**** November 2012 Mummies **** (everyone welcome)

I love ready about weaning as I'm terrified of trying it with Chloe but she is nearly 5 months now so will not be long before I give it a go (they recommend around 6?months don't they) she always stops what she is doing and stares at me when I'm eating....she hardly blinks, i feel guilty eating near her! Lol

So far the things that make her stare and stop what she is doing is the music channel, the Simpsons (not sure if that's good or not) and me eating :)

Was all you mums a bit scared at first or am I being silly? X
Hi Emma,

I'm afraid James hasn't shown any signs of teething so I can't help. There are lots of babies with toothy pegs though so I am sure someone can shed some light.

Teething does affect their eating and sleeping though.

PB, 6 months is the current guideline. I started baby porridge with James at about 5 months (literally just a spoon of baby porridge for the first few weeks). From about 5.5 months I started to offer a few fruits and veggies.

We are doing BLW and it is terrifying. James literally shoves everything you give him in his mouth but so far so good. He isn't "eating" yet and they don't get any nutrition from food for a food few months yet..

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Hi emma.

That does sound like lo is teething. Toby was sicky with his first teeth.

I found a cool bottle was best if I needed him to feed as a warm one will irratate the gums. Also with the teething granuals I would gently rub thwm into the sore area of the gum. I found it worked alot better that way. But your best friend will be calpol or baby nurophen. Toby would reallu grumble in his sleep when his teeth started to cut so he was very restless at night. I hope lo feels better soon.

Pb we're blw aswell and it was a little nerve racking at first bit now dinner is fun. He has had a few times where I've had to hook food out of his mouth or pat his back but they get better at handling the food 8n their mouths.

Its natural to be nervous about it. Xx

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Emma, Lyla has one tooth and another on the way. It definitely affects her eating. We always give Nelsons teething powder before a feed and it helps Lyla loads but if they don't agree with him try some Anbesol teething gel about a half hour before a feed, it's stronger than bonjela. You can buy it on amazon xx
This thread moves too fast for me!!!!

L_a I haven't seen any pics but you sound like you're having a fantastic time in oz! I am beyond jealous lol!

PB I did a LOT of research before I started weaning so I wasn't nervous at all :) we started with a couple of spoonfuls of apple purée (I am doing traditional weaning). C usually loves her food, she is a monster :) xx

Thanks ladies,
Some great advice, I'll be buying later when I go shopping. It's awful seeing them in pain isn't it?
Spoke to OH mum and apparently when he was a baby he started teething at 5 months but didn't get one till 11 months!! Poor woman, he is an awkward sod though!

So are most people on this thread weaning?
I went to a weaning group run by the health visitorsand it was completely focused on BLW. I've researched it myself and that's more than likely the route I'm going to take, but I thought there would be more info on traditional weaning. I'm starting on 4th June when he's 6 months as he (was until Monday!) quite content with more milk.

How did you all make the decision which way to go? How old were your babies?
I can't tell you how excited I am to wean!!

They say not to wean until baby can sit up practically unaided and is showing an active interest in food.

James has been doing this since he was 5 months (he can sit up fine in his Bumbo but isn't great on his own. so he didn't exactly meet the criteria of "sitting unaided" - however he was making a grab for our plates and super interested in watching us eat) so I decided to start giving him porridge.

So far he isn't taking much and still has his 36oz a day.

I didn't give him any bread or dairy until he was exactly 6 months though. So in 2 days he's tried cheese, pitta bread and scrambled eggs LOL!!

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Sitting unaided is one of the requirements as Carnat said. It's important for not choking. Also on the list are grabbing food from your plate, bringing objects quickly to their mouth and chewing, and being unsatisfied after a full milk feed although milk won't get dropped til 6-7 months.

That said I started pretty early, but C sat unaided quite early too. I do wish I'd waited but as she's been off her milk she hasn't had any solids for a few days. Think I'm going to take it back to basics for a while as if I'm starting fresh?

Sorry, that turned into a bit of a ramble lol. Xx

Afternoon girls sorry not been on, been a busy bee of it lately...and by gum can u lot type lol...

Started water babies yesterday and arthur did his first underwater mini swim aided with the instructor, heres some pics ...ImageUploadedByTapatalk1368715212.404115.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1368715221.136051.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1368715302.802706.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1368715309.636491.jpg
Daddy will swim next week :)

He has also cut another 3 teeth on top, his front top 2 and the one to the left of the front, this isnt looking good for carrying on breast feeding :O only so many bites u can take lol. Hes started to sit unaided now with a few wobbles so wont be long till hes nailed it.
Still no sleeping through, up every 2hrs, so nearly at the 6 months mark with not one night of sleep :/ still a happy bubs though. Also tuck arthur to his 1st football gsme at the wednesday ground and got his shirt printed. Will add pics on the end....

Well yesterday i had my interview to work in the sheffield jessops maternity hospital where i had arthur and im pleased to say i got it :D
Had to undergo an exam which i passed and have a 2stage interview. So i cant wait to start.

