**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Mrswoody - I'm doing basingstoke. Not really a first timers HM as it's very hilly! But local and I'm not looking for a fast (or any particular) time. I think the great south is 10 miles? What puts me off that and other big field (non London) races is the faff - parking and busing to the start etc. having to be in place for so long before. It must be cool though to run with so many spectators - I went to watch VLM this year and it's such a hyper atmosphere.

Have a lovely time at the airshow xxx
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La, yeah 10miles but I'm not so sure if ill be up to it, oh will probably do it though. I love cheering everyone on always like to think it gives them a boost :)

Nat, great news about work! It is great you are getting so much time off with Little James and he will love spending time with you. Are you looking forward to the new role when you do go back?

I have 4 months left to go and I'm getting nervous already! I'm going back to teach my job to others so its something completely new :D
I am so happy about my new role.

I will in charge of all the training (internal and client training) and it's a full-on role. Lots of interaction with clients and lots of logistical planning. I am glad as my previous role was full on at certain times of the year but could be very quiet at other times.

I want to be busy so I don't miss James too much!

So happy he'll be with OH for that first month as well. It gives me time to transition to working FT and I won't worry at all about my baby. Of course I'd rather not have to go back but such is life.

James had a lovely soft poo this morning :dance: thrilled about that (how sad am I??)

Having a day in today as out communal hallway is being painted so I won't bother getting the pram out.

I was going to have a thorough clean but when I got up I stretched and I've pulled my neck??? Seriously I am falling apart! It is agony though.

We've not got any major plans for the weekend, I may pop out this evening for wine and kitten cuddles - my friends cat had 6 kittens about a month ago and they are big enough to be handled now. OH is working all weekend so James and I will find something to amuse us!

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Hi everyone

I hope you and your little ones are all well. Congrats on the mat leave extension and the new role nat.

I hope you enjoy your new role as well mrs w.
I need to sit down and catch up on this thread.

Toby is completly mobile now. He follows me around the house and is so fast crawling and is pulling himself up and trying to furniture walk. Its full on but I love it. Hes babbling like mad and chats to us. Hes growing so fast. I only have one week of mat leave left :( but the weather is amazing so I'm doing my best to enjoy it.

I'm very lucky I took more time off as work were going to send me away for a tour. A friend told me yesterday. The thought of it makes me feel sick. Oh is an amazing daddy but just the idea of leaving them for so long tears me up. Hopefully I've not got anything like that lined up. It would of meant me leaving September.

Nursery sessions for toby are just starting and it seems nice but because of the hours its the only nursery choice I have. I may see how it goes but keep a look out for childminders who can do the same hours.
I am unhappy about going back full time but I have no choice. I just need to get through the next year and a half and then I might be able to get a job with less hours. I gonna miss so much of my little lad.

The weekend looks like a scorcher so it might be nice to go somewhere like weston or to a park. Whats everyone up to?

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Nat I've pulled the muscle I my neck a few times and god does it hurt! Should ease off eventually though. Oooo you're not getting yourself a new kitty are you? ;) I'm a sucker for a cute kitten but oh is allergic so I can't have one :(
Yay to soft poop! I went to check Ms nappy this morning and got a finger full YUCK!

Hello sazz!! Toby sounds like a right little handful but coming on great too which is fab. Try not to feel too down about going back it is tough but eventually you'll be more ok with it iykwim? Can't believe they would have you signed up for a tour already!! Talk about in at the deep end, are you and oh married? If so the military cannot send you both away or both be liable for front line duties so my oh has signed to say he will be front line for 3 years while I stay here then we swap, but ill have left by then anyway :)

Weston sounds lovely! There is a food festival on in Weymouth not sure how far that is for you?
We are off to Yeovilton Air Day! Can't wait I love a bit of spotting :D xx
Haven't been on in ages! I hope everyones doing well!

Here's some recent piccies of Lyla! She is getting sooooo big!





Blimey - where has the time gone!!

I always feel a wee bit emotional on the day James is another month older as he is growing so quickly.....

He is the most amazing little thing though, he blows my mind everyday!

Happy 8 months James!!! :)

Seems like no time at all that we were all waiting for your "exploding vagina" thread by the lovely Netty!

