**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Emma i think i may invest in one lol i love summer evenings with a fire :) aww yr ickle man is so cute. Xx

Mrsw i think im going to bf till arthur decides enough is enough, hoping around 9-12 months. Hes because bit of a sod if im honest latelt, because i bf on my side in bed he now thinks hes king dingaling owner of it, will sleep on any bed but hates his cot?? And wont go back to sleep unless its the side of me, i really want to put him in his room HELP!!

Sorry no help about the sleeping hun! But you've changed your ticker?? Nice!!

I am not sure how feasible it is to change how you feed A after doing it a certain way for so long but maybe you could try not feeding him in bed?

As I say I know this probably isn't practical as you need to do what is best for you. I know A isn't great at night anyway the last thing you want to do is prolong feeding / make it harder for yourself.

Maybe try the BF'ing section and see if they have any tips? Or even the main forum?

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I also have a baby who hates her cot and will not settle without my help Wilson! If you suss how to get him in his own room, please share!

Glad M slept well for you mrsw :)

At least they've done more than fob you off with painkillers Nat. Hopefully physio will help it - I seem to have ended up with a lot of physio in the last few years for various ailments and it's all worked well.

Our news is that after months of teething, Aela has finally got a tooth through! It's not completely through, must have just happened this afternoon/evening as it definitely wasn't there this morning! Tried to put more gel on but she screamed so it's obviously very sore at the moment. Have given her neurofen and she's just gone down for the 3rd time, so hopefully she'll stay down now she's had medicine. I was losing the will to live there for a wee minute as I thought the way she was arching her back she must have had wind but must have just been her tooth hurting! Poor wee soul. xx
Hiya girls

Still poorly here :( a dying duck i feel. :(

Nat i changed it the other day, was sad to see my pregnancy one go :(
Hows the foot? Trouble is with freedimg sat up, it fully wakes you up :( then im awake for 2hrs at a time :/

Missy im going for it when im better, i shall tackle him and hopefully he will settle, he doesnt like waking to pitch black either, however moans at 4am when the sun wakes him lol, i so wish i got him in his room when he wasnt aware of things lol yayyy to teethy pegs :) try giving her something cold like melon out of the fridge, she'll love it to cool her gums, also plenty of water to help flush the extra syliva as u dont want sore bumbies xx

Has anyone noticed a change in day sleep patterns lately?? Xx
Are any November babies clingy or aware that mummy leaves yet?
Jack usually spends 5 hours at nursery on a Tuesday but after an hour and a half I got a call asking to pick him up. I went along and he was distraught :( snotty nose, tears streaming, everything! Broke my heart! As soon as he got a cuddle he was all smiles again but I didn't want to leave him again so we've come home. I don't know what to do to make it easier? He always has the same lady as his key worker so she should be familiar by now.
Any excuse for more cuddles! Xxx
Kitty if you look back its what we are on about, arthurs become very clingy n whingy and awear of everything :( its just development, does family n friends have him at all xx
James isn't clingy with me, he never has been. Not that he spends much time away from me.

He doesn't like being put down at the moment but he is like that with Daddy as well?

Just debating what to do for my Birthday next week. We went out quite recently and although it was nice I felt terrible spending so much money.

I quite fancy a Chinese takeaway but OH is insisting we do "something" - I am just not fussed???

Kitty m went through a week of whining when I left the room but is fine now.

Nat I see where you're coming from about the spending money. Maybe your oh wants to treat you now you've left James once? Iykwim
I read that article about your foot, hopefully you will be on the road to recovery soon :)

We are off to Scotland on Thursday can't wait!x
Kitty if you look back its what we are on about, arthurs become very clingy n whingy and awear of everything :( its just development, does family n friends have him at all xx

I try to keep up but it all moves so fast! I have no family here but he sees his other gran and grandad once a week but we're always there. It's come out of nowhere, he doesn't mind me leaving the room at home. Arthur's exactly a month younger than jack and I'm jealous of all the teeth he has! Also, on your last ticker I noticed he was born at 17.11 and thought it was so weird that was your due date!

Nat I'm like you, I just want a nice takeaway on my birthday. Maybe take a day trip somewhere, just to see somewhere different? Xxx
Kitty OMG that has just freaked me out lol, but your so right...:) thankyou for that.

Arthurs not clingy to me, he just doesnt want to be put down however hes been lovely today and had a 4hr kip all day lol.

