**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Just a quick update ladies! Still going mad studying for these exams while entertaining an easily bored baby!

Lyla has now slept through 7pm to 6am 3 nights in a row with no feed. Tonight is night 4 and so far no bottles and not woke since I put her down. Long may it continue!

Hope everyone else's bubbas are doing ok! I'm going to have to get on and properly catch up soon but right now I'm going to bed after a long night studying!

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I'm dreading assignments and studying!! Need to get on and start studying for my exam in august!! X

tapatalking x
Another 5am start :wall2: :wall2:

James is an absolute sweetheart first thing but I am so freaking tired.

We have two parties today. OH's niece is 1 and friends little girl is 4, I was going to attempt to go to both but I've decided OH can take James to his niece's do (it's just outside London - there wasn't room in the car for all of us anyway so if I went his poor Dad would have had to get the train) and I am going to go to bed!!

My friend didn't expect us to be able to make it, she's only local so I was going to try and pop in on our way home but I am just not in the party mood.

I hate feeling this way, I feel so ungrateful but it's really getting to me! I'm hoping a nice afternoon nap and maybe a crappy chick flick will cheer me up a little

Hugs Nat. Hopefully a good rest this afternoon will help.
I am exhausted myself M has been every 2 hours got a feed the past 2 nights ;( I feel horrid I just want her to sleep.
Oh can have her later as I'm going to sleep.
Sorry you are so tired mrsw, at least James goes down for a good few hours. It's not his fault that I don't sleep? Mummy ears mean even when I am asleep I am always on alert...

I spoke to a friend yesterday and she said she remembered going through a period of extreme exhaustion and feeling quite low when her boy was about 6 months. She said lots of mummies at her M&B group also reported feeling the same way.

Obviously some of us have babies that sleep better than others. I know Wilson has suffered terribly with A and his sleeping. However we're all 6 months down the line now and feeling the culmination of having no sleep for a long time and realising the enormity of what we have done.

We've all got through the difficult newborn stage, we've all spent months doing night feeds and waking up several times, we've all started to see our babies personalities shine through, we've all got into routines and got to know our little babies so well - now it kind of hits us full on.... this is life :lol:

I think the first few months you muddle through, do what you need to do and learn to cope with this little person that is always by your side and you begin to "feel" how hard you have worked getting to this point iykwim?

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Morning girls

Yes ive suffered terrible with no sleep from day one, im putting it down to teething as athur now has 6 teeth :/ and wants 2hrly feeds as well mrsw, i think of it like this, nursing through the night wont last forever and another 6 months of breastfeeding isnt nothing to be fair, and we will never have this first year again :( so bring it on lol

So what are u all up to today in this lovely weather? Xx
I'm home alone until about 6-7pm. I was meant to go to a friends LO's party but if I don't have James I really don't fancy a 4 year old's party??

I did shed a little tear when they left about an hour ago, I've never been without James for longer than maybe 3 hours? I need to get used to it though as I am due back full time from end of October.

Plan is lots of tea, biccies and a crappy film. It's not that nice here today? Warm but really thick cloud....

Where are all you people with this lovely weather??!!
It drizzled all day yesterday and today is warmish, just grey!

Hope everybody is having a good weekend?
Carnat that sounds like bliss, I hope your feet are up!
My OH is doing his motorbike test today so I have his daughter to look after, she's 8. He has a 10 year old son too but we only have him when OH is here, he has ADHD and its very difficult for me to manage him on my own with 2 other kids.

Well we are going to make chocolate brownies now, just out of a packet though, I'm nowhere near as talented as you muffin makers in the kitchen!!

Hope everybody enjoys what's left of the weekend and especially the sun, I'm soooo jealous!!

Nat you are totally right. It has been hard work to get to these 6 months with M and I love nothing better than watching her grow and turn into an amazing little person. She really does have a great little personality already.
I have been so lucky with her we've not really had any major problems but these past few nights sleep have just made me feel awful.
Thankfully oh took her downstairs at 8am and I slept till 1030! Woo

Not upto much today our local town are playing at Wembley so oh will be watching that and ill do some ironing I think, the joys.
The weather isn't that great today but is meant to be better in the week.
Waiting to see if Arsenal manage to get that last Champions League spot today. I won't be watching though (I actually like footy but I am nervous that they'll lose LOL)

Speaking of footy, just been told my youngest brother has had to go to hospital after a football accident. He had a cup final today - his team lost - and he is now waiting to have stitches in his forehead. I am 10 years older than my baby brother so I hate it when he gets hurt [he has had the odd football injury over the years!!]

