**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Hi ladies.

I hope your all well. I need to have a quick catch up on this thread.

We're all moved into our new house. Its loads bigger and closer to work. Toby has been a star and is crawling :eek:
How do you load videos up? Hes speedy I have to keep a good eye on him. Hes into everything. Hes so much happier being able to move. I'm so glad I have my smiley baby back.

How are all these gorgeous babies doing? Xx
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Clever baby! You might have to load it to YouTube then put the link up.

I have black out blinds already, they're amazing and worked for a few weeks but not anymore!
I don't think he actually wants anything, he doesn't have his milk for another hour, he just wants to play. I don't want to play at 6am :(

I'm dying to go out and get the bargain nappys too but the weather is so horrible! I might just have to take one for the team and head out xxx
It's pretty windy here and I've just washed my hair but I am still heading out, anything for a cheap deal.

Waiting for James to wake up, then we'll do breakkie and get ourselves together!

ps: L_a logged into MFP recently I am sure?

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I use Asda nappies but will be off to Tesco later to source some as I don't mind using those ones. Also the Johnsons wipes are on offer so I am going to stock up as I am down to 1 packet of wipes!!!

Hello sazz!! Can't believe Toby is crawling! That is fab you'll need to have eyes everywhere now hehe :) glad the house move went well, I dread the day we move out of this place!
You will need to upload your video to you tube then post the link x
Well done M for rolling - A still won't roll at all unless it's in her cot and she can push off. She just lays on the floor all squinty giving me the evils!

Well done to Toby for crawling! I don't mind at all if A wants to hold off on the crawling for a long time! I'm scared what she'll get up to if I turn my back!

A has been trying lots of new foods this week - she's had tagliatelle with a garlic sauce which she loved and also roast lamb and she tried her first weetabix which I think she ate quite a lot of! It came out in her nappy yesterday and it was hell to clean up!

Speaking of nappies she has also become a total pain to change her bum! She wriggles everywhere and tries to flip over - I think I need some sort of restraint for her!!

Tomorrow OH and I are off for dinner on the mainland to celebrate being together for 3 years. I'm excited - even when we first started going out we never got to go out for dinner as he had S to look after! In 3 years this is probably only the 4th time we've gone out for dinner! He is a chef though so I have had my fair share of dinners cooked for me!

Speaking of L_A not being on here in a while neither has Sally! I'm seeing lots of lovely piccies of Cathy on instagram though :)



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yay to maddison rolling :) bet you jumped for joy haha, can i ask, how much your photo shoot was on water babies hun? ive been told someone paid £450 for 3 photos??? also how has the wee lady settled in her nursery? im going to get better and start arthur in his again, because hes a frequent waker i dont want to be running in n out of his nursery :(

Nat where does it say pampers are rebranding as ive googled it and nothing is showing?
i love pampers nappies, we use them for his night nappies, and we have some aldi nappies for the day and i left one on him by accident at night and it never leaked and he had pooed and peed in it. At the minute its 84nappies for £4.49 :) size 4.

saxx great news on toby, your going to need eyes at the back of your head now lol, i dont think arthur will be far behind has hes starting to push off alot bringing his knees up, and he does turn alot and pull forward...scary lol

miss Happy 3yrs for you and yr partner tomorrow :) hope u have a fab time out xx

well today i left arthur for the first time with my best friend and he didnt sleep all day and was a very happy baby for her, i went to pick him up and he had fell asleep on her chest aww, lol.
She said he hasnt whinged at ll and was a happy baby, and daddy fed and put him down tonight as i went food shopping and i feel lost with him, i went upstairs and looked in his cot and just wanted to old my baby :)
Training went well today, its weird to feel normal at work without your baby???hmmmm...well my next training day is in st james at leeds where one born every minute is filmed so you may see me haha.

I forgot to say the other day because arthur can now sit unaided, i changed his bath chair to the sitting one, and he loved it.

