**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Evening ladies,

Well something is up with arthur, he went to bed at 6.15pm, and woke at 8.15pm for his top up feed, and not heard s dicky bird from him at all, whats that all about, he normally goes down 7.30-8.30pm, how much are u betting hes gonna hsve me up early haha xx
Mrsw have a fab night, r u excited? We go to see rihanna next month. Xx

Missy whats happening with lo sleeping? I cant seem to find your post, ive been highly advised not to use the cry it out way, but highly recommended the no cry sleep book. Xx
I hope everyone got some sleep last night???

James slept 9-6 and then came in with me for an hour. I still had to do a few dummy runs but all in all a great night.

We're off out to do some shopping soon then OH will join us for a walk along the canal and a mini picnic somewhere along the way.

Weather is looking good for a few days so I am going to make the most of it.

James has been getting on really well with his food. I didn't give him anything other than milk Thursday and Fri with me being at work but yesterday he happily went back to trying whatever was given to him (crumpet, cheese fingers and apple slices for breakkie, fruit medley and yoghurt in afternoon and eggy bread for dinner with melon for dessert)

He is now taking massive chomps out of everything so its still quite scary but he is so good. My one concern is he doesn't really look at / play with his food he literally picks it up and stuffs it in his mouth.

Also James has started to do what I call his "OMG cat face" (this is OMG cat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C_S5cXbXe-4)

James does this to everything now!! His mouth just gets wider and wider, it's hilarious!

Lol Nat that video is amazing!! Hope youve had a good day in the sun :) it's been lovely in the West Country today :)

Had a lovely sleep until 6am when I woke up to watermelons as boobs! My pump started packing in on me so I was struggling to empty :( Lady M had a good old feed when I got home.
We had a great time but seriously felt lost without our little lady. Missed her so much!!
It's meant to be lovely weather this coming week so hoping to be out enjoying it with Madison :)

Kerrie..are you thinking of doing water babies? We do it and its great, just moved onto intermediate 1 stage x
Mrsw we do swimbabes and its a similar programme i think from what ive read on here from you guys. We go on a friday and livvi loves it but im just thinking for alternatives just incase i have to work a friday...and wilson lives close to me.

Its amazing how good they are isnt it? Have you watched m swim under the water...ie gone under the water and watched her?

They do so much with them that i dont really want to start new lessons and have her not do as much iykwim. Xx
Missy whats happening with lo sleeping? I cant seem to find your post, ive been highly advised not to use the cry it out way, but highly recommended the no cry sleep book. Xx

Yeah I didn't really wanna have to do CIO, especially not until after 7 months. I have ordered a no cry book and was thinking about trying PU/PD before it arrives. I really struggle with patience at night time though. I am usually quite a patient person but by bedtime I am knackered and just need some me time so tend to give in easily! Had a bangin' headache tonight and S was back from her mum's so couldn't risk her being kept awake as she doesn't sleep properly up there so I didn't try anything.

Mrs W - glad you had a nice time! My night out without A I slept through my alarm to express and so woke up a couple of hours ready to explode and in agony!

We have been to a charity fair today - cream teas etc. never been to anything like it up here! Reminded me of things back in Somerset! Was nice though and the weather was warm and dry. Got lots of fresh air and won some soap and bubbles in the raffle :)

Tomorrow I am off out for lunch with all my friends who are home from uni for the holidays. OH is off work so I haven't decided whether to take A with me or leave her with him - think I will see how grumpy she is tomorrow!xx
Hi girls

Kerrie we do waterbabies in sheffield at handsworth on a wednesday.
I think they do it in chesterfield too hun xx
Hi girls

Kerrie we do waterbabies in sheffield at handsworth on a wednesday.
I think they do it in chesterfield too hun xx

Yeah ive had a look but its on a tuesday...im needing monday. Grrr x
Hello ladies :D

Long time I have been on here, I think about 3 months maybe?

How is everyone getting on? We have 6month plus babies now...argh! Where is it going?

I am finally settled in to my new house, the area (I did grow up here so I do know it quite well) made new friends, gne to every baby and toddler group I possibly can (which is a if deal for me as I previously avoided like the plague, but now I know lots more mummies so I joined them) loosing weight (lost 2stone!!) and just generally having a blast and flipping love being a mummy EVEN more, when I didn't think that was possible.

Little M is doing so well. He is now 20lb and loves his food. He has only just mastered sitting up and kind of crawls(ish) and just a very sociable happy giggly boy, I couldn't be prouder.

