**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Hi chloe,

Glad all is well, how was yr exam? Bless lyla, they do them mats in asda for £6, or 2 for £10, my oh desgins them for disney so he got arthur jake and the netherland pirate one, which he can put together with him lol.

Hey Amanda, exam went really well. Finally able to enjoy my baby girl :love: Got one cheapy off ebay should be here soon. How is Arthur doing? xx
aww bless ya, when will u find your results out? have you got much longer at uni left? Arthurs fine thankyou for asking, he is in bed, takes his self off much better these days and no screaming, getting bit better sleeps. He goes 7.30 feed, 11pm feed, 2am then 4 and 6am, i dont know if his 4 and 6am feeds are due to it coming light as for 4am he stirs terribly and will only go back off on boobie.
I went to a carboot the other day and thought of you, they was selling some cloth nappies for 20p brand new and i nearly got them for you, but they was plain white but a bit small i think for lyla xx
Hi everyone....hope your all ok.

Chloe....glad your finished for the summer now...all we need is some sun :-)

Is anyone on here tw? I know a lot of you are blw so may not know the answer, but just wondered if anyones babes have lost interest in their milk? Livvi has started leaving a lot of milk. She had a chest infection last week and i thought this was why but she is better now and doesnt seem interested. She has 5 bottles a day and it the middle two that she's not bothered about.

Ive started giving her a tea this week and a little extra at lunch which she loves as im a bit worried that she has lost some weight (i think from being ill mostly but i can tell a difference in her) im getting her weighed tomorrow so will see

Results are published start of July. Then only got one more year left at uni! Can't wait to finish up completely.

Aww that's good he's sleeping better for you. Hopefully the night feeds start dropping off soon. It could be the light, have you tried blackout blinds? Might help him stay settled for bit longer.

That's lovely that you thought of me! Too nice. We started full time in cloth nappies yesterday and they were brill. Had a wash on and hanging on the line in the lovely sunshine today and they dried pretty quickly. Lyla has gone to bed wearing one tonight padded out with an extra liner so hopefully she stays kinda dry :lol: We had to get the pampers night time nappies because she doesn't get changed at night and her nappies were like bombs in the morning, before that they just leaked so I'm not holding out much hope for the cloth but we will see! If not I will just put her in a disposable for night time from now on!

hi kerrie,

i think all babies have been off milk alot lately, might be teething, i know sally was tw and cathy went off her milk, so she stopped weaning and she went back to wanting her milk, and she slowly brought weaning back in once she was back to her full feeds. so i could be weaning or her gums are sore, have u checked her gums.

Chloe thats great you only have a year, what job are you wanting to do after? yes we have to have pampers on at night as arthur piddles like a tropper and sometimes poos comes 6am.
im debating to have a go of cloth nappies, as i like the idea of them, now he doesnt poo every feed now and its mainly wet nappies i thought why not??

Hi ladies,

Just back from dinner and a wee bit tipsy :shock: so I'll reply properly tomorrow!!

Just wondering if you could point me in the direction of the foam play mats please??

Night night, I prob wont be on until later tomorrow as I am at work - eeeekkk!

Is anyone on here tw? I know a lot of you are blw so may not know the answer, but just wondered if anyones babes have lost interest in their milk? Livvi has started leaving a lot of milk. She had a chest infection last week and i thought this was why but she is better now and doesnt seem interested. She has 5 bottles a day and it the middle two that she's not bothered about.

Kerrie - I started TW and J is on 4 bottles a day. I've found the middle two bottles she doesn't always finish. I offer them everyday but she doesn't seem too bothered. She'll drink the first bit, play with it and then she might drink a little more.

Morning ladies

Nat - hope you're having fun at work??

After our little accident the other night J has been her normal self so I think Mummy is more upset about it than her. I've certainly learnt my lesson!

Yesterday for dinner we tried baby pasta. It's so sweet its in little star shapes. I made up a tomato sauce from a few plum tomatoes, mushrooms and onions and added a little mixed herbs and lemon juice. She loved it, ate the whole lot! I wasn't expecting much as she has only really had purees and finger food which normally gets thrown. I've saved some of the sauce and popped in in the freezer, so she can have it again in a few days.