Also i found a fab finger food i thought id share, cheese strings :) easy to hold they dont just snap off in their mouth and are good for them ;)

Sally and cathy are both well :) love seeing her pics xx

I got 3 packs of pampers nappies earlier in size 4 and 4+. Nat Tesco also have the simple wipes on offer for £1, I'm sure I've seen you say you use these ones?

Wilson, the photoshoot was £40 then the cost of the photos vary on what you want. We paid £99 for one print!!! Bloody expensive but I'm having it framed and put in her room :) so yes it is expensive for the photos but you can spend as much or as little as you like, ill look out a pricelist for you and fb it to you x
Morning all,

Happy 7 months to James!!! Feels like just moments ago it was 6 months???

He gave me a lovely 5am alarm call, I managed to cuddle him back to sleep until 6am but that was it.

Sorry Wilson, Pampers are re-sizing not re-branding.

We've decided to hold back on the professional piccies until we have another baby. That way we'll get some family ones done... A friend of mine paid about £500 for a family shoot [which is cheap] and then found out she was preggers again the week after all the piccies were done so they are saving for another family shoot :lol:

James is a little wriggle bum when I change him, we get in such a mess sometimes.

He is loving his food, here's the little monster yesterday!



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Hi Ladies, i havent been on in sooo long as i am back at work and feel like i have been playing catch up since lol. I hope you are all well. Your babies are all so very cute!! Taylor is doing well, hes enjoying his food and is siting nicely. Hates tummy time still so no good at the rolling yet, although he has rolled from back to tummy and gave himself a fright and hasn't done it since lol.
Ooh i like cheese-strings as an idea for finger food. I always struggle with ideas for finger food.
I took some pictures of taylor for my mums birthday - its her 50th and I photoshoped them onto a blank background to have it printed onto canvas - mypictures is doing a really good sale on canvas prints so I though it would be a lovely gift for her.
Lovely to hear from you Robyn and what an amazing piccie!

How is work going?

I bought some foam mats for James but someone else seems to have adopted them :wall2:


I have my Milton spray on the ready :lol:

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Hi everyone

I hope you and your families are all well and happy. I haven't been through the thread to catch up.

I had a text from one of you last night which made me think perhaps I should come and explain my disappearance. I've also dropped most of you off my Facebook.

I've decided that I won't be spending time on here at the moment. This was partly triggered by the "discussion" I had with Wilson while I was in Australia, but I'm not angry or upset, with her or with anyone else. It made me question why I was spending so much time on this site (sometimes several hours a day) and what I was getting out of it. Much of the time, I felt stressed about having to keep up with everyone's news and commenting on everything. The rest of the time, I seemed to spend giving professional advice on medical issues, not particularly on this thread but elsewhere. I found the site very valuable when I was pregnant (especially when I needed to kill time!) but now I have J, I have very little time for relaxing and would like to spend the time I spent here doing other things. In the last 2 weeks, I have read 5 new books, something I thought I didn't have time for anymore!

For some people, the answer would be to visit here occasionally and read what they can and post updates. I tend to be a little bit obsessive with things like forums and need to read everything. So for me, it is easier not to visit.

The Facebook thing is something different. I mainly use Facebook to post pictures of J for family and friends he doesn't see often. These are all people I know in real life. There are very few people on my Facebook I haven't met. I've found the extra posts in my feed, from PF mummies and others (who I've also dropped), things like items for sale in areas far from me, created clutter on the feed which distracted me from the things I wanted to see. It is not personal in any way.

I hope nobody is offended by this. I'm very happy at the moment, and these changes that I've made have contributed significantly to that. I've made other changes too which I wont go into here (this is enough of an essay and if you're still awake - thanks) and the decluttering of my life has allowed me to focus on enjoying the simple things, like spending time with J, walking and exercising more.

I'm very grateful for the friendship that many of you here offered me over the last few months. It helped in the first months of J's life, which I found very difficult at times. It's for this reason that I felt I owed you all an explanation.

Nat - I've disconnected from everyone on MFP too. I haven't been logging for a while, but logged on the other day to check my weight loss progress. Calorie counting has never been my style and I'm losing weight more quickly with the Paul McKenna method, which is how I lost weight in the past. I like MFP as a resource, but I'm unlikely to log again.

