**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Shes prob having a leap, they get really fussy round that time :/
She will make it up, plus its better not to introduce food if shes off milk :( as long as she has wet nappies, snd teething put them off bottles as it hurts their gums.
You can still use your bumbo without a tray hun xz
Amanda - Her teeth are really bothering her, it's not nice to see. Keeping her from going to sleep straight away most nights and nap times too! She takes the powder and anbesol teething gel but I've had to give her a full dose of calpol last two nights before bed poor thing. The second one is definitely on it's way! She looks too cute with her one tooth tho! :lol: It's about half through but I'll try and get a pic when shes home! She has an Amber teething necklace which I am tempted to try her on again, last time she was too little and it got all caught in her neck fold! How is Arthur coping with teething! He has sooo many! I saw your last pic! I think he will be the first November baby to get a full set! xx

PB - I started weaning Lyla a few days after she turned 5 months because she was showing all the signs and she has coped just fine. Her fav is mango and avocado! Just make sure if you do start to only do fruit and veg before 6 months -good luck! xx

Holly - That's great Aela is sleeping that long! Hope the transition to her cot goes smoothly for you! xx

Nat - Thanks hun, it was bothering me for ages so glad that is finally off my mind! It's a Fibroadenoma which is very safe and common for women in childbearing years apparently. I just noticed mine because it's quite big. The doctors don't want to remove it because it is so large and would result in my BBs being a bit lopsided lol so I'm happy as it can't turn cancerous - thank god.

Can't believe how big all our bubbas are getting now! Lyla will be 6 months next Saturday! Feels like I'll blink and she'll be leaving home!! Nuts!

Shes prob having a leap, they get really fussy round that time :/
She will make it up, plus its better not to introduce food if shes off milk :( as long as she has wet nappies, snd teething put them off bottles as it hurts their gums.
You can still use your bumbo without a tray hun xz

Yeah think last time she went off her milk is when she was teething, I'm sure she will be ok in a few days.

Oh maybe I will sit her in bumbo seat for a bit later while with her :) x
PB - We have a hand me down bumbo with no tray and one with a tray and harness and the older one has more room. The newer one Lyla's chunky legs get stuck in. You are told not to leave them in their bumbo by themselves even with the harness so just use the one you've got and stay with her xx
Wilson - She did really well last night, I fed her in our room and placed her in the cot, she screamed for a bit on and off. I went back after 2½ minutes and reminded her it was bedtime and she went silent for 5 minutes! Then she started again, so I left her for another 2½ minutes then went back in and sssshh her then left and didn't hear from her again. I crept in and she was fast asleep. That was it until 6.30 this morning :) Once she is asleep she rarely wakes up.

The day time is a different matter, she will not go in the cot. So my plan is to establish this bedtime routine and then slowly start with the day naps. I need her to be ready for nursery. Only problem I see is OH is sleeping until 10am when he does a late shift, so her crying will disturb him. But I'm not bothered, as far as I'm concerned he should be out of bed by then anyway :)

J had cucumber, tomatoes and scrambled egg for lunch. I spoon fed the scrambled egg. Then we finished with a yoghurt. tonight we are having carrot puree.

We have a Bumbo and I bought the tray when we started weaning as our highchair is so cumbersome I hate getting it out several times a day.

I am really demotivated with the weaning, I know it is totally normal but James seems very uninterested in food again - they go through phases when they first start though?. Also there is so much waste. James barely touched his steak and threw all the avocado on the floor - that is £7 worth of food (the steak lasted two days and I still have an avocado left but there was still a lot of waste)

As much as I am loving BLW I am literally throwing money away so I am tempted to give pureeing a go from a financial perspective?

Or maybe I can just try with cheaper food stuffs until he is back to enjoying it again (I mean cheaper types of food like apples and pears and chicken as opposed to avocado and steak and 90p peaches!!)

So far today he's moaned all through breakkie, and whinged all through lunch so I am tempted to give dinner a miss :shock::shock:

Also another question ladies about bath-time. James loved bath-time but gets really upset when he comes out - it is the only thing that makes his proper cry - so I have to bath him around food time as he needs a bottle to calm him down. He's 6 months now and I am getting worried he will always need some kind of bribery when he gets out of the bath??