J was so tired last night I got her ready for bed and she was asleep in the cot from 7pm and she didn't wake up until 7am!! A record! I've started putting a couple of dummies in the cot instead of just the one and then she can see them if she wakes up and put one in. I know she had a different one in when she woke this morning, so she must have popped one it at some point last night.

I popped into Aldi this morning for their baby event. They had some good offers on. Then I'm in worked this afternoon :)

Hope everyone is having a good day xxx
that's great kedi glad shes ok now :)

im going to aldi today because of the event apparently some good stuff on and the nappies are great :)

Is my baby the only one without teeth? He's 7 months today and I'm getting excited as he's only just growing hair! I keep having dreams about him having a full set of adult teeth... Bit weird actually.
Is anyone tw and blw? I like giving jack a bit of finger food while we have our tea so we can eat our own meal but I like to know how much he's eating too. I still panic when he gags though!
Is anyone else having hair issues too? So many questions! Jack pulls on my hair quite a lot and now I have a short tuft around my ears! It looks like mini sideburns! It was already falling out post pregnancy and now I'm worried I'm going to be full on bald :( and I really doubt I can pull that look off. Maybe I should take vitamins or something? Xxx
Just sneaking on at work (some things never change!!)

It's nice to be back and so far I am not missing bub too badly, but he is with Daddy so that helps.

James doesn't have teeth Kitty! Or much hair.

We ae doing BLW and the gagging is much better now but I still won't let anyone else feed him.

My hair is in a constant ponytail when I am around James as he yanks at it - and he is on a mission to rip off my necklace too.

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Hey everyone :)

Nat - hope you enjoyed your baby free meal with OH last night and had a good day at work! Bet it was so lovely to get home to James at the end of the day, how did you all cope? Bet your OH is worn out after looking after J all day!

Chloe - glad cloth nappies seem to be suiting you! If I didn't have S to look after too I might have taken the leap with cloth nappies but I have to do so much washing as it is between S, A and my OH I barely get time to wash my own stuff!

Sally and Wilson - Happy 6 months to Cathy and Arthur! :D

I'm just back from bingo with S and my mum accidentally gave A some adult bonjela. Just googled it and although the reason to not give it to children is because of Reye's syndrome, NHS website says not to worry and there haven't been any reported cases to do with bonjela so I feel a bit better.

Thankyou missy but its not till tomorrow even though he was born the 30th which is sat lol, hope yr well xxxx
Thanks kedi....i got livvi weighed today and she is 19lb 15.5 oz. she has jumped again to the 91st line so she is clearly not loosing weight. Lol. This babies like to worry you

Kitty....livvi doesnt have any teeth and i dont think she is teething either. We are doing tw but i give livvi some finger foods at lunch and tea time which she does well with although it scares the hell out of me and i am not very adventurous. She has had rice cakes, biscotti biscuits, carrot sticks and toast with soft cheese on.

La - i hope you are well and had/have a safe flight back (i know you were flying soon but cant remember the exact day)

Hi kerri, ive been going by weeks :) hes 26wks today, i cant believe it where has the time gone :(

Wow livvi is a good weight isnt she bless her xx
Thanks kedi....i got livvi weighed today and she is 19lb 15.5 oz. she has jumped again to the 91st line so she is clearly not loosing weight. Lol. This babies like to worry you

Kitty....livvi doesnt have any teeth and i dont think she is teething either. We are doing tw but i give livvi some finger foods at lunch and tea time which she does well with although it scares the hell out of me and i am not very adventurous. She has had rice cakes, biscotti biscuits, carrot sticks and toast with soft cheese on.

La - i hope you are well and had/have a safe flight back (i know you were flying soon but cant remember the exact day)


I'm not adventurous either, he loves cheese on toast but he seems to gum it into a dribble ball of dough and then he gags on it :( those biscotti biscuits are the most messy thing I've ever come across!!

Happy half birthday Arthur :) xxx
Wow Kerrie! What a great weight! The last time I got A weighed she was 16lb 1oz (I think) and that must have been 6 weeks ago. Don't know when she next gets weighed though...do you get a 6 month check with the HV or anything? I've been meaning to text mine with regards to vitamins...

Tonight's the night girls. I'm going to try and get A to go down in her own room, in her cot, instead of in her pushchair in the dining room. Not feeling very hopeful but I've got to try at some point and S is away to her mum's for 2 nights so seemed like a good time! Wish me luck!xx

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