Welcome all the new ladies, im Amanda with baby Arthur :) look forward to catching up with u all.

La them pics of oz look ammazzing !! I got your text and will email u soon.



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See this is where I got confused.

James doesn't sit unaided?

He sits fine in his bumbo and with a little support (IE resting a little against me or OH) but he isn't sitting up by himself?

So technically should I even be weaning??

Obviously when he is offered food he is in highchair or bumbo so he is fully upright. He showed all the other signs to be ready for weaning though!

See the health visitor said that more milk and wanting your food are not signs, that babies have a growth spurt around this time so just to keep going with the milk, but that completely contradicts everything I've been read or been told??!!

Wasn't impressed to be honest as it was kind of 'you will do this' got a free toothbrush, toothpaste and sippy cup out of it though!

He's not sitting completely unaided though, he will but leans forward and touches his feet so kind of slouched so dont leave him like that for very long.

It's such a minefield! Especially for like the last 3 months my nannas been like 'give him a rusk!'

Weaning is confusing. Jack can't sit unaided yet but he's fine in his bath seat and snug, I started slow with his weaning and started at 6 months as I thought it was all about tasting and not nutrition but after seeing the HV and getting him weighed she has me making 3 meals a day, jacket potato, eggs and beans and all sorts! I'm terrified I'm going to overload his little tum but I do want him to be healthy. He's enjoying it so far though so maybe he's stronger than I thought xxx
Just had a quick look at BLW book and it says that 'true signs of weaning' are when a few things occur together

* Baby can sit up with little or no support
* Baby can grab things and bring them quickly and accurately to their mouth
* Baby is gnawing on toys
* Baby is making chewing movements

BUT the best sign baby is ready for weaning is if they actually put food to their mouths and you have to offer food in order to know they are ready.

If you start them too early, they won't engage and you just need to wait until they are ready. So if you offer food and baby isn't interested, leave it a few days or a week and try again.

(this is all specific to BLW, TW makes it more easy to 'force' baby to eat as you are in charge and they will take what they are offered even if they aren't ready!)

James cannot sit up at all unaided but he is fine with a little support. He was showing all the other signs and for the most part when I give him food he will put it in his mouth. I tried a few fruity nibbles this afternoon but he was too tired so he wouldn't play ball.

I think all HV's will have different views on weaning, Kitty I personally disagree with your HV. I know LO was poorly and that is more likely the reason for the slowing weight gain... not the weaning. If it's going OK then that's all good but I really disagreed with her advice (not sure if I got a chance to post on your thread but I def meant to!!)

Babies don't really need much nutrition from food at 6m, milk should still give them most of what they need until aprox 9m.

What you do offer them should be iron rich though as their iron supply has all but depleted. Even tiny amounts of green veg will help them top up until they are eating properly

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I think the subject of weaning needs to be wrote off before it gets like the weaning thread, at the end of the day ever baby is different, every baby deals with things at different times, take the subject back to the old times and they never had books or guide lines.

I certainly dont go by any book and just go by common sence!!

I think the definition of sitting unaided varies tbh.

I don't think TW is forcing a child to eat at all when C doesn't want food she bloody well lets me know about it! She lets me know when she likes it too!

I give her finger foods and have done since the beginning really, I just hate the bloody mess and prefer to spoon feed her :)

Emma - I think wanting more milk and wanting your food are signs if the others are there too iykwim. So if they're sitting unaided but seem happy with milk and not interested in food, they're prob not ready for weaning. Does that make sense lol xx

The gag reflex will tell you when the baby is ready also, if baby sucks rather than chews and gags when eating then thats a massive indication they arnt ready.

Theres nothing wrong with spion feeding at all, we give arthur porridge via spoon and then let him play about at lunch with finger foods.

Like i said above dont follow a book follow yr baby, we dont give much to arthur yet as hes not 6 months till 2wks.

Ive decided to go with the 6 month mark for arthur as bf babies adapt to blw quicker after this. :)
Yes that does make sense. Thanks.

And Wilson my bad for turning it to weaning, just wondered what other people's experiences were, forewarned is forearmed and all that :-) plus I'm nosy!! No more from me now, my teething baby who I managed to get to sleep 15 mins ago had decided to wake up :-(

Have a good evening ladies

Hi girlies,
Busy day for us today and I'm very happy as the sun has been out so it has been lovely and warm here :)
M has now cut 2 teeth and is biting me at least once a day! Ouch!!
Emma..I didn't even know M was teething she had no signs really apart from lots of dribble and eating everything :-/ I think all babies are different

With regards so weaning we started at 5 months as M was in my opinion, ready for a little bit more than just milk.
She sits unaided, she is very accurate with her hand coordination and was making lots of eating motions at me. So we went for it slowly and now she loves her veggies and fruit.
There are guidelines but I think you know yourself when your lo is ready so go with your feeling.

Nat..M can sit but can't/won't roll no matter how much I try to persuade her

Wilson..love the water babies photos and sounds like you both enjoyed it :) x

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