Daddy is still away and reaching the fourth month and I think he is due home end of July, so we are super excited about seeing him.

That is about all for us. But can't wait to hear and read and catch up.

Oh and....biggest news is I previously said we won't try for another baby until M is 3. After a pregnancy scare when hubby went away we were so shocked by our reaction and I am so keen on a short age gap with my first two that come M's birthday (November) we will be trying for number 2. Fingers crossed it doesn't take 4years again.

Love love xxxxx
Hello Kellybean!
Great to hear that you and little m are doing really well!!
Sounds like you have been busy :) I love going to my baby groups and I've met some lovely girls as well :D

Kerrie, yeah we so the underwater swims where we see them! I love it :) we did a photoshoot a few weeks back just waiting for our photo to come through :)

Hi kelly...glad to hear you are ok...M sounds like he is doing fab...same weight as livvi :-)

Its crazy how big our babies are now...livvi is so much more fun now.

I am so proud of her.

Mrsw....im still waiting for our photoshoot...cant wait xx
Hey Kelly,

Lovely to hear your update and know that all is going well with little one. I can't believe we all have 6 month old babies now :lol: :lol:

James will be getting weighed on Friday - it's been 5 weeks since last weigh-in so I am excited, I reckon he'll be close to 18lbs now (he was 15lbs 13oz last weigh-in).

The weather forecast is looking amaze-balls for London so we've got lots planned this week. We did one of the big parks yesterday today we're going for a picnic. Tomorrow canal, Thursday maybe a walk along the Thames..

James doesn't seem to appreciate the weather though - he is a little grumpy bum already today. I could tell from the moment he woke up as he wasn't his usual smiley self.

Hope you are all enjoying the glorious weather.

Evening girls how are you all? I cant see any posts as my phone wont load anything for some reason???

So how many are you happy the sun is here :)) we have been down south this weekend, lovely weather but breezey :/
Just heading back home as i speak.

Well ive been studying photoshop lately as ive been doing more photography, and want to try and do a design course. Here are some of my efforts...ImageUploadedByTapatalk1370372741.460910.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1370372763.208891.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1370372840.463701.jpg

Still lots of practice needed but its about layering of pixels etc..

Well blw weaning is going fab, arthur ate a full weetabix this morning, and had strawberrys and pasta at lunch. Last few days hes had boiled egg snd toast, its amazing how in a month hes gone from not botherd to his little arms and legs shake in excitement when i put his food on the table lol. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1370373502.242515.jpg

Hes still waking through the night but im not fussed now, more cuddles i see it as :)) and it wont last forever, so im embrasing it with open arms :D

:wave: Hello Kelly! I was actually just wondering the other day how you were getting on. Glad to hear you and M are good :)

Kerrie - I asked my HV about the vitamins and she said that breastfed babies are advised to get them. She didn't mention anything about formula fed babies to me, but she said they are just over the counter multi vits I need to get so if you think Livvy might benefit from them I guess you could just go your chemist and get them too! Maybe speak to the chemist, or your HV and see what they think.

That was Aela 6 months yesterday! Not sure where it has all gone!

Here's some pictures - most of you have probably seen them on facebook and instagram but I know Nat loves a good baby photo!xx


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Happy 6 months to little Aela.

What wonderful pics, love the 3rd one - such a natural piccie and she is so happy.

Love your pics too Wilson.

Not taken many of James recently. I am such a crap picture taker.

Off to bed as soon as it is properly dark! Just need to hang out a wash and sterilise all the bottles first (I am sure I was doing this at 7am today aswell LOL)

Missy.....thanks for the info on the vitamins. May pop into boots tomorrow and ask which are best.

Happy 6 months to aela....she is beautiful. Thanks for the facebook add too :-)

Wilson those pics are fab! We went a walk around rother valley on saturday....its lovely there isnt it?

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James slept until 7:45 this morning? He's only ever slept this late once before.

He was in with us from 6.30 though so I was only kind of dozing!

Well done James!

Livvi woke just after 7 so i put her in bed with me for a cuddle like we always do and she fell back to sleep. She is still fast on lol x
We have cuddles every morning too but it normally ends with James pulling my hair / poking me in the eye / sticking a finger up my nose :lol:

Off out to do some shopping soon then we'll go for a walk along the canal later, may walk up to Camden and have a nosey


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