**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Nat have you fried strawberries and raspberries? M loves these along with peach x
Thanks Wilson, I know I'll deal with it at the time but it's just a scary thought?

I knew I'd love James of course but I wasn't prepared for the magnitude of the love?

We haven't tried rasberries or peaches mrsw, I'll grab some tomorrow!

They still aren't home and I'm so annoyed. I know they are relying on a lift to get home but it was a one year old's party and they have been out for nearly 9 hours? I can imagine MIL yabbering away, she is lovely but she does get caught up!!!

It's only one night I suppose and OH said he has dinner for us?? Not sure what he meant - hopefully lots of left over party food :shock:

course its a scary though hun, our children is all we have known for the past year, just think this time next year we could be pregnant again eekkk!

Enjoy your time without james and relax, its good hes learning social skills without his mummy :)

just seen beyonce is pregnant again xx
Party food is the best!

I'm with you ladies about being anxious about leaving lo whilst at work. I've not even left her overnight with anyone else yet. My mum is having her on 1st June for a night as we are off to see muse so ill probably be a wreck being away from her. I've been away from oh for months (being military we are used to it) but like you Nat with M it's different!
I have 2days every week my fella has to work in the office down south and im on my own with arthur, it rips my heart out every week, i have actually put aside about the thought of going bk to work out of my mind as it does make me cry :( after the battle i had in pregnancy and how hard i battle with no sleep and working so hard with my baby boy and family to dreading to going back to work, i feel ive had no give but its something i need to do :( xx
Forgot to show u this someone made for arthurs christening xx

Hope you got some lovely cuddles with James when he got home Nat and he wasn't too grumpy!

I just saw your video of Arthur eating on FB Wilson - that's great he's taken to it so well! I've been giving A bits of stuff when there's something suitable for her the last couple of weeks and it's amazing the difference in her - a couple of weeks ago she would pick stuff up and put it to her mouth and then get grumpy, but yesterday she had some roasted butternut squash and actually swallowed some of it (I found it in her nappy - yum!) and today I gave her some yoghurt on a spoon and she got it straight in her mouth - she also got it in her hair and her eye but she enjoyed herself! She also quite likes having a good naw on broccoli and carrot.

I need to get myself organised now we're properly going into weaning - there is such a lack of variety when it comes to fruit and veg in the local shops - it's not even seasonal it's just the same stuff all the time. Will need to start shopping for stuff from the mainland a bit more often I think so she can try lots and lots of stuff! I'm determined A won't grow up a fussy eater like I am!xx
hi missy

i cant believe the difference from 2 weeks either, he wasnt intrested in feeding himself, he just wanted to launch it off his table lol, but now its straight in the mush and like yourself today i found carrot in his nappy in ickle chunks lol.
Have you tried aldi for veg and fruit, its well cheap and with it being spanish its all organic and pure sunshine products. i paid 49-99p for all our fruit and veg from there and it lasts ages xx
It sounds a little selfish but it's good to know I'm not the only one who feels so anxious about going back to work. I am still a good 5 months away as well so I need to put it out of my mind and enjoy my baby now.

That is such a pretty keepsake Wilson, so unique as well.

James got home at 9pm and only had time for bottle and a quick cuddle. OH took loads of photos though and he looked like he had a good day!

Am off to bed myself now, not even sure how I am still awake.

Hope you all manage to get some sleep.

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Hi everyone

Had a lousy couple of days here and I've been feeling very low. J has been poorly, nothing major just a virus which I think might be slapped cheek. The body rash is very mild though and he doesn't have a fever, just a bit off colour and not sleeping well. He had a night feed for the first time in months last night. The lack of sleep is getting to me, he's adapted so well but still dreamfeeds and gets up early and the last few nights while he's been ill there have been dummy replacements every hour. I don't cope well with lack of sleep (don't know how you ladies manage at all) so at home my DH usually steps in and takes over until I feel better. I'm finding it hard being on my own here, he helps me so much. My mum helps me more at home too because there are two other kids here for her to help with.

I was really tearful yesterday (not being able to get out to run makes me low too) so my mum noticed I've become run down and she's taken J into the city with my dad today. I have 4 hours to chill/nap in an empty house before I need to pick my niece up from pre school. My dad went out for a run with me earlier as well while J had his nap.

