Hi everyone and good to see you Srob!

fx your pregnancy test comes out with the answer you'd like!
Nat - this gammy foot thing is really dragging for you. I hope your scan shows something so you now where to go next. I know an awesome physio near Liverpool street, so shout if you want the details. She is expensive but worth every penny, I promise.
Mrswoody - we have an open air pool in our village that I've never been to. It's for kids and their parents so never had the chance but hopefully this summer we will give it a try. Hope you have fun.
Missy- we have the whining too! Drives me nuts, I know it can't be deliberate in a 7 month old, but I hate that noise. Goes right through you.
It's our wedding anniversary today so DH has the day off and we're spending it together. Such lovely weather, so we're off for a pub lunch and walk.
We've switched to BLW as J was refusing the purees and I have to say I love it! I give him the most improbable lumps of food, like half a banana or lumps of beef and he finds a way to eat it. Last night he had quiche, he's not even supposed to be able to pick up small things yet but he was sifting through the food on his tray with his fingertips to find the last little bit.
I had a meeting yesterday that provided a crèche, so J was left with a non family member for the first time! They were very professional, took notes of what they were to feed him (I did him a little packed lunch), when he last had a nappy change etc. 2 hours later they said he hadn't cried once, had eaten all his lunch

as I packed far more than usual just in case. When I arrived he was sitting on a playmat surrounded by toys, trying to gather them all up in his arms (as he tends to do if you give him more than one thing, he's easily distracted!). I think it was such a good experience for him I'm going to do it again (the meeting is every couple of months) and might look into using my local gym with crèche occasionally.
We've had a few slightly disturbed nights and sometimes he's been a little tearful, which I think is probably teething, although there's nothing cutting yet.
I've been working hard on my fitness and I'm running in a local 5 mile race on Sunday (up a hill in a heat wave, typical!). My weight loss is going well too, I've lost half a stone in the last 6 weeks and I only have another half stone to go to my pre pregnancy weight, which I was very happy with.
Hope you're all well and enjoy the weekend weather xxxx