**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

I'd just referred to the book in answer to the whole sitting issue (a question which I was unsure of myself as James doesn't sit as such but has shown other 'signs' LOL) but yep sorry I did ramble on a bit!!

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Emma don't feel bad! Weaning can be quite a sensitive issue tbh, as there are many different ways to go about it but let's face it things were different when we were babies and we all survived! As long as you have fun I think, those first tastes are a massive milestone so you shouldn't stress! Xx

Yep sorry ladies, I was just pulling out some of the info from the book in-case it was of use.

In no way am I advocating how anyone decides to wean their babies, just thought the info might be of interest (and I type fast so there was quite a bit of info but it only took me two mins!! I am not a Gill Ripley employee I promise)

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I just über failed at Maths...

I needed to make enough potato and leek soup to fill 16x3oz pots (so 48oz).

I somehow calculated this to be 500ml of stock, filled 6 pots, ran out of soup, then I spilled a pot :(

I now have nearly 2kg of potatoes spare too... Whoops xx

Lol bless ya sally, why dont u mixed potato with some pureed apple, ive just given it arthur and he loved it :)

Thanku mrsw, he loved it :) just kept wanting to put his head under the water lol, hes water mad. Happy days m to teeth, bye bye nips lol, how ard u coping with biting? Are u still wanting to combi feed or sticking to bf?

Bah! I am useless! Lady M is 6 months old today!!!! I knew it was soon!
Well it's eggs for brekkie tomorrow :)

Wilson..I'm going to continue bfing, what about you? x
Happy 6 months M! A is the same...she will sit unaided more or less but refuses to roll!

We've had quite a nice day today! It's the first day in AGES that OH has been off work and not had a million things to do, so we went back to bed for cuddles when A went down for her first nap :) Then this afternoon we went and played out in the sunshine all 4 of us :) I'm totally knackered today though, think I may be coming down with something as I didn't feel great yesterday either. Hope not though as my grandparents are coming up from Somerset this weekend and it will be the first time they've met A! It is also the rugby 7's weekend which is where I announced to most of my friends last year I was preggers so thought I would go down and show A off to all those who haven't met her yet!

Thank you kerrie! It has flown in!
Here is the difference in my little lady!


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Awwww! It's amazing how much they change. I'm soooo broody after looking of pics of A when she was tiny!xx
Happy 6 months for yesterday M!!

I hope she enjoys her eggs more than James did :lol:

Another 5am alarm call for me!! It's really getting to me now as I am so freaking tired.

James is OK in the night, I may have to get up on dummy patrol a few times but he pretty much sleeps 9 hours straight. Shame that I can't do the same?? I haven't had a proper night's sleep in about 9 months (I wasn't sleeping well from about 6 months preggers but it was nothing compared to this!!)

Also my bloody foot is still playing up so I need to go back to Dr's. Even painkillers aren't helping anymore.... Boo hiss!!

Sorry you had another early wake up call Nat... I would love to suggest something but A is the world's worst sleeper! It's really getting to me too the lack of sleep. At the moment I get her ready alongside S, put S to bed at 8 and then feed and try and try and chill A out. I spend however long trying to settle her in her cot and she will sometimes go down at about 9.15-9.30 but she NEVER sleeps more than 2 hours in her cot anymore! She is normally up within an hour and as we're both knackered OH has taken to putting her in the pushchair and out for a wander - such a bad habit to be in but we needed sleep :( If we don't do this she has to come in the bed with us and she feeds loads...but in her pushchair she'll usually sleep 5 hours, the other day she slept 7!

I've really got to crack her sleeping soon though, it's the only thing I can really complain about with her as she's lovely during the day! Problem is, she is definitely not getting the recommended sleep for a baby her age any more - yesterday she didn't nap properly at all and only slept a total of 7.5 hours at night! She's worse now than she was as a newborn, although that may well be to do with us getting her in bad habits. Also I know she's leaping just now...I need to come up with a plan of action I think! Any advice would be greatly appreciated!xx
No advice on sleeping here - try as I might I couldn't get C to go to bed any earlier than 10:30 last night! She's supposed to go at 8. She did then sleep through til 7am though so I shouldn't complain.

Making another batch of leek and potato soup just now, OH wants some for lunch although he will be eating with baby organic stock cubes lol. Xx

There seem to be lots of Mummies with babies aged 5 - 7 months really suffering with tiredness at the moment??

Maybe it's the weather or the clocks changing or the fact we're all getting to a point where we have not had a decent nights sleep for a very long time?

Luckily I am a morning person but it's hard as by time OH comes home from work and we've eaten I tend just to deal with baby and go to bed. I can't remember the last time we actually had some proper 'grow-up time'....

I stay up stupidly late to get my grown up time then complain that I am tired lol. But C only slept through for about 8 weeks and that stopped 2 and a half months ago now :shock:

Busy day so far today. I've been trying to get rid of those potatoes so I've made some potato cakes with cheese and some more leek and potato soup. I'm about to do some spinach and tomato muffins too. I've also done 3 loads of washing up, two loads of laundry, changed the bedding and tidied the house generally. Oh and we are having home made potato oven chips with our tea (naughty pizza tonight). Potato is everywhere! Lol.

Oh and our Manduca arrived today!!!! I gave OH it early (it's his Father's Day present, but the Baby Bjorn is aggravating his back problems) and we love it! C had a little nap when OH took her for a walk and then I tried it out after. Sooooo comfy, she feels like she weighs nothing in it.

I had best go and get these muffins sorted before I lose the will, the spinach needs using today. Xx

mmmmm sally your cooking sounds lovely :)
did you get the advice you wanted about the manduca?? im taking Arthur to the sling meet next week to try some, looked at the mai tai ones and they are actually quite cheap, been thinking of a woolen wrap but thinking it maybe to hot with the material.

Well Arthur bear was in his own room for the first night but i think me n my fella saw every hour with him, because he has cut 3 more teeth his sleeping is out of the window, so i guess im going to have to stock the alcohol cuboard up to sail with this one lol...

Mrsw i love seeing pictures of ickle m, so does my fella, hes so broody for a girl, she just has the cutest face, xx
Thanks Hun, I'm not sure OH was too impressed with his baby organic soup but oh well lol ungrateful bugger. Muffins are just in the oven now as I've had to pop to work (we've just been taken over by a new company who have decided not to pay me for the last two weeks!!!).

That sling group is amazing, really helpful advice, and I want to try all sorts of slings now! I'll send you a link to a sling maker my friends love, really reasonable prices (I think about £20ish) and lush fabrics.

I can't believe how many teeth Arthur has! Hopefully he will get them all out of the way now then you will get a break from it, God knows you deserve one. Xx


I think they broke? OH says they look more like omelettes lol! What have I done wrong?!?!

MissYeovil are you around? You are baking lady aren't you? Lol xx

did u get yr work sorted hun? was they ok with u?

yep defo in need of that good sleep soon :( your baking has just made me put the oven on and make some lemon and poppy seed muffins with lemon drizzle yum yum....

was your oven to hot? xx

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