**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

hi ladies,

Wilson..M has been OK today, no biting which has been nice however, she bit both nips so I have no choice but to feed through the pain. I am too lazy to express then feed her :roll: I'm using plenty Lashinoh so hopefully I should feel the benefit again soon. I've not used it for ages!!

Nat..James looks great with his rice cakes!! That is shocking about the GP, I'd be tempted to just take the emergency appointment anyway, that way you won't have to suffer till June.

kedi..I am going back full time on 7th October! It seems like an age away but I bet it will fly in. I have M's Nursery place confirmed so that is one less thing to worry about. Like Sazz I have no option but to go back FT, damn Military and their hours!!

sazz..I totally understand how you and OH are feeling. OH and I still have 5years to work till half pension but there is NOWAY I will be able to dodge going away till then. I am happy knowing that I will be going outside in the next few years and moving back home to go to Uni. I miss home a lot more now M has come along.

Today M has had a big selection of foods. She demolished a crumpet for breakfast, Pizza Toast was a hit at lunch with some apple (after the pizza not on top:lol:)and it was Tomato Pasta for dinner. I surprised at howmuch she 'ate'. I'm loving watching her eat though.
I think she is trying to talk to me. She keeps saying Mum Mum Mum and DaDaDa. Not sure if it is just a noise she likes to say or if it is actually Mum!!!
Got her weighed yesterday also and she is 19lb 2oz!!!:shock::shock:
Evening ladies, hope we're all doing OK?

James is down for the night so I am having a quick catch up and then bed.

James had steak for dinner :lol: (only beef steak but it was from Waitrose) and it was a hit. He had it with baby sweetcorns, sugarsnap peas and broccoli.

James doesn't eat much though? He'll try everything but there is no proper eating going on?? A teeny part of me is a bit deflated as there is so much waste but I know soon he'll be taking a lot more.

Fresh food is so expensive, I nearly had a heart attack that one peach cost me 90p (you can get a pack of 4 in Morrisons for £1 so not sure how Sainsbury's get away with charging so much. I didn't realise until I checked my receipt when I got home!)

Today we did baby pitta's, humous and cherry tomatoes for breakfast. Fruit medley (banana, apple, pear and peach) in the afternoon with a stick of cheddar and a rice cake with humus and then the steak for dinner.

I may be meeting a friend tomorrow night so I will be entrusting OH to feed him :shock: :shock:

Touch wood my foot actually felt a bit better today but I'll make an emergency appointment if it starts hurting again.

Weather is so shit I am back to my usual routine of going to the bloody shops everyday and spending money.

Tomorrow we're going to do something different!!!

Not getting James weighed for a few more weeks, he was 15lb 13oz last weigh-in so he'd only gained 12oz in 4 weeks. Still just on 25th centile though so they weren't too worried.

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Where are you all getting your babies weighed? J's last weigh in was her 4 month check. The children centres round my way stopped weighing babies unless you saw the health visitor. And I noticed at the doctors the other day that the health visitors are now appointment only. So I can only really go if there is a problem.

Wilson - I struggle with the bath, bottle and bed routine. J has so much hair that it was still wet when we got to the bed bit. I now bath her in the mornings or early afternoons.
we have a drop in at the local childrens centre where the HVs are there aswell to help with any questions you have.
You could always weigh yourself then weigh yourself with J, that way you will get a rough idea of how much she weighs.

Nat..are you sure they charged you correctly for the peach? Iget5 for £1 in asda.x
bloody hell mrsw lol, she loves her food then with that weight, and here is mw thinking arthur was heavy lol.

kedi u could bath her and not wash her hair?? or what about starting her bath at 5pm? its ok for us arthur only haa a bit of hair haha.

lol Wilson. She is now just above the 91st centile (was 75th)! Thing is she doesn't look big iykwim.Saying that she is the youngest in our group of babies and the biggest! Poor thing!
Mrs W - we have the same return to work date. It makes me so sad. I dont want to leave my baby even though it will only be 3 days a week :-(

Hi kedi....nice to see you.

Livvi is made up with cold and coughing all of the time again. Its so unfair and i hate seeing her like this. She is crying in her sleep at the minute :-(

Hope you ladies get some good nights sleeps soon. Im so lucky that livvi sleeps min 12 hours and has done since week 9. I dont kmow how you ladies do it, especially amanda. But yes your right they are only babies once and at least u get extra cuddles

Nat I am always jelous of james's meals. He eats better than me. We are doing tw and i dont think blw was for me

I didnt mean thatto sound funny mrsw, just she weighed 1lb less than arthur at birth and 0nly 14days older and shes 2lb in front lol..xx
Ah they've stopped the drop in to health visitor at our children centres. I assumed that was for everywhere, apparently not then humph!! I'll have to try and weigh her myself, she was 14lb something at her last weigh in so she must be around the 18lb mark by now, but probably more. I know she feels heavier.

