**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Thankyou girls :) xx


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Missy...i get livvi weighed every 4 weeks at the weigh in clinic near me. Do you have a weigh and play/surestart near you? I get excited to get livvi weighed lol. She is a little porker..i love it.

When your hv gets back to you about the vitamins will you post here and let me know? I remember mine saying somethinh but cant remember what lol. Think it was that they need vitamins for iron?

We dont have a 6 month check where i am but i know everywhere is different. Our next visit will be the one year check but they do it at ten months? Xxx
I'm taking James to get weighed next week (not until Friday though) and I'll ask about vitamins.

On a side note I've put James is a 1 tog sleeping bag tonight but they say minimum weight is 18lbs? He was just under 16lbs last weigh-in so he may still be a little too 'light' for this bag? Do you think I should take him out of it?

Work was fab, I am surprised that I enjoyed it so much. Don't get me wrong I am glad it was just a few days. I kind of had a panic about all the things I didn't have time to do around the house but being in 'grown-up land' was quite nice!!

Nat....if he cant slide his head down through the whole im sure he will be fine...ive attempted to put livvi in her summer sleeping bag thats the next size up and its far too big around her head so she just has a cellular blanket tonight x
Nat u wickle to much, lol, arthurs been in a 12-18month sleeping back since he was 3 1/2 months old, they are fine honestly, get him in it.

Well last night we went for a sling consultation and tried loads on snd we hired a mei tai sling and i love the woven wraps, so i met a girl from the sheffield slings for the 1st time snd went on a 3 mile walk with george, arthur and her little girl, ImageUploadedByTapatalk1370036433.120743.jpg was lovely meeting a nice new friend, didnt half bloody burn though lol

Also caught arthur for the first time yesterday asleep on his tummy lol ImageUploadedByTapatalk1370036538.237279.jpg we have a little ikea cot in our room as hit cot bed is to big, but he just manages to turn round, roll over and fall asleep bless him lol xx
Ive taken arthurs sleeping bag off him now, because hes bf regular through the night i dont want him over heating at the side of me incase we nod, also taken his socks off him tonight too xx
A looks teeny in his sling, bless him!!

James hasn't figured out how to roll in his sleeping bags yet so he stays on his back at night (for the moment)

Anyone seen Danielle recently?? She hasn't posted for a bit (or has she? I am delirious with tiredness ha ha!)

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Missy...i get livvi weighed every 4 weeks at the weigh in clinic near me. Do you have a weigh and play/surestart near you? I get excited to get livvi weighed lol. She is a little porker..i love it.

When your hv gets back to you about the vitamins will you post here and let me know? I remember mine saying somethinh but cant remember what lol. Think it was that they need vitamins for iron?

We dont have a 6 month check where i am but i know everywhere is different. Our next visit will be the one year check but they do it at ten months? Xxx

We don't have in a weigh in clinic although as it's such a small place I suppose I could just ring them up and say I want her weighed. I might step on the scales with her and roughly work it out from there.

I will text my HV monday and ask about vitamins and get back to you... :)

Didn't have any luck getting A to sleep in her room. She went down just after 10 in her pushchair again :wall2: xx
Shes on fb every day, liked my post today, sometimes its nice to have a break off the forum to catch up, ss nothing changes everyday :)
Dont worry sbout his sleeping bag im sure it will be fine.

Did u see my post about ff not needing vitamins xx
Yep sorry hun, I did see your post about the vitamins.

I am just confused as some people say you do, some say you don't.

In my [non expert] opinion James seems just fine so I don't want to interfere.

I just had a stalk and Mrsw is actually 'online' now! So she is about :lol:

Hi ladies I'm here :)
Stalking as I've been spending time with my mum. She is down as we go to Manchester for the night in the morning so she is flying solo with lady M! Eeek! Very nervous about being without her :( BUT excited to have a full sleep?! Woo

Nat..great to hear work went well :) I'm thinking of doing some kit days myself in July to bump up my pay in August! I seem you asked about foam mats, I seen them in Asda and tesco in the children's outdoorsy toys :) was looking for some bits for M :)

Kerrie..great weight for livvy! M was 19lb 2oz the other week. Other babies feel like a balloon compared to her!

Wilson..happy 6 months to A! Time is flying :)

Sally..happy 6 months to Cathy! Getting a big girlie!!!

Missy..we still haven't put M in her room! Selfishly don't like the thought of feeding her on the floor in her room and not on my cosy bed! Hehe but I am going for it next week :)
Good luck!!! Keep us posted x
Happy belated 6 months to little Cathy (sorry I've been all over the place having gone back to work albeit for a few days!)

Happy 6 months to Lyla today as well.

Our babies are getting so "old" :lol:

Livvi is still in my room too. She sleeps through the night so i have no excuse apart from me not wanting her in her own big girls room.

Missy....i put a towel on my scales then turn them on and pop livvi on them...it was only half a kg out...so you could try that.

