**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Just read back a bit. Congrats missyevoil and chloenat. :Dxxx
Toby looks so grown up???

He is such a cutie :lol:

We're pretty far off walking although OH reckons he'll be walking by his Birthday, I've said he won't so we've had a bet. Winner gets to pick their reward wink, wink!

Thanks nat :) im also putting arthur in a shirt, chinos and a dickie bow lol xx

As for Arthur sometimes i do compare sometimes and worry im not doing enough, however hes exploring the world, im sure he'll do stuff in his own time, i do find though hes a very boy boy and isnt afraid of anything! Daredavil :/

Heres the little man

Lovely pics as always!! The scenery in the second piccie is just stunning.

He is your double. I can't get over it every time I see you two together lol.

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Omg sazz hes adorable, his hair makes arthur look bold xx
A few recent piccies (one in cot was this morning, others just in past few days!)

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Do u reckon nat??

This is him and daddy.

Do you have any of you and james xx
Omg james is such a cutie :) i cant believe how dark hes gone too bless him, love the henry piccy xx
OMG I forgot to say I am an aunty again. Sister had baby Henry on Sunday...

Nephew number 5 on my side lol. He is just perfect and my sister lives literally a minute away so I have seen him every single day.

James looks like a giant compared to him

Awww yay congratulations :)) how is yr sister now?? Hes he still being a nob with her!!

I love henry for a boy :))

I forgot to say im going to be an auntie. :)
My bro is expecting xx
He still looks like Mummy I think... Lovely piccies with Daddy though.

Congratulations Aunty Wilson :lol: is it your first?

All is fine with my sister, they've sorted things out and all seems well.

We're running out of boys names this side of the family lol

My sister has also offered to have James from February !!! So childcare is sorted and free !!

With Mummy about a month ago, he is probably about 6m in the pic with Daddy!

We have so few pics with us and James as we both hate having our pics taken lol.

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I seem to be missing posts on my tapatalkin! Bah

Sazz..Toby looks so grown up! Great head of hair he's got too :)

Loving the new updates of James :) he's such a cutie. Are you getting broody seeing your sisters new lo? There's nothing better than cuddles with a newborn, makes you think back to when ours were so tiny and small!

Wilson..congratulations! I'm still waiting to become an Auntie. Arthur is growing loads and looks like he loves his carrier! :)


Couple of M looking nice and messy eating her dinner! Ha she is such a mucky pup when it comes to food.
Ahh this thread has been busy the last couple of days, struggling to keep up!

Loving all these pictures - all your LO's are looking gorgeous!

Congrats on being an auntie again Nat :) I don't think I will get that pleasure for a good few years yet as my sister has only just finished her first year at uni and my brother is in his last year at school!

Sazz - Clever Toby for walking! A is pretty close I think. She's walking with her v-tech walker and she took a couple of wobbly unaided steps to daddy the other day. I'm quite glad she's showing signs of walking soon as I reckon if she's good on her feet when the new baby arrives it might make things a bit easier...or a lot harder haha. Who knows!

Wilson - I don't think you need to worry about development. I don't really "teach" A much. She just picks stuff up from watching everyone interact. Like waving and clapping was just because I wave hello and bye bye to her, and clap when she does something good. Babies all develop at their own rate - A was sooooo late rolling, but then quite early to crawl. So long as Arthur is getting plenty of stimulation (which he very obviously is from all your pics) then I don't think you need to worry!

In our news I have been offered a job! I was unemployed and looking for work all through my pregnancy with A and just doing the odd bit of supply work in a pre-5 unit, but I went to pick S up from school the other day and have been offered a part time job for a few months! I've said yes as it is only 8 hours a week and I'm quite looking forward to getting a bit of time away from being "Aela's mummy". It is in S's class but its going to be mainly working with one particular child so it shouldn't be an issue. I start on Monday and daddy will be in charge of A. I'm a bit worried he's going to forget to feed her as this morning I was getting a lie in since I've got a cold and I could hear A getting more and more upset and so I came down and he'd not given her breakfast! :wall2: Might have to leave a list... xx
How was everyone's weekend? I had a serious bust-up with the MIL. Urgh. Why must they be part of the marriage package?!!
Sorry to hear that Srob. Is it mendable? I had a rubbish weekend too. The shit has hit the fan with S's mum so god knows where this is going!xx
Afternnoon ladies, lovely to hear from everyone, glad your doing well, did u all have a nice weekend??

Srob are u ok? Why have you had a big fall out with the mil??

Little bit of news Arthur slept through for the 1st time on saturday night :) he went 8-6.
Missy just read your last bit, are you ok too? Mil can be a pain sometimes xx

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