**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Thank you for getting me to think about the Birthday situation ladies.... I think I have found a solution.

On the day (it's a Thursday) we are going to do London Zoo (or softplay if it's horrible weather) and maybe a late lunch somewhere.

On the Saturday we'll have a tea party at my folks so we'll do that side of the family (cake and party popper and nibbles) and then on the Sunday FIL says he'll do a nice roast dinner and we can see that side of the family and do cake and stuff.

Sorted, no-one was offended as they understand our place is only small and don't want us to waste money on a venue and stuff.

Sounds like a lovely plan Nat! At least everyone gets to see little James and oh!

We're sharing our party plans with a friend now so it's the week before her birthday now.

Oh lovely mrsw, what are the plans??

I can't believe we're talking first Birthday's??

Seems like just yesterday we had them?

I am so emotional about it all at the moment (in a good way though, not in a depressed way)

I can't believe we made James and that we've continued to "make" him iykwim?

Don't get me wrong he is hard bloody work but every single day I am just hit by how amazing he is and how far he has come.

I am going to be a nightmare in the lead up to his Birthday and Crimbo and going back to work so I apologise for the EMO posts in advance :lol: :lol:

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Thank you for getting me to think about the Birthday situation ladies.... I think I have found a solution.

On the day (it's a Thursday) we are going to do London Zoo (or softplay if it's horrible weather) and maybe a late lunch somewhere.

On the Saturday we'll have a tea party at my folks so we'll do that side of the family (cake and party popper and nibbles) and then on the Sunday FIL says he'll do a nice roast dinner and we can see that side of the family and do cake and stuff.

Sorted, no-one was offended as they understand our place is only small and don't want us to waste money on a venue and stuff.

*like*. And EMO posts are fine xx
Thanks hun, I don't know what is wrong with me (and I am def not preggers!!)

I feel so emotional and so full of all this love and pride... it's sickening :lol:

Not sure if now I get a bit of downtime [a few hours in the afternoon when he naps and a few hours in the evening] that I am beginning to process it all?

I had a baby!! I had a beautiful baby and he is a little boy now - he looks like me now for the first time, he is learning new stuff all the time, he cuddles me (he is not a cuddly baby), he cries when I leave the room , he understand so much he def doesn't like being told "no"), he moves around so much. He even sits up now unaided - it took him forever to learn to do that one lol....

Gah, don't encourage me :dance:

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Aww Nat! I totally get how you feel. I too am bursting with pride for Madison and feel a little overwhelmed that oh and I have nurtured her into this little person it is mind blowing.

Come her birthday I think I will be a bit of a wreck too!

I have been struggling the past few weeks to enjoy my time with M as going back to work is playing on my mind and I find myself becoming a little withdrawn but I think once my first week back is over with I will be just fine.

We are having a messy play party for them and their baby chums. Really looking forward to it actually, means we spilt costs and everyone gets to enjoy themselves :)

Hello la :) hope you and J are well xx
I totally get what you mean Nat - I look at A sometimes and just go 'OMG I made her!'. Even more so now I have another one on the way as I'm reading the babycentre updates and going ahhh that's what she was like once!!! She is properly developing a wee cheeky personality now and growing into her own person - makes me sad but at the same time so proud!

mrsw - It must be hard thinking about going back to work but I bet it'll be great getting back to M smiling and desperate for a cuddle from her mummy. Also it'll probably be nice to get a bit of time to be you again and have a grown up conversation that isn't about babies! What date is it you go back?xx
Ty missy..I go back on the 7th cot and I've been so lucky to have all this time off with lady m I feel really lucky.
I'm looking forward to getting my identity back iykwim and be me instead of just mummy, I do love being mummy though!

M has started biting me at any chance she gets! Anyone else have this or know what to do ? No that hurts doesn't seem to work neither does saying no then putting her on the floor.

Hey girls! Hope you are all well!! :wave:

Just popping in because I think another one may have bit the baby dust!

Did a cheapy yesterday and got a very very faint line, wasn't FMU though. So got a digi and gonna do it tomorrow!

Will let you all know the result!

I posted on your announcement thread hun!

Congratulations, another November Mummy bites the dust.

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Thanks Nat. Funny how we had to try for so long with Lyla and we don't use protection for the first time 2 days this month and we get pregnant!
My mood is very neutral at the moment. I am of course over the moon to be having another baby. On the other hand I now how hard it is going to be with having Lyla as well but I'm happy they will be close in age. Wish OH was as happy tbh! xx
He will be happy, prob didnt expect it soo soon.
A summer baby :) xx
Yep! So now I've got my Winter baby and my Summer baby what more could I ask for! :lol:
I'm looking forward to Lyla being a big sister, she loves babies!

When I first had Lyla I really wanted a little boy next, but right now I'd be happy with either! xx
Whooooo!!! Congratulations Chloe. Brilliant news.

Lots of mummies here having baby number 2. Xx

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