**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Ahh Chloe!! So happy for you! OH will come round, he's probably just a bit worried about the logistics, I know mine is!xx
Thanks Girls!

Ahhh Missy, it's crazy onto baby No. 2 Already!

Hope I'm not as bad as my sister who had her 8th in April :lol: :faint:

Congratulations Chloe!

We're discussing TTC for a September/October beano - Which mean TTC December/January! I can't believe it's so close!
Has anyone got plans for LO's 1st birthday yet? And any ideas what you'll be buying them? I need to steal idea's as a don't have a clue (for birthday plans and presents haha!).
Zoo or softplay on the day (Thursday). Little party at my Mum's on the Sat for my side of family and then Sunday roast with OH's lot the day after.

We just don't have room for everyone and can't afford a venue.

So far I've got James loads of PJ's, some puzzles and books, a Xylephone, this http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/9147153.htm and this http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/3618877.htm

He'll be that little bit older at Crimbo so I am getting him these.




I may mix and match though (I might give him the Henry for his Birthday as he loves the real one, he follows me around and cries when I put it away :shock:)

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Zoo or softplay on the day (Thursday). Little party at my Mum's on the Sat for my side of family and then Sunday roast with OH's lot the day after.

We just don't have room for everyone and can't afford a venue.

So far I've got James loads of PJ's, some puzzles and books, a Xylephone, this http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/9147153.htm and this http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/3618877.htm

He'll be that little bit older at Crimbo so I am getting him these.




I may mix and match though (I might give him the Henry for his Birthday as he loves the real one, he follows me around and cries when I put it away :shock:)


We've got the animal phone! Jack loves it, he's just started holding it up to his ear. Just be careful not to drop it on your toes, it hurts a lot more than you think it would!
I've just picked out a trike for jacks birthday, looking forward to picking it up! Is everyone doing a big present and some small ones?
Congrats Chloe!!! I can't imagine being pregnant again! Xxx
Haha, I love the toy vacuum cleaner.

I want to get him a walker like this http://www.mothercare.com/ELC-Wooden-Toddle-Truck/135670,default,pd.html and some other toys. But I want to get a decent height chart - as that'll last a while and would be a good keepsake for the future.

We're thinking two parties too, again with similar train of thought - one for one half of the family and one for another, my side is a lot bigger than the OH, so it'll be a slightly bigger do!
The wall height chart is an excellent idea - keep me posted if you find one.

There is a cheaper version of that thing in Argos http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/9147184.htm (I swear I don't work for Argos, I didn't even buy all my stuff for them but it was easier to link them all from the same website lol)

I might pick it up for James actually!

I am trying not to go overboard as James doesn't play with things for long ???

We are having a party at out local working mans club as it fslls on a sat, going to do the jungle junction theme as he does this little excited dance when it comes on lol.

As for bday pressies, im not sure just yet, he already has that vtec phone but isnt botherd over it, more the sky remote lol

I know for xmas im going to get him a table and chair from ikea, and i know my dad is having him a toy box made with his name on, but i havent looked into it to much yet :/

Nat do you know they do the exact same lego bricks at sldi for 3/4 of the price.

I got the bricks free (it was buy 2 get one free on toys). Otherwise I'd have shopped around!

Can't believe we're talking about 1st Birthday's already *sigh*

Anyone tried cows milk yet?

I was planning on introducing it oz by oz from about 11 months but spur of the moment I gave James 2oz's earlier. He loved it but has been sicky since (just a little but he is never sicky)

Obviously I won't give him milk again yet :shock: :shock:

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The wall height chart is an excellent idea - keep me posted if you find one.

There is a cheaper version of that thing in Argos http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/9147184.htm (I swear I don't work for Argos, I didn't even buy all my stuff for them but it was easier to link them all from the same website lol)

I might pick it up for James actually!

I am trying not to go overboard as James doesn't play with things for long ???


Ohhh cheers for that! Yup, that's the thing really, I don't want to spend lots of money on stuff that won't last all that long. At least with the wooden walker thing the blocks can get played with for quite some time.
I haven't given LO cow's milk yet, but going to try it next week in his afternoon bottle.
The wall height chart is an excellent idea - keep me posted if you find one.

There is a cheaper version of that thing in Argos http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/9147184.htm (I swear I don't work for Argos, I didn't even buy all my stuff for them but it was easier to link them all from the same website lol)

I might pick it up for James actually!

I am trying not to go overboard as James doesn't play with things for long ???


Ohhh cheers for that! Yup, that's the thing really, I don't want to spend lots of money on stuff that won't last all that long. At least with the wooden walker thing the blocks can get played with for quite some time.

