**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

Gosh you are all busy little housewife bee's today?

I've never cooked a muffin in my life :lol:

I have however roasted some parsnips for James and he'll have them with courgette, baby corns and a few pieces of pasta - melon for dessert! We've got pesto pasta for dinner, pesto is too salty for him!!

How many teeth in total is A showing now Wilson??

James is still not teething? Not that I can tell anyway (he is a bit of a grumpy bum at the moment but no obvious signs!)

So tired, can I go to bed yet??

Does anyone else find evening times quite frantic? We eat quite late (7.30 / 8pm) so normally I give James a bottle at 6.30ish then I am prepping / cooking whilst OH entertains him, then we eat, then bath baby then put him to bed... It all gets a little chaotic if I am honest... from 6.30 to 9pm I am on the go and balancing several things. Not sure how I could balance things out a bit more? I guess we need to eat a bit earlier.

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Hi ladies

How are you all.

Oh no not sure what happened there sally. Sounds like you've been super busy. I was tired just reading that.

Wilson yey to teeth but boo to no sleep. Its hard when they teeth. Toby is teething now. He went 5 hrs between his naps today:eek: and even though he was so tired he fought sleep on the walk. I hope that is not a sign of things to come tonight.

The manduca carrier sounds good. I have the ergo and its super comfy. Toby usually sleeps within 5 mins of being in it.

Wilson I have a wrap sling aswell. Theres a lady on facebook. Brilliant quality for about £20. If you want her name just pm me. I stopped using it because toby got heavy very quickly and I found the ergo more supportive for my back.

I'm just about to make baby friendly banana muffins. Been trying to find the time all week.
Been trying to catch up but this thread moves so fast. X

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They gave me a weeks worth of wages when they owed me two, my boss says she will sort it on Monday as her boss won't let her give me more than that (why I don't know). Just annoyed, it's such a fanny on!

Hmm my oven was on around the right temp but it is so fickle and is much hotter at the front than the back. Stupid thing, everything that came with this flat is crap quality.

Nat, our evenings are ridiculous for the same reason you've mentioned. We can't even eat earlier as OH doesn't usually get home until 6 (if he is home for tea at all) so by that time it's all systems go for C's bedtime. When she went to bed at 10:30 last night I hadn't eaten in 10 hours. I was starving :/

Sazz I think the Manduca and the ergo are pretty similar, but I think the ergo's colours are girlier lol! (My OH does most of the baby wearing). It's also a bit more expensive and cash isn't exactly in abundance at the moment lol. I'd heard good things about both though. Good luck with the muffins, I hope they turn out better than mine!!! Xx

arthurs got 5 teeth now, 3 have just poked out and 2 bottom ones are fully through, hes actually stopped biting me over the last few days, lets how long it lasts.

yep teatime till about 9pm is madness at our house, arthur wont go to bed most nights i put him down, he has just screamed the house down so we have brought him back down stairs, but he did nap for 3 1/2 hrs earlier.
so i think he'll be late going down tonight.
Can i ask everyone what is your routine from waking to times of milk and food feeding to playing, what times do you do things??

that sucks about your money sally, dont leave it to long and if they mess u around go to the dwp department and complain.
muffins was a success :) xx
C is down for the night (I think...)

Ugh we don't even have a routine really lol it's so dependent on what OH is working and C is rubbish for snacking on her feeds like taking 3oz every 1.5h instead of 6oz every 3 (I'm trying to stretch her to four hours, but I'm just happy she's eating at the moment!

3.5 hours is insane Amanda lol we haven't had that length of sleep for AGES.

If I don't get it by Monday I will be escalating it. I'm annoyed they've given me it in cash too as it really needs to be in my bank for bills. Muffins look soooo much better than mine LOL you can bring the cakes when we meet for that cuppa! (Someday!) xx

Hello everyone :) I just cant seem to find the time to come on here anymore but I will keep popping on! Hope everyone is ok. Ella is going through the 'I want mummy always' stage I cant leave her at all its driving me nutty lol. Im still up twice a night feeding her which is hard work! iv been giving her baby porridge for brekki and then she usually has fruit puree in the afternoon! not to sure when we should start feeding them 3 times a day? xx any way hope your all ok xxxxxxxxx
Hi Ruth, I know its hard but soon they won't "want" us at all so I'd just make the most of it and have lots of cuddles.

I think they go to 3 'meals' a day from about 9 months but it all depends on the baby. I offer James stuff morning, afternoon and evening. Morning is the most successful time as it's when he is least tired.

Those muffins look amaze-balls Wilson!! Hope they taste as good as they look.

