Ahh this thread has been busy the last couple of days, struggling to keep up!
Loving all these pictures - all your LO's are looking gorgeous!
Congrats on being an auntie again Nat

I don't think I will get that pleasure for a good few years yet as my sister has only just finished her first year at uni and my brother is in his last year at school!
Sazz - Clever Toby for walking! A is pretty close I think. She's walking with her v-tech walker and she took a couple of wobbly unaided steps to daddy the other day. I'm quite glad she's showing signs of walking soon as I reckon if she's good on her feet when the new baby arrives it might make things a bit easier...or a lot harder haha. Who knows!
Wilson - I don't think you need to worry about development. I don't really "teach" A much. She just picks stuff up from watching everyone interact. Like waving and clapping was just because I wave hello and bye bye to her, and clap when she does something good. Babies all develop at their own rate - A was sooooo late rolling, but then quite early to crawl. So long as Arthur is getting plenty of stimulation (which he very obviously is from all your pics) then I don't think you need to worry!
In our news I have been offered a job! I was unemployed and looking for work all through my pregnancy with A and just doing the odd bit of supply work in a pre-5 unit, but I went to pick S up from school the other day and have been offered a part time job for a few months! I've said yes as it is only 8 hours a week and I'm quite looking forward to getting a bit of time away from being "Aela's mummy". It is in S's class but its going to be mainly working with one particular child so it shouldn't be an issue. I start on Monday and daddy will be in charge of A. I'm a bit worried he's going to forget to feed her as this morning I was getting a lie in since I've got a cold and I could hear A getting more and more upset and so I came down and he'd not given her breakfast!

Might have to leave a list... xx