**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

P.s its 27degrees here hot hot hot :) good old bbq tonight lol xx
I feel like I am going mad. All the forecasts online and on TV say it should be hot and sunny here but it's not??? I feel like I am in a parellell universe LOL!

Poor little A, glad you got to the Dr's though as it will save you worrying all weekend. George is a good boy taking care of him, Amber heads in the opposite direction when James is being noisy.

Look how well he is sitting. I know he has a pillow behind him but way to go Arthur - excellent posture. James still slumps over bless him, even with 6 pillows!

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Same as me Nat! I was a smoker for a wee while but gave up as soon as I got my BFP. Does my nut in people smoking and then taking A off me. I wish I would say something but I never do :wall2:

Great news about your wedding Chloe! Lyla is looking gorgeous as ever :)

Hope A is feeling better Wilson.

We've had nice weather here all week but I've not been out in it too much as I don't really know what to do! There's nobody I can meet up with on the weekdays and I have to be back by 3 so I just kinda potter around the garden every now and then!

I have set Tuesday as the date for OH to baby proof the house. A managed to bum shuffle about half a metre this afternoon (albeit very slowly) but it's obviously only going to be a matter of time till she really gets the hang of it and is moving constantly. She is so good at sitting now and can reach for things a way off and keep herself steady. However, she still won't roll properly. She has done it a couple of times in her cot by pushing off the bars at the side but never on the floor!xx
James is the opposite miss-y, he face plants the moment you sit him up but he rolls all over the place.

Gosh, I've not even thought of baby-proofing!

Just fed James some steak, he had a little suck at that was it. Daddy and I have bangers and mash for dinner later. It was only a cheapo steak, just thought I'd try him.

Miss-y, we just go for walks - when he falls asleep I find a park and have a little sit down and read my book? Nothing too exciting most days but there is a lot on our doorstep so I do take James to places I like to go...

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Nat put arthur on the carper floor and he seems to face plant the carper but put him on the sofa or bed and he'll happily sit there for ages lol, i put a pillow behind him just to soften his falls if he does topple back, daddy let him topple yesterday and he banged his head slightly as he caught him so i take no risks just incase. That is a great idea about going for a stroll and sitting and reading while hes asleep, its forcast to be hot next week to so i ma go for a stroll and read.

Well arthurs in bed early as lately he seems to gone for 2hr naps at lunch to just 40minutes and no tea nap, so im putting him to bed early, ive put him in my bad as he seems to sleep better and i think we are all in need of sleep at the moment for been all of us been poorly.
Well instead of feeling sorry for myself because im bunged up, i decided to cut the crash, i mean it was like sherwood bleedin forest, so i had to strim it all before i could put the mower on, then i scrubbed all the patio area, washed the chairs down, then cooked a bbbq and i am truely fooked!! got a bit of tan but im aching for my boobs to my toes lol,

missy its mad how every baby is different, Arthur is a nightmare with rolling and they dont sit still once they start, so be glad of the non movement yet lol.

I cant believe i start my training for my new job on monday, brucie has booked the day off to have Arthur as id rather him have him on my first day away from him, then my best friend is having him thursday, i dont want to think about it to much or ill end up with tears :( i honestly love been a mummy.

I know it sounds horrible but I actually enjoyed my two days at work.

I guess it's because OH has James and because it was only for two days BUT I was happily surprised how little I worried and fussed about bub.

I know I'll be a wreck getting closer to going back FT as being away from James for 2 days is so different to being away 5 days a week, every week. I do feel a bit more reassured though and will make sure I do a few more KIT days to ease myself in.

Also I hope to only be back for a year before we're TTC, so hopefully on maternity leave again within 2 years :lol:

Oh my, that looks bloody lovely!!

When is your next BBQ? I'll bring the wine :lol:

We're going to NTNP from summer 2014 and proper TTC from James' second Birthday... Although I have now stopped taking the pill (we're using condoms but we're crap with them!)

yr welcome anytime with wine lol.

Would it bother you if you fell pregnant now? w have ony had sexytime 2 since arthurs been born, 1 my lady bits hadnt healed until i was 4 months after his birth and 2 we are more tired than awake with arthur not sleeping :(

It wouldn't be ideal to get preggers right now but I do worry about my age (I am 33 next week) and the fact we had 3 miscarriages before James so I don't want to wait another 18 months and then we struggle again?

What will be will be?

I am actually off the wine at the moment. I was having a few glasses a few times a week and my weight-loss stopped (I like to snack when I drink wine!)

