**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Nat I hope they can help with your foot. Xx

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My GP surgery has no appointments until 3rd June!! WTF?

I explained what was wrong and they said I have to see a Dr (not the nurse)

She did say to ring tomorrow before 10.30am and try for an emergency appointment but I feel bad taking an appointment from someone who needs it - also even as an emergency you have to go as a walk-in and can be waiting hours??

Just been out with my sister and nephew, James was wide awake and smiling away the whole time, he now seems to be down for his long nap so I am making the most of it.

We have peach to try later... I'll do a little fruit medley with some natural yoghurt. Dinner will be new potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower, red pepper and cucumber (random LOL)

I want to try meat this week at some point...

Nat that's a long old wait! Tbh I would just go with the emergency appointment as then you should hopefully get something to help you, maybe a referral to physio?!
How did the peaches go down?

La..hugs lovely! I really so feel for you. Jet lag probably isn't helping matters either. I hope things settle down for you :)

It can be hard being mummy all day and I do count my blessing to have a healthy and happy little girl BUT I do have a moan about being tired and I think I'm allowed to :) I work bloomin hard at it lol

Tonight's feeding has been a disaster! M has bitten me several times and once
I bled :( my nips are sore now so I have her a bottle but she only took 2oz :/
She has done well with food today also had some sips out the doidy cup that I bought today.

Sazz...what else have you made for Toby? I like the look of the chicken from the Blw book.

Trying pizza toast tomorrow :)

We didn't try the peach yet, but it cost 90p - 90p for a single piece of fruit (I only bought the one!!!) he had better bloody like it :lol:

I am looking forward to going through the recipe book and picking out a few things to try. James is def a sweety boy though. He loves fruit, not too keen on veg unless they are sweet (butternut squash goes down well)

I'll see how I get on in the next few days with my foot.

MIL said it could be Gout?? :shock: but I don't fit the criteria? (it normally affects older men who eat too much rich food and drink too much!!). Apart from the occasional take away and glass of wine I eat pretty healthy and have done for months now...

James has been fast asleep for an hour now so I should go and join him!!

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Hi everyone, can I join you?

I've posted a small thread in Baby and toddler with my little update but if you don't see it.......

I had my little girl, Jessie on 14th November last year. I used to be on this forum when I fell pregnant but haven't been around for ages.

I'm not sure I have the time to catch up on the whole of this thread, there are sooooooo many pages to it. So if I start talking about something you've already discussed, please feel free to tell me to shut up and refer back to x page.

Well, Jessie is now on roughly 3 mini meals a day, plus milk. We started weaning a little early due to reflux and she seems to be really enjoying it. So far I've just been making my own puree fruits and veg or using the Ella kitchen packs when I'm out. We've now started with toast and veggies that she can pick up.

Doesn't matter what I give her it ends up in the mouth anyway and when she is done sucking it she throws it on the floor. She also appears to want two of whatever I give her, one for each hand. Then she alternates between each hand until bored with it.

Although it's wonderful to watch her, the OCD side of me certainly prefers the purees when I'm in control of the spoon!
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Hi kedi!
Welcome back and welcome to the thread!!
Sounds like your lg is doing so well. I'm with you on the mess though, I'm forever picking up veg off the floor!!!

Up every 2 hours again last night but I think M is getting a cold, she sounds a bit congested, poor thing.

Hi Kedi,

Yay you found the November thread!!!

This is a mammoth thread but we're all at the same stage so it's handy if you have any questions or just want to chat :lol:

James slept his usual 9-5, then came in with me until 6.15 but he was restless and I obviously don't go back to sleep when he is in with me. Cat woke me up at Midnight being sick and James needed his dummy in a few times so I feel shattered again.

Will make sure I'm in bed very early tonight, going to try and start moving dinner forward!

Not sure what we'll do today. It is grey and dull outside, when will summer start??

Hope M is feeling better soon.

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Hi kedi

Welocome to the thread.
Mrs w thats not good about m. I hope she gets better soon.

Toby was very restless when he went to bed and then woke at 3am for a feed. He ended up missing a bottle yesterday so I think thats why.

I dont know what to do today. Tuesday is always a nothing day for us. Its all grey here too. toby is trying really hard to get his legs under him when he's on his front. He can turn in a circle as well now. Where has it all gone.


