**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Love the new pic Nat! James is such a sweetie! Seen your other thread re him scratching his face..will be off to read it after this but M is always scratching her belly when she gets a chance!
James will surprise you one day and just sit up. A little boy who is about 3 weeks in front of M only just mastered sitting up a week or so ago (we see him and his mummy each week at groups) so just shows all babies are different. :)

Missy..totally with you on the smoking. I'd be furious but it is good that your oh is going to sort it out. I despise smoking! Sadly both my parents still smoke (they are divorced) and I am like a anti smoking protester when I go into their homes! Wash your hands, change your top, put some anti bacterial on your hands, brush your teeth etc etc i hate M being around smokers but they are her grandparents and as we live so far away we have to visit them when we are home so I can't get away from it.

I am in bed for an earlyish night. I'm up early as I'm running Race for life tomorrow so oh is coming to cheer me on over the line :) the in laws are watching M till we get home.
Weaning is going better, I have decided to give M lumpier purée/mashed food from a spoon as she takes more and has actually slept a bit better. She will have finger foods for lunch as she is happy to feed herself this, I feel better about weaning now than I did a week ago :)

Thank you lovely.
It went really well and I was so pleased with my time. I've done my knee in though so I need to test up as much as I can with it.

Getting M weighed tomorrow and getting some advice on her foot, when I stand her up she seems to stand on the side of it instead of on it. Is this normal?

I've started to ff her the last bottle so I can reduce my bfing. So ill be doing the afternoon feed as formula. By 8months I'm hoping she is fully on the bottle :) x
Hi girls

Not read back on the thread yet, well done mrsw for doing race for life, hope yourfoot is ok. Have you got fed up of breast feeding now?

No period here yet for me, arthur is still 100% bf so i dont think ill get one yet.

Well it was my first shift back in the uniform and back on the ward this afternoon, it went ok, but really missed my little man, and gave him big hugs and kisses when i got back.

We went camping to the seaside thurs to sat night with arthur and my family, he loved it and slept great on the blow up bed, george decided to leg it out of the tent at 2am across the campsite in the bloody rain so we was shouting and looking for him lol, daft dog. Heres a few pics of last weekImageUploadedByTapatalk1372019986.689042.jpg arthur & stanley

Arthur sits really well on his own now and easy gets from sitting to laying, walks in his walker, stsnds with furniture, i dont think it will be long before hes crawling as hes never sits still. We have also started brushing his pegs now

Right will catch up on the threads now and add on to questions xx
Hi Wilson!
How many hours are you doing a week? You will soon get into the swing of it :)

I'm not fed up bfing but I have given my little lady the best start I can and I feel that I'm ready emotionally to move her to the bottle, I have already done better than I thought I would as I originally didn't think I would bf. I've loved it and might even keep through the night and morning feeds for me to get my mummy time with her. Plus her sleeping is getting better :)

Very quiet on the thread lately, hope everyone is well x
This thread has been very quiet!

I guess we've all got our hands full these days.

James has just today learned how to make his "Da" sounds, and it honestly sounds like he is saying "Dada" .... He was so proud of himself and OH was in raptures (even though I told him a hundred times James isn't saying 'Daddy' lol)

We gave bub spag bol for the first time, it wasn't as messy as I thought! Although every meal time is messy so maybe I am just used to it now??


James isn't sitting, but he is so into everything and has just the past few days started to try and launch himself out of my arms. He also uses me as a climbing frame... He is great with his rolling and is much better on his tummy these days but no joy with sitting...

He's dropped a good few oz's a day from his milk feeds now that he is taking some food, I am very happy with BLW and our recent progress. Can't wait to see how he is faring when we next go for a weigh-in (early July)

Feeling quite tired the past few days and a bit demotivated again! I want to get out and about this week and shake off this feeling. My bloody foot is killing me again though and I am still 3 weeks away from my scan.

Glad being back was OK Wilson, it must be hard but if I recall you are back 1 day a week? At least if you do decide to go back more you'll be kind of in the swing of it!

Well done on doing the race in good time mrsw, and yep do rest that knee up

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Hello ladies and babies, hope we are all keeping well?

Had a bit of a rough week, so been abit absent! OH son has been staying with us the last week (we have his kids tue, thur and every other weekend) and its been hard. He's nearly 11 and has ADHD so needs constant stimulation otherwise he starts crying, shouting, hitting out etc.. So OH has been taking him bike riding after work every night to tire him out and not disturb Harry.
Well Friday OH was exhausted ( leaves home at 7.30am gets back 6.30pm 6 days a week) and said no bike ride. Cue all the crying and hitting so I just turned round and said 'don't you think you are being selfish, it's not all about you' he ran out, got on his bike and rode off!
OH had to go chasing him in car and apparently it's my fault he rode off. All calmed down then.