I have given up the ghost about ever being a size 10 again to be honest and am buying size 14's now :shock:

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Nat, I'm sure the weight will fall off once James is moving and you have to chase him all over the place!

I'm soooo desperate to be pregnant again. I don't know how I would actually survive just now though... I'm tired enough with a baby who doesn't like to sleep and an 8 year old who is never quiet - not sure I could take the pregnancy fatigue just now! I've told OH we can't get pregnant until at least next month as baby would still be due on the winter ferry timetable and after the worry with Aela, I am definitely having a summer baby!xx
Nat if its any consulation im in a 14 too, im gradually losing weight, i cant just get on a diet because of bf and my heart rate, i have put on a tad more weight recently but i do need to get out more.

Missy u have shocked me there, so soon lol, id love another too now but again no sleep = no sexytime lol xx
I'd quite like a summer baby too.... If we start NTNP next summer it could be a possibility to have a spring / summer baby!

Eeeep, wonder who the first November Mummy to get preggers will be???

If you are trying from next month Miss Y then you could be a winner LOL!!

Is L_a back from Oz yet? I know you are all FB buddies

Also I meant to say we rarely have sexytime. Maybe once every few weeks?? Tiredness + being on the pill + feeling fat and horrid doesn't bode well for sex drive.

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We're back to a fairly good sex life! A few times a week... basically whenever A goes down for a long sleep! She's woken up in the middle plenty of times though :wall2:

L_A is back...saw she was buying a jogging buggy the other day! She's probably been getting out and about with that in the sunshine :) xx
Nat don't be too hard on yourself lovely. It's hard work loosing weight, it will soon drop off :) you're right about the wine though! I was away with work for 6 months and piled on the weight and it was down to the alcohol! I managed to loose some of the excess before getting preggo and finally it's dropped off.

Wilson Arthur looks really sturdy sitting up, clever boy :) if you want a diet while bfing then give slimming world a to. It was a programme for women who bf I believe :)

Missy how exciting about the ttc. If will be tiring but worth it?

We have decided we are happy with just Lady M for now and have no plans to ttc again soon. I did want another by end of the year but I want M to have my full attention for now :)
Plus she needs to start sleeping properly before another one is conceived!
Really sorry I'm "thread-jacking" because I need Carnat!!!

How did you get rid of the constipation James had when he tried infacol? Seems Freddie has had the same reaction and has gone from pooing every nappy to just wee and he looks in agony when he's straining :-(

Any other input appreciated, I just know that Nat and James had the same problem ;-)

Thank you ladies!!! Xxx
Morning ladies

Jolly, are you bf or ff and how old is bubs? Plenty of water helps baby to go, however when you say constipation is it coming out like rabbit droppings or they arnt pooing regular xx
Hello!! Bubs is only two weeks old and I'm bottlefeeding- he was fine to start with then I tried infacol for trapped wind. His poos used to be yellow and plentiful then changed to the seedy look but not very much, and now he hasn't poo'd for 3 nappies which isn't usual for him at all. We can literally see him trying to push it out and he's grunting with it- heartbreaking because I don't want him to be so uncomfortable.

Mw mentioned cooled boiled water, but he's just had a feed so don't know when to give it, how much to give and how long it should be before it helps him poo!!!
Hello!! Bubs is only two weeks old and I'm bottlefeeding- he was fine to start with then I tried infacol for trapped wind. His poos used to be yellow and plentiful then changed to the seedy look but not very much, and now he hasn't poo'd for 3 nappies which isn't usual for him at all. We can literally see him trying to push it out and he's grunting with it- heartbreaking because I don't want him to be so uncomfortable.

Mw mentioned cooled boiled water, but he's just had a feed so don't know when to give it, how much to give and how long it should be before it helps him poo!!!

Seedy poo is normal hun, its just the fats in the milk binding.infacol does tns to make babys poo harder to part with, im assuming your baby is on 2-3hrly feeds so in between these feeds offer a bit of boiled cooled water.
Its natural for babies not to poo in every nappy as they start to grow so dont worry and the grunting is more likely to be wind, have u tried baby massage?? Ive had this with my son and he still gets it. I stopped infacol snd just gave water and did tummy massage. Xx
Ahh thanks Wilson- will try more with the water and massage and see what happens- he's gone off to sleep now and I know if it was that horrendous for him he'd be crying or screaming so just going to try and be patient!!!

Thank you again :-) x

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