Nat - I completely understand about the work thing. I'm only going back 1 day a week, at my own choice, but I feel anxious about that and don't know if it's the right choice. For me though, if it doesn't work I will just leave. I would hate not to have the choice :hugs: I have to plan my KIT days - I've agreed to do 5-6 in July/Aug/Sept - and they need to know now to book my clinics. I'm not keen, I have to say. Still it will be a taster of what it will be like I suppose.

Wilson, what a lovely present!

You're all cracking on with the weaning! I'm a it hit and miss out here. He gets something every day, but I'm not doing anything organised like making purees while we're away. I've been mashing banana or avocado, which is very good here, using the pouches. J is six months in a few days so I will start giving dairy and meat as well. So far he likes everything and will polish off fairly large amounts!

Morning all! :)

Haven't been on this thread for a few days as we stay at my OH mums every other weekend and also been trying to catch up with a couple of the TTC girls I was with when I was TTC as still throwing baby dust at them and will not stop until I see those BFP!

Hope you are all ok, Chloes just had her 1st feed and is asleep in my arms so going to try and have a catch up before trying to put her back in her carry cot (that's what she sleeps in when we are here and this weekend we are staying until Tuesday evening)

Hope you all have a great day :) x
Sorry you are feeling crap L_a, wish I could offer some words of wisdom but I've been having a rough few weeks myself.

The only thing I can say is that asking around it seems the 6 month mark is a bit of a sticky time for us Mummies. The enormity of the last 6 months [and the tiredness] catch up with us.

I hope you start to feel a bit brighter soon but I know it must be hard without hubby, some days I am literally hanging out of the window waiting for OH... Not sure how I'd cope without him (and he doesn't even "do" much :shock:)

I feel bad as James is so well behaved? Apart from the 5am wake-ups he is perfect. If I am struggling now how will I cope with teething or if he gets ill.

I am booking a Dr's appointment again this week as my foot is still fcuked and I have to take painkillers before I go out. Also I want to discuss getting the coil put in. I have two days left with my pack of pills and then I am stopping!

Please try to enjoy your trip as much as you can sweetie, J will be feeling better in a few days so it should get easier.

Sorry ladies, I feel like all I ever do these days is moan. I guess better to let it all out on here rather than let it spill out into my time with James

Morning everyone.

L_a I hope you feel better soon. It so hard with out help. I hope j feels better soon.

Nat I'm glad some mummies have said that as I have felt terrible. Nothing really obvious but just feel run down. Last week was horrible with oh away. This weekend hes been a star. Letting me have a few lay ins. Toby keeps waking at 5am but this morning he went back to sleeep till 7:45.

Hes currently destroying a banana crumpet. Weaning is going well. Toby had lemon and tarragon chicken from the baby led weaning book and he couldn't get enough of yhe chicken. Hes had beef and cod. Hes not sure on cod at all. Hes eating some as his milk intake has dropped and he gets cranky when its meal time.

Nat I feel like I moan all the time but its better out than in. Xx

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Morning Carnett :)

Chloe did go back on her carry cot asleep and I managed to go to the toilet come back and she was still asleep Yippee! So thought

A) should I do my exercises
B) catch up on this thread
C) try and get a little more sleep

Thought stuff it I'm at OH mums so got help so can do exercises and hopefully catch up with you girls later so laid back down then a few mins later little monster decided it was wake up time and has now fallen asleep again in my arms so I'm stuck! If I was at home I would let her wine a little as I know she would go back to sleep but as at OH mums don't want her waking his mum up......no chance of waking Dad up as he can sleep through a flipping earth quake!

So been sitting her thinking about Father's Day, iv told my OH what I want each Mother's Day

1) a mum key ring (what I'm going to put on a chain hanging from bedroom ceiling and add to it each year)
2) a card with her hand and foot print in with the exact age written in she was on that day (mothers day)

That way it doesn't cost a lot and it means something so I want to do something that means something for Father's Day each year but key ring isn't really his thing.....any ideas? Something cheap but nice to have each year?

