs we go.

So far for arthurs birthday we have bought him these

But really stuck on what to get him :/ any ideas??

We are doing his party theme on micky nouse clubhouse

I feel quite sad actually hes turning one :( xx
Poor little sausage.

Diprobase didn't work for us so they gave us something a bit stronger.

James has never had it on his face though?

Actually touch wood James has all but cleared up now and we just use Aveeno every now and then

thanks nat,

ive been told that aveeno is good so ill pick some up today, because its under is eyes im scared to put cream round them as hes just rubbing them :(

are you having a good weekend xx
Having a lovely lazy weekend so far!

We've got James aunt back in town for a few days (OH's sis lives in Dublin) so we're off to the in-laws for dinner. All his cousins will be there... so that will be the end to the lazy weekend lol.

I'd def see what the Dr says about creams, it may be that you have to put something on when he is asleep (the eyes I mean)

For his Birthday we've got a PJ's, a few books, a few singing books and 2 puzzles, a few V-Tech toys (the phone and the sing and discover piano), also a few bits from Mothercare http://www.mothercare.com/Mothercare-Safari-Pop-Up-Animals/455124,default,pd.html

I am sure there is more as I wrapped it all the other day, should have written it down lol. I think I have come to terms with him being one?? It took a while though, I am not feeling as emotional about it all? Although now we're in Halloween season and the Fireworks are starting I keep thinking "this time last year" ...

We've got 5 things put aside for Crimbo as well. Including the V-tech bus you have for A. My Sister is getting him a Scuttlebug for Crimbo http://www.amazon.co.uk/Scuttlebug-...TF8&qid=1382871697&sr=8-1&keywords=scuttlebug

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Mrswilson - aveno is what we use now in primary care for mild eczema. Might be worth a try as it is very safe, otherwise as you say see the docs.

J has hand foot and mouth :-( he is miserable and his mouth is very sore. I thought it was teething but the spots came out in force today.

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