Thinking of having an afternoon nap!! The cat has sneaked into the bedroom and is fast asleep on the bed, it just looks so inviting.


I hope you are having a nice day Nat and have managed to have a wee sleep and a chill out by yourself. I could really do with a day like that I think! OH is off tomorrow so maybe I'll manage a few minutes to myself!

A has been rubbish at napping today. She is usually very good and naps up to 4 hours during the day, but today she's had a grand total of just over an hour :\ She sat and watched some of the football with me and then started getting grizzly so I put her down thinking I'd get to watch the rest of it in peace but she basically just slept for half time and then started moaning again :\ Then finally got her to sleep and 10 minutes later S banged on the door - I have no idea why...it's her house?! - but that woke her up. Managed to get her back down so hopefully she'll take a longish nap whilst I sort dinner.

But on the plus side...Yeovil got promoted!!

Did you go out at all in Yeovil today mrsw? By the looks of how many people were at Wembley there can't have been many left in town!xx
Well done Yeovil.

Currently Arsenal set to take 4th place...

Watched a film, had about 7 cups of tea and now I am bored. I want my baby back LOL

I dread to think how he'll be when he gets home as obviously naps and stuff today have all gone out of the window (he is too nosy to sleep when he is out)

Not sure what time the boys will be back but we'll have a take away for dinner... We have a great Turkish place that deliver so I'll be having a semi healthy chicken shish kebab.

James has been really good with his food the past few days. He is loving fruit - apple, pear, banana and melon have all been demolished. He's also quite liking natural yoghurt (which makes me want to vom, it's horrid)

Going to try him on some meat soon? I'll just let him have a suck

Missy...town was dead! I took my chance and the roads were do quiet. I do think the whole town were in London! Lol

Nat..love the sound of your day! Oh us watching arsenal now, bring on the end of the season though so I can have football free weekends.

I'm going to try M with chicken first I think. She has a baby bel earlier which went down well. Just veggies for dinner today though :)

Not sure I'll do James anything later, I'll see what time they get home and how grumpy he is?

I'll be on the hunt tomorrow to find some fruits and veggies he hasn't tried yet :lol:

afternoon everyone

great news on football team going up :)
nat your day sounds good i would have made the most of it, did u get a nap?

i always go to have a nap with arthur does but then he blinking wakes grrr lol

well we have just blw with carrots and sweet peppers and he nailed them :) hes started past few days to get the hang of it so im not going to folk mash no more. he doesnt half nail the water too.

we have had a lazy day today, had a stroll round the lakes where we live this morning and my oh is fitting the camper with electrics as we are taking arthur to the seaside camping next week for the first time :)

nat have u tried james with melon? xx

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I had a wee nap hun, I find it so hard to sleep in the day.

Melon is his fave, he loves it - gives me the biggest smiles when he realises it's melon. He's much more keen on his fruit than he is veg or salad.

Trying to think what I haven't tried? Not done sweet potato yet but can't really think of anything else.

Next weekend sounds fab hun, how cosy all going away in the camper van together!!

Am hoping to have a few days by the seaside (if ever the bloody sun decides to shine)

Bub should be home within the hour! Yay looking forward to cuddles.

U sound like u have missed james :) im like that with arthur, but no ones had him yet only daddy. My next door neighbor has offerd to have arthur for me when i return to work, shes a lovely woman so that comes in handy.

Cant wait for the bank hols, once we save for the geater we can even go away in the winter :) xx
We've tried Mango, and he loved that!

In-fact the only thing he has openly disliked is my scrambled egg :lol:

Yep I've only left James with OH. I need to start getting used to leaving him a bit more as I already sense myself feeling super anxious about going back to work. I know it will be harder for me but I've never had feelings like this before. I am an independent person - I've been on holiday without OH, OH has worked away for 6 weeks before BUT with James it is so different. It's like missing a limb? I really need to address this as soon I'll be leaving him for 8 hours a day.

That's so handy about your neighbour hun, she can have A at your house and that will make it so much easier for him.

well im happy for her to have him round their house, shes called jane and in her late 40's, they have a lovely house and plus it give my fella chance for some quiet time as he works from home.

come oct when u have to go back you will find something in your heart that accepts it, look at me a few weeks ago, i sobbed my heart out at the thought of leaving him, but im thinking of it like this, we will get more money and that means we can go on holiday and do and buy more stuff for our family :)

plus xmas will be round the corner so it will be exciting for you to plan this and may take you mind off going back xx

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