hi sazz are u ok? I saw your piccys on fb of that bbq looked amazing

I love a good bbq, how is the ickle man doing? Arthurs got all 6 teethy pegs now an has slowed on the dribbling and the sleeping has slightly improved and he's picked up on wanting his food again as he went really off it but I assume it was hurting his gums to chew. I stopped with the teething granuals as they wasn't doing much good and to be fair hes been brilliant coping with his teeth, just give him something hard he can grate his teeth on, I tend to give him one of his spoons and plenty of cold water, as I found he was getting really sore teething bum from the acidity from it and plenty of water dilutes it

no more rash.
mrsw are u ok? like I said above Arthur went off his food when he was teeth I assume itt ewas hurting his gums, have u tried cold food like melon and apple and pair whats been in the fridge, will be cool to her gums, has she broke any teeth out yet?
nat are u still going out tonight? if so I hope u have a lovely meal, as for ff babies I don't think they need the vitamins as its all in formular its more for bf babies as they tend to drop feeds when weaning so their lack of vitamins drops too :/ however you can still give him a multi vitamin if you wish to, best talking with your hv as they are pretty good on advising. also how is your foot?
well we have introduced toast to Arthur this week and he frigging loves it, his teeth also help him now bite pieces off and he has about 2 soilders every morning, hes also had butternut squash an peppers today for dinner and ate the lot, when I introduce something new I folk mash it with lumps and give it him myself if he likes it the next day we give it him for him to try, I also don't try anything new at tea time as I don't want him going to bed on belly ache if it doesn't agree with him.
also ladies a big tip for food for you, have thought about saving money and going down to your local supermarket about 7-7.30pm when they are reducing foods, morrisons reduce cooked chickens and fruit and veg to about 20p at that time, I cook them and freeze them, and just pull them out daily for the next day, to be fair its not cost us any different doing this. Just thought I would mention this to see if it helps.
well Arthur bear yesterday found his ears and does not leave them alone, he no longer rubs his eyes when tired he rubs his ears lol.