Mrsw...i know. Some of my friends say their babies are so big but when i hold them they feel like feathers. Lol. I wouldnt have it any other way...i love my chunky bubba.

Wilson....my hv definately told me that ff babies need vitamins to help their iron levels as these tend to drop after 6 months and they dont get enough from their diet or milk. I think this is included in some of the follow on milks for some reason as you can have these from 6 months. Im not changing livvis milk though. I do have some baby vitamins actually but havent given them yet xxxx
Morning ladies.

How are you all?

Nat glad you enjoyed work. It is nice to pop in to the adult world for a bit. Toby is in his 18month sleeping bag now. Hes fine in it.

Wilson a looks super comfy.

Happy belated 6 months to arthur, cathy and m. Its gone so quickly. Happy 6 months to layla.

Wilson I love my ergo carrier but my right knee and ankle is buggered. Keep popping my knee when I get up. But the docs at work won't do anything until I go back in july. So oh takes every opportunity to wear toby.

Toby is now going backwards on his front and when hes in the buff he can get onto his knees. I noticed he bum shuffled after on of his toys f4om on side of the mat to the other. Albeit over half hour. Hes on the move :eek:

What have you all got planned for the weekend? Its gorgeous here so we're off to bath and west show. I love the big Country shows.

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It's really grey here?? But humid!

Today I am not venturing far and will catch up on chores and stuff. Tomorrow we'll go out and do something the three of us.

Just ordered a few bits from Tesco - a foam mat and a few other little bits.

Anyone else's LO not all that interested in toys yet though???

Sazz, have a lovely day - sounds fab!

morning girls....

here is a link to vitamins http://www.babycenter.com/404_does-my-baby-need-to-take-vitamins_9154.bc

it basically says if your child isnt having a varied diet at 6 months, especially greens and meats then the dr will give an iron supplement if the child shows signs of low iron, other wise no vitamins are needed as it is already in formula and the food they are in taking.

well it is bright blue skies and sunny here so going into down with the oh and artie bear, going to take the sling again, and give it a whizz in the shops, so much easier with both hands free.
Sazz we looked at the ergo but once we met rosie and tried on alot of different ones and she shoes us how to do back ones and side, and wraps, we loved the wolven wrap and the mai tei, its amazing how many different ones they are :) does any of you want adding on fb to the sling group, ive added sally and they are lovely women, some blokes too.

how is toby doing? sounds like hes getting ready for the off lol...

mrsw are you looking forward to some time apart? how long is she going for? have you expressed for her feeds or is she on formula now and then?

nat arthur loves toys, we have alsorts for him, but he seems to love the sky remote lol, takes after his daddy.

well girls this is my last paid week of maternity leave :( cant believe it finishes tomorrow :( back for a training day at work on the 13th then back i go. I need to go to leeds on wednesday to take some documents in for my new job, so really hoping my new passport comes through in time :/ wish me luck

I went back for a few days this week hun, it really wasn't that bad. I quite enjoyed it... and it showed me that juggling was possible.

Of course James was with Daddy and I knew it was just a 2 day thing but it's reassured me when I go back FT that it will be do-able?

I hope your passport arrives in time.

I have 2 more paydays then I have 3 months at zero pay which is going to be so tough for us but we'll figure it out.

James loves remote controls but his fave "toy" is the cat. He is such an observer as well, he just loves to be outside and look around. He proper stares at people as well it can be quite embarrassing :lol:

He'll play with things for a while but he gets bored quite easily.

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Have fun Sazz! I went a few years ago and it tipped it down! Hopefully the weather will stay lovely for you!

Kerrie - I will try that with the scales I think and try standing on with her and see if they come up with roughly the same number!

Mrsw - I was thinking the exact same thing! I've been trying to convince OH to buy me a nursing chair ever since I was preggers so I don't think I have any hope of that! If I ever conquer her going to sleep in there in the first place, I would probably still bring her in with us when she woke as I'd miss my cuddles so much!

I don't actually know what to do with the whole sleeping thing. I was in tears last night listening to her cry, and gave up after an hour of trying. I've tried loads of stuff in the past...lullabies, different positions, rocking her (that sometimes works but it's a bit hit and miss!), she has a dummy... I think the biggest problem is that OH isn't here to help me, so when I'm about to start howling myself I give up, rather than having someone to take over for a wee minute. It's getting to the point I'm thinking of getting him to take a week of work so we can try and crack this :\ xx
Wilson, M is with my mum at ours and we are in Manchester off to see muse! I've left formula as I was lazy and didn't want to express. The crap thing is I'm pumping and dumping whilst here :( bah!

Nat, I love staring babies! M often has her poker face on! Hehe are you doing anymore days in work?

Missy..keep going with the sleeping. You will crack it soon.

Saz..I wanted to go to the bath and west show but the only day I could and it was raining!! Have a Great day out I'm only 30mins from there!!


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