Nat put arthur on the carper floor and he seems to face plant the carper but put him on the sofa or bed and he'll happily sit there for ages lol, i put a pillow behind him just to soften his falls if he does topple back, daddy let him topple yesterday and he banged his head slightly as he caught him so i take no risks just incase. That is a great idea about going for a stroll and sitting and reading while hes asleep, its forcast to be hot next week to so i ma go for a stroll and read.
Well arthurs in bed early as lately he seems to gone for 2hr naps at lunch to just 40minutes and no tea nap, so im putting him to bed early, ive put him in my bad as he seems to sleep better and i think we are all in need of sleep at the moment for been all of us been poorly.
Well instead of feeling sorry for myself because im bunged up, i decided to cut the crash, i mean it was like sherwood bleedin forest, so i had to strim it all before i could put the mower on, then i scrubbed all the patio area, washed the chairs down, then cooked a bbbq and i am truely fooked!! got a bit of tan but im aching for my boobs to my toes lol,
missy its mad how every baby is different, Arthur is a nightmare with rolling and they dont sit still once they start, so be glad of the non movement yet lol.
I cant believe i start my training for my new job on monday, brucie has booked the day off to have Arthur as id rather him have him on my first day away from him, then my best friend is having him thursday, i dont want to think about it to much or ill end up with tears

i honestly love been a mummy.