**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Jacks still in 3-6 everything, the 6-9 swamps him, his 0-3 shoes still fit as does his 0-3 jackets, cardigan and coat!
I've definitely got my money's worth out of these clothes xxx

Jack must be dinky !!

James is quite long legged, so he grows out of baby-grows and trousers quickly - his smaller tops fit him (3-6 month tops and cardi's) but I've packed them away! I may dig them out actually as I prefer them a little snug than very loose like his 6-9m tops :roll:

Jacks still in 3-6 everything, the 6-9 swamps him, his 0-3 shoes still fit as does his 0-3 jackets, cardigan and coat!
I've definitely got my money's worth out of these clothes xxx

Jack must be dinky !!

James is quite long legged, so he grows out of baby-grows and trousers quickly - his smaller tops fit him (3-6 month tops and cardi's) but I've packed them away! I may dig them out actually as I prefer them a little snug than very loose like his 6-9m tops :roll:


He is quite titchy. It pains me though as family buy clothes as gifts and always get massive sizes because they assume he'll 'grow out of them so fast' so most of his wardrobe is clothes that are nowhere near fitting him :( and they're so nice!
It's a good job arsenal aren't bringing out a new shirt next season because someone would buy it and it won't fit him til the season after!
Boys clothes seem to get nicer the older ages they get too xxx
Hugs Nat! Hope things pick up. A friend of mine lo is going through a phase and will only eat yoghurt and banana! I hope James' appetite comes back soon.

In terms if clothes M is in 6-9months some of her 3-6 fit but are snug so I just changed the whole lot over. I think some of her leggings could of done being in 9-12 she has chunky legs. She is 20lbs 13.5 now!

Nat - sorry to hear you're feeling rubbish :( sending hugs! OH and I both felt terrible on at the beginning of the week, I think we both ended up having a wee cry on Monday! :( Think lack of sleep is catching up with us.

A has been in all her 6-9 months clothes from 5 months. They were still a wee bit big when I first put her in them but her legs had outgrown her leggings and babygros so I just did the lot. She's really filling them all out now though. I need to get organised and get her next wardrobe sorted as the last 2 times she's gone up a size it's been a month early!

I just ordered A a few toys yesterday - I got her a push-along walker, some stacking cups and an "activity triangle". I was looking at a friends picture of her boys who are a month older than A and they seem to have sooooo many toys! Admittedly, they are twins so she had 2 of most things, but A doesn't have that many toys, maybe 6 or 7 that she plays with regularly and a few other extras at the bottom of the toybox. I'm worried I'm being really stingy now!

Hi ladies,

Hope you are all well??

It was glorious in London the weekend so we went for a family picnic on Sunday (went with BIL and SIL, James's cousins, some friends, even my folks popped along!)

My foot is still wrecked and I still have 2 weeks until my ultrasound.. boo hiss!!

I think it def effects my mood ? I am feeling loads better though but my foot is a constant niggle !!

Had a few glasses of wine Saturday night and OH and I sat outside for hours with nibbles, listening to Glastonbury.

OH has suggested we go away for a weekend soon, minus James - I think he was trying to cheer me up in his own little way but leaving my baby for a weekend is never going to happen!!! Not for many years anyway.

Hey Nat!

Boo to the sore foot still! Not long though and you hopefully have some answers.
Lovely suggestion from oh about the weekend away, could you maybe just have a night away instead?

All is well with us. Madison has been screaming the past few days literally all day! I'm certain she is fine and is just after some attention.

My knee is still playing up so taking ibroprohen and paracetamol to take the edge off, I'm desperate to get fit again!

Weather isn't so great here today but nipping out for some supplies to make a cake!!

Off to an antenatal class with my friend tonight as her support :) quite looking forward to it in a weird way! Her oh is working away so ill be going to a few with her! She only has 8 weeks left, brings back all the excitement from last year when I was pregnant.

Aw I hope you get some answers about your foot from this scan!

We have had the most horrible weather today so we just popped out the once to get some bits at the shop. S came home from her mum's but no one contacted us to say she was coming today :wall: so I hadn't changed her bedding or anything so this evening has been v. stressful as I had loads to do and A just screamed the whole time.

A has been making the most annoying noise today - it's so whiny! It's definitely an "I want attention mum" noise as she can turn it into quite a happy noise when you look at her. It's doing my head in though! OH is off during the day tomorrow. We have so much we need to do around the house but I am so tempted to just say to him to take the kids out so I can have a bath and do my nails or something! In major need of some de-stressing after the past few weeks!xx
Even if it is just for an hour Miss Y, ask OH to have girls and make sure you do something nice for yourself.

My OH is finishing a job today (he has worked 2.5 days out of the past 10 so we are super skint at the moment, I frigging hate OH's industry and the fact he is self employed) but at least he can help out with James.