We have the wooden walker from Argos at my mum and dad's and we've no complaints! It was a wee bit harder for her to work out how to balance herself to pull up on it compared with her V-tech one but she worked it out eventually and she's just started walking with it and it seems to run fine - not too fast! Like you say, the blocks can be played with for ages - at the moment she likes to throw them at the dogs!xx
We are getting M a trike for her birthday and buying a load of other things that will be spread between birthday and Christmas.

I'm going for the wooden walker a few of you have, puzzles, clothes/pjs, mega blocks, a vtech activity piano type thing and a sing a long microphone!

My mum is getting M a wooden toy box and I think ohs parents are getting M her own little seat.

We're on to cows milk which M has taken to really well so we are just going ahead with that now. :)

Just realised we are about to have the 46 week leap.

Its the first leap James has actually shown any of the 'signs' for though.

For about 3 weeks he has been clingy, throwing tantrums when you dress or change him, having mood swings (happy one minute, crying the next), restless at night, off his food..... It's been horrible. He has never been like this for more than a few days before and that was with his teeth.

I didn't see my email reminder and I don't count his age in weeks any more so I just didn't realise [especially as he has shown zero of the signs for any of the other 6 leaps]. I dug out my book last night and I cannot tell you how relieved I am!

Also James' canine teeth are coming through, but before his top front teeth lol. He is going to look like a little vampire

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Oh thank flip for that - my LO has all those things going on right now, and I forgot about these leap things, so it's a relief to know it's a development thing. We were up from 0130-0330 last night, he was really restless and crying the moment we left his side. And there've been lots of getting dressed tantrums too. Definitely ready for my happy boy again.
Srob, I was just so bloody relieved there is a reason for my poor baby to be so distressed and unhappy (he has times when he is fine but mostly he is upset / whinging / moaning)

We've been so unscathed by leaps I didn't even think it could be that.

Only upside is that James has been giving me lots of cuddles. He is such an independent little thing and not cuddly at all, he can't get enough at the moment - he proper nuzzles in to me.. If we are sitting on the floor he crawls over (moaning lol) and sticks his head in my crotch... (trying to get back in??? :shock: :shock:) or else he clambers all over me or tries to get up my top or in my cardigan with me....

Only thing that consoles him / keeps him occupied these days is the cat and baby TV... and they only work for short periods :wall2:

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We have just come out of a leap and teething, it was awful for about5-6wks :( everything you have just described he was like that too, however hes come out of it and the teething has slowed down, as his 10th tooth pegs are popping through, we have a nice little boy back, he sleeps 8-8 now, with one quick wakening at 12am, and hes a happy little soul.

Ive started changing his tv programs in a morning now, so we have bob the builder to which he does this little excited dance, he also liked make way for noddy, and he wasn't intrested in post man pat, i feel he's getting bored to quick now as he his familiar with them, so we have decided to take some of his toys away and replace them with new toys and then every few days change them around so he isnt getting bored.

Has anyone tuck lo to a indoor play centre yet? we have been to ours a few times, its free for the under 1's so we climbing the padded stairs, take him down the slides and he loves the ball pool. since we have started this though hes now found how to climb the stairs :\

Does any of you worry over lo development and how they are growing with it, you know with teaching them, i dont want to be forceful with Arthur and teach him how to do everything straight away, im more happy to take it slowly and let him figure it in his own time, when i say clap clap clap, he claps, and its other things like that i think about.

Im going to be a bridesmaid on Friday :O still trying to move some poundage before the cameras
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Hi ladies. How are you all and your beautiful bubbas?

We're still in a leap at the mo. Hes ok just a bit more frustrated and generally a cheeky monkey. But he is now walking and is very steady on his feet. Hes so so quick.

We're just about to sort out birthday and Christmas for toby. So far he had a vtec train set. Its 1-5 so I can let it grow with him. Got it in costco as they have the toys out and they are soo much cheaper than anywhere else.

Heres a little pic of my cheeky boy. I can't believe he's nearly one.

I've never been a bridesmaid lol and I am 33!

I am sure you will look lovely hun.

I am kind of letting James get on with things in terms of "teaching" him, especially as he is in a foul mood at the moment.

If he enjoys something then I include it in daily routine (he likes to climb the stairs - it's all gated up - but I let him do it when we come home from being out). He has gone off books at the moment so we're having a few days off.

We do lots of patter cake and itsy bitsy spider and stuff like that. James can high five and now we're practicing waving :wave:

James was so late in sitting that I have stopped stressing about how he is developing as such. He has proved that he doesn't do things until he is good and ready lol.


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