Saturday had both kids and he disrupts most things and by 10pm no kids were asleep and poor Harry just wouldn't settle (takes longer when they are here) and I just had a meltdown. Told OH that it's too much with a young baby and we need to go back to agreed nights. I even cried I was that tired!

Had issues with the mother anyway, kids come round smelling, holes in their clothes and shoes, only feeds them pot noodles etc.. We buy them new stuff and she still gets money off him every month. Well now she apparently needs a break so this might be more often. I don't think so!!! I think half the week is fair.

Anyway, he stayed at home last night and I cleaned my very messy house. Me and OH hardly spoke! Today I'm much calmer and Harry is more settled.
Sorry for the essay!

Missyeovil - I completely agree about the smoking, I'm an ex smoker but OH still does, he thought it was ok to light up in the car with Harry in the back?? What is wrong with men?!

Mrswoody - well done on race for life, it's a great cause.

Carnat - Harry will roll over all day long but as for sitting he just leans forward until he's back to a rolling position! So he won't sit unaided either!

I'm having a day in today, going to play with Harry and try and bake a lemon drizzle cake and enjoy the peace!

Hope everybody has a great day :-)

Well done mrswoody :)

Aw Emma sorry to hear you had such a rubbish week! Sounds very hard work! I have a stepdaughter who lives with us, and just goes to her mum's on the weekend, but we have major issues too. The last two weekends she's just told S to turn her knickers inside out - I assumed she had no clean ones up there the first weekend, so specifically sent some clean ones up with her this weekend and for some reason S was told not to put them on?!! There's also been some much bigger issues in the past and she doesn't bother to pay a penny - can all be quite stressful! Glad you've been able to put your feet up a bit today (as much as you can with a baby!) :)

OH was off work today so I said I was having some me time - had a nice bath, and painted my nails. Just need a good night's sleep and hopefully I'll feel a bit better than I have the last few days!xx

P.S. Gave A spaghetti and meatballs for dinner...was a tad messy!x


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Hey ladies!

It's not even 8am and I've cleaned the whole cooker, including the oven that we've never cleaned (oh the shame of it, I am such a clean freak too but I just kept putting it off). We put the stuff on last night and I did it this morning. It looks amazing.

James was up before 6am which I suspected as last night he only took 9oz with his last two feeds (normally it would be 15oz), although he didn't take his full bottle this morning either - just 6oz when he'd normally have 7 or 8!! I guess weaning is kicking in?? He isn't poorly and he has been consuming much more food the past few days!

Emma and Miss Y, I don't know how you both cope with step children and babies? I know that you were obviously step Mum's before bub's come along but it must be so hard now you have these little babies in your life to give the kids equal attention.

Miss Y you have mentioned before the S lives with you and it sounds like the best place for her, her Mum sounds next to useless so lucky she has you

I think the weather is picking up today so the plan is to go food shopping, dump the stuff home and then head to the park.

My SIL is back home today [she lives in Dublin and hasn't seen James since May!]. Also OH is home as he is waiting for a new job to start so he can either join us at the park or hoover the whole place (wonder what he'll chose lol)

Make the most of the good weather if you have it ladies and babies :lol:

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I'm looking guiltily at my cooker now...
Sunny day here today! I'm off to my first baby group today, I met some mums on the netmums site and we're all going together. Nervous!! And off to get my contraceptive injection today, thank god because when its due I'm so stroppy and I'm sure everyone has had enough of me.
Nat, I wouldn't worry about James not sitting up, we woke up one day and jack could just do it. He's attempting to crawl, he can get into the position but then doesn't know what to do and just face plants back down. I might start crawling around the room to see if he'll copy.
Miss Y your picture is adorable! We gave jack spaghetti but without the sauce! I was terrified of the mess! He has so much stained clothes now xxx
Evening girls how are you all?

We have had a busy day at it today.
Went to the sling play group, daddy got to come too :) arthur had a fab time playing in the ball pool and we got a new sling love it :))
We then went to water babies and arthur did his 1st under water swim where i let him go, scary :O but he did it twice and was great.

The To finish the day we went to a bbq to crlebrate my nans birthday party :) bless her, here she is with arthurs cousin annabelleImageUploadedByTapatalk1372279122.238211.jpg

We are off on holiday on sunday, cant wait for our first fsmily holiday, excited isnt the word lol. Hes also cut another 2 bottom teeth so he now has 8 :O

Hope your all keeping well

Hi ladies!

Wilson, what sling are you trying out? I need to start using my carrier more I think. It was a gift from my dad and I've hardly used it. :(
Sounds like Arthur is having a great time at swimming. We are moving onto Intermediate 2 after the holidays, M is coming on loads in the pool and is really responding to the drills we do. It's amazing!

Everyone must be busy with LOs lately and enjoying the lovely weather.

