**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Hi girlies! I've been neglecting you all! I have been so busy loving spending every second with my baby girl! Those on facebook will have seen loads of piccies! When she is napping and sleeping at night I am planning the wedding and making bits and bobs to sell to raise money for it so I'm a busy girl!

I hope everyones LOs are well! Too much posts to go through! :lol:



Here's my little bug from yesterday

It's been so hard to make anything hand print or foot print here! Jack is just so active! I put a footprint in a Father's Day card and it must have taken at least 2 hours.
You're so creative Wilson! My mind goes blank when it comes to crafty things.
Looking forward to seeing his face opening it all today though :) xxx
I am not at all crafty either!

I'll get away with it when James is a bit older when he is 'making stuff' as most of the stuff kids make look like crap ha ha!!! So I'll have an excuse.

OH has a Moonpig card and we're doing him brunch (was going to go out but I think everyone will have the same idea).

We're not big on occasions - too much pressure to think of original gifts and stuff - but we will always make Birthdays and Crimbo special for James. I do actually go Christmas mad and I save all year round so we can splash out!! I love Christmas as it is such a special family time and even pre bub it is by far the best time of the year for me.

OH took his PS3 round to his brothers last night [he lives 4 doors down] and didn't get in until 3.30am so he is having a nice lie-in this morning and we'll wake him a bit later with his card and a nice fry-up!

I just ordered James this http://www.buildabear.co.uk/shop/pr...6&Category=Kitties&CallingPage=ProductSummary

My sister got my nephew one years ago and James saw it yesterday and loved it, it actually looks like our kitty ha ha!

Look how big Lyla is getting, she looks like a proper little lady!! Gorgeous as always hun!

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Morning ladies!
Hope everyone is well?

Thought I'd nip on while OH has a lie in, he's had his presents but wanted more sleep! We went out for a meal last night, left Harry with my mum, got back about 9ish and he was crying his eyes out!!
He's teething and clingy at the moment but is usually really good with my mum. I was heartbroken! Then he was up at 3am crying and chewing so he ended up in with us.

OH is not happy, we are going to church later with his mum and dad (they go every week) to sort out Harry's christening. It was his one job after Harry was born to arrange it and he hasn't so I've decided to do it myself!

Wilson I love your canvas!

Hope everybody has a great day with their families :-)

Hope everyone is having a lovely day and spoiling daddies rotten! My OH has gone to work now but A gave him her card this morning (via her mouth of course!). I'd done her wee hand prints in the card so he was happy :) We are calling in on him at work when S gets home so she can give their present to him - we got him a whisky glass engraved with a wee message :) We also got him a sign for his shed that says "Dad's shed" but its not arrived yet! :(

Other than that today is just a normal day for us as OH won't be home till after the girls are asleep so I'd better go and get on with the chores.

Just about to do brunch for OH (I'll have a healthier version) but he's got sausages, eggs, bacon, beans, mushrooms, black pudding served with fresh bread roll & butter

He is in charge of James :lol:

Wow Little_angel whilst I am glad to hear you are OK I am not really sure where to go with your update?

I do understand, lots of ladies spend less time here once baby comes. It just all seems a tad melodramatic.

I am not on FB so I don't communicate with anyone other than Lynette off of PF, but I find this site invaluable.

I have to check my work emails so have my lappy on [sleeping most of the time] all day and pop on and off when James dictates, it doesn't get in the way of 'real life' but I can see your point. It's been invaluable through the cold winter and wet spring but once the sun shines I'm out of here lol....

Sorry that you feel the way you do, I must confess to feeling ever so slightly sad though. Sad that you feel the need to drastically cut off all contact with everyone via all websites we share.

I feel like a stalker !!!

Best of luck and I guess we'll maybe see you if you have some time to kill in future pregnancies (which you probably won't with a young child)


See, I couldn't resist coming back on to check replies ;-)

I didn't mean it to be melodramatic, so perhaps I didn't explain myself very well. I also think that perhaps you're right: this site is a useful resource and I just need to change the way I use it.

I really haven't drastically cut off contact with you all. I still have mrswoody and missyeovil on my facebook (as they don't post to the for sale groups). I did accidentally delete another one of you - I've sent a request to re-friend. I really did just stop using MFP - I'm not calorie counting and don't plan to again, so it seemed a bit daft to have connections on there. I'm happy to keep in touch with any of you.

So, you may see me around occasionally. Just not daily (or more than daily) like I used to be.

