**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Hi Jolly,

Firstly you are always welcome here - you can see whet you have to look forward to LOL!!

I am not expert but here's my pearls of wisdom.

* Babies do stop poo'ing as much as they did in early days after a few weeks so don't worry too much if you've gone from a poo every few hours to not being as regular.
* In the early days their digestive system is so alien to them that they make a lot of noise but it doesn't mean they are in pain.
* Boil the water in kettle and let is cool to lukewarm and then give an oz or 2. I always did it after a feed (or sometimes during as he's not take water at all so I'd give him bottle with water, then milk, then back to water lol). It worked for us within the day. James was always a good feeder even as a teeny baby he'd demolish as much milk as he was given but some women find water makes bub not want their milk so I'd try an oz first.
* Google the tummy massage and try that
* Try a warm bath and nappy off time
* Swap to Gripe Water when he is a month

Hope this helps, let us know when he goes - I understand how happy it will make you when he finally explodes :lol: :lol:

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Hi Jolly :) Hope Freddie has pooped by now and if not, everything Wilson and Carnat have said is great advice. I find the tummy massage gets things moving if A is a bit bunged up.

I took A to the beach for the first time today - we had a nice wee picnic and a spuddle in the water and lots of fun :) xx


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Missy that looks beaut, where are you? Did she enjoy it??

Ive been in bed most of the day :( i feel like ive swallowed razor blades :( xx
We're on the Isle of Mull in the Hebrides!

Wow, amazing knashers Arthur!xx
Hi ladies!
I've done my best to catch up but had a few days worth to read!

Jolly- Harry really suffered with wind and I found doctor browns bottles amazing. Then I used to put him over my shoulder and walk round to get the wind up, but after a few days with these bottles it became easier.

Missyeovil - I know what you mean about being pregnant again, I miss it loads and I'm so broody! We will start trying again next September as we need to work on the house next year!

Wilson, those teeth are amazing, how many has he got? And what a strong little man!

And how are you getting on with making up formula bottles carnat? It will become like second nature soon, I have my own little routine with it now and takes about 2 mins. I would definetly get some plastic pots to measure out the powder tho, so much quicker!

Well, been away as the grey cloud finally lifted over Manchester and its been gorgeous all week! Getting myself a nice tan now! Harry still hasn't got any teeth but I'm hoping they are nearly here as he woke twice last night crying and he never usually wakes. Started weaning and going down the traditional route, he absolutely gobbles it down. Put him in his high chair and he's sat with his mouth open lol.
I'm do chuffed about the weather as a big reason we bought our house for the garden and haven't enjoyed it properly till this week!
Got the fire going now and this is my view for the evening


Hope everybody is having a fab weekend and enjoys what's left of it!

What a lovely garden you have Emma! We only have a balcony (quite a big one though lol)

Blimey, has Arthur got James' share of teeth?? :lol: :lol:

Lovely pearly whites there !!

Just watched a film with OH and am now off to bed, got a faint line on an OPK this evening so I am making sure there is no funny business this weekend!

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Well we've finally taken James swimming and he loved it.

We went early this morning and then breakkie afterwards.... I didn't actually get in but James and OH had a whale of a time!

Now for a few chores why bub is asleep :shock:

Wow what a great garden you have Emma! Ours is a bit rubbish and I can never sit out on and evening because of the midges! Think maybe I should get one of those fires to keep them away!

Glad he enjoyed it Nat! I haven't taken A in ages as the schools have the pool booked all through the day and I don't have time the rest of the day! Can't wait for it to be the holidays so I can take her lots :) xx
Great garden Emma!! Puts all my efforts these past 2 weeks to shame!hehe

Wilson great set of teeth Arthur has got :)
How are you finding bfing with him?

Missy..loving all the recent photos of A up on fb! She is adorable.

Nat..glad James enjoyed the swimming. Do you think you will go in with him next time? I haven't taken M swimming out with her swimming group yet.

