**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

B said he'd ask his Mum or his other brother (whom James knows a lot better) when he mentioned 'sorting a night out' so I just assumed he'd do that???

The he rings me and tells me this???

This will be the first time we're both leaving James so it's really important to me that I feel comfortable and letting someone I've never met near my baby makes me want to punch OH in the face for even suggesting it???

I understand Hun, you will not enjoy the night at all if you are uncomfortable about who is looking after him/what they are doing ect....

Men don't think the same way as us xx
Oh Nat hugs! Just commented on your thread, poor men really are useless sometimes!

Hello Netty!! x
Hi everyone,

I'm struggling to keep up with this thread!

Just had the most awful experience with J. I was in the kitchen making lasagne for dinner. J was in her high chair and OH had just fed her, my Dad was the other side of the table and my brother was there washing a dish up. J was not strapped into her high chair as we were all there.

Dad asked me a question and we all started talking and then next thing I know my brother shouts "jesus" and I turn to hear a thud. J just toppled out of the high chair and onto the floor sort of head first.

She seems ok, she obviously cried for a while after and has a little lump on her head but she has drunk and eaten since and we've had smiles and giggles.

Once I managed to calm her down, OH took her to change her nappy and make double sure she was ok. At this point I just burst into tears. Why didn't we strap her in? How can 4 adults in a room not see her falling? I feel just awful!
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aww kedi swertnesss these things happen, and you wont be the first or last, but im afraid your going to have to let her stay up for a bit and not let her go to sleep, if you are worried take her to a walk in centre so they can just check her head as you know they are very soft skulls and soft necks so maybe worth checking her out, as a high chair is a bit high, but don't worry yrself, or ring the nhs direct.

hi everyone hope you are all well, did you all have a nice weekend?
we did was amazing and im shatterd, so ill go back on the thread tomorrow.

hugs kedi!
I don't strap M into her high chair so you're not alone lovely. Just keep her awake for as long as possible but like wilson says if you're worried give nhs 24 a call. Babies forget quickly :)

wilson..glad you had a good weekend your photos look fab x
Awww Kedi! Poor J - if she's stopped crying and seems okay, I'm sure she is! Babies can be tougher than we think - I managed to walk A into a door frame once! Poor thing! If you are at all worried though, it's definitely better to be safe than sorry and just get her checked out. Don't beat yourself up about it though, accidents happen - sending hugs to you both!xx
Oh Kedi, I bet you were so upset BUT it does and will happen.

I am religious about strapping James in as he is in that stage of throwing himself forward but I am sure everyday we narrowly miss a potential accident :shock:

I am back to work on Thursday, just to do one day.

OH needs to see a GP so he is going to have James and take him with him to his appointment. He'll work on Saturday to make up for it so we'll be a few quid up.

I would have done a few days but I couldn't find anyone else to have James. My Mum half heartedly offered to have him (she doesn't work but it really is too much for her to have a baby for that many hours, she helps out for a few hours here and there with my other nephews but she's never been "involved" in full time childcare. If I'd have asked she'd have done it but I hate to make her feel obligated)

The irony is I am covering my replacement who has been let down by her childminder this week??

thanks guys, I still feel so guilty. I'm so glad OH was here. If he had been at work and I'd have to tell him what happened he would have been so angry.

She was already asleep when I wrote my first post. I'm pretty sure she is ok, she sat with us for another hour while we ate our dinner.

Mrs W - please strap M in, please don't risk it, I wouldn't wish this feeling on anyone.
thanks mrsw not put them all on yet, we had a lovely weekend, we tuck Arthur to his 1st birthday party before camping so didn't leave while 2ish, we went to carsington waters which is in the peak district, we stayed on the caravan club site so was a bit of glamping haha, heated showers n all ;)

well we got there and set up, and then had a walk in the forest with Arthur and George, while the sun set over the lake was stunning then I cooked a steak dinner on the bbq, Arthur was amazing, only woke once for a feed and was in his hammock but he didn't settle so he came in with us, so the 3 of us and the dog on a 3/4 bed was cozy lol, the sun was shining when we got up and birds tweeting away, so we had a cooked bfast which I made in the camper and ate it in the sunshine then packed up and headed of to chatsworth house and had a stroll round and down by the river, then we moved onto matlock farm park, where we introduced Arthur to lots of animals and he stroked a raindeer and got home about 6pm, just uploading pictures so ill post them on once done
Also arthurs learnt to sit on his own finally lol, we have a few topples now n then but mainly sits on his own lol bless xx

don't feel bad hunni, just learn from it and hope she doesn't habve a bump again xx
Hi everyone.

Sorry been a bit awol. Get so busy now aa days.
Kedi bless ya it happens eventually to everyone. Hope lo is ok today. Toby has tried to escape when oh and I were at the table they are bloody quick so hes alwayd strapped in.

Wilson your weekend away sounds amazing and your pics where lovely. Yey to sitting up.

Nat hope you enjoy your dinner out. I know how you feel about babysitting. I only went out with oh recently and I had a friend who lives 2 doors down has a one year old and we see at least twice a week babysit. Even my family don't see him that often but he loves seeing them.

Sorry if I missed anyone. This thread moves so quick.

