**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

HI ladies,

Lady M and I have been really busy the past few days and I've been having a few down days this week :( Lots of contributing factors really but I've pulled myself together and had a word with myself. :roll: Having sore boobies from Ms biting the other day really isn't helping my cause! :wall2:
M has been sleeping really well on and off, some nights she is waking for a feed other nights she is sleeping through till 5am feeding then sleeping till around 8am. Although the past 2 mornings she has been so tired she has went down for a further sleep till 1130! :shock:
Thinking of putting her in her own room tonight :shock: she is currently napping in there so I think she will be ok?

Wilson..sorry to hear about A. Have you thought about putting him in his own room? I was talking to my friend yesterday and the way she got her LO to drop a feed was to let him cry it out and by night 3 he was sleeping through the feed he once had. When I say cry I don't mean sobs but like whingy iykwim.

Nat..I also feel like I am wasting so much food. I have decided I'm going to buy frozen veg this weekend. I know you don't have a freezer? I'm worried that I am not giving M enough variety :/ Making spag bol tonight so I will give her some of that I think. See how she goes.

I'm still yet to have a period..maybe I'm preggo? :rofl: As if..you need to have sex don't you? I thought the witch was on her way the other week as i was really crampy but it didn't amount to anything.

Chloe..good luck with your last exam lovely I hope it all goes well for you :)

What god awful weather it is! I've managed to convince my brother (who dislikes children) to babysit for an hour or two as I have an appointment with the bank. I really would rather not leave the house but I cancelled the appointment on Monday and really need to go. I'm gonna get sooooooo wet!

I've managed to string J out and just got her to sleep so hopefully she will sleep through most of my brothers babysitting duties.

MrsW - I haven't been given J the same foods as OH, I because I add salt to things like spag bol. Is this ok to give? It would be much easier if she could have some of what we're having some nights.

Right off to the bank - *groan*
Mrs woody - glad your feeling a bit better, we all have bad days Hun but if you need to make sure you have a good moan about it....I do :) x

Oh you haven't started your periods yet, maybe it's nothing to worry about I jut need to wait x
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So glad we've had a day in, it's horrible outside.

James had a lovely nap [Midday until 2.30] so I had a lovely long bath - I even defuzzed :lol: - I also had a few cuppa's, read a crappy magazine and watched Wednesday's episode of The Apprentice.

As we didn't go out I managed to have a proper tidy as well, James loves me hoovering so I do it to entertain him :shock:

I just did fruit and live yoghurt for "lunch" today and James seemed to enjoy that more than he did breakkie.

Mrsw I am going to start keeping a little bit of our dinner aside for James, he can have it the next day? I add a lot of spices and herbs to my cooking and his palate probably isn't ready for it yet so I'll have to try and portion him a little bit out before I go crazy with the old chilli :lol:

So tonight I'm doing spicy paprika chicken but I'll take some chicken out for him before I add the seasoning and he can have that for lunch tomorrow. OH not back until 7pm so we won't eat until late tonight.

Whilst I've got a little time I am whipping him up some baby corns / sugarsnap peas and pasta - they'll keep in the fridge for a few days.

I cannot believe it's nearly the end of May, WTF is up with this weather?

Going to be up and out early tomorrow as I need to get to bank and Post Office to sort out some bills, then take some stuff back to New Look (size 14 jeans too big - not on the waist sadly but massive on the legs :dance: they are skinny jeans but are so saggy!!)

OH gets paid today, he's just finished quite a big job so he'll give me a fair bit to put in my account tomorrow and we should be able to breath for another month!

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Hope all fellow november momas are ok! And all the lil or not so lil bubaz r doing good :D x

Mommy To HarveyJack 03.11.12 xxxxx
Good to hear that you got some time to yourself today Hun :) even though you defo deserved/needed it!

Hoe he sleeps well for you tonight so you haven't got to go put tomorrow really tired. X
Thanks all - exam went well!

Nat - Lyla has done something similar a few times, thankfully it hasn't stuck! I totally sympathise with the snotty baby nose. Poor Lyla has had so many colds this year with being in crèche that a runny nose is the norm! It's not nice when they only want to sleep and the dummy is the only way they will but with a blocked nose its impossible :( Have you tried some nasal saline solution then using a bulb to suck the snot out? Helps Lyla sometimes. Woo for long naps! Always great for destressing! We still mainly do TW so Lylas got her own drawer in the freezer full of different purees saves so much time making in bulk . Can't wait to try her on meat in a week! xx

Amanda - Sounds great! Hope Arthur enjoys his first camping trip :) My Summer with Lyla starts now :cheer:! so happy! Hope A's sleeping sorts itself out soon xx

PB - I've had 3 AFs now, my last was almost 2 weeks late! So try not to worry, I think it just takes time to regulate xx

Holly - OH has woken Lyla so many times that we have put her in her own room. She's been there past two nights and its helping loads. xx

