**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Happy belated birthday Nat! Glad you had a lovely day with your boys :)

Mrsw - I am the same when A gags - I desperately want to smack her on the back to help her get something up but I manage to restrain myself and as I see that she always manages to get it up I am beginning to relax a little bit but obviously I will always worry she will choke!

Wilson - hope A is okay after his orange incident! At least he didn't eat any and it was just a reaction where he has been gumming it. I have been holding back on giving citrus so I think I will hold off a wee bit longer after this!

Thank you ladies.
I've been fine until recently when we've been visiting people and when she gags people just stare and it makes me flap so I constantly feel on edge and its taking he fun out of weaning for me, so I suppose it's me that has the problem?
I'm happy with the gag reflex as I've read up on it and I constantly refer back to my book to make sure this is all normal behaviour.
I spoon feed her weetabix and yogurts as it would just end it a complete mess otherwise.
I really don't want to go to purée as even if it was lumpy she could still gag?! I just need to be more confident and stop thinking people are judging me, which I hope noone is.
I've been giving her pasta and homemade sauces but tonight I'm going back to basics with veg and maybe stew some apples with a bit of cinnamon to make it a little softer.
Hopefully ill shake it off and be a confident mummy for M x
I think going back to basics can help bub too, get her used to the simpler / easier foods again and work up!

I totally get the people watching you though! S is only 8 and when A gags I feel like she is judging me! She's watched her other sister be spoon fed out of jars so watching A picking up all her food herself must be very strange for her, but I've tried to explain it to her - how gagging is totally normal etc. I've yet to go out in public and try it though!

I'm sure you and M will be just fine though :) I need to get my ass into gear and start offering A brekky! Atm I give her brunch and dinner. I feel like I am constantly cleaning her high chair with 2 meals. I want the sun to come back so I can feed her outside!xx
My OH isn't too keen on the gagging, ever time he sees James gag I get the whole "I don't understand the point of how you feed him this way if he is just going to gag"

I am bored of explaining it to him to be honest. He does concede that James hasn't actually choked though!!!

I haven't really fed James out much. We go out between feeds for a good few hours. We don't often go out for the whole day.

I did give him some bread at the BBQ at the weekend but it all got stuck in the roof of his mouth so very soft bread is no good.

Toast and Philly went down a treat today and we were both covered :lol: We'll have peach, yoghurt and a banana in a bit then dinner later!

There is an actual BLW website (I am not allowed to link it but if you Goggle it, it comes up easily) and I have found that quite useful

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Aela had some chicken the other day that kinda stuck to the roof of her mouth...she looked like she had a set of false teeth in!!

A had chilli con carne tonight - I stripped her down to just her nappy to save her clothes getting stained but she ended up looking like a wee orange oompa loompa afterwards! She was on quite good form at dinner but was knackered after her bath and needed her bed but had to get S washed too so she screamed her wee lungs out :( She's been down and hour now though and it means I got to spend so quality time with S which I don't seem to get much of thesedays! :(

I also feel like a total BFing pro tonight as A fell asleep on the boob whilst I was sitting on my bed upstairs. I managed to keep her latched on and walk downstairs, sort the pushchair, go to the sitting room, bend down to get her tigger, then get back to the pushchair before I took her off the boob! Of course she screamed when I took her off but she settled pretty quickly.xx
Haha missy that made me laugh :)
I could picture a mini orange baby hanging from your breasticles lol. :)

I feel good yesterday as i was at the hair dressers and it was 4.30pm and arthur hadnt napped since 10am and fell asleep on me, hes not done that since he was a ickle baby ImageUploadedByTapatalk1371584824.735588.jpg

God it's hot tonight!!!

Touch wood little monster has gone down OK though.

James still has a nap on me most days, I must admit I love a nice snuggle and it actually makes me do something for myself (I either read or watch some TV)

I had James out on the blankets today, I literally turned my back for about 10 seconds and found this


Luckily all my blankets are woolen so he wasn't at risk [bad Mummy took a piccie before she took the blanket off but I promise it is a proper holey woolen thing!!] I will be super vigilant now though.

Off to bed soon, just got the bottles to sterlise and I am done for the day.

