**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Lady M seems fine this morning, thank You ladies :) Temperature is normal and she had a good feed. Popped her in my bed for a cuddle and she fell back asleep!!
It's cooler again today so hopefully she won't heat up too much. x
Thanks ladies :)

Glad M is okay mrswoody :)

Aela slept through the night - in her cot - for the first time!! 13 hours!!! I know she can do it now :) I don't mind her waking for a feed but if this is her starting to sleep through properly it couldn't really have come at a better time. So proud of her. And she's 8 months today :) where's my baby gone?! xx
Happy 8 months to little Aela.

Time is literally flying hey

Thats good mrsw :) glad shes on the up :)

Happy 8 months A :) it does fly doesnt it, and great news on her sleeping through, must be something in the air as arthur now goes down at 6.30pm and then feeds at 10.30 and sleeps through till 4am where he has his first feed xx
Happy 8 months to Aela!!! Time is flying with these little November babies!

Hello la! How are you and little Joe?

So we discovered M has other other tooth popping in so tooth number 4 which I have put down to her having the temperature and has been off sorts today. Just wanted cuddles most of the day so I've been happy to sit with her :) she seems ok tonight so here's to a peaceful night x
Hi mrswoody :wave:

We're all good thanks. J is teething too, but nothing cutting yet that I can tell, just a little bit upset at times. 4 teeth, you're doing well! J is putting in lots of crawling practice, but he can only move forwards in the bath and cot, on the mat he goes backwards.

Chilling at home this weekend because DH goes away for work for 2 weeks next Saturday.

Hope you're all having a lovely weekend xxx
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Hello L_A :)
A can only go backwards everywhere! Although tonight she did manage to go forwards by pushing her bum off the sofa a bit - I can't really explain what she did, it was crazy but she got where she wanted to be!xx
Ha! They're clever aren't they. J uses the bars of his cot to push against to make headway up the cot xxx
OMG I just noticed there is a new November mummies thread, in Tri 2, for the 2013 mummies! I feel old :lol:

Hope you're all OK xxx
That brings back loads of memories!
I had read over our November mummies thread a few weeks back and it all flooded back at how exciting it all was!

We are at home (Scotland) for 12 days to visit family/friends :)

Here is Lady M saying hello to everyone this morning

Not been on forever ladies - hello!!

(waves to lady M lol)

We've had such a busy week. London Zoo Tuesday, the fountains yesterday, Coram Field today.

Piccie of me and James together


We went Wagamama's after and James was amazing, ate fish and noodles and was just so sweet.

Tomorrow we're braving Westfields, Saturday is my day of rest and Sunday OH has bub and I am of out for a girly lunch.

Loving the weather, long may it continue


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Aww loving the pics! They are both growing so much! :wave: to lady M! Nat, I can't believe how tall James is!

It's felt like a busy week here. DH is prepping for 2 weeks abroad for business and is working long hours this week. A bit of a shock to the system because he's normally so hands on with J. I'm not looking forward to him being away, I really miss him.

Hope everyone else is Ok xxx
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Hello lady M!!! I love her owl jammies :)

Aw James is looking so big Nat! Glad you had a nice time :)

L_A - it must be difficult him being away so long. Is your mum going to help out with J?

I'm a proud mummy today as Aela managed to crawl forwards this morning and she kept saying "mama" at dinnertime :D

Hi missy :wave: Aww aela saying mama! I think I will cry when J does, he doesn't really even babble yet. Crawling too!

Yes mum will help with J, I'm sure it will be fine. I'm just anxious because I know I struggled last time I didn't have DH around. Things are a lot easier now and I'm much more confident than I was.

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That's good, I'm sure you'll do just fine! I guess on the plus side 2 weeks flies by with a baby so it won't seem too long that he is away :) xx
Yay to crawling!

Nat that is a great photo of James and you! Lovely tan you've got going on too!!

La, your 2 weeks will fly in, J will keep you busy :) I hate being away from oh :( I got back to work then away for 2 and a half weeks on a course so I'm not sure how I feel about that.
I'm sure it will fly by with all the plans and visitors we have! And then when DH gets back I fly off to Vegas for a week :)

Wow 2.5w is a while, will you get to come home at the weekends? We find FaceTime or Skype really useful when DH is away.

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Can you believe James is 9 months??

Wowser!! I can't comprehend it really.

Think we'll have a tooth any day as it's poking through the gum and bub is a complete misery.

Hope everyone is good!

Happy 9 months James! Hope that tooth gets through and stops hurting him so much!

We are having a total nightmare on the teething front at the moment! Just wish it would get through and let her a wee break from it all!

A just walked a couple of metres with her push along walker! It was fairly slow and she stopped to have a good look at the hoover but I'm so proud!xx

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