MrsWoody - Hope your feeling better hun and ouch about biting! I wish Lyla slept in that late! She wakes at 6am every morning without fail however she does go to bed at 6/7pm! It's a feeling of release almost putting bubs in their own room at night. We always seems to wake Lyla when we went up to bed or just generally during the night and she's been in her own room last two nights and its like a sigh of relief :lol: Let us know how Madison gets on! xx

Good luck to your brother Kedi! I for one would not trust any of my siblings with Lyla and one of them has 8 kids of her own! :lol: Hope you didn't get soaked! xx

Ceebump - Hi lovely! Glad to see you on, hows Harvey been doing? xx

You ladies are hard to keep up with but think I've now caught up since last night :lol:

Lyla has gone to bed at 6 again tonight. Poor thing is so tired. She had 2 ounces of carrot and sweet potato puree then 2 ounces of pear puree at about 5 and a 6 oz bottle at 6 before she went down so touch wood, that's her till tomorrow morning xx
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Lyla decided she would only eat her dinner if she fed herself!




Glad the exam went well Chloe! Lyla looks like she is loving that food! I gave Aela some roasted parsnip sticks tonight and some mashed potato and she had a good old taste and play with it :)

:wave: Hello ceebump - how are you and bubs doing?

mrsw - I was wondering where you were yesterday! Hope you are feeling much better - I find apart from general sleep deprivation, being up at night makes me feel quite down as I have extra time to think about problems etc.

Nat - glad you had some time to relax! A took her longest nap in weeks today at just over an hour, but I couldn't relax as S has a friend round tonight so had to get the bed made up etc.

The house is silent just now and I'm loving it...! My mum just left but we had a good old natter, OH is still at work, A is asleep, S's friend is fast asleep, and S is watching the end of her film and then going to sleep too :) I was not expecting this sleepover to be so easy! Fingers crossed it stays that way...think I'm going to find some chocolate and pig out till OH gets home :) xxx
Mmmm chocolate....sounds like a good idea :)

OH has just popped to the shops and iv told him to bring me back something so I will prob get chocolate, they do tesco value bars there for 25p so he will prob get me that.....tight ar*e! Lol it's nice though so does me :)

Chloe is really tired but is acting like I'm the most uncomfortable mummy in the world, she is throwing he held about and wiggling and whatever position I put her in she is not comfortable, think I will give it a little linger and if she carries on put her in her crib and see if she self settles. X
Morning ladies,

Weather is looking better today - it's only the end of May after all :lol:

After my foot feeling better for a few days I have woken up in terrible pain today. It's hard to explain, it starts from a toe but radiates to the whole ball of my foot. It feels worse than ever today??

I did speak to GP last week (I complained about not being able to get an appointment so he rang me) and I am due to go in on 3rd June. I really cannot take it any more. I cannot leave the house without taking pain relief, I can't take long walks with James, it even woke me up a few times last night??

Just about to feed little monster and dose myself up on painkillers !!

Carnat - must be horrible Hun but maybe you will just have to rest it as much as possible as going for walks might make it worse :( so annoying as I know you like to get out and about each day with James!

Well I went to bed last night at 11.00pm Chloe was still awake so OH was going to give her a nappy change and another bottle to put her to sleep....11.45pm still crying (45 mins) OH was going out of his mind (you know what men are like) so I got up gave her a cuddle and she stopped for a bit but kept screaming on and off so gave her some teething granuals then got into bed with her....5 mins later she was asleep so put her in crib. She has just had some milk and has gone back to sleep in my arms. Going to give it a little longer then put her in her crib and go and do some exercises FX if she lets me!
Nat, sorry to hear your foot is so sore today! If I were you I'd get an emergencey appointment on Tuesday when the surgery is open - I would say being unable to walk without loads of painkillers or being in agony is worthy of an emergency appointment - especially when you have a 6 month old baby to look after!

PB - Aw poor Chloe - at least the teething granules worked for her. Hope she lets you put her back down.

So I think I should have known things were too good to be true last night with the sleepover! OH got up at 5.30am to get A as she was crying and discovered that S and her friend were already up (possibly the reason A woke up). He told them to get back to bed but they were already too awake. They were making so much noise me and A couldn't get back to sleep so we ended up getting up and coming downstairs with them about 6.30am. I can usually push A to sleep until 7.30/8 so a bit of a shock to the system! Especially as I didn't get to sleep till 1am :( S has already had two breakfasts today now as she ate brekky at 5am or whatever time it was they were up! Baaaah can't wait till bedtime :( xx
Morning girls!

