**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

PS ladies I have added a petition to my signature, can you all sign it please.

It's about the treatment of ladies that have miscarriages (campaigning for there to be separate units so ladies suffering losses don't have to to the labour ward / speed up waiting times for D&C's / leave from work - things like this!!)


All signed xx
Hi girls. Hope all is well, will go and sign the petition now :)

Have you had a nice wkend? We have been to legoland today its been lovely :) xx
What a cutie Arthur is, glad you had a nice time :)

A has been sleeping in her cot for the past 5? nights now! I still haven't managed to get her settled without the boob but mum and OH have. Last night mum got her down at 9.15pm and she slept till 5.30am without a peep, had a feed and was back down till 9am. Finally starting to get her sleeping sorted!! :D xx
Hi missy, thankyou :)

Yes arthur wont settle on me without boob either and still wakes twice in the night for it :( hes in his own room now too but its hard work back n too isnt it xx
Fatty is 19lbs 13oz!!


I say fatty but other than his little pot belly he isn't actually fat :lol:

James has a new baby cousin, little girl born at 1am and as yet unnamed. We're just back from baby shopping

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Great weight Nat! Hope you've not gone ott on the pink ;)

M has a temperature tonight last check was 38.9!!!! She's had a cool bath, eating, drinking and is fine in herself. Thinking she might be just a bit warm? Going to give her a drop of calpol and hopefully it comes down.
That's great Nat! I keep meaning to weigh A on our scales and then forgetting!!

mrsw - I hope M's temp has come down and she's not coming down with something. Could she be teething again? Mind you that's quite a high temp for just teething! Hope she's okay :) xx
thats good weight nat, arthur was that weight few weeks back, they soon grow dont they, mrsw it maybe teething arthurs was 39.1 the other week and it was all down to teething, ibourofen is the best you can give if its her teeth, arthur was fine in himself jusy high temp and wanted to bf alot, give her alot of skin to skin to regulate her temp as well as that works a treat.
Infact we was going on holiday at 4am and it was 1am i was up with arthur and his temp, i just stripped him to his nappy, whipped my clothes off and got the calpol down him at 12, then iborfen at 4am, woke up fine, if her nappy smells really strong wee then defo teethy pegs xx
Thanks ladies. She went to he'd and refused her bottle! Not like her but is fast asleep so I'm just going to leave her to wake herself for milk.
She's never had problems with her teeth before but it could be I suppose. Poor wee mite!
it maybe it hurts her peggys for her to have her bottle, are you no longer bf hun x
Still bfing just a bottle for bed lovely. Stopping soon as I'm back in work full time x
Ooo this reminds me, those of you formula feeding which formula do you use?

I ask because although I am still breastfeeding A, with my BFP I am worried my milk might dry up. I'm gonna do my utmost to get A to a year if I can but I went to buy some wee cartons of pre made stuff in case we have any emergencies and I actually just went into a wee haze. Had no idea if one formula was better than another or anything so I just picked up a couple of aptamil and threw them in a cupboard. Is it very much whatever suits your baby?xx
Mrsw if her temp is up through the night try bf, i was told it helps regulate babys temp when hot by also skin to skin.

Missy all formula is the same hun, if u have to go on forumla just go on cow n gate, they arnt going to be on it much longer, i express at work, im hoping to get to a year, if so great :) xx
Thanks Wilson ill give it a go if she wakes up.
Ill take her temp before I go to sleep.

Missy..I use Hipp organic mill stage 1. M likes it but she's had Aptimal as well which she drank too. They are all pretty much the same

Hope lady M is OK today hun???

We use Aptamil Follow On milk


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