Morning ladies
Pb i started the hand and foot print present thrme for everyone, i made canvas with footprint butterflies, for mothers day, then for birthdays i did a 3 tier photo frame, a black and white picture of artie in the middle and black ink prints of hsnds at the top and feet at the bottom. Very messy job but looks great. Also im painting another tree on the back of his door and every birthday we will paint his hand and dot it on the tree as a leaf and watch them grow
I love to make things.
L_a chin up chick, ill swop u a day in my shoes with no sleep with arthur, he manages 3-1/2hrs at the most then feeds 2hrly from 3am

i know its hard and i have a dicky heart with it too but it wont be forever hunni, embrace this first year, when he wakes up make yourself a brew and smile, because one day youll be worrying when hes out alm night partying lol. You are on yr first holiday with yr boy and a place most of us will only dream of going too
Do u take joe running in his pram?
Just smile and be happy, dont take life for granted ONE LIFE NO REPL girls
Sometimes i think alot of you dont realise how easy you have actually got it, maybe tough love will make u see,
Well for me we have no family about us, inlaws live 120miles away, my dad n step mum 80miles and my mum n step dad 250miles away, we have no one that just takes arthur out for a few hrs or a night

ive battled with bf for nearly 6 months and had no sleep what so ever for a long time with arthurs chronic tummy aches he still wakes ever 1-2hrs at night, and my fella works full time from home on little sleep. On no sleep i have to still look after and entertain arthur. We havent even had a date night, and after battling with all this and feeling absoloutly shit, physically and mentally exhaustedi have to return to work in 3wks,
So peeps, please dont be down and sad because something has changed in your path, be happy your lo wakes in the night to want to be with you as some ladies will never experience this, because they cant have a baby.
Like i said embrace this chapter in life as its not forever
And on that note i need to get ready for the hospital as im seeing the heart consultant today xx