P.s - I must admit I nicked the idea of the hand and foot print in card from Carnatt :) x
Morning ladies

Pb i started the hand and foot print present thrme for everyone, i made canvas with footprint butterflies, for mothers day, then for birthdays i did a 3 tier photo frame, a black and white picture of artie in the middle and black ink prints of hsnds at the top and feet at the bottom. Very messy job but looks great. Also im painting another tree on the back of his door and every birthday we will paint his hand and dot it on the tree as a leaf and watch them grow :)
I love to make things.

L_a chin up chick, ill swop u a day in my shoes with no sleep with arthur, he manages 3-1/2hrs at the most then feeds 2hrly from 3am :( i know its hard and i have a dicky heart with it too but it wont be forever hunni, embrace this first year, when he wakes up make yourself a brew and smile, because one day youll be worrying when hes out alm night partying lol. You are on yr first holiday with yr boy and a place most of us will only dream of going too :)
Do u take joe running in his pram?

Just smile and be happy, dont take life for granted ONE LIFE NO REPL girls :)

Sometimes i think alot of you dont realise how easy you have actually got it, maybe tough love will make u see,
Well for me we have no family about us, inlaws live 120miles away, my dad n step mum 80miles and my mum n step dad 250miles away, we have no one that just takes arthur out for a few hrs or a night :( ive battled with bf for nearly 6 months and had no sleep what so ever for a long time with arthurs chronic tummy aches he still wakes ever 1-2hrs at night, and my fella works full time from home on little sleep. On no sleep i have to still look after and entertain arthur. We havent even had a date night, and after battling with all this and feeling absoloutly shit, physically and mentally exhaustedi have to return to work in 3wks,

So peeps, please dont be down and sad because something has changed in your path, be happy your lo wakes in the night to want to be with you as some ladies will never experience this, because they cant have a baby.

Like i said embrace this chapter in life as its not forever :)

And on that note i need to get ready for the hospital as im seeing the heart consultant today xx
Wilson - can you show me pics

P.s - sorry for short message Chloe is awake and being a figgit lol x
I totally understand what you mean Wilson, this is why I vent here and not in RL :shock:

There is no denying that being a Mummy is tough though. Even if you have the most amazing baby and a big support network you'll still have your moments.

I have loads of family close and whilst the option is there we've still not left James, and everyone works so there is no chance of help with childcare :shock: but I know I am very lucky.

I think once I get my foot sorted I'll feel a lot better too. It's like having an earache / toothache - constant pain makes you so ratty.

Thanks everyone, I'm feeling much refreshed after my chill day. Mum and dad are having J in with them tonight, so I get a whole night's sleep as well. I feel very lucky and much happier. Unfortunately I missed speaking to DH tonight though as he had a small window before he went into work and J was crying and difficult to get down for his nap.

Nat - hope your doc has some suggestions for your foot. What's the problem with it?

Glad you feel better hun

I think I may have fractured my toe?? Although I have no idea how?? It's gone on too long to be just a sprain. Pain is helped with painkillers but always worse in morning, toe is swollen and I have trouble bending it?

There is nothing they can really do I know but the constant, niggly pain is drivng me mad.

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Wilson I agree and I really have no idea how you do it all. You really have a great look out on life.

I really miss my family and oh's as well. We never have enough time in one place to make the kind of friends where you can ask them to take lo for a while. We are in wilts and all our close friends and family are in essex. Its one of the main reason I want to finish in the army.

Its nice to come on here and chat about it as sometimes I feel like its just me being silly and its not that hard ect ect. We have all just undergone one of the biggest changes in our lives and no matter how hard or easy you have it, it does catch up with you. I love being a mummy and would never change it ever. I am now starting to look out of my little mummy bubble and realised this weekend oh and I haven't been out to dinner or seen a film on our own since I was 8 months with toby :eek: but I sorted a baby sitter ect for sat and we went out. It was really nice for a bit of us time. For it I feel alot better.

I love spending time with toby but every now ans then I do want just a little while to me but I now realise toby is asleep by 7 pm so thats now my me time window as oh has studying to do.

I really wish all the girls having a hard time had it easy as you girlies are awesome at coping with it all. Xx

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