Holly - She loved it. Was sweet potato mash and carrots. Must try some parsnips with her! Her fav so far is avocado and mango puree! Must admit it's very yummy. Boo to little girls not going back to sleep! Must have been the excitement of waking up in the same house as her friend. Go have a nap with A if you can manage it, or ask OH to have her while you get an hour or two xx

PB - I have been going through the same thing with Lyla - I think it's teething - that she will not settle no matter whatway I hold her, she will usually settle better in her cot or carseat. Glad the teething granules worked. They used to work for us but I think a tooth is about to pop through so only thing that will settle Lyla before bed is a dose of calpol poor thing. xx

Nat - I hope your foot feels better soon lovely. It's never nice being in pain but with a bub in tow it's a lot worse :( :hug: xx

So Lyla went to bed at 6pm and woke a few times screaming because of her teeth. Gave her some anbesol but it didn't settle her so gave some calpol about 8pm then OH and I went bed about 9pm and apart from popping dummy back in at 3am Lyla slept through till 5:30 am. Fed her then to convince her to go back to sleep lasted 20 mins then she was chattering again so brought her into bed in our room and she slept till nearly 8. So I've just got up, Lyla is in her jumperoo watching some cbeebies while I have a cuppa and tidy up a bit. Looking forward to getting this house back in shape now I don't have uni :cheer:

Chloenat - oh poor Lyla, it's so horrible that these poor babies have to go through all this with their teeth and there isn't much we can do :(

In not sure if Chloe was teething or not last night, she was showing some since like munching the back of her dummy and hands in mouth but she does that a lot anyway. She wasn't dribbling or trying to bite my fingers. Well the granuals soothed her anyways and she has only had them now and again so don't feel guilty if it wasn't teething and I gave them to her when she shouldn't of had them.

We have a very good baby but she has her moments, she used to be very happy and all you would have to do is look at her and she would smile and giggle but now she is a bit harder to please and I think OH is finding it hard as he is used to happy baby. X
Hi girls quick hello from our campsite at carsington waters, weather is lovely, arthurs asleep in the camper so me and the fella has had a steak tea on the bbq with some mighty fine fruit cider :) happy days.

Borrowed my friends manduca and we have left the pram at home and slinging it :) Signal keeps going off n on so will catch up tomorrow, hope yr all ok xxxx


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Glad you are having a lovely time hun, looks like you actually picked a good weekend (well apart from yesterday)

George looks like he is enjoying himself too.

Was just about to go to bed and James had done the biggest poo! He's not poo'ed at night since he was a newborn.

So we've had a complete change of clothes, new gro-bag and a dip in half a bath!

I'm now having a glass of wine to unwind, James went immediately back to sleep!

Snap Nat! I have me a glass of wine as well :whistle: how is your foot? Hope it's eased down for you!
Poor James! M hasn't pooped for 3 days nearly but it doesn't seem to be bothering her really?

Wilson..love the carrier :lol: looks like fab where you are. Have a great weekend.

Missy...hope you get a good sleep after last night

Chloe..I bet it's a great feeling knowing you are done for the summer. Is next year your final year?

I've been a little green fingers in the garden today. I HATE gardening with a passion but we've neglected it for the past 2 years so it needs a really good seeing to (I cut the grass that was it previously). Another nice day here tomorrow so ill be back out sorting it out and ill have Lady M out too spectating!
I'm getting a bit bogged down with the weaning. I feel like I am wasting a lot of food and M doesn't take much. I know with BLW she won't take loads but I just think of she was on tw shed be getting more variety and "eating" more?

Hey mrsw, on the second glass now - whoops!!

I feel the same about the weaning, I've had such a rotten few days of it BUT today I was a lot more relaxed and didn't give bub anything special or cooked specifically for him and it went much better.

He loves, loves, loves Charentais melon. He doesn't recognise it on sight yet but once he gets the taste he is like a little maniac for it :lol:

Foot is fine until night-time? I took 2 pain killers at 6.30am and haven't needed to take anymore but I am starting to feel it again now and I was in agony when I got up today. I know it's just a sore foot but my God it's killing me!

A few more swigs and I'll be off to beddie byes

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Wilson - good to hear you are all having a good time....enjoy! :)

Carnat - what perfect timing :) Chloes poo of the day is usually in the morning, I know as she is very vocal while doing it lol

Well woke up this morning and I'm bleeding :) so from 30th march that's a weeks since last period so not bad, think my cycles are trying to get back to normal.

Chloe decided after the last couple of days after her jabs on Thursday and not sleeping much or drinking much to have a late snooze (4 hours from 7.00pm) and then wake up have 100ml then go back to sleep and then decided at 3pm!!! This morning she wanted 100ml more. Was a bit of a shock as she hasn't woken up during the night for a long time. I was in bed next to her and OH was up so text him and he put bottle on then came in and gave it to her at the side of the bed what was nice as I was ready to do it. Thing is I couldn't go back to sleep until about 20 mins after she feel asleep so was awake until 4am ish then I flipping woke up at 7am Chloe fast asleep but I couldn't (WHY OH WHY).....she didn't wake up until 8.30am!

Oh well FX now she's had a good sleep she will drink more today, just hope I'm not going to have a painful period like I used to.....will have to take good pain killers! X

What are all you mummy's doing today? X

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