**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Sorry to the ladies having family troubles!

Miss y, it must be so hard as obviously you need to keep things civil with S's mum but she sounds like a waste of space.

Yay on your job by the way.

Srob, anything we can help with? Sometimes just venting helps :lol:

My MIL is fab, although not seen her for nearly 2 weeks which is odd as she lives like 90 seconds away (she works shifts as a nurse and wasn't in when I went round on Saturday?)

James is currently stirring from his nap. Is it bad that I look forward to nap time?? He is so fussy at the moment so sleep is good :shock:

Nat i look forward to naps too :) arthurs so energetic i need a glass of wine come nap time ha xx
Oh it was all about Christmas day - basically she wants us to go to them, and we don't want to... so hubby and I said thanks, but no thanks as we have other plans, she then called me selfish and told me to grow up. I said we'd be over Boxing Day, but that was unsatisfactory.

Anyway it all turned into one massove argument about further issues she has with us, of which I won't go into because, it'll take too long.

We've been in email contact today and are starting to sort things out slowly. I don't want any major issues and need to get on for the sake of my little man as he really loves his grandma (both of them!).
I know I am very lucky but I find it so bizarre when families argue (especially over little things like where to spend Christmas Day)

I haven't had an argument with my folks since I was 17, nor with any of my siblings for many years and I wouldn't dream of upsetting the in-laws.

As I say I know I am lucky (my family aren't angels, we have our moments but we never end up in full on rows)

Stand your ground and do what you want to do. It's Christmas for your family and you shouldn't have to please anyone else.

What is everyone else doing for Crimbo?

Think we'll go to my parents for dinner and then on to in-laws after. We live within sight of in-laws and 3 minute walk from my folks so it's no biggy.

So excited about Crimbo already, it's my fave time of the year. We're getting a fake tree though and it will go on our dining table so little destructive monster can't get at it.


Just catching up.

Congratulations to Chloe! :yay:

And congrats to Nat for being an aunty (again)!

Happy 10 months to Arthur.

Loving the pics :-)

All is well here. J has been teetering on the verge of crawling for weeks and we finally have forward movement. Occasionally. We mainly go backwards. I'm not in a hurry though because I know how much more work it will be! I know it's supposed to be leap time, but I haven't noticed any difference. And even teething seems to have stopped (no teeth yet). I'm quite happy and enjoying my mostly contented baby.

We went away for the weekend with a few people from our running club and SIL looked after J. She did a wonderful job (at our house). We've never left him overnight with anyone but me or DH and we had no mobile phone signal over there, but she stuck to our routine and everything went well. It was great to get away together (we've been away before separately) and get some running in. I was all enthused and went for another run this am, and then buggy fit! Might regret that...

@wilson - I was having this conversation with my NCT mummies today. J is the only one not crawling properly (and the oldest). Most are cruising. I'm not worried. He has other skills, he can pick up and eat a pea or a baked bean, he makes the actions to wheels on the bus when sing it, he waves. He's a happy, chilled out little boy. I don't set out to teach him anything in a formal way, we play and sing and have fun and he will do what he wants in his own time :-)

@nat - Christmas has always been a hot topic in this house. DH's mum makes a big deal of Christmas and my parents have very few other family in this country. Neither of us had been away from our parents for Christmas when we met, and by august the first year they were vying for us to visit at Christmas. We set up a system of strict rotation as they lived opposite ends of the country. Last year I couldn't have coped with being away, so we were here. And as my folks have moved to our village they were here too. This will be what we do from now on, I think, certainly for the next few years. This year we have said all are welcome here so we will have my folks on Christmas Day, then SIL and BIL arriving Christmas night, all the ILs Boxing Day I think.

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Hey ladies,

It's October - next month our babies turn one!!! Eeeeekkk!

Just wondering if anyone has any words of wisdom re: my upset little bambino.

I put it down to it being leap time but he should be out of it now??? If anything he's getting worse. Clingy, restless at night, off his food, everything he does ends in upset (even things he wants to do like play and crawl around). Only being with me soothes him

I've been so lucky that I haven't had to deal with this yet but it's so hard.

Could it be teeth? Shall I try Calpol tonight? (he is settled from 9pm - 3am then he is restless until we get up). He's not showing any teething signs other than a few softer nappies?

I am tearing my hair out, poor little lamb is so out of sorts? It's been weeks and getting worse :wall2: :wall2: :wall2:

We're having the same problem with Lyla, Nat. She really isn't herself and I'm putting it down to a mixture of teeth and going through a leap. Tantrums galore and a LOT of tears!

We're having the same problem with Lyla, Nat. She really isn't herself and I'm putting it down to a mixture of teeth and going through a leap. Tantrums galore and a LOT of tears!


I wouldn't wish it on anyone, but I am glad to know it's not just James iykwim?

He is now happily eating Pesto pasta (mine lol, he wouldn't eat his own dinner so I've fed him mine, I wouldn't normally give him Pesto as I find it quite salty - he is loving it though!)

I've noticed he is only interested in carbs at the moment? I guess because he is using so much energy?