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Morning ladies, thanks for the welcome! It's certainly nice to talk to people with babies at the same stage.

J slept from 8ish until 6.30am. She used to be a dream to put to bed but the last 6 weeks she just screams the house down as soon as I put her in the cot, I've then been taking her our and rocking or cuddling her to sleep on our bed. So I think I've just made it even harder to put her to bed.

So last night I started a form of controlled crying. It took about 30 minutes of me going back and not interacting with her for her to finally fall asleep. She doesn't actually cry she just screams and moans. I hope tonight will be easier. I feel awful standing listening to her scream but eventually it won't always be me putting her to bed so I need her to be able to self settle.

This morning we have melon for breakfast :)
James loves melon, I need to pop out and stock up!!

Luckily James is pretty good at going down. He normally drops off within a few minutes. The only time he hasn't is when I put him down without his gro-bag on (when we had that hot spell a few weeks back) he spent 90 minutes doing bicycle kicks before falling asleep.

Our problem is the early mornings. James is up with the birds. He doesn't moan or cry and won't have his first feed until 7am?

I don't mind, OH is up at 6am most weekdays so it's actually nice to all be up together. It would be perfect to have James sleep until we get up though. 5am is just too early. Come evening time I am dead on my feet.

Got to collect my order from New Look! I have given in and bought some jeans in a size 14. Boo!!! I am being healthy but not losing any weight so I am not going to take my next pack of pills. We don't have sex so I'm not worried about getting preggers LOL!

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hi Kedi welcome back, always nice for a newbie :) i know what you mean with the i hate my cot :( arthur was the same, something i have found that works is taking him up to our room, popping him on my belly to his belly and having his head on my shoulder and softly singing to him or story telling to him, it gets him unwound and also in the area you want them to settle, and also putting him to bed not to early or to late, tat bit is best advice i can give you as that bit makes the different, because they are crying to tell you they arnt that tired and want back up.

see this is where we have a bonus when feeding arthur, the dog lol, he likes to sit under arthur and wait for the hand outs when hes finished and launches them off his try lol.

well last 2 nights arthur has started sleeping alot better, last night he went down at 8.45pm and woke at 12am for a feed then 4.14, then 7am and slept till 9am :) happy days, i can cope with 2 wakenings and no stirrings in between, so im hoping his teething has settled now we have all the 6 teethy pegs through.

Nat did u go and see about your foot? if you think you have broken your toe have you tried strapping them together? or is the pain not coming from your toes? Also have you tried putting james to bed earlier, it may try and push him longer to sleep in believe it or not.

Arthur had mango which did not touch sides yesterday and then we also tried sweetcorn mini's which he found funny to through across the kitchen lol.
Has anyone tried any other green veg bar brocolli?

mrsw how is m doing this morning? i can relate to you with the biting, but i promise u its teething, as soon as teethy pegs pop out they stop, arthur hasnt bitten me touch wood, since is 4 on top was starting to make an appearance, all i did when i constantly bit me was shout to make him jump and say, NO BITING, i warn you it will make her jump and may make her cry, then cover your booby up so she cant feed, a few of these also help. As for you poor nipples, express for a few feeds and pop some of that lanolin cream on them. i only expressed for one day and fed on the no bitten boobie. It soon stops i promise you

J loves melon but I find it a little too runny and end up spilling in on the way to her mouth, my favourite is banana, you can get it to just the right consistency.

J used to be brilliant at sleeping, but then she suddenly changed at about 4.5 months and that's when I started the rocking and cuddling. It doesn't help that we went to stay with the in-laws for a month when she was 3-4 months, so she got spoilt rotten and my original routine had gone out of the window.

5am is a very early start. Its probably harder as he is in the room with you, so you hear him more. I know you're only in a one bed, so there isn't a solution to it.

J is still in with us, although on the other side of the room and she will be for quite a while yet as we only have two rooms. My parents live with us, so they have the floor below. Eventually we will kick mum out of her office and then give J that room, but as its the floor below we are holding off for now.

eugh don't talk to me about clothes, I have a small select range of clothes that I actually feel comfortable in, I have loads of clothes that one day I will fit back into. I actually weigh less that I did before I was pregnant, but it's still maybe 4 stone more than I should!!

