**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Missy howfar are u? I bet u are whacked, great stuff on still bf make sure you drink alot of water. I thought you couldnt get pregnant while bf??

Wilson - I'm 11 weeks tomorrow according to early scan dates. There's quite a lot of rules to apply to using breastfeeding as contraception and then after 6 months you need to use something else. I couldn't use it as contraception anyway because my periods came back at 8 weeks! Gutted. We wanted babies close together anyway. There'll be 16 months between Aela and this one so I'm seriously going to have my work cut out along with the step daughter as well!

Nat - Happy 10 months to James! Can't believe these babies are so grown up. Hardly seems any time at all we were all sat waiting patiently (not very!) for them to arrive :)

Hope everyone is okay - we are all okay here. My anaemia finally seems to be leaving and I have a bit more energy for A! She is such a wee chatterbox - she never ever shuts up!

Although this isn't strictly "mummy" related thought I would tell you that after all my moaning about having to go away to have Aela last time the midwife I saw last week said I can have a home birth! So happy - hope it stays that way otherwise I have no idea what I'll do! Childcare would be a nightmare!xx
Aww missy big hugs :) i bet you are one tired mummy, i know i am and i only have 1 lol.

Its hard when they are very actieve to rest but make sure u do :)

Are u still bf while pregnsnt? I still havent had a period xx
Missy - did I miss before that you are pregnant? Congratulations! Although knowing me, I've probably congratulated you somewhere else already and forgotten. I didn't used to be this dopey. I think the baby ate my brain. Glad the anaemia is better.

Happy 10 mths to James :yay:

All well here :wave: J is still on the cusp of crawling, but I'm not in a hurry, I'm yet to baby proof. I had a great time in Vegas, although I managed to fall on my coccyx and re-injure it, which is a pain. Physio exercises with massage ball are helping, but make me feel sick.

It was good to get away and be able to do whatever I wanted for a week - stay up until 4am chatting without worrying about getting up in the morning! I missed J but knew he was fine with his daddy. Apparently he wasn't upset while I was away, but he gave me big smiles when I got back.
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I didn't know you went to Vegas L_a?

I went a few years back with friends. I was surprised how much I loved it. We did a few trips as well including a helicopter ride to Grand Canyon (one of my pre-James highlights in life :lol:)

Sorry to hear you hurt yourself though.

Just booked our first family holiday, off to Kefalonia next June.

So tired today, ended up going out for drinks after dinner yesterday [friend's Birthday] and didn't get home until Midnight :wall2: :wall2:

Ah I thought I mentioned it, but it might have been way back when I was considering going, because I knew I would need to leave J for a week with his daddy.

I've been before and done the Grand Canyon flight, so we didn't do that this time, but I did get to visit some the the fancier hotels this time, like Paris and Venice - amazing!

My coccyx isn't too bad, I'm a bit stiff as I ran a 5 mile race for the club today, but it seems to be on the mend, thanks

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Hello ladies!!!
I do love seeing how you and your little November babies are getting on!

Happy 10months to James! This has to be the fastest year ever since having M. I've literally blinked and we've moved on 10months!

Missy..great news re the next birth! What a handful you'll have but I'm sure you'll be great!

La..Vegas! Sounds like you had a fab time minus the coccyx injury, I've done this before and it hurts so bad!

Lady M and I are doing well. Gearing up for heading back to work in 3 weeks! Looking forward to it but naturally quite nervous. She is doing so well lately. I'm still worried a out her foot, I posted a while back about it, but doctor has told me to wait till she is walking before seeking more advice. I'm sure she has slight club foot.

Happy 10 months lady M.

Have you had a second opinion about her foot hun? Maybe see HV and see what she says?

Thank you lovely!! Here is a wee photo for

HV told me to see the GP who told me to wait till she is walking! I'm going to speak to the HV again though and see if they can get a referral
for me.

Has anyone started thinking about 1st birthdays and what you're doing?

Yay on the home birth miss Y, just saw that update!!

To be honest I am already stressed about James' Birthday and I feel very anxious.

