**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

P.S Carnat - how's your head this morning......sorry I mean foot ;)

Hope you enjoyed the wine Hun, I might have a few glasses soon as cant remember what it tastes like! X
Hello ladies, hope you're all having a lovely bank holiday weekend although it isn't one up here!

Hope you had another good day in the garden mrsw - I also hate gardening and therefore don't do it. I just leave it all to OH, but tbh we don't really have much space for flowerbeds what with a shed, playhouse and washing line!

PB - hope Chloe has fed a bit better and your AF isn't too painful.

Nat - hope your foot hasn't been too bad today.

Wilson - hello :wave: looks like you're having lots of fun!

I put A down about 7.30pm last night and I was fast asleep myself by 8.30! Woke up when OH came in about 11 but was too dead to even say hello. Feel loads better today though!

Today we went to a local open garden...was very pretty and S loved exploring and seeing all the different plants...and the cake at the end!!

It was gorgeous and sunny then but it's tipping it down now and really grey!xx
It's been glorious in London today and I am so sunburnt!!

James and I went shopping earlier and then we got invited for a walk along the canal with MIL, SIL and all of James' cousins on OH's side (well all 3 of them)

We ended up at Granary Square http://www.kingscross.co.uk/open-space-granary-square

It's basically a courtyard with water fountains and it was just beautiful today.

Sounds like you both had a good day, it's so nice when the sun is out as it puts a smile on your face

Chloe is still being a grumps (well not all of the time) and not really wanting much milk. I know it does say that around this time they can get fussy with milk but think also as she ALWAYS falls asleep when drinking I think she is scared to drink to much....I wonder? X
Could it be teeth PB? You could try giving a cool bottle, or pop the teats in the fridge before you give it and see if that makes any difference? May well just be general fussiness though...or I think there's a leap around then?xx
Could it be teeth PB? You could try giving a cool bottle, or pop the teats in the fridge before you give it and see if that makes any difference? May well just be general fussiness though...or I think there's a leap around then?xx

It's hard to tell, she is dribbling a lot today but not biting on our fingers. She plays up when drinking milk but saying that when she wants the milk she screams if you take it out of her mouth. We have just self settled her, 1st time ever as usually we let her fall asleep with us (usually me) then OH puts her in crib but I'm so tired and she wouldn't go to sleep so thought we would give it a go and she wiggled and moaned (not any really load crying) for about 10 mins and is now asleep :)

Just spoke to OH about it and we are going to try and put her to bed around the same time each night so more of a routine as at the moment we put her to bed when she falls asleep what can be anything from 9-12. Is putting her to bed around the same time a good idea? X
Wilson - Looks like you're having a lovely time enjoy the rest of your trip! xx

Nat - Glad you had a nice time yesterday! Our weather was rubbish as usual! xx

Holly - Yay for a good sleep! Always helps! xx

PB - That's a great idea. Lyla goes to bed at 7:30pm every night after a bath and bottle wether she is tired or not and she will go off to sleep herself because she knows its bedtime. If it is getting close to half 7 and we haven't given her her bath yet she will start to get very fussy!

So I put Lyla to bed at 7:30 last night with a bottle, she drained the whole thing and I didn't hear a peep out of her until 6:30 this morning. Such a good girl lately with her sleep I'm very happy I'm getting the sleep I need now. OH finishes his degree today, has his VIVA presentation this morning at 9:30 and then that's him finished! Yay summer :) He graduates in July so looking forward to that aswell. We are probably going to go for a walk after his presentation and some food. We took Lyla to a restaurant the other day for lunch and she was so good, just smiled at people and sat in her pram eating some raw pepper sticks I brought for her :lol: Such a pleasure lately xx
Another sunny day here - whoop, whoop!!

James goes to bed between 8-9pm every night and that's it until 5am (when he'll come in with me for an hour)

He was a restless little sausage last night and I was up every hour.

Never mind, early night for us both later!

So excited but we're going to Greenwich today and we'll hopefully do a cable car ride (well I might do the cable car, I'll see how high it is etc..)

I love Greenwich so much - used to have a BF that lived there :shock: - it's such a beautiful part of London.

OH is golfing with his Dad so I am going with his bro, SIL, Mum and James' 3 cousins.

Need to factor up as I am burned from yesterday!!

Nat have a fab time! That's the great thing about London there is so much to see/do.

Pb..sounds like Chloe's teeth could be playing up x

Spent yesterday in the garden again and it's look miles better! I was ripping up all sorts. It was lovely and warm so had Lady M spectating from the rug. Our dog wasn't very well yesterday he has arthritis I'm his back legs and he would walk so I had wheel barrow him round for the toilet! Eeew!
He's bouncing around this morning so hopefully yesterday was just a senior moment!