Night night

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Morning ladies,

James has finally had a diagnosis of mild eczema, we were back at the Dr's yesterday morning and saw a different GP. I had some piccies of him just out of the bath (he is always at his worse then) and she said pretty much straight away that she thinks it's eczema.

So we have a mild steroid cream for a week and then some other cream to be applied 4 times a day on an ongoing basis.

I didn't realise that not all eczema itches??? :shock:

I am off out for dinner tonight with a few friends so Daddy is having James and then I am out for lunch tomorrow with another friend and her 18 month old.

Then I am back on my health kick. I was doing so well until my week long Birthday celebrations lol.

Hope all mummies and babies are good??

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Nat I just love that photo of James hiding under his blankets! M does this at night and pulls them over her head to fall asleep.
Glad you finally have an answer about James' skin! Hopefully his creams will start helping?

We are all good this end, we have granny (mil) down visiting so haven't been on as much.

I'm staring a new venture with Nappy Cake making. I know a few people who are pregnant so I want to try and make some and see how cost effective it is before I decide to make them for others and sell them on. Ill keep you all posted.

ergh..the witch is back! Not happy. But I suppose I can't complain much she's been at bay for 7 months.

Hope you're all having a great week and LO's are all well x
Boo to AF!!!

I am due next week and I already feel myself getting into super bitch mode!! Gotta love PMT hey??

I don't know whether AF is just about to start early or whether my DP was actually dangerous...I've been getting light spotting so wondering what's gonna happen overnight!

Not much been happening here other than a whole lot of stress so haven't had time to get on here much the last few days! I gave A spaghetti today and she had it wrapped around herself all over the place. I have taken to feeding her totally naked when it is tomato based as I don't want all her clothes ruined!xx
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I am def going to have AF in the next few days, I get that feeling in my tummy a few days before.... Just waiting to see how long my post pill cycle is!

I find naked feeding pretty useful if we're having something proper messy (James can make a mess out of anything though!!!) then I can bung him straight in the bath. Although this isn't practical every meal time.

I've ordered some of those bibs with sleeves so we'll see if they help :shock:

Just wondering how all our November babies are getting on with sitting? James just won't do it. He can sit fine when he has a little support but the moment you take it away he is face down (which he find hilarious).... I put him in his bumbo for 15 minutes most days but he hates it? We 'practice' sitting a few times a day as well - on the bed, propped up on the sofa - but he prefers to throw himself around!

James is very good at standing though, he can stand unaided for a few seconds if he is holding on to sofa.

Still no teethy pegs for my little monster either.... nor any signs of teething yet!

The weather has turned here and it's raining but we might go to our local farm later. James loves the cat so I wonder what he'll make of the bigger animals.

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It was definitely AF! Boh. She seems to be a lot heavier since I had A, anyone else notice that?

A loves sitting. She will not let me lay her flat, but when she was getting close we practised on the floor rather than the sofa and I just put cushions around her - so she did a fair bit of toppling but then one day she just went from sitting 10 seconds, to sitting for a minute and then 2 minutes the next day. She'll sit for aaaaages now if she's allowed to and isn't too tired and is very good at correcting herself when she is close to falling, although she still throws herself backwards sometimes. I'm sure he'll get there in the end, how much tummy time does he have? I know they advise that to help strengthen their back muscles.

I'm having a rubbish day. I got up to get A in the middle of the night and found OH asleep on the sitting room floor in a room filled with cigarette smoke. I have told him so many times if he wants to smoke he needs to go outside because of A and I trusted him to do that - but he didn't. So I have majorly gone off on one and said he either bins the tobacco or A and I are moving out. He's not replied yet though as he's at work. I am not having my baby girl in a house full of smoke though and that means I have to move into my parents then I will do that. I used to smoke and I would kill for a fag but I just won't do it for A's sake!xx
I went back on the pill after 2 AF's but I didn't find them too bad? I used to be pretty heavy before bub though so maybe I am just used to it.

Wow, A is excellent at sitting???

I am a little worried that James "should" be sitting by now, I hate to compare though and he seems fine with his rolling and he stands if we help him so I guess sitting will come soon?