I hope you're all having a lovely weekend and your OHs are enjoying Father's Day.

I am glad you popped back hun, it felt wrong that you felt you had to leave completely!

Just do what you have to do and PF is always here if you need it.

James and OH are asleep lol!!!

James has had a record two baths today. I gave him one earlier and then immediately he did a massive poo - biggest ever - and I had to bung him straight back in bath.

I am going to do a few chores although I'd love a nap as well.

Hi ladies
Sounds like you all had a lovely Father's Day with your ohs and Los. We spent the day travelling back down south with a detour to see ohs cousins which was lovely :)
Lady M gave oh his cards with a little help and he was really chuffed.

La lovely to see you will keep in touch! ;) x

Off to bed now lovelies as I am popped and need to recharge for my week of entertains the mil! Yikes!!!
Month jumping but Oh my God!!! That is absolutely shocking I can't believe they'd do that!

Spencer David Wilcockson 28/2/2013 6lbs 3.5ozs

I wouldn't have left. I'd have sat in the bloody nurses station if I'd had to.

I think I would've too.. at the very least there is a wee room with a couple of chairs in. They could have said we have no beds but you can wait here and made her a wee makeshift bed till the morning. Apart from the fact they turfed her out in the middle of the night, since there were complications, should they not have been monitoring her and the baby?! It's disgusting. xx
Morning girls,

That story is shocking :/ i think they need to with draw the services again.
Least mum n baby are ok.

Well yesterday arthur was playing with an orange while i was cooking him pancakes, and he started screaming, so looked at him in his high chair and around his mouth and chin had gone bright red and his bottom lip looked like it was started to swell with a bit of blister at the side, tuck him quickly to the dr's and they said not to give him orange and he has to go to hospital for tests as it can be serious :( xx
Oh dear Wilson!!! Sounds scary.

Citrus fruit is the one thing I've not tried yet (actually we've not tried fish either but that's next on my list!)

At least now you know.

I've been so slack with feeding James. He is having 2 meals a day which he is doing really well with but I am doing such basic stuff (toast and half a weetabix for breakkie, maybe some fruit and yoghurt in afternoon and then some veggies and maybe a bit of pasta for dinner)

I need to spice it up a bit.

Had a lovely day yesterday and got spoilt rotten by my boys, had a lovely Chinese and a few glasses of wine! All in all a lovely day.



Missy that is terrible to read. The nhs really need to look at reinstating the services again.

Wilson I hope poor Arthur will be ok, maybe just too acidic for him?

Nat u too have been a bit slack with weaning. I'm loosing my nerve with Blw and I'm thinking of switching. We've had a lot of gagging incidents and I try not to flap but deep down I'm a nervous wreck.
I'm worse when we have visitors or are out in public :(
Happy birthday hun, was it yesterday or today?? Lovely card :) xx

As for the basics we still only give arthur simple stuff, im not in a rush to try him with loads, he loves wetabix and hot milk, and tried him with jelly to which his arms and legs go mad lol.

It was scary with the oranges :/ especially him crying. Id not peeled it, he was just playing with it. Weird though as hes had greatfruit and was fine.

Birthday was yesterday so I am all done and dusted for another year!!

I am happy with the BLW, I am just not very adventurous at the moment. I've been quite busy so he's just having basic stuff.

I am going to get a bit more variety going this week though. He can start having pretty much what we have although I make my food quite spicy!!

So whatever you feel comfy with Mrsw, I personally couldn't start pureeing and stuff now but I do understand why BLW isn't for everyone.

This time a year ago (exactly) I had my 20 week scan. I can't believe that teeny little thing in my tummy is now a 7 month old little person :lol: :lol:

mrsw why dont you do a bit of both as that is what i do, i give him some mealsspoon fed, especially if we are out, but if we are in a pub i order him some veg and he nibbles on them, some days i give him mash sweet potatoe with tiny chopped tomato, peppers and chicken, but i make about 7 pots and freeze then and just get them out if im going out or i dont fancy cooking lol, his sweet potato i make it so he spoon feeds and his veg i do them for him to hold, im not sure if you know but its quiet common for babies to gag, as their reflex in in the middle of their tongue, so they will gag more, its not till they reach a year old it moves to the back of the mouth like ours, have you tried offering more water with meals so it allows her to swollow it better :)

im quiet relaxed with the gagging, i think because im trained in baby/child/adult cpr i know how to deal with the situation if it crops up, which im hoping not. Have you thought about maybe doing a first aid in infant care, may put you more at ease xx

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