**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Hi again

Just popped on again because I was hoping that Hope had replied with info on your eating thread, Nat, and she has :)

What a lovely day! We went to a pub for lunch and J had a wonderful time demolishing his packed lunch. We then went for a walk but it was a bit of a disaster as the trails were overgrown with nettles and we had to turn back. Shame as we've done this walk a couple of times and it was lovely. We still had fun and walked about 3 miles though.

J has just learnt to out his own dummy back in and it's so cute and useful. He rolls around in the cot until he finds one. I'm hoping its going to reduce the number of dummy runs in the night. He's also started sleeping on his side sometimes.

Wow Nat, James is doing well! Is he rising through the centiles, as I remember him being lower down at first? Or am I remembering wrong? I have no idea how much J weighs, I haven't had him weighed for months. Keep meaning to do it when we bath him. Not worried though, which is why I keep forgetting, he's certainly eating and drinking well and we're just about to go up to 9-12 clothes.

Hi missy - we have a light (maclaren) stroller too and I basically stopped using the travel system when I got it. They are so easy, light to carry and push and easy to fold.

I wouldn't worry to much, if you perhaps eat healthy you'll be ok, as you'll be running about after aela soon. It's easier not to gain weight than to lose it.

Glad you had a lovely anniversary day L_a, it is hard not to have a nice day when the sun is shining though!! I always feel better when it is sunny.

Yep James was lower centile (slipped between 9th and 25th every weigh-in so we were going fortnightly for months). Now he is between 50-75th so when teething kicks in I wont be worried if he goes off of his food.

We are going to stop weighing in so often now as there is no need, I just like to know lol.

James is still in 6-9m in most things but I reckon we'll have to go up a size with vests and sleepsuits soon. He actually still fits into some of his 3-6m tops? They are quite fitted but not tight.

Dinner was a bit much for the little monster earlier


I don't even discuss my weight any more ladies, I am so pissed off about it all. Hate having no will power (I am an ex smoker and I lost 3st in 2006 so I know I have willpower!!)

Aw bless him! A NEVER falls asleep randomly!

Although A has been in 6-9 months stuff since she was 5months I grabbed a 0-3 month cardi the other day and it fitted her! The only sign it wasn't her size was that I didn't have to roll the sleeves up - they were in fact the perfect length! Maybe she has short arms...

I have been feeling rubbish today! I woke up at about 5am this morning with really bad cramps. Managed to get back to sleep after some painkillers but all day I've had such a sore/tender tummy. It feels a bit like muscle pain but a lot worse and I can't think of anything I did that was particularly strenuous! Fingers crossed it seems to be easing now but I could barely even push the pram earlier!

Hello LA!
Hope the run went well today, and in the heat too!
J sounds like he is doing really well with the BLW, we had to give up on in and go to tw with some finger foods.

Nat, that photo of James is fab! One for his 18th or to pull out for future girlfriends! How are you enjoying the sunshine down your way?

Missy..hugs hope you are feeling better soon. Being unwell is rubbish especially when the sun is out!

Today has been a total right off! I had a few too many wines at the BBQ yesterday and didn't start to function until 4pm when I finally made it out of my bed :whistle:
So we didn't get much sunshine time but tomorrow we are up and out early, thinking of going to Torquay for the day :)

Hope you feel better soon Miss Y!

mrsw - naughty, naughty! In bed until 4pm?? Lightweight ha ha!! (I have a glass of wine in hand right now :lol: but I will be fine tomorrow as I won't have much more)

It is hot and humid and quite horrid but I love it, I swear I live in the wrong climate. James has been a little grumpy and not eating much with the heat but on the whole he's been fine!

The reckon it could hit 30c tomorrow.... Yikes!!

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Nat I know! I had about 3 failed attempts at getting up and just crawled back to bed! I'm a bloody lightweight now :( M had a fab time playing with her daddy though so all is good!
Enjoy the weather it's looking to be about 28 here :) x
Hi everyone

Hope you are all ok, just on our way home from holiday, its been hot hot hot and beautiful :) will catch up on the thread in the next few days snd write all about it, hope your enjoying the weather :) and sll bubs are ok


Some pics of the hols xx


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Hope you had a lovely holiday Wilson!! Where did you go?

I am so nervous, I've just emailed work to find out if they'll let me have an additional 2 months off (one unpaid and one using up my leave). I know they'll say no but you have to ask. I am going in on Thursday to discuss my return to work...

I took a few piccies of James yesterday and didn't realise until after about the love-heart cushions and matching outfit...



Off to the fountains again today, James loves them!! I take my book and hopefully he'll have a nap :lol:

Off to a friends for a picnic tomorrow, she is getting the paddling pool out!

'Tis so hot, I am fine in the day (I love the heat and sunshine) but night-time is horrid.. James seems OK with it? he has been up a bit earlier and eating a bit less foodwise (still drinking all his milk though!)

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Aww Wilson your pics are lovely, looks gorgeous wherever you went! We're going to turkey in September and I'm starting to dread it as jack doesn't seem to like the heat at all! :(
Yesterday I did the race for life and he didn't nap or eat all morning, last night he only settled in my arms in front of a fan, his nursery is so so hot. The sun hits his room late afternoon so it had been cooking for a few hours.

I'd be staying in today but I caught jack on his knees leaning over the cot this morning so I need to buy some Allen keys so we can lower the cot! I had no idea he was anywhere near doing that! Xxxx
Hello ladies hope we are all well and enjoying the weather?

I've been in hiding, I turn 30 tomorrow and I'm in denial about leaving my twenties! Had everybody round for a BBQ on Saturday and drank far too much wine (I definetly felt 30 yesterday!) so mrswoody I feel your pain! Good night though, few girls from work came and they had done a collection for me which was lovely. And Harry loved all the attention obviously!

