**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

L_a chin up chick, ill swop u a day in my shoes with no sleep with arthur, he manages 3-1/2hrs at the most then feeds 2hrly from 3am :( i know its hard and i have a dicky heart with it too but it wont be forever hunni, embrace this first year, when he wakes up make yourself a brew and smile, because one day youll be worrying when hes out alm night partying lol. You are on yr first holiday with yr boy and a place most of us will only dream of going too :)
Do u take joe running in his pram?

Just smile and be happy, dont take life for granted ONE LIFE NO REPL girls :)

Sometimes i think alot of you dont realise how easy you have actually got it, maybe tough love will make u see,
Well for me we have no family about us, inlaws live 120miles away, my dad n step mum 80miles and my mum n step dad 250miles away, we have no one that just takes arthur out for a few hrs or a night :( ive battled with bf for nearly 6 months and had no sleep what so ever for a long time with arthurs chronic tummy aches he still wakes ever 1-2hrs at night, and my fella works full time from home on little sleep. On no sleep i have to still look after and entertain arthur. We havent even had a date night, and after battling with all this and feeling absoloutly shit, physically and mentally exhaustedi have to return to work in 3wks,

So peeps, please dont be down and sad because something has changed in your path, be happy your lo wakes in the night to want to be with you as some ladies will never experience this, because they cant have a baby.

Like i said embrace this chapter in life as its not forever :)

And on that note i need to get ready for the hospital as im seeing the heart consultant today xx

I only just saw this, I missed it last time I was on. I'm actually quite peed off with it, Wilson.

I am usually quite an upbeat poster, not given to moaning and I try to be quick to support anyone else who needs it. Sometimes I think they have good cause to moan and sometimes I don't, but I try to be supportive anyway. I also help people practically with advice where they ask for it and if I can.

It's rare I complain or say I'm down. But the first (or maybe second?) time I do, I get this?? I'll know better next time.

I'm the last person who needs to be told "don't complain some people can't have babies". I spent a long time thinking that was me. I'm grateful every day for J, but that doesn't mean I can't have a down day, or that I should keep it to myself when I do. This is the last place that people should be made to feel crap for asking for support.

I know how fortunate I am. I regularly say so on here, but if this means I'm never allowed to complain and I am only here to support everyone else, I'm not sure what the point is.

From what I know of you, you probably didn't mean it to come across this way. I know you're having a hard time and I sympathise (and regularly post to that effect when you mention lack of sleep/breastfeeding issues/work concerns/your OH spending time away).
Nat, that's very concerning about your foot. Do you think you might need to give it some proper rest? I think you've been dosing yourself up so you can still walk miles? Runners often get something called stress fractures, which are fractures but are not from any particular injury, they just develop, sometimes as a result of increasing training or a gait problem. When you see the doc, if there are any concerns about a fracture (stress or otherwise), first step would be an X-ray. Otherwise I would be pushing for physio.

I hope you get something sorted soon, or it starts to feel better. I know how frustrating it is to want to exercise!

Hope you had a good night out!

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Hi kedi and welcome :yay: I think I remember you from our 1st Tri rollcall? Good to see you here.

Missyeovil - that sounds like a rubbish day. I can't concentrate on anything when J is crying. Hope you had a good nights sleep t make up.

Wilson - oh no about the iPhone! They don't take well to water from what I know. Is it still working? Is Arthur enjoying his lessons? What does he think to going underwater? J wasn't keen at all at first.

Kerrie - poor livvi :( hope she feels better soon, the antibiotics should do the trick.

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Little_Angel - Thanks for the welcome :) According to your ticker your little man was 6 months yesterday - so happy half birthday to him.

J slept great again last night, she took about 15 minutes to go to sleep, so we are certainly getting there on the self settling again. I managed to make it to bed before 11pm last night, which must be a record. I slept all night, with just a 2 minute chat with OH at 12am when he came home and a quick pee break at 5am and I feel even more knackered than normal this morning - how the hell does that work? More sleep, but now more tired?

Looking out the window the weather looks lovely, but the forecast is high winds and rain later- great! I was hoping to try and get another panel painted on my fence today.

J is currently in her jumperoo thing looking fairly cheeky as normal.

I've also put my birth story up, if anyone is interested :)


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Jessie is just adorable Kedi, and she has so much hair?? James is still virtually bald LOL

Happy half Birthday to J for yesterday L_a

Feeling a wee bit delicate today, only had 3 glasses of wine (small) but I jsut can't hack it any more. Had a lovely evening though and the boys were fine!

I am thinking to pop out quite soon as it's meant to tip it down in a few hours.