My OH is a smoker Miss Y, he has a few roll-ups a day. He has been smoking outside since before James came and I'd be exactly the same if I found he'd been smoking inside (we don't have a massive place so I'd know immediately)

I used to smoke, stopped in May 2011 and never looked back so I do wish my OH would try to stop. It is something you cannot force a person to do but I have rules. No-one smokes in the house, OH washes hands after smoking and has a kind of jacket thing that he uses to go out and smoke.

I won't let him near James is he'd just smoked.

I find he smokes a lot less these days, especially with the horrible winter we've just had.

I hope your OH realises how upset you are Miss Y and makes sure it never happens again. Better still it would be amazing if he could take steps to stop!!!

As I say I don't think you can make someone stop, they need to do it themselves to truly succeed but he should not be smoking in the house

Ah see she is very good at sitting but cannot roll!!! I'm sure James will get the hang of it soon - the babycentre has a milestone chart which tells you things most children can do and what advanced children can do etc. I just had a look and although it says that most children can sit at 7 months it says only a few children can stand holding onto something at 7 months - I guess it is just one of those things where babies develop different skills at different rates!

I agree that you need to want to give up smoking. I had no choice and I think that's why I still really want to - it was more the habit of taking 5 mins away for myself than the nicotine I think! I found out I was pregnant and that was that pretty much - I smoked a couple at one point when I got incredibly stressed during my pregnancy and I felt so guilty! I asked OH to give up for the baby and he said he would go to the doctors to get help because he also wanted to give up. I think it was the beginning of November he started taking Champix and they worked and he was smoke free when A was first born.

I can't remember when he started smoking again but he tried to hide it from me but I got up with A one morning and found the end of a roll up sitting in the bathroom as he'd obviously been smoking in the bath and hit the roof as our bedroom is right next to the bathroom and obvs A was asleep in there. I was so angry that he tried to hide it from me, but I just told him he wasn't to do it in the house again. I told him 3 times and I thought he'd got the hint but obviously not.

As much as I don't want to tell him to stop I can't see anyway round it at the moment. Maybe it's just because I'm so upset about the whole thing but I thought so long as he smokes away from A and washes his hands etc. I'll just let him get on with it - but the one thing I asked him not to do he went and did.

Gosh sorry for ranting!!! I'm just so angry/upset about the whole thing!xx
I can totally understand why you are angry, I'd be furious and I think I'd do the same (tell OH we're leaving) if I found out he'd been smoking indoors.

Maybe just see how things are later though, as you say you are very angry so see how you feel tomorrow???

I hate the fact that an addiction rules OH life, he stopped before and was great then slipped back into old habits again. He doesn't smoke much at all though so I wish he's just bloody well stop.

I won't look at the milestone chart as I don't want to start comparing / worrying he isn't doing something, I just thought I'd ask you ladies :lol:

Aw I just noticed you changed your avatar! James is such a wee cutie :)

Btw, did you ever find out why you got charged so much for your peach? I bought one today for 55p and that's in the local village shop where everything is expensive because it's got to be brought over from the mainland and there's not many other places to buy it! A loved it though - she pretty much ate half a peach apart from the skin!

OH messaged me and said he's going to docs first thing Monday morning - he said he couldn't explain himself, he was drunk and so he just did it. I've told him fine but if it happens again we will be out that door straight away. Feel a bit better but AF isn't making matters any better and A screamed the house down tonight! Just got back from walking the pram to get her to sleep so about to have a cuppa, some digestives and a wee pringles binge!xx
I am glad OH is taking you seriously hun.

Both me and my OH are children of smokers (my parents smoked around us as kids and my Mum smoked through all 4 of her pregnancies :shock: :shock:, My folks both stopped about 15 years ago though!!) and sometimes OH says "it didn't do us any harm" .... He knows my stance though. I do not smoke, I chose to stop when we first started TTC and I do not want my baby around smoke.

The piccie in avatar is from my phone so it wont upload as an attachment but it's my fave, and was taken before James decided to claw his face yesterday...

I have no idea about the peach, I got done with a bloody pear the other day as well - 88p for one pear!!!! I did however find peaches on special in Waitrose - 5 for a £1 and I won't be buying random fruits anymore :lol:

I've just been reading some creepy stories on another website, what a stupid thing to do before bed... OH isn't tired yet but I am making him come to bed with me.

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