Has any one gone back to work yet?

I was due back at the end of July, but my boss managed to convince me to go back for a couple of days a week until then, one day in the office and one day work from home. I work for a small company and I've been there 11 years and they were busy and needed some help. I've missed working and I've sure missed the money. It's actually nice going back and feeling like me again, not just a mummy. Although its hard fitting everything in, I have no idea how I'll cope when I go back full time.
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morning sazz, how are u hunni, i know you havent had it easy with toby either have you, how are u feeling in yrself these days? are you on my facebook? i couldnt imagine how it would be to be in the forced :( are u still leaving xx

someone i used to work with who i knew before she joined my old company tried to readd me on facebook yesterday so i accepted, so i said hello being nice for her to ignore me and just nosey at my profile because ive had a baby, she was soon deleted after i realised this.
grrr people do my ballbag in!! xx
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So glad A has been a bit better hun, bet you won't know what to do with yourself when he does start sleeping through.

Dr's can't see me until 3rd June for my foot??? Thankfully they are much better with giving kiddies appointments.

We're hoping to move early 2014, after I've been back to work for a few months.

Are you going back FT Kedi?

Just been picking out some recipes to try on James whilst he was having a nap. I am going to start easy (Frittata, Eggy bread, porridge fingers, pizza bread) and work my way up.

James has been having veggies, fruit and salad for about 3 weeks now, dairy bread and eggs for just a week now so I want to start trying for some 'proper' meals.

I may get some lean beef steak today and try that with a few veggies in a stir-fry for him

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Hi ya wilson. I'm ok thanks hun. Just feel a little fried but we all are lol. Toby has been easy in some ways and so hard in others.i'm not on your facebook. I'll ping you a pm in a bit. I'm still leaving as I can't bare the idea of leaving my baby at all but if I stay in that is the reality. Come sept I'll be in my final year and so will oh. We've had an amazing time in the army but we have waited to have our family and we are now ready to move on to a more stable life. It won't be fair on toby growing up if both oh and I are away alot. If it was just one of us it would be ok but only just. We both adore our little man and struggle to think about going away. Oh has been away on a few courses a week at a time and said he missed home so much. Hes normally ok about it.

We seem to be in a growth spurt and I'm wondering if I should be giving him extra milk or offer food. I jyst tried it now but he really wanted the milk and just downed 7oz only 2 hours after his last feed and a crumpet for breakfast.

Nat strapping your foot up might just help untill you can see the docs.

I just twisted my ankle walking down the stairs. Not sure how but I did. I can be so clumsy.

Wilson I'm glad Arthur slept a bit better last night. Sounds like progress:)


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I'm due back to work in july FT and I'm not looking forward to it as it's gonna be super busy. I could do kit days but unless your back properly the army isn't bothered. It'd be days just sat around twiddling my thumbs.

We used to rock toby down but over a few weeks did it less and less but now I can't rock him down he just climbs all over me and tries to lick my face :rolleyes:
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LOL about licking your face sazz....

Not sure James understands licking he just kind of dives on things with his mouth wide open :lol:

Humus and rice cake was a success so much so he needed to fill both hands



he looks like hes mad at that rice cake lol, bless him :)

well i just had arthur weighed and he is 17lb 13oz the big lump lol xx
Wilson - What you're saying makes perfect sense, tonight I've given the last bottle on my bed in a dark room and then placed her in the cot. I've made sure she isn't too tired either, which sometimes I know she possibly is. I've only been back once so far and I haven't heard from her for 10 minutes now. I'm too scared to go back and check in case I wake her up LOL.

Nat - Yep I'm going back full time the first week in August. Although I've agreed to do 5 days worth of work in 4 days so I get one day off a week. I can also work from home once a week which means my Mum can have J for a few hours but with me around. Mum is in her late 70s, so won't be able to handle her for much longer.

We've not done much today, apart from a quick trip to Tesco, we've stayed in and watched TV and played with every toy and book possible.
yayy thats great kedi :)

its about knowing the balance and once you get it, you lo will be much happier, from bathing, to dressing and feeding then bed, if you get it all at the right times, happy times lol.
i tend to bath with arthur and play with him, then i sing to him while im dressing him, then feed him in the dark to unwind him, however im breast feeding so he tends to nod off on me while suckling lol.


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