I'm not planning to come on here again to check replies. That's the way I get obsessed, so I'll just slip away (which is what I was trying to do). I may well be back at some point in the future, especially if I get pregnant again.

I wish you all good luck and happiness for the future and hope you enjoy your babies.

Wow Little_angel whilst I am glad to hear you are OK I am not really sure where to go with your update?

I do understand, lots of ladies spend less time here once baby comes. It just all seems a tad melodramatic.

I am not on FB so I don't communicate with anyone other than Lynette off of PF, but I find this site invaluable.

I have to check my work emails so have my lappy on [sleeping most of the time] all day and pop on and off when James dictates, it doesn't get in the way of 'real life' but I can see your point. It's been invaluable through the cold winter and wet spring but once the sun shines I'm out of here lol....

Sorry that you feel the way you do, I must confess to feeling ever so slightly sad though. Sad that you feel the need to drastically cut off all contact with everyone via all websites we share.

I feel like a stalker !!!

Best of luck and I guess we'll maybe see you if you have some time to kill in future pregnancies (which you probably won't with a young child)

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All the very best LA. sorry to hear you feel the way you do.

I do know feel like an addict to this forum!lol but then I don't visit any others and for me this site has been great as I have no other friends with babies at the minute.

Nat looks like Amber has claimed the mats for herself?!

Robyn..lovely to hear how you've been getting on, great photo :)

We are still up visiting family in Scotland. The weather is weird and can't decide what to do. Off to visit my brother and his gf in their new house today. M is having a great time!

Wilson - be a wee bit careful with cheese strings - in one of the BLW books I have it says they shouldn't be given to babies as they're very high in salt, but maybe they do reduced salt ones?

I keep meaning to get one of those foam mats! Post lots of pictures of James on his to remind me to order one!

Love the photo Robyn - glad you're doing well!

mrsw - glad you're having fun with the family! Would be brill if you made it to the Glasgow meet up :)

OH and I had a lovely time last night - we did a great big nappy shop first though so we took a rucksack full of them to the restaurant with us :P

A has cut her second tooth too - hoping that's the end of it for a while now as she's been teething for months and hopefully it'll give us a chance to get her sleeping sorted properly!

Sorry if I've missed anyone - hope everyone has a lovely weekend!xx
Did you get some bargain nappies from Tesco Miss Y? :lol:

Glad you had a good time last night.

Going to a BBQ at my sisters this afternoon, in honour of Fathers day tomorrow and my Birthday on Monday [33 :shock:]

It's going to bloody rain though!!!

All my fave people will be there. Mum, Dad and youngest bro. Sis, BIL and their two boys, Bro, SIL and their two boys plus my boys... Very intimate and cosy... and manly. We have a lot of males!

I am going to have a few lager and limes and eat loads, can't wait!!

Hi girlies :) how are u all?

Nat they are fab mats where are they from? The cat looks comfy lol, are they needing it alot? Lovely pics of james :) that bbq sounds lovely :)

Mrsw hope u have a nice visit to scotland, are you any closer to moving back? And how is m settling in her nursery?

Hi robyn lovely to hear from you :) hope your well. Lovely picture of your canvas, dod your folks like it?

Hi missy, thanks for the info ill have a nosey at the ingrediants when home :) you think because its a childs products they wouldnt put salt in :/

So whats your plans for fathers day? Im stuck what to do, xx
In Asda they do sets of 9 play mats that slot together to make one big one. They have 0-9 on them and there's an alphabet version. 2 for a tenner :) xxx
Hi kitty,

Ive seen them ones, thought about getting them but the big ones are only 4 so less fixing together lol

Right so ive been craft making today for daddy :) so far i draw around arthurs hands, painted them stripes and then cut them out and made a hand card, so when you upen it a piece of zigzag paper is attached to each hand i says i love you daddy happy 1st fathers day :) then i made a canvas print..

He knew about this, because i had to get him to do it lol, but going to do arthurs footprints soon and write a daddy poem over it, xx


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