M has popped for a good few days, she a once say sometimes 2 kinda gal so I'm trying to get her moving. It's since started weaning properly.

Have a great day in the sunshine x
Gosh it's been a long day!!

James has gone from having never traveled on public transport to going on a bus, the Tube, a driver-less train (DLR), a river boat and a cable car... Yep in one day he's been on all those things! He slept through the boat ride though. I left him with his granny and went outside to see all the sights :lol:

We had a lovely but very busy and tiring day.

Tomorrow we are def chilling out a bit!!

Lol Nat! James has been a busy boy today! Sounds like a fab day though :)

Just a lazy day for us it really was pretty chilly. I had a stinking headache so was glad to just chill out in my jim jams :)

Carnat - wow James has had a busy day bless him, hope your foot is ok!

Well 2nd night of self settaling and it went well, she attacked her bumper and blanket for approx 10 mins then played with her dummy for a few minutes then fell asleep :) was planing to do it by 9 but we went out visiting friends then Daddy took her for a walk to Asdas so by the time she got back, nappy, cloths change and bottle then 15 mins if mummy cuddles and me signing to her it was 10 by the time we got her into her crib but mummy and daddy are still learning so we will get nearer to 9 :)

Hope you all had a nice day with you precious ones :) x
Glad all is going well PB, you can just gradually work your way to 9pm bedtime.

James had me up at 4:45 this morning :wall2:

I managed to get him to have a little doze with me under a blanket on the sofa until about 6ish but that was us up for the day.

Foot is OK, I am still taking painkillers (just two Ibubrofen a day) but I need to take them before I go out anywhere :eh:

Weather has turned rubbish here again so James and I going to nip out nice and early today and do the food shopping then we are getting back in our PJ's..

I love PJ days! Funny Chloe woke up at 4.45am this morning an moaned a little more than her few minutes send I could hear her twisting her head from one side to the other so I put dummy in her mouth and luckily she went back to sleep until 6.15 - she's just had some of her bottle and is asleep now in my arms. I usually hold her for about 30nibscthen put her back in her crib and either go do some exercise or get back in bed depending on how tired I am.

Think is I find it really hard to fall back to sleep, it's like my body will not let me as it knows she will wake up again approx 1-2 hours after putting her back in her crib....it's so annoying! Especially as I'm tired!! Grrrrrrr!!!

Weather is rubbish here also (saying that I'm not that far from you so wasn't surprised when you said weather bad) iv got a friend over at 11.30am so need to have a bit of a tidy but all I can think about is going back to sleep (if I can!

Don't get me wrong I know I shouldn't complain as Chloe does sleep better than a lot of babys but I still miss my sleep! Well now we are self settling I'm hopeing I can start going to bed a little earlier than before :)

Glad you and James had fun yesterday Nat!

Well done PB for starting to get her to self settle. For a wee while A would but then we went backwards when she started teething and now she needs to be rocked to sleep. I have plans to get her back self settling but I need to get her back in her cot first so we are just waiting until she goes into her own room - just waiting on the lining for her curtains to arrive and my mum to sort them out for us!

Today I'm having a bit of a rubbish day - AF is here and pretty heavy so I'm staying in all day which is a shame because the sun is out a bit! Also, don't want to spend ages walking and getting A to sleep (like I usually do!) only for her to be woken up as soon as we come in to our road...they are redoing the pavements and making a lot of noise! I just managed to get her to sleep by rocking the pram downstairs but then they started scraping the pavements so hopefully she'll sleep through it! She is very tired and I was just about to put her for a nap when the chimney sweep arrived and as they test the smoke alarm I had to hold off 20 mins.

Hey ladies,

OH just rang to say he'd booked us a table at a posh restaurant tomorrow night (he has a 50% off voucher :shock:) which was so thoughtful.

Then he suggested he said his brother and new girlfriend who I have never even met babysit. I went mental that he even suggested it. To be honest I wouldn't even leave James with BIL as James doesn't know him as well as he knows my other BIL or my MIL.

So it ended up in a row and I've told OH to shove dinner up his arse!!

We've never left James before so Hell will freeze over before I leave him with anyone other than his granny really.

Also I am going into work on Thursday to do a KIT day....mega stressed (OH is off for a dr's appointment so he'll have James!)

Just want to curl up in a ball now!!!
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Aw hun massive hugs I can see your point tho I'd be a bit wary too. Don't let it spoil your night tho is there anyone else you'd trust more and be able. To relax if you left him with them?

:whistle: fapatalking :whistle:

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