I picked up the cat the other day and was shocked at how light she felt I'm so used to carrying J around.

hmmm that's an idea, not washing her hair. Never thought of that! How slow am I?
Morning ladies,

We're lucky that we have lots of drop-in centres. Only at certain times of the week do they run baby clinics though. Some of them are in Dr's surgeries but the one we go to is actually in a building in the park!!! All fully equipped and you can request to see a HV if you want.

I am always getting told how big James is, but he is just very long I think?

Will be very interested to see how he is doing next weigh-in.

Whilst I still have a little money we're trying James with as much as we can.

I don't think he'll be getting steak every day LOL!

Yep peaches are 4 for a £1 in Morrison's so I got proper ripped off. He did enjoy the peach though.

Not sure what to do today, I wanted to head to a park but it's looking quite likely to rain :wall2: :wall2:

Maybe we'll go anyway LOL

Morning ladies,
Hope we are all well today?

Kedi, nice to meet you, I'm new to this thread too.
I had Harry weighed on Monday and he was 15lb 7oz. He feels like a massive lump to me but it was pointed out to me that was the weight of that George King when he was born, could not imagine pushing that size of baby out!!

I'm back to work on 2nd sept. I'm not really worried as family will be looking after him for me and I love my job. It will be nice to get a decent wage again! Sold some shares this week so going to kit out Harry's room over the next few for when I'm back. I know it's dead late to do a nursery but we only moved in 4 weeks before he was born!

I spy some blue sky out the window today so fingers crossed for a bit of nice weather, although I am in Manchester, if it doesn't rain it's grey lol.

Hope everybody has great days whatever they are doing!

Morning ladies.

Did everyone have a good night?
We had a restless night and toby is grumpy today. I think his teeth are on the move as his front teeth are bulging under the gum.

I might bring back toby's dream feed. He stopped wanting it but needed a feed last night and was restless last night. It would mean 6 feeds a day at 7oz each. Does that seem too much?

Today is all cloudy. Off out to our play afternoon later on so just having a chilled morning.

I've notice fruit and veg is a bit pricy. I gave toby peach yesterday and he loved it. He also had home made burgers and veg which he loved. X

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42oz a day seems fine to me.

James has about 37oz a day (some days a little more very rarely any less even with weaning) but that's over 5 feeds.

Some fruit and veg is pricey - avocado's for example! Which has just made me remember the two avocado's I bought yesterday are under the pram.

Off to feed the ducks but going a little more local. Then grab a few essentials as I may have a day in tomorrow as I need to rest my bloody foot. Because of course you can rest with a 6m old?

My GP rang me a little while ago, as I can't get an appointment and gave me the usual advice (rest, elevate, take Ibuprofen and try either a heat back or ice pack)

I have an appointment for 3rd of June in-case it's not better!

Took livvi to the doctors this morning and she has a chest infection :-( poorly baby.

Hopefully the antibiotics will sort her out xx
I am sure the antibiotics will do the job. Poor little Livvi, hope she feels better soon

afternoon girls

poorl livvi, sending big hugs xx

we have just been to water babies and daddy went in today also with his iphone and wallet....dipstick lol xx
Just getting ready to meet my friend for Thai and wine in my local (I can see it from my house LOL)

OH has sandwiches for dinner and is in charge of James :lol:


Evening ladies

Kerrie - Hope Livvi feels better soon x

Had a good night with J, she managed 7.30 to 6.30am. Although I was still shattered as OH is on late shift this week so I went to bed at 1am. I end up waiting for him and cooking his dinner when he gets in. Tonight, I'm going to bed early.

It's been a busy day, I started the day working from home and managed a couple of hours in between looking after J. Then I had to drive to Leicester (about 40 minutes from me) to visit Mum in hospital. She has been in since Friday, she had her gall bladder removed. We were hoping she would be out today but alas no, maybe Friday now.

Drove home, cooked Dad his dinner and made Butternut squash puree for J, which she appears to love. She must have eaten 80% of the half I cooked.

J is ready for bed, she is just sitting on the floor playing with her toys. I'm going to make her bottle soon then go for the bedtime routine again. Last night was about 10 minutes of on off crying. Hoping for even less tonight.

Carnat - hope you have a nice night out - enjoy!!

Wilson - Haha at your OH. Dipstick indeed lol

Aww poor Livvi, hope she feels much better soon!

Haha at your OH Wilson...that is exactly the kind of the thing mine would do. The other day he dropped his phone in A's bath. He was devastated! Luckily it seems to have dried out okay...

Hi to everyone else! Hope we're all well today :)

Today has been a bit of a rubbish day for me! - just seems to have been non stop! First we had someone come and fix our floor (OH put his foot through it because the last set of builders left a rotten floorboard totally unsupported), so I went to my mum and dads to get away from the banging so A would nap. Then my grandparents came to visit after S finished school so A missed her nap, but as they're only here for a week I couldn't really say no! Then as she was overtired she screamed non stop whilst I was cooking dinner and then I had someone ring me about a job when I was putting S to bed with A up screaming again - just to make things a bit better this person was drunk as a skunk and when I asked for their phone number they just recited about 20 random numbers to me! Blergh. OH will be home in 10 mins and then I'm off to bed! Can't wait!xx

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