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PB - We have a hand me down bumbo with no tray and one with a tray and harness and the older one has more room. The newer one Lyla's chunky legs get stuck in. You are told not to leave them in their bumbo by themselves even with the harness so just use the one you've got and stay with her xx

She's in it now :) iv taken her legs out of her baby grow as was worried they might be rubbing against the injections and iv put the music channel on for her and she is finally happy watching/listening to the mystic channel and looking at her feet like they are something weird that's been stuck onto her body. Lol

She was fine earlier as was in her car seat (as dad took her to be weighed) and was watching The Simpsons (I know not the best thing for her to watch but she loves it.....just hope she turns out more like Lisa rather than Bart!) but then Daddy decided to sneak up behind her put his face in hers and shout Boo!!! GOOD ONE! 20 mins later she is now happy, thought I would take your advice and put her in Bumbo seat as its something different for her. Mmmmmmm I wonder when I will be allowed to change channel over-at 5 months she already controls the TV!!! X
Chloe i got yr parcel this morning, thankyou hunni, means alot ;) xx

Nat why dont you try sldi for fruit n veg its 49-69p for veg, ive just bought 6sweet potatoes for 69p, a melon for 99p, peppers 99p, bananas 69p, its a bargin :) also a tip do a batch cook and what ever you dont use freeze it, i do and just get it out the morning of that day. As for the bath, have you tried bathing him earlier as the bath may make him to tired. Also it maybe that he feels the chill when out of the bath, have you tried skin to skin when you take him out and walk round with him rubbing his back, singing to him.

Kedi thats great with the bed toutine :) if i was you id honestly do it now with the day naps too, try it in the nursery, if you make it a calming place they will eventually enjoy it xx
Pb, also give her plenty of tummy time, this will strengthen her muscles for support xx
Carnat - Chloe is like that when getting out of the bath, she still is a big confused when we put her in the bath. We get a smile now and then but mostly a confused face but then when we take her out she cries! Lol

P.s - sorry if subject has now changed but started this message after Carnat message but Chloe started moaning in her Bambo seat so took her out that made her go mental so turned TV off faced her towards me in a baby hold and gave her some milk while talking nice and sweet to her.....it worked, she's asleep! Yippee! :) think she needs a good sleep. X
Pb, also give her plenty of tummy time, this will strengthen her muscles for support xx

Must admit we hardly never do that :-/ she has held her head up from a very early age and likes to stand on your lap (I support her but you can tell her legs are very strong) but yes we should give her more tummy time x
Ooooo Tummy time! I could fill the how grumpy is my baby thread with 100s of pictures from tummy time!
haha, all day he has done nothing but whinge and cry, throw tantrums, hes been a horrid baby today, I have just put him in his cot and let him cry it out for 15mins and now I think hes asleep.
what about yr ickle one xx
haha, all day he has done nothing but whinge and cry, throw tantrums, hes been a horrid baby today, I have just put him in his cot and let him cry it out for 15mins and now I think hes asleep.
what about yr ickle one xx

Well Chloe had her 3rd lot of injections today so she is getting a free grumpy baby pass but she has not stopped crying! We have just checked her temp and its fine, will do it again tonight. She is crying like she is in pain and I can tell she is tired but I suppose the pain is stopping her from going to sleep :(

She would also be getting time out in crib if it wasn't for the injections poor bubs x
well Arthur awoke after 10mins an carried to whinge the house down, blood is boiling as I can not concentrate ggrrrrr...so is his daddy!!

poor little mite, is she ok? is she tired from them but wont go to sleep xx
Oh no, will a bath distract him or even opening the front door and letting him have a look around, that worked with Chloe for a bit but raining and cold here plus OH wanted a fag so had to bring her in! Have you got any idea what might of upset him so much? Maybe just having a grumpy day :(

It's weird as Chloe is a bit of a wingy baby but stops as soon as she get her way like looking out the front window or wanting to sit up but she isn't a crying baby.....not even when she wakes up! Yeah thing she is tired but very jumpy. My OH changed her nappy about 30 mins ago before she went to sleep and she went mental when he took her legs out of baby grow so not sure if it hurt her or she thought might get another jab :( x

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