Like yrself arthur doesnt go to anyone, we are always there when we go to family, his first day will be thurs when my best friend will have him 9-5.30 :/ bet hes a saint haha xx
They are always so well behaved for other people lol.

We've always said we'd rather James behave for other people, but he's generally a very well behaved baby anyway!

He's still having the same naps but he's def dropped a few oz's from his last feed. He has 6oz now as opposed to 8oz and still sleeps through so he is def getting little food?

He has been much better with his eating the past few days, I was beginning to despair as mealtimes were a battleground and left us both upset.

Off to bed soon, planning a day in tomorrow as it is set to rain and I have a tonne of cleaning to do...

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Kitty OMG that has just freaked me out lol, but your so right...:) thankyou for that.

Arthurs not clingy to me, he just doesnt want to be put down however hes been lovely today and had a 4hr kip all day lol.

Like yrself arthur doesnt go to anyone, we are always there when we go to family, his first day will be thurs when my best friend will have him 9-5.30 :/ bet hes a saint haha xx

Haha you're welcome, I always notice weird things like that. I got so excited when I went into labour on the 29th as my birthday (13th) plus Oh's (16th) is 29! But he took his time and was born on the 30th.

I'm always showing off 'oh he's such a good boy, never cries' even if I've just spent 6 hours listening to him whinge and refuse to eat or nap. I can't help it!

Jack has been dropping ozs too but he's got a sore throat so in assuming too much milk is just irritating it. He's also gone off his porridge which has annoyed OH as he's only just mastered making it perfect with no lumps xxx
Morning ladies,

Hope we're all well?

James has been sleeping until 7am but he does come in with us from about 6am so things are a bit better.

I have been on a proper cleaning frenzy already today. I have even done bathroom, kitchen, put laundry away and sorted out the recycling - I've even cleaned every handle and light switch in the house :lol: Still need to hoover, change the bedsheets and get myself clean but so far today has been very productive.

James has been "helping", but he got bored and went to sleep about 45 minutes ago lol.

Nothing else planned today.... OH has a half day so we'll all have lunch together and he can help me occupy bub.

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Madison rolled today! Woooo Front to back three times!!! I got some snaps on my camera too oh had literally left for work so he was gutted he missed it.
We are driving to Scotland tomorrow and staying till Sunday :) looking forward to seeing family :) x

Nat you are like super woman! I wish I could do as much as you in the mornings ;)

Hope everyone is well.

Not heard from la for a while
Yellow warning for wind today so we're definitely staying in! What happened to our sunny June?
Jack has started waking up earlier and earlier and im stumped as to why. He goes to bed at 7.30 usually but no matter what time he goes to bed, he will never sleep any later. He used to wake up at 7am which is nice and reasonable and then it drifted earlier and earlier and now it's 6am. I wouldn't mind if he's just an early riser, it's just I'm worried where its going to stop?! 3am?!
I just like to know what time he will wake up so I can get to bed early and get enough sleep myself. I'm such a grump when I'm tired! Xxx
Hi kitty.
M started to wake earlier and I put it down to it being lighter in the mornings. So I've blacked out her room temporarily (bed a blind and using a dark coloured sheet) and she is sleeping later which suits me :)
Yay to rolling babies!!!

She'll be all over the place now hun :lol:

June is always crap, it's my Birthday month and I remember many more Birthday's with crappy weather than I do sunny Birthday's :roll:

Kitty, James started waking at 5am when the clocks changed/ I'd have him in with us for an hour but the latest he would sleep until was 6am. This went on for weeks and just recently he has started waking at 6am and coming in with us until 7am? Hopefully bub goes back to his normal sleeping soon.

Plan today is to head to all the local Tesco's and try to find cheap nappies. Pampers are rebranding so in some stores they have half price nappies!! I live within walking distance of 3 decent size stores. I am so sad but I do love a bargain! Nappies are so bloody expensive too.

OH is working locally so we'll meet him for a coffee on the way home.

Hi ladies.

I hope your all well. I need to have a quick catch up on this thread.

We're all moved into our new house. Its loads bigger and closer to work. Toby has been a star and is crawling :eek:
How do you load videos up? Hes speedy I have to keep a good eye on him. Hes into everything. Hes so much happier being able to move. I'm so glad I have my smiley baby back.

How are all these gorgeous babies doing? Xx
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Wowser to a crawling baby!!! Well done Toby!

James can't even sit up yet :roll: (he is a good roller though)

Not sure about video links hun...


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