**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Lyla is very grumpy due to her tooth! Just gone up to bed an hour early because she was screaming she was so tired and sore. Gave her full dose of calpol another 4 oz of milk - she had 5oz about an hour ago - and she is passed out. Poor thing! Hope Chloe and Arthur cheer up for you ladies xx
Lyla is very grumpy due to her tooth! Just gone up to bed an hour early because she was screaming she was so tired and sore. Gave her full dose of calpol another 4 oz of milk - she had 5oz about an hour ago - and she is passed out. Poor thing! Hope Chloe and Arthur cheer up for you ladies xx

Oh bless, it's horrible when they have teeth pain :( what time will she sleep until? X
Is James the only November baby with no teeth?? He's not showing any signs of teething either (luckily as it sounds horrible!)

I am not doing him dinner tonight, may go back to just two "meals" a day as offering him food 3 times a day must have been a bit much.

Is it bed time yet?? :nap:

J doesn't have teeth yet. She is drooling loads, I have to change her bib or top a couple of times a day as they are soaked through. I can see two little white bits on her bottom gum but nothing seems to be coming through. She not too grumpy either.

Wilson - J doesn't have her own nursery, she is in with us for the foreseeable future. I think I'll try the day time naps next week, as OH is on earlies so won't be around. Then the if it all works the following week when he is on lates again he can lump it.

Well carrot puree was all eaten and we finished with two pieces of satsuma.

Carnat - I'm sort of doing TW and BLW, I started with TW until 6 months now I'm letting her have all sorts. As you say most of it goes on the floor or lap, so I've not given her anything too expensive. Maybe if you did a couple of purees he might get used to eating a little more and pushing stuff to the back of his mouth, but also give him something to play with like a stick of cucumber or a bit of tomato.
PB - She will sleep until 6am now. Then we get up ready for creche. Last day tomorrow woo!

Nat - You are very lucky James isn't teething yet, Lyla's been at this since 2 months old and her first tooth only came through about 2 weeks ago! I'm tempted to ease off with the food too. Lyla clamps her mouth shut when I put her in her highchair and a spoon comes out! She'll happily eat anything I give her herself though! Even the stuff on the spoon will get eaten if SHE has the spoon :lol:

Kedi - When they are about to errupt you can see the entire line of the top of the tooth right under the gum. Lyla got mega grumpy about 2 days before her first one came in, so I'm hoping the last few days have been due to the second making its way out. I can see it very clearly just under the gum. Lyla hates carrot puree lol. Even mixed it with some sweet potato but no luck She seems to enjoy more savoury than sweet. She devoured brocolli and potato puree today!

Chloenat - that's really good! Chloe sleeps till anything from 6.30am - 7.30am then falls back to sleep while drinking her bottle but she doesn't go to bed until 9-10pm

and now there is silent lol, I honestly thought my head was going to explode today, Arthur has never been like this before, I hope its teething, hes hardly fed before he went to sleep, so im in for a few awakenings tonight :( you girls are so lucky whos babies sleep, I cant remember what it feels like, athur will feed at 10.30pm, 2am, 4am and then stir from 6 till up at 7. oh the joy!!

kedi be careful with the orange as they advice not to give citrus at this age, may give her a ickle belly ache xx

so what have you girls got planed this bank hols xx
I might have to join in in the grumpy baby competition! I'm not sure if she's just having a grumpy day or if it's teeth or maybe she's just tired but there has been a whole lot of screaming going on today! The only time A usually screams properly is bedtime but it's been all day today. But weirdly, she is asleep now (in her pushchair) when normally I wouldn't get her to go down until after 9... maybe she is just tired, her naps have gone to pot for some reason - she used to be a dream, I would literally just plonk her in her pushchair and she'd conk out for an hour minimum, usually 2, but now I'm lucky if she sleeps 40 mins and it takes half an hour to get her to sleep in the first place! Goodness knows...

Chloe - you must be so excited to get Lyla all to yourself for the summer! I know I am very lucky in that I get A all the time and I don't have a job to go back to so I get to be a SAHM for the forseeable future. Must have been so difficult for you to leave her.

PB - hope Chloe is feeling better from her jabs now - at least thats them over and done with for a wee while!

Wilson - has A settled now?

Nat - you could try offering little and often? Maybe just 2 foods at a time on his wee tray but 4 times a day? It might be a bit more work but he is possibly just a bit overwhelmed with it all. I wouldn't worry too much about him not eating v. much now - but I definitely won't be bothering with anything too expensive until I'm sure it will be appreciated :P

James is down for the night now, he's actually had a really good few days and he's been so happy. Apart from not eating any of my wonderful creations.