We have quite a good routine going on, also as I FF I know how much he has so it's easy to keep track of. Past few days have been like this:

5am - wake up, come in with me
6am - get up, James will actually go back in cot for a little while with a few toys and mobile on whilst I get stuff ready for us.
7am - 8fl oz. Bum change, stick him in some clean but crappy clothes to laze around in.
7.30 - 9am - combination a little while on play-gym, a little TV (about 10 mins while I have a bath), blanket with loads of toys, walking round the house showing him stuff. I will sometimes pop him in his chair and stick the radio on and take him from room to room while I do the washing up / hang some laundry.
9am - 10am - between this time he'll have a nap. Normally about 45 mins.
10am - breakkie, then he has a quick wipe down and some nappy off time on a big blanket with toys (I try to make them different toys to the toys he had earlier).
11am - 7fl oz bottle, dress him.
11.30am - We normally go out. We're out for up to 3 hours most days.
3pm - 7fl oz bottle then offer some fruit and yoghurt
3.30pm - long nap (usually until 6ish)
6pm - 6fl oz bottle
6pm - 7pm - OH has him while I prep and cook. They play silly beggars together and there is lots of James being thrown around and bounced about, which he loves.
7.30pm - dinner for us all
8pm - Bath (if it is bath night) or if not we just have dinner a bit later
8.30pm - 8fl oz bottle, PJ's, cuddle then bed by 9pm.

(Feeding times vary by up to an hour for most bottles but first and last are always pretty much the same time of day)

To be honest I don't "do" that much with James? At the moment he just likes to watch me and walk around with me. I show him round all the different rooms, we go and look for the cat and have a little stroke. We practice sitting up, I put music on quite a lot and sing to him.

Nothing really engages him that much though? Not for long at the moment. It's a constant whirlwind of me chatting shit to him, putting on accents, I speak French to him - anything silly that Mummy does usually raises a smile. He can happily stay put but I have to be there constantly being loud and making lots of noise. He doesn't do quiet LOL.

Anyhoo, sorry for boring you all, He has 36oz most days (sometimes a little more) and feeds 5x a day. He now has a little food here and there but he's not taking much of anything other than milk.

As he is asleep I am going to join him and hope that tomorrow he decides to stay in bed until 9am tee hee!

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Oooh Sally I'm not sure what happened there! Either as has already said the oven temp wasn't quite right, or maybe too much raising agent which caused them to raise too much and then sink?

I have just been up to the pony club bingo with S. My mum and sister came round and looked after A who is now asleep on the sofa so I need to work out what we're gonna do with her. It's good she actually went to sleep, but we're gonna have to wake her I think!

We're up early tomorrow as my grandparents are arriving on the first ferry. I think S is staying with us this weekend...her mum text today to ask if we were bringing her up...er no? And then she never replied! Ooo A's awake, better go!

Spoken too soon when I said she was down for the night - she woke up 30 minutes later and won't go back down, still! Wtf?!

Thanks MissY, 3 tsp of baking powder seemed a lot? Or maybe my oven is just crap. This is why I don't bake much but it's hard to find nice healthy foods for babies that aren't expensive iykwim? Booooo lol xx

Hi everyone

Sorry you're so tired with the non-sleeping babies :(. Do your OHs help at all? I suppose it's difficult if you're breastfeeding.

J is a very routine baby (I think he's one of the baby whisperer "textbook" babies). Or perhaps I'm just a very routine mummy. Either way there wasn't much of a fight, he seems happy with it. The routine tweaks a little all the time, so the times are really only this weeks, but the feeds/naps stay in a general pattern.

We only started introducing solids about 2 weeks ago, and I only went up to 2 meals yesterday.

Our routine is:

Wake 7- 7.15. Nappy change
7.30 bottle
8.30 - 9ish down for nap. Will sleep either 45 mins or longer
11am bottle
This middle bit will depend how long the morning nap was - if a short one, he will probably go down before lunch, if a long one, he might be later to nap now and eat first. Will sleep for at least 45 mins, but mostly about 1.5 hrs.
12.30 to 2pm lunch - solids
3pm bottle
4.30 dinner - solids
Small nap if he wants it
5.30pm nappy off time and play
6pm bath, bottle, bed
Usually asleep by 6.30
Currently dreamfeeding at 10ish, but hoping to knock this in the head soon.

All of the bits in between are either playing, or we might be out somewhere. If we are out, j will nap in his pushchair.

We never hear a peep from him after he settles in the evening, until dreamfeed, so we tend to eat about 7pm and have chill time. DH tends to do bathtime and bed, unless he is cooking.
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James slept until 5:45 this morning (came in with us until 6.30) so there has been progress!

Hope it lasts.

Morning ladies, hope we are all well?