Lyla is looking gorgeous as always Chloe! x
Happy 8 months to James! Chloe, pics of lyla are gorgeous.

Had a lovely weekend in London. We had a walk around primrose hill, lunch, cupcakes from the famous bakery and walked in regents park. J was very good, a little unsettled in the travel cot, but otherwise fine. We stayed up late and didn't get much sleep though. Luckily last night he slept through and we had 9 hours!

He's suddenly worked out how to move around the cot this weekend. Last week he worked out he could turn onto his side and sleep like that. Just now he was wriggling all over the place and turned onto his belly. I went up to turn him over because he can't roll from front to back and he flipped himself over easily while I was watching and giggled to himself! Wonder how long he's been able to do that, little monkey!

Just run 3 miles, not the 4 miles on my training plan but it's so hot out there already it felt like 4.

Hope you all had a good weekend xxx
Hi girls
Hope you are all well, big Happy 8 months james great news on your late return to work nat and yr new position.

Sorry to hear about your race l_a, this weather is to much to do excersice in :( glad j is mobile in the cot lol, youll find him asleep in all positions now.

Chloe lyla is beautiful, i love all her pics on fb, such a happy baby :)

sazz I cant believe toby is crawling :) that's fab news, I bet you have to have eyes in the back of your head lol

mrsw how is maddison getting on? is she up and crawling yet? are you still breastfeeding?

Well quick update on us, our holiday was to st ives in cornwall, once pics are off my camera I will put them up on here :) Arthur loved it on the beach he didn't once put any sand in his mouth as just happy sitting in his nappy scooping it up in his lap :)

yesterday we had our under water swim with water babies and he did 5 dives and it was a bit of shock to the sytem :0 bit more brutal than in a lesson lol, it his last swim next week so im a bit sad about that as we arn't doing our 2nd term till January now.
he has all his 8 teeth through now and his has started saying dada dada dada all the time, and when he gets upset he says mumma mumma, which is sweet, he stands and transfers with furtinture with a few steps an then wobbles, I think he'll skip crawling and go straight to walking, he rocks on to his knees so he goes on all fours but then just lays down again, but will happily stand on his legs banging on the sofa and walking steps all day. Since its been hot hes gone off his food a bit, so hes feeding regular through the ( yep still team breast)still but I don't mind, just hard work when im up at 5,30 for an am shift. Still working on his sleeping in his nursery, so any tips welcome, he just scream the house down when he goes in lol, I don't think there is anything else to report.

hope you are all well xx
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Hi ladies,

La...M has also discovered how to move around her cot, I've found her asleep right at the bottom along the end and in the morning in amongst her teddys at the top!

Wilson..great photos of Arthur sounds like you've been having your hands full with him. Yes I am still bfing with the bedtime feed being formula and this is working well for us. She is sleeping a whole lot better too!

My little Lady is 8 months old today!!! :shock: I'm sitting here watching her roll around the floor and get into anything that is in her way, she is a little monkey!

I'm just warming up the paddling pool and we will have a wee splash in there for a bit before her nap.

Here is a recent picture :)
Happy 8 months to Madison!

It just flies by hey???

It is so hot again here in London and I've been on a bloody packed bus and sat in a hospital for an hour (had my foot scan, they can't see anything wrong :wall2: it still hurts though!!)

It's the first time I've felt hot and bothered so we're both in front of the fan and I am just in my nightie!

Glad to hear Arthur is doing so well, he is so advanced???

I know I should compare but he does so much more than James does? James is an observer though - loves to sit and watch all the goings on !!

Happy 8 months lady m :) it certainly does fly, glad yr feeding is work well, has anyone noticed feeds have been sropped? Arthurs drop his 11am and 3 pm feed.

I wouldnt compare nat every baby is different, its what makes the world go round :) i put a video on fb yesterday of him standing at a box banging it, then moves 2 steps to grab his walker, but my friends boy flys around in his walker and hes 3 1/2 wks older,

James is still having all his feeds. He dropped an oz from each though and I may try dropping another oz from a few feeds and see if that makes him any more interested in food?

I wont do it while it is so hot though.

You could drop his dinner feed and replace it with more food and just add more milk to am and pm bottle xx

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