Jessie is just adorable Kedi, and she has so much hair?? James is still virtually bald LOL

Thanks, I think she is pretty cute, but then I'm completely biast :) The hair, is just crazy, there is so much of it and it was all there when she was born, it's just got longer and longer. It certainly covers up the cradle cap :)
Wow Kedi! That certainly is a lot of hair but she is such a cutie!

Hows oz L_A? Saw a pic of J sitting up like a big boy on FB :)

I'm not sure what to do today. This morning we've already had rain, hail and bright sunshine! Oh and the boats are cancelled because of the wind! Think I'll need to time getting out well to avoid getting wet!xx
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Hi missyeovil :) it's been throwing it down here today so we've been a bit housebound. Still I got to spend some time with my brother who was off work today. We're all off up the coast a little for the weekend, which will be nice. This week I met someone for the first time that I've known online for a decade and I caught up with an old friend from when I lived out here.

J is doing very well with his sitting. He's become quite solid this week and I can leave him with just a cushion behind him (he tends to sink back occasionally). It's kind of handy because he can sit and examine things independently, which he likes. He still can only roll from back to front though, he's not good on his tummy at all, so I think the crawling will be a while.

How is aela getting on? Hope you have a better day today
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Afternoon ladies! Hope everyones well! My last exam is tomorrow :cheer: so will be on more often I hope.

Kedi your little miss is adorable! Lyla looks like a baby orangutang with her sticky up orange "hair" that is basically fluff and her nearly bald top of head :lol: Can't wait till I can play with her hair, i've made loads of clips for her but its gonna be a while till we can use them!

Lyla's second tooth is nearly through and she's completely gone off her spoon feeds, but she will drink her milk by the gallon which is great. Still basically sleeping through, she's been having a feed when I go to bed the last few days but I think that's just cos we wake her going into the room so last night we moved out of her nursery (we have a double bed in there so had been in there with her) and into our own room so touch wood this helps her not to waken!

Weather has been crap here this morning too. Walked into leave Lyla to creche this morning and got caught in a shower. Absolutely drenched! Had to stop by the doctors too as a breast lump I've had for about 2 years has grown a bit so got it checked but all is fine. I've been worrying myself sick about it as OH's mum has liver cancer and it's just constantly on our minds.

Good news is it's Lyla's last day in creche tomorrow!! Yay! :cheer: I finally get my baby all to myself!

Clip I made for Lyla

Looking guilty after smearing porridge all over everywhere!

Clamping mouth shut - no more please :lol:

Morning all!

Must admit I'm really rubbish at keeping up-to-date with you all as Chloe hates me using the phone so by the time iv popped on and read a couple of threads she starts taking it of off me....who's the mum?!?! Lol

Chloe had her 3rd lot of jabs this morning and is laughing and crying so a bit grumpy, I'm thinking of maybe trying her on some food as she is really getting fussy with her milk (so far today she has only had 160ml (aprox 5.5 oz) what would you recommend as she is only just over 5 months so am a bit scared?!? Or should I wait a bit longer until 6 months?

She is showing a lot of interest in food but its scary! X
Glad you got your lump checked out Chloe and yay to spending more time with the gorgeous little Lyla.

PB I wouldn't start the weaning unless Chloe is showing signs? (does she sit quite well? Does she bring things quickly and accurately to her mouth?)

I did start baby porridge with James at about 5m but it was literally just a spoon [then I went up to two after a few weeks]

By all means try if you want to though.

L_a my post wasnt aimed at you but i was giving you a tough love message, im not a girl who gives out soppyness who says oh come on it will be ok, i will remind you of what you have and others dont, i will try to remind those who feel shit and think lifes hard that it actually isnt! So im sorry if you found my post offencsive but you have to understand people put things across differently to maybe what you want to hear. Its not a dig at your ways or moans, but its a message to say come on girly one life no reply!!
Glad you got your lump checked out Chloe and yay to spending more time with the gorgeous little Lyla.

PB I wouldn't start the weaning unless Chloe is showing signs? (does she sit quite well? Does she bring things quickly and accurately to her mouth?)

I did start baby porridge with James at about 5m but it was literally just a spoon [then I went up to two after a few weeks]

By all means try if you want to though.


She can't sit up from laying down position but can if laying back in your arms and can sit on my lap on her own for a while then starts learning. Yes she can now but her bottle in her own mouth 80% of the time, the rest in her eyes, nose but she knows where she wants it.

Yes she defo is interested in food, when I am eating she just stares at me and the other day she grabbed my ham sandwich from me and put it in her mouth so quick I just managed to stop her!!!!