My mums having Harry for a couple of hours tomorrow as she has treated me to a massage and a facial which I'm so excited about (I have a boring life!) but will just be nice to do something for myself for a change!

Wilson, love your holiday pics, looks gorgeous, where did you go? And what a little cutie Arthur is!

Carnat, your day sounds great, we don't have anything like that near me. Sounds such a nice way to spend a sunny day, and James is just gorgeous!

Hope everybody has a great day in the sun! :-)

Hi everyone, looks like we're all enjoying the weather. Loving the pics :)

Emma - happy birthday for tomorrow! Don't worry about turning 30. My 30s have been the best time of my life.

My race was a disaster. I was always going to be near the back of the field, but it was a very poor turnout and only 70 runners. It didn't start until 11am so we were up to 27 degrees by then. I set out slowly and was running with the sweeper (who I know) and didn't do too badly for the first couple of miles (the uphill section). Then the heat got to me, it was mostly full sun with no shade, and I crashed out completely after about 3 miles. The guy I was running with suggested I stop for a minute and had some water and when I tried to start again I was shaking, so a marshal drove me back down. I'm absolutely gutted, I know it's a tough race, but I'd run 5 miles twice this week so I know I can do it. I'm mainly gutted because I did all the hard work, the rest was mostly downhill.

Apart from yesterday morning, we're loving the weather. J has started sleeping through, contrary as he is since all my friends babies are fretful with the heat. He's learnt to put his own dummy in, which was the main reason he was waking us, so now we just leave a couple in the cot and he seems to find them.

Hope you all have a lovely week in this gorgeous sun xxx
Sorry to hear about your race L_A! I think I would've died trying to run 5 metres in the heat let alone 5 miles! Do you have another one planned anytime soon?

Happy Birthday for tomorrow Emma! Enjoy getting pampered :)

Kitty - we have the same problem with our nursery catching the afternoon/evening sun. Luckily we also have a problem that A never sleeps in there so the heat is not a problem atm!

Nat - James is looking gorgeous as ever! Hope you are enjoying the sunshine in London and also that work are kind to you with regards to time off! I'm so lucky not having to think about work at the moment!

Wilson - love the pics, glad you had a nice wee family holiday.

We had some lovely weather here today and yesterday too - finally! It's the school hols up here already so its been go go go trying to keep S amused. OH was off work today so he put up S's big new paddling pool which kept her amused for a wee while and we had a picnic in the garden. Need to think of something to do tomorrow which costs no money and requires no petrol and keeps A and S amused easily! Struggling...!

Hope you are all enjoying the sunshine :) xxx
Hope everyone is well!isnt this weather lovely, a little cooler here today which is very welcome so I can cool down the house.

Lady M is trying to make a move now, not crawling but bum shuffling. She is just a right little character and I'm so proud of her :)

La, sorry to hear about your run, maybe the heat was just too much? I know I find it tougher in the heat. Have you got another run lined up soon?

It's so quiet here?? I guess we are all chasing after babies lol!!

James is a roller, he can get from one side of the room to another in the blink of an eye.

He is an angel as always - still no signs of teething.

I was in work today and I have negotiated an additional 2 months off. I am over the moon. I will get to have the rest of the year with James. OH doesn't have work in January so he'll have baby and we will assess the childcare situation depending on his work situation.

I am thrilled! Also going back to a new role which I requested and I have been told I'll have first refusal to book leave etc.. and I can work flexi-time as long as I do my full hours.

Hope everyone is well?

L_a, I saw about your run. Such a shame but don't take it to heart!

Thanks guys, it was just the heat. I've run 5 miles 3 times in the last week, so I know it's not the distance. I've started the half marathon training this week. I'll do our local 5 mile race in early sept, this is the start of the season, so there will be a few after that. And the HM in oct.

Nat, that's awesome news about your job, everything you wanted! Well done, you must be a valued member of staff. I'm really glad for you.

We're loving the weather. Off into London tomorrow afternoon to spend the weekend with friends.

Hope you all have a good weekend xxx
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The heat is immense, I love the hot weather but this has been something else. Never mind running in it.

You'll be in my neck of the woods this weekend L_a :lol: Hope you have fun!

Anyone else finding that weaning is making it hard for bub to poop?

James' stools are so solid it really hurts him to pass them (they are rock hard as well, I have a little inspection afterwards :shock:) it even made his poor bum bleed the other day. I sat and sobbed when he went half an hour ago as he was screaming in pain.

He is fine before and after, it just hurts him to go!

He isn't taking as much water as I'd like but are there any foods that are good for loosening him up??

Thanks Nat, yes I think not too far from you. We will be near hamsptead Heath and I know you've walked there!

If you really can't get water into James, give lots of fruit. Anything will do, but peaches, plums and apricots are really good at this time of year. J can't get enough. Have you tried adding a little extra water to his formula? Just an ounce per bottle would be enough. I know he's a milk monster and he surely can't tell!

J's stools are a little more formed but still soft. But he drinks water (even from my camelback sports bottle which he loves!) and eats loads of fruit.

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La..what half marathon are you running? Oh and I were thinking of doing the Great South run. My knee is back to normal now so hoping to start some light exercise on it soon. Have a lovely weekend in London Town! I love London!

Nat..can you get James to eat prunes? Trying putting it in some Natural Yoghurt. They should hopefully get things moving for him. Did you try him with a Doidy cup?

M eats lots of fruit peaches being her favourite, I think it's because they are soft and juicy!!
We are off to an Airshow this weekend which I am looking forward to, oh is working at it but me and lady M will be there with another friend her oh and lo so should be a great day :)


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