I made the kid steak and we had meatballs LOL!! Won't be doing that again for a while :lol:

OH is working Monday and possibly Saturday so no plans. It's a bit like Groundhog day but until my foot is better I can't do much. Other than a few nice days end of April it's been a rubbish spring!!

We are staying in tomorrow so I can rest up but also it's meant to be wet and cold so I am going to do all the chores and have lots of play time with little legs.

PB - She loves her sleep. So glad we've knocked out the night feeds now though! Been a week so far so good!

Amanda - Hope A settles soon hun. Just remember the night feeds won't last forever. I was the same up until a week or so ago so just persevere for now the end is in sight xx Not doing anything remotely interesting this bank holiday, OH has his final presentation on Monday and then he graduates in July! So we might go out and celebrate with a family meal on Monday , how about you hun? xx

Holly - Lyla is exactly the same. Nap time?! No way even if she is screaming she is so tired! So hard to get her down and when she does its about half an hour or so! It was really hard leaving her, she started créche at 9 weeks old :( Feel like I've missed out on loads so going to make up for it this summer! xx

I'm going to get some last minute studying done then final exam tomorrow, night night ladies!

Wilson28 - yes iv had a deep sleeping baby laying on my lap for approx 30 mins now :) she hasn't been trying to sit up for a long time so I think her legs are actually hurting her :( thing is OH is doing dinner but I'm scared to move her, not just coz don't want any more tears but also think she needs this sleep!

Missyeovil - thanks Hun :) sorry not read all your post - just by part as OH had dinner ready xx
kedi be careful with the orange as they advice not to give citrus at this age, may give her a ickle belly ache xx

Really? I didn't know that. The HV said I could give her anything after 6 months. Most of it ended up in her lap anyway. lol

Good luck chloe xx

Kedi my hv said oranges, like all citrus fruits, are acidic and are likely to give babies younger than 12 months old rashes and tummy upset. The acid can cause terrible diaper rashes and even rashes around the mouth an lips due to the high levels of acidity.
Pb did yr ickle one stay asleep? Arthurs just woke up for a feed. Im wondering why he still wakes so much at night??

Missy he settled straight down, no whinging, out like a light, awoke an hour ago but put him on his side and back out till now, how about yourself? Did u get anymore grumps

Nat dont you just feed jsmes what your having? Like yesterday i had some pepper left over and chopped it finely and popped it in the fridge till today and arthur had some mash and i put the red pepper in for texture and different flavour, i wouldnt puree as u have got along way with him, just save extras from your tea every night, and freeze them using them on different days, will save you alot of money.

Chloe we are going camping in the camper this wkend :) 1st over night with arthur, he has his own bed lol! Is lylas toothy pegs bothering her sleep? I hope u have an smazing family summer together Xx
No she only stayed asleep for a little bit then started again, done her last bottle at 10.30am and she only had 50ml of it and spat it out then feel asleep so left her on my lap for about 30 mins then put her in crib. She woke up again but I walked away, luckily she just moaned a bit for 5 mins and went to sleep. I'm in bed now next to her :) just hope she sleeps all night and wakes up happy.

She has only had in total 480ml today of milk, she usually has between 700-850ml a day :-/ hope she drinks better tomorrow!

Night everyone, sleep well all mummy's and babys! :) x
James was awake 12.30am until almost 3am??

It was a combination of him being a bit snotty and him being actually wide awake and chatting to himself. I put Ewan on about 10 times, popped his dummy back in loads and was soothing him quietly. I tried not to engage him at all. He didn't once cry... odd!!!

Wilson, we sometimes eat after James has gone to bed so I can't just give him what I am having. I also eat quite boring food during the day (cereal for breakkie, salads or soup for lunch and I limit carbs) so at the moment I am making him his own stuff as I want him to have much more of variety than I have.

Going to try and bring dinner forward an hour or so.

Not going out today and as soon as James has his long nap I am going back to bed!

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12.30-3.00am Carnat! Wow I bed he will have a long nap today! Is he awake now? Don't blame you for not going out....think you defo need some sleep. Xx

Well Chloe is still asleep, she woke up at 5.45am and moaned for a few minutes then went back to sleep. I had broken sleep from then to 7 ish as just couldn't get back to sleep so got up and am doing my exercises. Think after her crying all day yesterday after her jabs she needs her sleep....just hope she is a happier baby today and drinks her milk as the amount she had yesterday was shupid!

Hope all you other mummy's had a good night sleep :) x
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