Lady M's weaning od going so much better, I have started mushing her food with a fork to give her and she is doing loads better with it and I am so much more relaxed which is good. For lunch she gets finger foods to eat so she is still having an element of BLW. :) Her sleeping has improved as well and last night she slept through from 8.30-8.30 am, I did find her on her belly facing the wrong way with her head to the bottom!

Hope you are all well xx
Christ 8 teeth! A proper mouthful! Still none here but his gums look a bit swollen, is that a sign? My mum told me babies get their teeth at the same age their parents did... Both me and OH got our first before 7 months and jack is 8 months on Saturday so that's clearly not true!

Jack was doing really well with his food, he ate all his porridge in the morning and ate finger food for lunch then a lumpy purée for tea and was brilliant! Recently he's started shunning everything but fruit pots and yogurts and the lady at nursery told me he's started putting his fingers in his mouth and making himself sick instead of swallowing when he has tea at nursery :( now he's started waking earlier because he's extra hungry! Should I go back to smooth purée?

The underwater swimming sounds amazing but I really don't think I'm brave enough! Jack does love swimming though but just splashes around.
I hate these humid days!! I just don't know what to wear! Xxx
Mrsw its a mei tai and we also have a manduca but i dont like that, ImageUploadedByTapatalk1372325636.073184.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1372325653.734819.jpg

Its a woolven material one, which is yrs
swimming is fab isnt it, im shocked at the price of the photoshoot :O
Im glad your getting better sleep :) arthur was up every 1hr last night im sure its his teeth.
Glad your happy with weaning now :)

Hi kitty, you will see her teeth under her gums and they then poke through within a week, arthurs doing well with his :)

As for swimming u should try babie classes they are fab xx
Miss Y your picture is adorable! We gave jack spaghetti but without the sauce! I was terrified of the mess! He has so much stained clothes now xxx

I have a couple of bits that are stained so I just change her into that to feed her anything that will stain - or feed her naked! I deliberately only give her tomato based stuff at dinnertime so that I can feed her naked and then just plonk her straight in the bath! I really ought to get some coveralls though so I don't have to worry quite so much about the clothes!

Well done A on getting 2 more teeth! Aela has her two bottom teeth but I can see another bottom one under the gum so they seem to be coming in the wrong order - mum thinks I got my teeth in that order too though. I hope it makes an appearance sooner rather than later. We could see her first tooth under the gum for about 6 weeks!

Glad you feel better about weaning mrsw and are getting better sleep!

A is still doing well on BLW - she loves peach, and pancakes, and I made some blueberry muffins with just bananas and apples to sweeten it which she had a good munch of too. She's getting quite a lot of food down her judging by her nappies - I just had my first one that's a bit more solid and you can't identify foods in! Makes me a bit sad that she's growing up so fast!

My sister is coming home from uni for the weekend today - she's just been doing her placement with the HV and she hated him! I'm not sure any HV's are liked by anyone! Looking forward to seeing her as I've not seen her for ages! She won't believe how big A is now!

Hope all mummies and babies are well!xxx
Hi missy

Glad u snd A are ok :)
How is she coping with teething? Glad blw is going ok too, im taking out time with it, arthur had his first meal of ours with us last night, home made spag bol, he loved it.

Well arthur has now found his balls, as soon as his nappy his off his hands are down there then he starts laughing to himself, then he gets a stiffy on, what is that all about lol, xx
Hi missy

Glad u snd A are ok :)
How is she coping with teething? Glad blw is going ok too, im taking out time with it, arthur had his first meal of ours with us last night, home made spag bol, he loved it.

Well arthur has now found his balls, as soon as his nappy his off his hands are down there then he starts laughing to himself, then he gets a stiffy on, what is that all about lol, xx

Hahaha jack got a boner in the bath, I thought there was something wrong with him! Jack used to put his hands straight there when his nappy came off, nightmare if it was a messy one but now he claps as I change his nappy. Weird child
James is very abusive to his balls, it even makes me squirm!!!

He proper goes for them - and his willy, he'd been doing it for ages...

Yep he gets little boners too, normally when he is going to pee though so I have warning :shock:

Off to SIL's today as it is James' cousins Birthday so we're having tea and cakes at lunchtime.

Not been on this thread for a few days as I've had a shitty week. Been feeling really crap so I've stayed away. Nothing in particular, just been feeling the grind a little....

James has been fine, he's gone off his food again though and we're back to screaming through mealtimes which makes me want to scream as well to be honest. It is common with BLW for babies to go through phases but this is horrible...

**** Jut out of interest *** What size are all our little ones in now??

James still fits in 3-6 month tops (although I've packed them all up now), everything else is 6-9m but I think he needs to go up to his 9-12 months baby-gro's!

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Jacks still in 3-6 everything, the 6-9 swamps him, his 0-3 shoes still fit as does his 0-3 jackets, cardigan and coat!
I've definitely got my money's worth out of these clothes xxx

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