This is the hardest time I've had with James and I was so unprepared.

PS: Hope you are feeling OK ???

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Has James got any teeth yet? It could very well be a mixture of that and the leap ending.

Lyla's having some lasagne with some pesto and cheese on crusty bread, she loves the carbs too.

Hope he is feeling more himself soon! I'm looking forward to the day I don't get screams and tears for no reason! Or get hit for saying "no"! :wall:

I'm not feeling too bad at the minute! Reeaalllyyy tired and only a little bit sicky so that's not too bad! Back at uni though and I need to have at least a 2 hour nap when I get home or I won't make it to bedtime! Which is 9pm! :lol:

Sorry to hear James is off sorts may. Could it be that he is eager to get on but is frustrated iykwim?
It is so hard to know what these little babies want.

Chloe, bless little Lyla! I can't imagine how tiring it is with lo and expecting! Not long till the wedding now right? How are all your plans?

So one month to go till we are nearly one! My god this year has flown by and when I look back I see how lucky I've been to have all this time with my little lady. She is amazing and really is the best thing I've ever achieved in life!
She had a full day in nursery today and i was doing really well all day and she melted my heart when I went to pick her up, as soon as she seen me it was smiles and over she came! It made my day and made me realise no matter how long I am away from her during the day that she will always have cuddles and smiles for me.

Sorry ladies bit of an emotional but there! Lol

Oh Sweetie, was today your first day back? (or just the first day M stayed all day?)

I am getting all teary just thinking about it. Although I'd gladly have a day at work - just for the peace lol.

Glad you aren't feeling too bad Chloe, you'll find our stride!

We have 3 teeth, but they aren't growing in order. We have bottom two and one canine tooth??

I now have bedtime to look forward to which consists of James breaking out of his sleeping bags (he kneels on them and pops the buttons) so I have to redress him about 5 times :wall2:

I love it really though and if I could I'd be a SAHM forever

Back on Monday Nat is was Ms first full day today she has another one tomorrow!

I'm not sure if want to be a sahm I do like me time and I'm looking forward to having my identity back and not just be mummy.

James sounds like a little Houdini! Ms not been in hers for a few nights but I'm hoping tonight she is going to have a good sleep after having a busy day so I will get her all tucked up warm I think.

LOL, maybe a full time SAHM would be pushing it a bit (I have enjoyed my KIT days). Part time would have been amazing but it didn't work financially - and my work wouldn't accommodate it :shock:

I am sure Monday will be much worse for you, but you'll be fine and so will the gorgeous lady M

Glad M had a lovely day! Lyla loved creche when she went, we are looking for a childminder for her at the minute as OH is looking a job now hes graduated so cant be Daddy Day Care forever!

I know what you mean Nat, I would gladly be a SAHM! Especially now with this little one on its way!

Yep the wedding is just around the corner! 30th November! So we have 59 days and counting, kinda scary!

Lyla's just cut no.5 and no.6 and I think 2 more are making an appearance. I hate teething! Front two were the worst not looking forward to the molars.

Thankfully Lyla can't quite manage the sleeping bag yet. She has started getting interested in her nappies though.

Which reminds me! These arrived earlier.


Newborn Clothies!!

For a comparison, the larger is the size Lyla is in (it's a one size so once bubs is out of newborn will be in same size just adjusted with the poppers) but the teeny tiny newborn ones are too cute. Got 3 for £10 when they are supposed to be £10 each! So had to :lol:

Also here's my not so little girl at the park the other day


Growing up too fast!
Sorry to hear James is a bit off at the moment! I think you just have to try and battle through and know it will get better whatever it is that is causing it and be on extra look out for any signs of teeth or illness etc. I'm sure it's just a wee phase and he'll be back to his happy, lovely self soon :)

mrswoody - It must be hard not seeing M all day but I bet those cuddles are so amazing. I worked 3 hours Monday and Wednesday morning and have another 2 tomorrow morning and its lovely coming home to A all smiley and happy to see me after having a nice morning with her daddy :)

Lyla looks sooo grown up in that pic Chloe - hope your coping okay with the tiredness :)

I've had a stressful week with all this stuff with S's mum. Looks like we'll take it to court to get a residents order which will mean I will have proper rights which I don't really have at the moment. Not really stress we need at the moment though and the doctor has put me back on anti depressants because I'm already displaying my usual warning signs and I'm too vulnerable to just wait and see so that's a bit annoying. She says I can still BF A on them and they shouldn't effect the new baby though.

Hope everyone is having a good week. Any plans for the weekend? OH has a rare Saturday off so we're gonna take A swimming as we've never been just the 3 of us so that'll be nice, hopefully we can forget all this drama for a few hours!xx
Hiya girls hows is everyone and the little ones??

Going to go back and read the thread, been so busy the last week with the inlaws wedding, as i was bridesmaid and my oh usher, just not stopped :( the wedding was fab and arthur was so good,

Is the little ones all behaving yet? Are u all getting excited for the 1st birthdays xx
Lovely piccies (as always)

I hope work was OK mrsw?? Today must have been your first day back?? Bet that was a bloody shock to the system.
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