**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Sorry to hear lo isn't sleeping so well srob.

The routine M follows at nursery has worked wonders and she has slept all night since starting.

7am up and milk.
7.30am is brekkie
8am nursery
9.30am(ish) mid morning snack
10.15 morning nap for an hour, no longer than an hour and 15min
12pm lunch
1.30 bottle
2.15 afternoon nap between an 45mins to an hour
4.00pm is afternoon snack/tea
5.00pmhomes time
5.45pm dinner
7pm bottle and bed

I know nursery tires her out but it's just to show you times etc that you could maybe work with.
Lots of great advice though from the other ladies.

Thanks mrswoody. LO has followed the same nap times as yours today - aside from when he has his bottles it seems like a similar routine.

I'm going to bed now and hoping I won't be on this site in the middle of the night again!

Good night all and thanks for your help :-)
Hope you get a good night's sleep Srob! I think it's all a bit trial and error - we still follow A's lead but I intend on going to a more strict routine very soon now that she is starting to self settle for naps and sometimes bedtime!

I am back from taking A to her first car rally tonight! She quite liked seeing all the cars with their lights and my friend let us go and look in his car for a wee nosey. All I can hear atm is rally cars speeding down to their service stop so hopefully I can get some sleep and it won't wake A up. Just waiting on OH getting home from work but he won't be home till late as he has to feed all the people who have come to watch the rally!xx


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Oh wow, hope A enjoyed her first rally :lol:

I think we're day 4 now with James being a complete pest in the night.

I know 4 nights is nothing compared to what some of you ladies have to put up with but I am frazzled.

James has gone from being asleep within minutes and sleeping through until 7am (with me having to pop his dummy in a few times) to taking half an hour to settle and having me up every hour. He was up at 5.30am this morning as well.

Not sure what it is? Only thing I can think is I've taken him out of his sleeping bag as he was standing on it when pulling himself up and banging his head?

He is restless, kind of crawls around his cot whilst half asleep (cute and creepy lol), he bangs his head a good few times per night, loses his dummies (one I have never managed to find?), he thrashes around and kicks his covers off. Basically he is a complete nightmare and is driving me crackers.

He has moaned so much this morning that I've given him some Calpol :shock: (after I tried food, milk, clean bum, toys and TV)

Feeling very pissed off already today and it's only 8am.

OH is at work today and has plans tomorrow [a very good friends 30th so he can't really cancel] so looks like I am stuck with a miserable baby.

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LO self settles well now, but still can't implement the strictest routines as he only sleeps if he wants to! BUT great news - we had a full sleep last night - yayyyy!

What're we all doing this weekend?
Oh no! Sorry for your nightmare child Nat. Maybe he's grumpy after a poor nights sleep?
Oh no! Sorry for your nightmare child Nat. Maybe he's grumpy after a poor nights sleep?

As ironic as it is I think yes he is tired. I tried so hard to settle him in bed with us, all he did was climb all over us :wall2:

Now he knows he can climb, crawl and cruise he doesn't seem to ever want to sleep.

Touch wood he's calmed down a little now. He is playing with a cardboard box :lol:

Great news about lo sleeping srob :) you'll find that tweaking a routine will sort it, i can say i am in trouble tonight, arthurs currently having a nap :(

Nat Arthur went through that in the night, am and pm once he learnt to crawl and stand up, dont worry give it 2-3 weeks and once all the newness has worn off he will chill out a bit and it will tire him more out, however a bit of a change of routine maybe needed again as he may want more to eat, more snacks, more longer naps as he will burn energy off.

Missy looks like A is having fun at the rally, its great to do things with bubs and with it been a hobby too :) we take arthur to car shows too and it feels bliss doesnt it xx

Well we have just bought one of arthurs birthday presents eeekkkk, so close now, we bought him the vtec toot toot garage, i think daddy was more excited in the toy shop than arthur haha.

Any plans this weekend? we have been to a 5th birthday play group fun day, arthur did his first painting, i havent a clue how he managed it but slapped the paint brush around and gave himself an indian spot on the middle of his head haha.

I've got all James' Birthday and Crimbo pressies !!!

Super organised here lol.

