**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

He has feeds at aprox 7.30am, 11.30am, 3.30pm, 6.30pm and 8.30pm so I am going to try and phase out the 6.30 bottle (will maybe try and get the one before that to be a little later as well). I eventually want James to be having his dinner about 6ish - currently it is much later :shock:

As I say whilst it is this hot I would much rather he drink than eat.

He is still hit ad miss with food (loves sandwiches at the moment but has gone off a few things he liked last week?).

So hot and bothered today, hope I get some sleep as I am so ratty!! I do love the weather just wish it would cool down to let us all sleep :lol:

I meant to ask ladies - how much are all our November babies weighing?

James is a lovely 18lbs 15oz (10 days ago) and is now 50th-75th centile :lol:

I am going to wash all his 9-12 month stuff today as he is growing out of his vests and I doubt he'll fit into any of his sleepsuits by the time it cools down.

Madison hasn't really dropped feeds, I still offer her the feed at the same time most days and she always takes it, maybe not as much milk as other feeds. I should maybe cut out the afternoon one and let her go 11.30 through till 4pm? She seems happy enough if we do this.

At last weigh in about 3 weeks ago Madison was 20lb 13.5oz creeping up to the 98th centile I think! I'm also worried that when the hot spell finishes she won't actually fit into anything and I hardly have any 9-12month clothes as I was unsure of what the weather would be like, going home soon and we have a huge Asda Walmart with a massive baby section so I will raid the clothes then I think. :)
James isn't far behind M lol!

I am kind of glad as James hasn't yet started teething and touch wood he's not been ill so we have a bit of weight to play with.

We went out early today as it is meant to be the hottest day of the year and even at 9am it was that heat that take your breath away.

James is under the fan with a damp muslin over him...

To be honest it's been far too hot for any of his summer clothes (shorts / t-shirts etc..) and he has been in a nappy at home or sleeveless vests when we go out.

We're well stocked up for 9-12m (if it is this hot again at any time then he'll just be in vests?). As I am not going back until he is 13 months I need to look to stocking up 12-18m in the next month.... before I go to zero pay :shock:

We were going to go out later but the heat has finally started to get to James and he is grumpy (me too!!) also I believe it's leap time again?

J now weighs 21.5 lb, weighed at home on our scales. This puts him just under the 91st centile and he was between 50th and 75th when born so rising. I spoke to the HVs yesterday and they're not concerned as he's not on the move yet and they said this will probably stall his weight gain. They gave me some tips to increase his solid food intake and reduce milk. We've dropped the dreamfeed and he doesn't seem to have noticed! He's having just 3-4 milk feeds now.

Nat, if you're stocking up on sizes, mum just told me Debenhams have their sale on again.

Happy 8 months to lady M :yay:
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I'll pop on and have a look at the Debenhams sale, when I can be arsed I need to make a list of what I have. I love lists but it's too hot for it today lol.

What tips did your HV give you L_a? James is still mainly a milk monster, still 5 bottles a day and about 34fl oz (down from 38fl oz)

I am not at all worried about going up centiles, we had such issues when he kept sliding down that going up is good for us.. I still want him measured though to see how tall he is, there is no fat on him other than his pot belly.

Right bub is asleep after being forcefed some water (normally I am not so forceful but he needs it in this weather!) so I am going to brave the balcony for a little while. I am so hot indoors I may as well top up that tan :lol:

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Thank you la :) time is flying!

M is mainly in a nappy unless we are going somewhere, so ill just pop her in a summer romper suit to keep cool or a dress. Night time she is in just a nappy. Downstairs is so cool but upstairs is horribly warm I just can't cool it down

Nat I seen on the weather report that London was going to be very hot, into the 30s I think! We go out most days but I think I'll need to start going out in the morning before it gets too hot.

We have Baby Yoga later then swimming. Madison is doing a charity splashathon with Waterbabies for Tommy's dressed as a pirate! Should be a good afternoon :dance:
It's been too hot for our usual activities for about a week (we go to parks most days, or for a walk along the canal, or to the fountains etc) but I've just been out every other day as it's too much for James. I don't keep him out for long, smother him in sunscreen and go out when it's not that hot or where I know they'll be plenty of shade.

At home Ive been keeping him under the fan, keeping him stripped down, a few cool baths etc... He has been OK but the past few days it's been getting to him.

I won't complain as we had such a long, cold, harsh winter and spring but our poor winter babies must be in shock lol.

They say a bit cooler for London by the weekend but still late 20's!

I thought all James' summer clothes would be wasted as it would be too cold to wear them, not too hot :lol:

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Arthur was 18,12oz a month ago but ive not taken him just yetto be weighed, his 6-9 months bottoms dont fit him no more. But this weather hes just in a vest or shorts or just his nappy, we had him in the paddling pool this afternoon, to be honest i loved cooling down in it lol.