Thanks Hun, think you are right.....I will wait a little longer :) x
Hi missyeovil :) it's been throwing it down here today so we've been a bit housebound. Still I got to spend some time with my brother who was off work today. We're all off up the coast a little for the weekend, which will be nice. This week I met someone for the first time that I've known online for a decade and I caught up with an old friend from when I lived out here.

J is doing very well with his sitting. He's become quite solid this week and I can leave him with just a cushion behind him (he tends to sink back occasionally). It's kind of handy because he can sit and examine things independently, which he likes. He still can only roll from back to front though, he's not good on his tummy at all, so I think the crawling will be a while.

How is aela getting on? Hope you have a better day today

Aw well it's nice to catch up with everyone - how did you find meeting your friend for the first time? One of my closest friends I met online and didn't meet in person for a couple of years. I found it really weird when we first met because I knew them inside and out yet I didn't 'know' them if you understand what I mean!

A is doing well - she still won't roll at all but is getting quite good with her sitting. I surround her with cushions just in case but she'll sit for a good couple of minutes and is getting quite good at correcting herself before she falls. She keeps trying to shuffle along on her bum though so that topples her over! She's slept great the last 2 nights as well! Albeit in her pushchair for the first stint but both nights has been 8.5 hours! Just need to make the transition to her cot now...xxx
pb, for the sitting up rights that means can u place her on the floor and shes steady enough to sit right without slumping or just wobbling forward or backwards, We have only just started to gently wean Arthur as he slumped in his high chair but has started to sit unaided. xx
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Yep sorry I meant sit up with a little support, not fully sit up for ages unaided or get herself up.

James is great in his Bumbo and highchair and sitting on my but he can't do it without any support, he just face plants...

hi kedi how are you getting on with the advice I gave you with putting to naps? do you do the same at night for her day naps?

how is your foot today nat? is it your toes or foot its self?

great news on yr lump chloe, bet that's a relief? how is lyla coping with her new pegs? ill have to take a picky of arthurs now his top 4 are down, he looks so weird lol. but shes looking to cute in her pics :) love seeing them all on fb :)

missy are u ok hunni? did u get out in the rain? itrs also done everything here today bar snow lol.

well last night I went swimming and did 300meters again, and today im going to hit the push bikes, I cant remember if I told you but oh sister has asked me to be bridesmaid in oct so id like to lose a stone, but its my blood boobs, I can not get a size 12 across them, the are a 34dd from a 34c, I would never ever pay for a boob job, I hate big boobs lol.

awful news on the soilder yesterday what got killed, I really don't know what this country is coming too xx
pb, for the sitting up rights that means can u place her on the floor and shes steady enough to sit right without slumping or just wobbling forward or backwards, We have only just started to gently wean Arthur as he slumped in his high chair but has started to sit unaided. xx

Oh right, no she can't sit on the floor on her own - only on my lap for a few seconds then leans either forward as hasn't stopped when she pushes herself up or to the side coz she has seen something in arms reach and assumes it should go in her mouth. She put EVERYTHING in her mouth..... :) x
Arthur was the same, pulled everything to his mouth, non food items to, but when given a carrot sick he wasn't botherd, then I tried a couple of weeks later and he now slowly takes nibbles from it and that was at 5months 2wks, since then hes only had a few foods such as sweet potato, broccoli, banana, folk mashed puree and apple, and over the past 2 days ive given him, baby tomatoes, melon, crumpets, peppers, which he only slightly nibbles.

do you have a bumbo chair? that will help her strengthen her posture xx
Arthur was the same, pulled everything to his mouth, non food items to, but when given a carrot sick he wasn't botherd, then I tried a couple of weeks later and he now slowly takes nibbles from it and that was at 5months 2wks, since then hes only had a few foods such as sweet potato, broccoli, banana, folk mashed puree and apple, and over the past 2 days ive given him, baby tomatoes, melon, crumpets, peppers, which he only slightly nibbles.

do you have a bumbo chair? that will help her strengthen her posture xx

Yeah iv got one of those chairs, got it for £4 on Gumtree :) but then someone of FB pointed out that they stopped selling them without a harness or tray so got to buy a tray for it before she uses it so its safer.....really need to do that!

She is being a right pain over the last few days with her milk, yesterday in the end we managed to get 700ml down her but today so has only had 160ml so far, we are going to try another bottle in a minute but she isn't asking for it. I'm not to worried she has done this before and made up for it a few days later.

Got her weighed today.....she is now 13lbs 7oz a lot different from 6lbs 4oz :) x

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