I feel terrible, I was proper moaning about James and when I looked earlier he has 3 more teeth about to pop through. Poor little sod. I didn't realise as he wasn't showing his usual signs.

Calpol did the trick and we've had lots of smiles and laughs today.

He ate all his rice and steak for dinner too (he shovels up the rice with hands. Clever boy)

Hopefully he'll sleep a little better tonight, although I am having a well deserved glass (or 3) of wine!

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Nat we have had a little devil on our hands today and teeth has everything to blame!
I'm sure I can see some bumps under her gums!

We have some birthday presents but not much I'm so unorganised for both birthday and Christmas again this year!

His two top canines and two top teeth are all poking through! Yesterday I could only see one canine lol.

He'll have his vampire teeth in time for Halloween.

How was your first week back mrsw?

Aw bless him. I really do feel for then when teeth play up, I'm a big woose when my wisdom teeth play up!

My first week back was better than I thought and I really enjoyed it. Although it felt like I've never been away?
Was nice to have lunch and not be pestered :) lol

I am looking forward to having a whole hour to myself for lunch!

I'll be bored after 15 minutes lol.

Glad it all went OK though. Has M settled ok in nursery? You said she has been sleeping really well.

I am off to dentist Monday morning, dread to think what they'll say as I had really bad gum infections in tri 1. They wanted to do a lot of gum cleaning on me !!!

Whoop! Glad you have the answer to James' grumpy ness. Can't blame the poor chap with all those knashers coming through. OH and I always hope Lo's grumpiness/rubbish sleeping is down to teething, but LO fails to show anymore sign of teeth grrr.

Anyway it's 0330am and LO is sound asleep... His mummy is not. Think I've just been wired to his wake up calls now... Plus we're staying at the in laws and I am certain there are pavements more comfortable than this bed. Grumpy mummy here, and I definitely am not teething or going through a leap!
Bless you Srob - I haven't had a proper nights sleep since I was about 30 weeks!

Even if James sleeps through I hear every little thing and wake up several times a night.

I am so used to listening out for James I have hyper hearing these days.

I don't think I've had more than 4 hours in a row since August 2012 lol

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Know how u feel on the no sleep front, ive been wide awake since 5 and arthur slept till 8 :/
Its hard for the body to adjust back.

The joys of motherhood hey haha!

Gosh Nat! Don't know how you do it.

If M does sleep through I find that I will also sleep then when she does wake check the clock several times before I believe the time.

It's hard going with little sleep. M had an awful night last night and we are all knackered today!

Sorry your not getting much sleep girls! I don't think I've slept through since A was born as even on the odd occasion that she does, I wake at her usual waking time and then spend ages trying to get back to sleep but can't because I'm so convinced the second I do she will wake up! Soooo annoying!

A didn't actually have a bad night, she was asleep at 7.30, up at 3.40 and asleep again about 4.20 until 7.30 this morning. BUT. The poor wee mite has had it horrible all day. She seemed really not herself so I gave her some calpol at lunchtime which I never do! I save it for night time only usually but I can see one tooth about to come through and another is on its way through.

I picked her up at 4 and she was roasting hot so I took her temp and it was 37.9 so I gave her some more calpol as soon as I could and checked it again 40 mins later and it was up to 38.7! I started panicking that she was really ill for a bit there but luckily half an hour later it was down to 37.8 and by the time she went to bed it was 36.9. It was too early to give her anymore calpol so shes away to sleep without it but I don't know how long she will sleep. She's started sounding a wee bit snuffly so I'm not really sure if it is her teeth or whether she is coming down with something but I really hope she's better tomorrow. Was horrible her being so miserable and there being nothing I could do about it!xx
We're in hospital :-( LO woke up at 9pm screaming his head off - not settling. Had a temperature and then projectile vomited. We got an appointment with out of hours docs who admitted LO to paediatrics. And here we are now. They think stomach bug and nothing serious, but waiting results of urine to rule out urine infection. LO is very over tired, has a very red face. Just scary :-((
We've been allowed home. Yay! We're all very tired. I really hope he's okay after the scare. The sight of my poor boy vomiting so much was just awful :-(

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