Didn't get chance to come on yesterday as I took Harry up to work to see everybody and sort out my return! I'm officially back in 12 weeks but taking 2 weeks holiday so back on 2nd September.
God knows what my department will be like as they only had a trainee covering for 4 months then nobody!

With regards to the sleeping, I find fresh air helps the most. I'm really lucky as I have a lazy boy who's slept through from being young (obviously not every single night!)
I'm quite laid back when it comes to routine, we have kind of worked it out together, I always fed him when he was hungry, let him sleep when he was tired and he's gradually just established his own patterns.
I always give him fresh air (not in the buggy) every day now. (Unless extreme weather!) I just carry him round the garden having a chat for about half an hour.
It started when we went away last month, we took him to the beach every day and he slept 12 hours every night (he's never done it before or since) so I'm of the opinion that fresh air will tire him out!!

Is that an option? I know I'm lucky as I live outside the city so have a garden.

Well we are off for a walk to see my sister today, fingers crossed it doesn't rain, it's not looking good!

Oh, and thank you all so much for teething advice!!
We are rubbing the granules onto his gums before a feed and giving him a cold bottle. Seems to work better than what I was doing before although he's still whingy he's better!
Thanks :)

Hope you have a lovely Day Emma.

We're popping out soon for a walk and then later we're heading to my Mum's to see two of my nephews.

We go out most days too, but we're in central London. Can't wait to take James on a day trip to the seaside :lol:

James turned his nose up at my eggs again today - boo hiss!


Hope you have a lovely Day Emma.

We're popping out soon for a walk and then later we're heading to my Mum's to see two of my nephews.

We go out most days too, but we're in central London. Can't wait to take James on a day trip to the seaside :lol:

James turned his nose up at my eggs again today - boo hiss!

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Have you tried making omelette instead? It's hard to get scrambled into jack but he enjoys ripping up omelette and shovelling it in, he does the same with toast

Hope everyone has a lovely day, I've got our bedding out here but it's cloudy so I'm sat a the window nervously watching for rain xxx
Sally..don't open the oven when baking as it will make the muffins/cakes sink also make sure you beat the fixture loads to get lots of air into it :)
I love baking!

Nat..try an omelette, I know you are a pro at these so maybe little James will east it?

Our routine varies daily but roughly speaking
10am: breakfast
11.30: milk
12: nap
2.30: milk
5: milk
7: dinner veg and fruit
8pm: milk bed
11pm: dream feed
Up at 3am for feed

Haven't introduced lunch as yet.

Off to a BBQ later as it is lovely and sunny here :) so I've made a chocolate digestive cheesecake for desert!

M had toast and peaches for breakfast the peach was a big hit! Woo

Catch up later lovelies xx
Mrsw I made sure not to open the oven as I did last time and they went like pancakes lol. Everything I touch turns to rubbish - I'll let OH do the baking from now on (he makes a mean ginger cake!!).

We have been really busy today, met a friend for coffee in the next town along. Had a great time and C was an angel but even though I was only with her for 3 hours it's taken us all day to get ready, travel, and travel back. I'm pooped!

C is just having some mango fingers (so much drool!) and then I will make some tea for OH when he gets home from work xx

Have fun at your BBQ mrsw! I was so hoping for sunshine for the rugby but it has been very cloudy with showers today. Took A down with my sister and she was good as gold! Managed to get her to take a wee nap even with all the noise, and when she woke up she was the happiest baby ever! Just got home half an hour ago, gave her a feed and she's gone for another nap. Then we're off to my mum's for a roast dinner :)

Last night A slept 8 hours! Straight!!! It was in her pushchair mind, and OH and I waited for 2 hours before we went to sleep because we were sure she would wake up. OH woke me at 6.45am and said she hadn't woken up yet and I freaked out. Ran down the stairs to the pushchair and poked her. She then stayed asleep till 7.30 when I had to wake her up! Couldn't believe it. I know she can go without feeds in the night, just got to get her to do it in her cot!!!xx
I am to scared to give ella anything lol.. shes tried a little toast but that's it, she has purees and yogurts but that's about as adventurous as iv gotten. what other things do you recommend? are the cherry tomatoes carnat? will you let him eat them or does he just play with them?
And our routine usually goes like this

Up at 7.30-8
we watch milkshake (chanel 5)
Change and feed at 9ish
Nap at 10.30 for around half an hour
baby porridge
feed at 12ish
play time on the blanket or go for long walk
will usually have puree or yoghurt
feed at 3/4 depending on how much puree
bath at half 5 usually asleep for 6/6.30

2 night feeds usually between 10-11 and 3-4

Shes got herself into a great little routine just need to cut these night feeds x

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