I have a qgrumpy teething baby. Tooth 5 and 6 are just cutting through the gum. Hes been in so much pain. Keeping him entertained is becoming hard. He sits well but likes to throw his toys but then he can't reach them and starts crying :banghead:

He can nearly get from sitting onto his front aswell and is going backwards on his front. Hes desperate to move. Weaning is going well toby had his first bbq at the weekend. Ribs and sausage and Tomartoes were a real hit.

How are you all and your lovely lo's?


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Yay to sitting Wilson! x

Kedi, I will be strapping her in from now on :)

Hello sazz! Sounds like Toby is loving his food! I feel like M just isn't interested at all in anything she will have a few nibbles of things and that is it.
Feels like I wasting so much food?!
I hope his teeth ease up for him, what teething stuff do you use? I use the nelson teetha granules they are really good.
Hi mrs w. How is m?

We use the granuals, bongela and baby nurophen. Sometimes a nap helps as well. Hes been out of it since half 9 :eek:. Hope hes more cheerful. Xx

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Yay to all these sitting babies, James can do it if he doesn't think about it, the second he realises he is sitting he topples over.

Weaning is a bit better this week, last week James screamed at every 'mealtime' and it was so disheartening, but touch wood he is a bit better this week.

He'll have chicken, butternut squash, red pepper and tomato this afternoon. I'll do his bath before his next bottle and he can have an early dinner as we're off out.

OH is having him tomorrow so I am just going to give him an evening meal. OH is in no way ready to have baby for 10 hours and do BLW :shock:

Someone mentioned baby vitamins to me? Is this something James will need as he is FF?

Looking forward to getting dressed up later and I am actually looking forward to work.. I am also looking forward to Friday when life goes back to normal and it is just me and James LOL

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Sazz M is doing great. No rolling still but happy to sit and play in her play mat so that is good. Lots of vocal sounds from her now some sound like mama which is great! I try to encourage her as much as I can to say it again :) hehe

Nat..I hope you and oh have a fab night this eve. Enjoy! How much does James eat? I'm getting so disheartened by weaning she just throws a lot of it on the floor :(
I know what you mean about being back to normal, when we have visitors it's lovely to see them but I do just like it being me lady m and oh :)

Oh I did read somewhere about baby vitamins and it was on here!
I think ff babies can get them after 6 months? Not sure though x
I'll take James back to GP soon about his skin, we've just started on a new cream and I am giving it a week so we'll ask about vitamins then.

James eats very little hun, which is normal for the next few months.

He can chomp off big pieces of most things but spits them out - it's totally normal with BLW.

Keep an eye on M's poo, you'll get an idea when she is actually taking any food but they usually don't before about 9m

hi sazz are u ok? I saw your piccys on fb of that bbq looked amazing :) I love a good bbq, how is the ickle man doing? Arthurs got all 6 teethy pegs now an has slowed on the dribbling and the sleeping has slightly improved and he's picked up on wanting his food again as he went really off it but I assume it was hurting his gums to chew. I stopped with the teething granuals as they wasn't doing much good and to be fair hes been brilliant coping with his teeth, just give him something hard he can grate his teeth on, I tend to give him one of his spoons and plenty of cold water, as I found he was getting really sore teething bum from the acidity from it and plenty of water dilutes it :) no more rash.

mrsw are u ok? like I said above Arthur went off his food when he was teeth I assume itt ewas hurting his gums, have u tried cold food like melon and apple and pair whats been in the fridge, will be cool to her gums, has she broke any teeth out yet?

nat are u still going out tonight? if so I hope u have a lovely meal, as for ff babies I don't think they need the vitamins as its all in formular its more for bf babies as they tend to drop feeds when weaning so their lack of vitamins drops too :/ however you can still give him a multi vitamin if you wish to, best talking with your hv as they are pretty good on advising. also how is your foot?

well we have introduced toast to Arthur this week and he frigging loves it, his teeth also help him now bite pieces off and he has about 2 soilders every morning, hes also had butternut squash an peppers today for dinner and ate the lot, when I introduce something new I folk mash it with lumps and give it him myself if he likes it the next day we give it him for him to try, I also don't try anything new at tea time as I don't want him going to bed on belly ache if it doesn't agree with him.

also ladies a big tip for food for you, have thought about saving money and going down to your local supermarket about 7-7.30pm when they are reducing foods, morrisons reduce cooked chickens and fruit and veg to about 20p at that time, I cook them and freeze them, and just pull them out daily for the next day, to be fair its not cost us any different doing this. Just thought I would mention this to see if it helps.

well Arthur bear yesterday found his ears and does not leave them alone, he no longer rubs his eyes when tired he rubs his ears lol.

Hope everyones babies are doing well. Too busy tidying up to catch up at the min but I will eventually! Lyla is going through leap 5 right on time. Poor thing is so clingy and cries minute we go out of her sight! Tooth number two still trying to pop through!

She's also been trying to get onto her front from sitting so I think crawling may start soon! We've ordered a massive foam play mat those ones that put together like a jigsaw as she was sitting yesterday and threw herself backwards and banged her head off the floor :( I cried more than she did! Just shocked me. Plenty of bumps on the horizon though so I may get used to it! Can't wrap them in cotton wool forever no matter how much I want to!


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