Lovely weekend here. BBQ at a friends yesterday and I've been at the garden again. It's looking loads better so I am really pleased with myself!
Just a questions re poo! Is everyone else's Los poops now really smelly that they are weaning? Just wondered as Lady M isn't living up to the lady name! She stinks and I really can't stomach them :(
She is also on night 1 in her own room in the cotbed! Eek! I have kept her door a jar for now until I know she is happy in there then ill move the monitor and close the door. Surprisingly ok about it at the minute but I'm sure I will miss her later!
Aw good luck for night one in her own room! A is still sleeping in her pushchair in the dining room so I'm quite used to her not being there for most of the night! Also, A's poo is reeking! It really is a case of changing her nappy really quickly to get the smell away. Luckily, my mum changed today's nappy for me :D xx
Hi girls

Mrsw bf is fine, only occasional bites, but he gets a sharp NO at him and he stops. As for poo arthurs issmelling yes, and his farts stink toi lol, how is bf for you? Have u thought when you will stop??how is m getting on in her room? I want to try arthur again in his

Emma he has 6 in total, 4 on top and 2 on bottom, all 6 tuck about 3wks to all come through. Your garden looks lush, ive been after one of them fire burners, are they sny good.

Nat my friends baby is 9 months and stilk has no teeth through :( glad he enjoyed his swimming, did u get pics??

Well today arthur nailed sitting up on his own without pillows still wobbles a bit so we had him outside, but im just wondering if any other babies are getting really whingy, like he strops and goes mad or cries if its not what he wants, i feel hes far to aware of his or my actions :( xx
Wow, Arthur is such a big boy!!!!

I got told off for getting my camera out in swimming pool, you aren't allowed to take piccies :shock:

James is proper stroppy about a few things. Getting out the bath he needs a bottle otherwise he just cries, and he hates being dressed in the morning - he is fine when I change him out of his PJ's for breakkie and fine when I change him any other time but he goes beserk when I am getting him dressed to go out?? Not even sure how he knows the difference lol.

These are long standing things that makes James moan though.

Recently he is really stroppy when I put him in pram / chair / bumbo - he cries and arches his back but is fine within about 30 seconds.

Also food is currently an ongoing battle, he is fine for 5-10 minutes then he is a sobbing mess unless I take the food away :shock:

Trying to get an emergency Dr's appointment today for my foot, other than that no plans

Well done Arthur! Aela can be quite whingy - in fact she has mood swings like her mother! She is quite often moaning and laughing at the same time! She's starting to get very aware of me leaving the room and will cry as soon as she can't see me - which is a pain in the bum! Doesn't bode well for OH and I going out for dinner on Friday either - really hope she's not too upset for my mum looking after her!

Nat - you aren't technically allowed to take pictures at my pool either but since there's very rarely anyone else in the baby pool with us, and usually only one or two people in the big pool, I just do it! If it was busy I wouldn't. It's a shame
they wouldn't let you just take one picture though to capture Jame's first time swimming!!xx
I did manage a few piccies but they have OH in them and he has banned me from posting them lol.

How did M sleep mrsw?

Got dr's at 4.10pm and I am going to demand they do something for my bloody foot - they can chop it off for all I care!

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Hi girls

Just on my dinner break at work, im actually quite awake to say i had a shit night coughing my head off all night :(
Training isnt going to bad.

Im glad its not just arthur whos a whinge bag lol, he hates been put down, hes to alert for his own good.

Hi everyone,
I can't take any credit for my garden, it was like this when we viewed the house, that's what swung it. They had lived here 41 years so everything is really well looked after.
Wilson, I would definetly get a fire burner, it was 70 quid from B&Q. Good for when the nights are abit chilly aswell.

Well the sun has come out here again, I'm beginning to think I don't live in the north??!
Got a greedy boy today, feel like all I've done is feed him! Up to now we are on 24oz milk, porridge with banana, carrot purée and kiwi!
This was what OH took yesterday, I can't leave them alone without him trying to turn Harry into some sort of indie boy!


Hope everybody has a great day!

Lady m slept well last night :) woke at 1am 3.30 5.15 then up at 9am for the day. I managed to darken her room as well shopping that worked.

Nat how did you get on with your foot? Hope they've helped you this time.

Wilson I bet you're glad the first day back is over? Bfing is going well for us still but not sure when I'm stopping maybe 8 months? Undecided still!!

EmmA love that top your little man is in! Too cute x

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