We arthur fed at 6am then didnt boobie feed till 4pm today, hes done nothing but eat though today, so im thinking hes prob getting more from food than milk xx
Nat, the HV said to offer food first then milk, after meals. I was giving them before because he was so hungry at mealtimes he wouldn't stop crying to eat! She said to give him a mid morning and mid afternoon snack to avoid this, instead of filling him up with milk. She also said not to get hung up on the 16-18oz min milk per day (this is why we were still dreamfeeding) as long as he's having dairy in his diet too, like yogurts, cheese etc and a varied diet of veggies, meat etc that it shouldn't matter.

I will say though that we've now done this for 2 days and his milk intake has dropped a little too much in my opinion, especially with dropping the dreamfeed at the same time. So I'm going to to trust my instincts and do a mix of the old and new way.
Happy 8 months to Madison for yesterday! She is such a wee cutie!

Loving the pics of A Wilson :)

I don't know what Aela weighs, I keep meaning to weigh her on our scales as there isn't a weigh in clinic here but I keep forgetting. I'm not worried about her though so I'll just do it when I get round to it. She's not been weighed properly since her last set of jabs. I really need to get her 9-12 wardrobe organised, just need to get a bit of cash together. I'm think I will get mainly Autumn/Winter stuff though as if we get any warm weather I can have her in just a vest. It's more than likely gonna be cold and rainy by the time she gets in those clothes in Scotland! It's been rainy half of today and the rest of you are having a heatwave!

Aela hasn't dropped any feeds either but she's definitely not taking as much. She actually doesn't take very much at all at bedtime but I think that's because she is eating quite a bit at dinnertime. I found it difficult to gauge how much she was actually eating until yesterday when I gave her macaroni cheese and she was putting individual pieces into her mouth, chewing, swallowing and pick up another bit. She ate loads! Was so proud of her :) She's doing so well with her food - need to try and get her to take some more water in though as her poo is getting a bit hard for my liking! Think I will get OH to get her some prunes when he's on the mainland tomorrow.

Other than that not much to report here! We're nearly 3 weeks in to the summer holidays and it has been pretty hectic - I am knackered! S's mum never bothered to contact us about looking after her anytime soon so I currently have no sign of a break apart from a few hours tomorrow when OH will have her. I love her to pieces but she literally needs constant input which is very difficult to do with a baby and a house to look after!

Hope you are all well :) xxx
Hi All

Hope you are all well, I've not really been on this thread lately. I come on the forum read a few threads then get totally distracted and never finish properly.

Nat - Hows the foot?

Happy 8 Months Maddison - isn't time flying by?

Well J had her first hair cut today! I've been pushing and clipping the front bit to the side but she found the clip and started trying to eat it this week. If I don't clip it, it just flops in her face. So we now have a fringe! It's not perfect as she wouldn't stop moving but it does the job for now and I can trim it every so often.

J has finally started rolling properly now, particularly in the cot. She hasn't mastered rolling around the room yet and still struggles once on her front.

I can also see two teeth appearing at the bottom but they are not through yet. We've not really had any signs of teething so maybe we are just lucky :)

How is everyone else? I'm loving all the pictures, the november babies are definitely adorable.
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Thanks missy :)
Hi kadi hope u are well, hasnt yr little one got lots of hair :) beautiful xx

Has any babies started clapping yet? Arthurs just masterd it over the last few days and hasnt stopped since xx
Thanks, she has just too much hair, it's lovely but a real problem sometimes. I've had to buy her a grown up hair brush as the baby brush just wasn't doing the job.

Yep J has been clapping for about two weeks now. It's so cute to watch, if she is excited about something she claps and this tiny little clap noise comes out.

We're trying to convince her to wave now. No luck so far.
She has more hair thsn me lol, same with arthur he tried to clap but missed but he fully claps his hands together my hard works paid off lol as for waving if someone waves he thinks about it then waves his arm and im practising high 5 too lol xx
kedi I love her hair!!! It's so long. Madison's is growing and getting thicker but no where no near long enough for a clip :(

No claps or waves here. If you say say hello and wave she sometimes lifts her arm up but not all the time.
I've popped her in her bumbo for a bit so I can rest from rescuing her from strange places she is get herself stuck hehe Bad mummy!
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Bumbo is still a very useful tool for us!

James rolls all over the place (he likes to try and roll "up" things - up the wall, up the coffee table etc..)

He'll happily sit in the Bumbo for 10 minutes or so before he gets bored.

Tomorrow is meant to be much cooler here, I must confess I can't wait - hoping we'll get a good night's sleep at last!


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