hi Kedi welcome back, always nice for a newbie

i know what you mean with the i hate my cot

arthur was the same, something i have found that works is taking him up to our room, popping him on my belly to his belly and having his head on my shoulder and softly singing to him or story telling to him, it gets him unwound and also in the area you want them to settle, and also putting him to bed not to early or to late, tat bit is best advice i can give you as that bit makes the different, because they are crying to tell you they arnt that tired and want back up.
see this is where we have a bonus when feeding arthur, the dog lol, he likes to sit under arthur and wait for the hand outs when hes finished and launches them off his try lol.
well last 2 nights arthur has started sleeping alot better, last night he went down at 8.45pm and woke at 12am for a feed then 4.14, then 7am and slept till 9am

happy days, i can cope with 2 wakenings and no stirrings in between, so im hoping his teething has settled now we have all the 6 teethy pegs through.
Nat did u go and see about your foot? if you think you have broken your toe have you tried strapping them together? or is the pain not coming from your toes? Also have you tried putting james to bed earlier, it may try and push him longer to sleep in believe it or not.
Arthur had mango which did not touch sides yesterday and then we also tried sweetcorn mini's which he found funny to through across the kitchen lol.
Has anyone tried any other green veg bar brocolli?
mrsw how is m doing this morning? i can relate to you with the biting, but i promise u its teething, as soon as teethy pegs pop out they stop, arthur hasnt bitten me touch wood, since is 4 on top was starting to make an appearance, all i did when i constantly bit me was shout to make him jump and say, NO BITING, i warn you it will make her jump and may make her cry, then cover your booby up so she cant feed, a few of these also help. As for you poor nipples, express for a few feeds and pop some of that lanolin cream on them. i only expressed for one day and fed on the no bitten boobie. It soon stops i promise you