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Hi all,

It has been a long long time! Basically because my little fella takes up so much of my time. Anyway, he is developing well, gurgling, smiling, laughing, sitting up, rolling around, grabbing everything and eating it, he has found the crawling position and goes backwards and he now has four little knashers. He's soooo lovely. Though we're having an issue with Stage 2 food though at the mo. It is smooth puree or finger food at the moment... I am not too bothered, I reckon he'll just skip Stage 2 and go straight to solids when he's ready!

But anyway.... I am 7 days late :-s And I don't see how I could've gotten pregnant and I don't feel like I am, but I am feeling anxious none the less! I have never been this late before! My OH won't get me a test, probably nervous incase I am pregnant. We definitely would like another baby, we just didn't want one just yet! I don't think I could handle a 16 month old and a newborn!!!
Wowser hun - go get a stick to pee on it immediately :lol:

Glad to hear all is going well with bub, I think most of us November Mummies are very busy with our little whirlwinds these days...

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I don't have a car, so have been begging my OH to get me a test but he won't get me one :-( Can't stand not knowing!
I don't have a car, so have been begging my OH to get me a test but he won't get me one :-( Can't stand not knowing!

Your OH is a meany!

They sell them on Amazon / Ebay - order yourself one?? :lol:

Keep us posted!!

Eeeek you could be the first November Mummy to have another little monster

Hello srob!
Lovely to hear from you, great you and lo are getting on great! Eeek..a possible bfp! That would be amazing news! Get that stick ASAP ;)

Nat hope you and little James are keeping well xx
We're fine mrsw, how is lady M?

We're looking forward to the nice weather (as from tomorrow in London). Gammy foot or not I have loads of stuff planned... Lots of picnics and parks and sightseeing :lol:

Lady M is good she is screaming all the time at the minute! Crazy lady!

It is going to be hot hot over this way too which is fab!
There is an outdoor swimming pool not too far from us so we might be going there for the weekend :)

Lots of paracetamol and that should help you! That's the great thing about London, lots of lovely places to visit :) x
Hi everyone and good to see you Srob! :wave: fx your pregnancy test comes out with the answer you'd like!

Nat - this gammy foot thing is really dragging for you. I hope your scan shows something so you now where to go next. I know an awesome physio near Liverpool street, so shout if you want the details. She is expensive but worth every penny, I promise.

Mrswoody - we have an open air pool in our village that I've never been to. It's for kids and their parents so never had the chance but hopefully this summer we will give it a try. Hope you have fun.

Missy- we have the whining too! Drives me nuts, I know it can't be deliberate in a 7 month old, but I hate that noise. Goes right through you.

It's our wedding anniversary today so DH has the day off and we're spending it together. Such lovely weather, so we're off for a pub lunch and walk.

We've switched to BLW as J was refusing the purees and I have to say I love it! I give him the most improbable lumps of food, like half a banana or lumps of beef and he finds a way to eat it. Last night he had quiche, he's not even supposed to be able to pick up small things yet but he was sifting through the food on his tray with his fingertips to find the last little bit.

I had a meeting yesterday that provided a crèche, so J was left with a non family member for the first time! They were very professional, took notes of what they were to feed him (I did him a little packed lunch), when he last had a nappy change etc. 2 hours later they said he hadn't cried once, had eaten all his lunch :shock: as I packed far more than usual just in case. When I arrived he was sitting on a playmat surrounded by toys, trying to gather them all up in his arms (as he tends to do if you give him more than one thing, he's easily distracted!). I think it was such a good experience for him I'm going to do it again (the meeting is every couple of months) and might look into using my local gym with crèche occasionally.

We've had a few slightly disturbed nights and sometimes he's been a little tearful, which I think is probably teething, although there's nothing cutting yet.

I've been working hard on my fitness and I'm running in a local 5 mile race on Sunday (up a hill in a heat wave, typical!). My weight loss is going well too, I've lost half a stone in the last 6 weeks and I only have another half stone to go to my pre pregnancy weight, which I was very happy with.

Hope you're all well and enjoy the weekend weather xxxx
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Lovely to hear from you L_a, I love BLW too although James isn't as keen.

That said he weighs a whopping 18lbs 15oz now and is between 50-75th centile so he must be getting something from the food??. Very happy with his weight gain.

Just popped in for lunch and to lather on the sunscreen - then we are back out for an afternoon roll around in the park (James not me :lol: :lol:)

Oooo exciting srob! Let us know how you get on!

Well done on the weight loss L_A and good luck with your run! I should really start doing some exercise and I think I will need to start watching what I eat a bit more as I've been so lucky with BFing I now weigh less than I did at school a few years ago! Now A is weaning she will no doubt start taking less milk and dropping feeds so I don't think I can get away with eating what I want to anymore! Maybe I'll start tomorrow as I had chocolate for breakfast...:oooo:

:wave: Hello Nat and mrsw! Hope you are enjoying the weather! It's still a bit grey here but getting a bit better Monday I think!

We bought a wee stroller yesterday for A so I'm away out to try that out in a bit! Had a wee push about quickly and it is brilliant! So light to push compared to our travel system. Will be much easier for getting on and off public transport when the need arises and also, it leaves a bit of space in the boot of our car for other stuff! Yay!xx

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