Love the new pic Nat! James is such a sweetie! Seen your other thread re him scratching his face..will be off to read it after this but M is always scratching her belly when she gets a chance!
James will surprise you one day and just sit up. A little boy who is about 3 weeks in front of M only just mastered sitting up a week or so ago (we see him and his mummy each week at groups) so just shows all babies are different.
Missy..totally with you on the smoking. I'd be furious but it is good that your oh is going to sort it out. I despise smoking! Sadly both my parents still smoke (they are divorced) and I am like a anti smoking protester when I go into their homes! Wash your hands, change your top, put some anti bacterial on your hands, brush your teeth etc etc i hate M being around smokers but they are her grandparents and as we live so far away we have to visit them when we are home so I can't get away from it.
I am in bed for an earlyish night. I'm up early as I'm running Race for life tomorrow so oh is coming to cheer me on over the line
the in laws are watching M till we get home.
Weaning is going better, I have decided to give M lumpier purée/mashed food from a spoon as she takes more and has actually slept a bit better. She will have finger foods for lunch as she is happy to feed herself this, I feel better about weaning now than I did a week ago
James will surprise you one day and just sit up. A little boy who is about 3 weeks in front of M only just mastered sitting up a week or so ago (we see him and his mummy each week at groups) so just shows all babies are different.

Missy..totally with you on the smoking. I'd be furious but it is good that your oh is going to sort it out. I despise smoking! Sadly both my parents still smoke (they are divorced) and I am like a anti smoking protester when I go into their homes! Wash your hands, change your top, put some anti bacterial on your hands, brush your teeth etc etc i hate M being around smokers but they are her grandparents and as we live so far away we have to visit them when we are home so I can't get away from it.
I am in bed for an earlyish night. I'm up early as I'm running Race for life tomorrow so oh is coming to cheer me on over the line

Weaning is going better, I have decided to give M lumpier purée/mashed food from a spoon as she takes more and has actually slept a bit better. She will have finger foods for lunch as she is happy to feed herself this, I feel better about weaning now than I did a week ago