Our flat is decent sized but it is cream carpet through-out and no way we could fit everyone in. Immediate family only still comes to 24 people including us! It is just no do-able?? We only have a balcony too.

We cannot trim down the guest list as this is parents, siblings and James' first cousins.

I was looking to hire somewhere and it is just so expensive and so much hassle.

I feel my stress levels rising already.

Just to add to the mix our folks have never met lol (we've been together over 6 years, living together 5.5 years and our parents paths have never crossed - they only live one road from each other as well??)

Anyhoo, sorry to rant but that is my twopence worth!

We may just go London Zoo on the day and have people round for cake in the evening?? It will have to be in shifts though ha ha!

Or maybe the Saturday after we'll have a gathering - somewhere - God knows where though!!!
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Wow Nat, I'm not surprised you are stressed! It's unusual your folks have never met too! Do you have to have a party for James? He won't remember his first birthday. Isn't there another baby of a similar age (your niece? Or am I remembering wrong?) he could share a party with?

I really wouldn't bother if it's going to be stressful xxx
It's mad they've never met (we've not tried to keep them apart lol)

It just adds and extra dimension of pressure.

Yep James has a cousin 3 weeks younger but I don't want to do a shared party. Neither will my SIL. She only has her parents and one sibling so they can do a small tea party.

It's OH's family that is massive :shock:

I actually forget it's OH's Birthday as well ...

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Nat you poor thing! It already sounds very stressful. Maybe James' birthday is a good reason to get both sets of grandparents round?
You just have it in the house but like you say time slots!! Hehe

We are booking out a hall and inviting her baby friends and ill put on a buffet with some soft drinks etc and baby friendly food. My house is big but not big enough for 12 babies and their parents!
I'm having a nice party for this one then nothing till she is older to know.

Sounds lovely mrsw, we were toying with a hall but the kiddies are different ages so it will be hard to keep them all occupied??? They range in age from 5 down to a few months!

If it was summer we'd have just had a massive picnic in a park but winter really limits our options.

As I say I am dreading it.

Ideally OH and I would take him off to the Zoo for the day, then come home for cake and a glass of champers. Just the 3 of us.

I don't think we'll do anything big for A's birthday - I've had enough of birthday parties with S! I think we will just spend the day together, maybe take A swimming or something and probably have my mum and dad round for cake. All the rest of our family lives away so that makes things easier! If they were visiting at the time I would probably feel obliged to something a bit more.

What presents are you thinking of getting for you LO's? I was planning to get A some megabloks, and I was thinking I might get her a really nice melamine dinner set, Emma Bridgewater or something like that. And I'll probably get clothes since she'll be heading up another size around then...but I'm stuck for what else. I want to compile a decent list as I will split it between birthday and Christmas. I can't think of anything she will really need extra so I suppose I shall just sit on the ELC website and choose random toys?!xx
Glad you had a lovely time in Vegas btw L_A! It must have been nice to have a wee break from the same routine with J but I bet you were glad to see him when you got home!xx
I've already done James' Birthday pressies.

It is mainly puzzles, books (a few interactive / noise books and some normal), some PJ's and socks and a few toys. I for him a Xelaphone and the wooden blocks you bang through with a mallet.. Actually that is really dangerous lol. Also got him a V-tech phone and some other little bits.

If I see anything else in the meantime I'll pick it up but the child just likes to play with door stops so I am not going OTT :lol: :lol:

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If I see anything else in the meantime I'll pick it up but the child just likes to play with door stops so I am not going OTT :lol: :lol:


Haha, I don't want to go too OTT for this reason too! A's favourite toy at the moment is an old babygro or muslin to play peek-a-boo with herself. I know that her favourite thing on the day will just be the wrapping paper!xx
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That's why I have bought PJ's and socks lol, they are practical but he can have fun unwrapping them :lol: :lol:

We haven't bought any presents yet! I'm trying to get a good balance as Christmas is only 5 weeks after her birthday!! Yikes!
I have a list of things I would like to buy her so might just spilt in down over birthday and Christmas, a smart trike (or similar) is top of the list though :)


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